Eddy Cue: Apple not trying to compete with Netflix or Comcast, seeking to be a delivery platform in



  • Reply 41 of 42
    razormaidrazormaid Posts: 299member
    razormaid said:
    Now they can focus on those windmill farms and solar panels for India. I don't have any problem with donating to companies who want to do these things but when I read an artticje about apples next big money maker is making and setting up solarfarms for companies I just about lost it. 

    Does anyone at Apple innovate any more?  Or are we doomed to "we may have been the last company to do it but we did it right" from now on?  Geez when I see some of the kickstarter things and all the software APP innovations in the App Store I feel like Apple just wants to be the hardware delivery system for everything - phone too. 

    Why not retire ole' Eddy"I've run out of ideas"Cue and put someone in that's wants to kick some innovation ass. I hear from other beta testers how Apple is more beaurcratic than Washington regarding listening to new ideas and implementing them. If you're new and have ideas they ask you to please take your seat over in the corner. 

    Come on guys get back into the game. Be the "we developed it first AND did it right" company not last to the party. 

    And nothing against Tim Cook personally but this guy is much more into social injustice and saving the polar bears that kicking ass at Apple. It's like "I have really old people in charge so I'll go attend a gay right rally" and after lunch maybe I will Free Willy. Enough all ready with the activist crap. How about you can't do anymore activists things till you reinvent the laptop. That would put a fire under his ass. We've have something new by next week lol 
    grow up and get over it. 
    So you're happy with their current lineup on their computers - especially their laptops?  I just completed a new setup for one of our customers and my 2011 17" was kicking its ass and this was against their latest model. Let me guess... you have either not upgraded your laptop in several years either or just use the computer where you work?  GRIN 

    im just saying, as an iOS exclusive user who beta tests for Apple I have no idea what is happening on android. When I try to show the new iOS 10 features in hopes of them upgrading to iPhone in September and half the features are alreasdy running on their Samsung from 18 months ago I'm a little embarrassed. Yes, Apple made it work better in some cases but Apple is the one having to approve those 200 million apps they sell on the iTunes Store. Why add it as a feature in iOS 3 years later?  They approved it three years ago. They saw it 3 years ago. They're adding it in iOS 10 in September. 

    That was my point. There's some really cool startups out there. If you don't replenish with new talent and then LISTEN to their ideas... well look what happens? Apple employees are literally bolting in droves to google. Not only for double the pay but they're told "think it up and we'll try it out". That's what Apple used to do before they began collapsing onto itself in they giant beatacracy system that's seriously frustrating their employees - the very ones leaving.  I deal with these guys every day so I may have a slight advantage over you if you're not dealing with engineering 3 in Cupertino like me. 

    Grow up?  This conversation is not one I would have with my 7 year old so I'm pretty sure this is a grown up topic. GRIN 
  • Reply 42 of 42
    razormaidrazormaid Posts: 299member

    mcdave said:
    Does anyone at Apple innovate any more?  Or are we doomed to "we may have been the last company to do it but we did it right" from now on?  Geez when I see some of the kickstarter things and all the software APP innovations in the App Store I feel like Apple just wants to be the hardware delivery system for everything - phone too. 

    Why not retire ole' Eddy"I've run out of ideas"Cue and put someone in that's wants to kick some innovation ass. I hear from other beta testers how Apple is more beaurcratic than Washington regarding listening to new ideas and implementing them. If you're new and have ideas they ask you to please take your seat over in the corner. 

    Come on guys get back into the game. Be the "we developed it first AND did it right" company not last to the party. 

    And nothing against Tim Cook personally but this guy is much more into social injustice and saving the polar bears that kicking ass at Apple. It's like "I have really old people in charge so I'll go attend a gay right rally" and after lunch maybe I will Free Willy. Enough all ready with the activist crap. How about you can't do anymore activists things till you reinvent the laptop. That would put a fire under his ass. We've have something new by next week lol 

    By innovation do you mean baseless assumptions from a generation that's not been around long enough to apply anything to real world context and know anything but feel entitled to inflict their naive opinions on all?

    If so, you need Google. As an Apple customer I like my products built from knowledge.
    You're sort of missing my point. As I began beta testing iOS 10 six weeks ago I thought "wow!  You guys are going to be blown away. Forget a new iPhone in September wait till you see what iOS 10 is going to do to your current phone!"... until I was talking to another beta tester and an adroid user over hear us. He walk up with his 18 month old phone a d said "you mean this..?"  And he sowed me that they have had many of these "new" features for over a year now. (That's the reference I was making to last to the party but do it better). I was a little embarrassed. How were we to know (my friend and I) were literally beta testing for Apple 24/7. Hell were still beta testing 10.11 beta 6 while working on macOS 12 beta 3 at the same time. I see what's coming. 

    Let me say this a different way. There's current 11 excellent videos on You Tube that go over very detailed the 200+ features coming to iOS 10. 200!  GRIN but none of them demonstrate these on an iPad. You know why??  Even their new iPad Pro can't do any of this. It's all iPhone 3D Touch specific. I dudbt even realize this till one of the beta people brought it to my attention. So my newest purchases iPad Pro and iPad Pro mini (as we affectionately refer to it) will be unable to do most of these things?  So if these things (except 3D Touch) were already on this guy's android exactly when will they be coming to an iPad into near you anytime soon??

    thats what I was talking about. I see what's coming. It will blow you away. What I didn't know was except for 3D Touch features most of this is already on android and as a dedicated Apple user since 1984 that doesn't sit well with me personally. 

    I really would like to replace my 2011 17" laptop with a new one by why?  With macOS 12 Sierra installed on it it's kicking the ass of my friends new laptop he just purchased. I'm greatfull for backwards compatibility but my 2009 iMac running Sierra is doing so flawlessly. The new trackpad adds the 3D Touch so where's the "drop dead iMac I have to get now?" option. I'm just saying stop with all the activist stuff and be a tech leader again instead of a tech follower. 

    Its ok to tag on me. I don't mind while I beta test your new release for you to make sure we get all the bugs out but when's the last computer you bought because it just blew you away "I have to have this!!"  Remember?  That's how it used to be. Besides iOS updates and the  Watch what's really taken your breath away since Steve's passing?  Would he have been so side tracked by which bathroom people used in North Catalina that' he'd take his focus off "the next great thing?"  I want to believe no he would not have and that's all I was trying to point out. If we told Tim "ok. You can't attend any more activist things until you give the public something new we'd have it next week because he has some human rights conference to attend next Thursday. GRIN 
    edited July 2016
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