iPhone 7 Plus has 3GB RAM, is fastest iOS device ever according to benchmark



  • Reply 41 of 48
    maestro64maestro64 Posts: 5,043member
    vision33r said:
    Sadly the Soc upgrade is not important as the screen density is outdated. Pretty sure they are saving that for next year.   Nice of apple for giving people 720p displays on the 4.7 model.   Some $100 phone has a better display. 
    That $100 phone will provide its user with endless UI lag and animation stutter as well as poor battery life because the cheap MediaTek SOC will be running flat out just to push that many pixels. Stupid is as stupid does.

    Here we go, another check list buyer who thinks more is always better, Yeah there are companies selling displays with a higher DPI , but at some point your eyes and brain is the limiting factor and unable to process or separate the difference. Why would you want to have a higher resolution display when you can not tell the difference in the first place and second as it was pointed out, it does not allow for a better user experience the amount of memory and processing power needed to drive those extra pixels (which you can not see anyway) will impact the cost of the phone as well as battery life. Those cheap phone with a higher DPI display, but they are not backed up with the better processor need to drive them, but hey you can brag to your friend you have more DPI than them.

    Be careful what you ask for, you could get garbage.

    edited September 2016 SpamSandwichwatto_cobra
  • Reply 42 of 48
    maestro64maestro64 Posts: 5,043member
    cropr said:
    vision33r said:
    Sadly the Soc upgrade is not important as the screen density is outdated. Pretty sure they are saving that for next year.   Nice of apple for giving people 720p displays on the 4.7 model.   Some $100 phone has a better display. 
    That $100 phone will provide its user with endless UI lag and animation stutter as well as poor battery life because the cheap MediaTek SOC will be running flat out just to push that many pixels. Stupid is as stupid does.
    This is no longer true.  As owner of an app development company, I have a a bunch of test devices (Android and iPhones).  Recently, the performance of Android devices is improved significantly (just  like the iPhone), only the impact of that improvement is different:  a cheap Android phone moved from unacceptable slow  to fast enough, an iPhone moved from fast to very fast. For running day to day tasks like switching apps, browsing, email, agenda, taking notes, .... a 2016 Android phone of $100 has no lag.  CPU intensive games are of course another matter.

    As an owner of a app development company, what is you back ground are you a computer science major or software engineer, there are some difference there. Or are you a hardware engineer or electrical engineer and understand the physical behind display technologies. This is problem, as you kind of pointed it out, for email and such the average person can not tell the difference or even knows what to look for. All the cheap phones and even the expensive ones from Samsung has problems driving these big high DPI display and you do not need to play high performance video games to see the problems, it shows up doing screen refresh changing activities on the phones. Apple does a really good job of balancing all the trade offs and allowing for a good user experience, verse hey look we have more DPI than anyone else. Android still has the issue of Google writes the software and other companies make the chips and makes the phones and getting them all to play well together still sucks. Apple controls all 3 pieces and does not have to compromise to provide a solution.

    My point is, I have been involved in digital video processing both hardware and software for 20+ years and I understand the limitation of the technology as well as what the human can differentiate. And I know what is marketing hype verses what is truly value added technology. 

    edited September 2016 watto_cobra
  • Reply 43 of 48
    maestro64maestro64 Posts: 5,043member
    sog35 said:
    aknabi said:

    cali said:
    vision33r said:
    Sadly the Soc upgrade is not important as the screen density is outdated. Pretty sure they are saving that for next year.   Nice of apple for giving people 720p displays on the 4.7 model.   Some $100 phone has a better display. 
    The human eye can't tell the difference between 720p and 1080p on a screen that little, dumb ass.
    Well sitting here with a whole range of devices (since I develop for both Android and iOS... Prefer iOS of course) I can say even with my messed up eyes I can tell the different (in resolution, not talking color, etc) on a > 4.5 screen at 12 inches.

    Before being rude and calling someone a dumb ass, don't speak out of yours... Dumb ass
    No you can't.

    You can't tell the difference between 1080 and 720 on a 4.5 inch screen from 12 inches.

    The reason the 1080 phone 'looks better' is because its a more expensive model with a better panel. Better contrast, blacks, white level, ect. You need to compare 2 panels that are EXACTLY the same except for resolution. Comparing 2 phones that are calibrated differently, have different black levels, contrast, brightness, ect is DUMB.


    How something looks depends on many different factors as SOG was trying to point out. To do a proper comparison, you need two displays with the exact same specs except the DPI (dots per inch) or resolution. Your eyes can not differentiate or resolves between an individual pixel which is greater then 326 DPI or PPI. You may think you can see the difference but most likely it is other factors you are seeing not the resolution. The test for this is to place a display 12" inches from your eye, then turn on two pixel and see if they appear as one or two. They both have to be next to each other. The display which are greater then 326, you will not be able to see the two pixel next to each other it will appear as one.

    The issue with Samsung and they play games with their display to make them appear better to people eyes, They tend to over drive the color (over saturate) and make the display brighter. These two thing human interrupt at better or more appealing to the eye. Do not believe me go to any Electronic store with the wall of TV and most people are drawn to Samsung TVs, why they are brigher and more colorful. If you compare the video quality of Samsung to other makes like a Sony who has more true color you will see that Samsung colors are off especially when you watch nature scenes like the ocean or trees. I notice the same thing on Samsung phones. This is what when you go into stores and look at TV they do not have nature scenes. They show things which makes it hard for people to know if the color is correct or not.

    I guarantee I know more about this stuff than you, I have been doing this stuff as an engineer for a long time and I understand the technology, and know most people do not know how to objectively tell the difference.

  • Reply 44 of 48
    jkichline said:
    zroger73 said:
    donth8 said:
    No, I think the 7 still has 2 GB. They say the 7 plus has 3 because of the extra processing required for both cameras.
    It takes another 1 GB of RAM to process an extra 3 MB photo? Nah.
    A 12 megapixel camera produces a raw dataset of at least 36 MB. Apple has stated that the new camera captures "wide color", so we could assume that they are using at 16 bits per channel instead of 8 bits. Of course that is just the final raw data. If the camera is taking multiple photos in rapid succession for HDR or capture additional information, I could see this easily requiring more RAM to process. At least 512 MB.
    For raw it would take about 24 MB to capture uncompressed raw. Of course, you can't work with it, so it needs to be de-bayered. That would give (without alpha) 74 MB for each image RGB. YUV will take up less space. But if you need several frames (for fusion or HDR) That will take at least 74*N plus some bufferes as well.
  • Reply 45 of 48
    We're entering the era where our phones are nearly as fast as our MacBook Pros...and faster than most budget laptops. Craziness.
  • Reply 46 of 48
    SoliSoli Posts: 10,038member
    schlack said:
    We're entering the era where our phones are […] faster than most budget laptops. Craziness.
    I think that entered that era a year or ago, if I remember one of their iPhone or iPad event comments properly.

    edit: http://www.synthtopia.com/content/2015/09/09/apple-intros-ipad-pro-with-performance-faster-than-80-of-mobile-pcs/
    edited September 2016
  • Reply 47 of 48
    Anime.shAnime.sh Posts: 1unconfirmed, member
    "The iPad Air 2 with a three-core A8X processor benchmarks at 1732 for single-core, and 2697 for multi-core. " Its a shame that you guys don't even check before you post the benchmark numbers. The iPad air 2 has a multi core score of 3960 and not 2697, as far as geekbench 4 scores are concerned. And my iPad air 2 gives a score greater than 4000 for multi core. Please correct the numbers. Reference: https://browser.primatelabs.com/ios-benchmarks
    edited November 2016
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