Some US airlines prohibiting use of any Samsung phones in wake of Note 7 recall



  • Reply 41 of 46
    lkrupp said:
    Just imagine of this were happening to Apple. Multiply the negative press by 10,000 and you might start to get a handle on it. If this were Apple the NYT would be going crazy. The National Guard would have been activated by now. But it’s just Samsung so no big deal. It will blow over in short order.
    If that were Apple and even two iPhones had set fires, the news media would have a field day proclaiming it's definitely the end of Apple and how it wouldn't have happened if Steve Jobs were alive. The news media already hates Apple with a passion, so any dangerous problems found in the iPhone would be a total disaster for Apple and the stock. It's funny, people can get killed in Teslas and it's no big deal. If someone gets singed with an iPhone it's the end of the Apple world as we know it. Why do some companies get a free pass but Apple always ends up on the chopping block? Didn't someone already start a class action suit against Apple because they couldn't get their iPhone through the upgrade program right away? I'm willing to bet as soon as some shiny black iPhone gets some tiny scratches, the owner is going to have a fit saying how poorly the iPhone is built. I sure wish Apple would purchase a news media company so at least they could fight back against all the bad press they're constantly getting over EVERYTHING.
    Interesting that this hasn't been crowned a "-gate" scandal yet by the Samsung-adoring tech press. As in "batterygate" or "explosiongate." In the Apple world, all it takes is someone to post a YouTube video and links to it on Reddit, and voilà! Instant -gate scandal. Samsung is highly resistant to -gate level scandals. And they claim Apple fans to be irrational.

    I expect someone with a monetized YouTube channel to buy an iPhone 7 on day one, immerse it in the deep end of a swimming pool overnight and post a video titled "water-gate" when water seeps in and AppleCare refuses to honor the warranty and they feign indignation and promise to never buy an iPhone again.
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  • Reply 42 of 46
    This certainly is a -gate scandal...
    Turn off your Samsung at the -gate before boarding.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 43 of 46
    cali said:
    Attendants can't tell if a phone is a Samsung or not?

    .....and fandroids say iKnockoffs look nothing like an iPhone.

    Erm, the article says

    " we can tell if something's a Samsung from the aisle."

    Which is the exact opposite of your post.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 44 of 46
    xmhillx said:
    Ok but who manufactures batteries for Samsung?
    And is it possible those batteries are making it onto other smartphones? I just wonder if this is an problem exclusive to Samsung.
    The batteries were made by Samsung's own battery division. 

    My understanding is that the design was flawed rather than there being an issue with the actual manufacturing process.
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  • Reply 45 of 46
    I was talking with a person who was on a flight last weeks and the flight attendant walked around and collected all Samsung phones, they would not allow people to keep their phones since they said they could not trust people to keep them turned off and not plugged in during the flight. This is definitely not good for Samsung. I also read that Samsung said phones in China are not effected since they use a different manufacturer of the battery for China phones. However, people in China are reporting the same issues as well.
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