Apple exec Eddy Cue nets $59M in vested company stock



  • Reply 21 of 22
    It's not losing market share were it counts, share of industry profits.... Thanks for playing though.
    Guess you have seen those Apple TV numbers. They ain't good. 

    An internet TV deal would have helped. But, Eddy messed that up (as we all know),
    edited September 2016
  • Reply 22 of 22
    bobroo said:
    bobroo said:
    widmark said:
    I like Eddy because of his history with the company and past with Jobs... but he's bitten off (or been given a bite) more than he can chew and should probably have a lesser role/comp at the company.  iTunes is a mess, AppleTV is still without content deals and not best in class, iCloud is still an untamed beast, etc.  Yes, yes, Apple has always had issues with cloud/SAS pre-dating MobileMe going back to eWorld... so you could say he runs the most difficult area of the business for Apple.  Ok, fair enough, but its still a mess so lets refresh and get some more talent on it, and reduce Eddy's load a little... and for god sakes lets not overpay him like this.  Its not like he has keys to the castle.
    While agree with everything you've stated; I see  the problem is that this is Tim and Jony's Apple Computers. Tim and Jony micro manage every single detail of this company.

    Therefore it doesn't make a bit of difference what senior management says or does; they are all being led around on a very short leash.

    Its amazing; a company with 115,000 employees overseen by two people. Little wonder Apple is losing market share.
    Your source for this?
    My source?

    Take another look at the 60 Minutes segment of last year. Even though it was a performance for the cameras, I find it very, very telling of how the management of Apple works.

    Add-in Tim Cooks propensity to make himself a celebrity. TC of late seems to spend a lot of time as an elbow rubber with the rich and famous and he is more than happy to have exposed that he had dinner with so-and-so or received phone calls from Streisand, or the many speaking engagements (even philanthropic) that are non-Apple related. In which all are a boost to TC's ego and have little to do with Apple becoming a better company.

    So therefore, every innovation, every discovery, every decision of what path to go down, and every effort of all those employees needs to pass through and a final decision made by Tim and Jony.

    While I'm on the soapbox, allow me to edit my final sentence from the previous post "It's amazing; a company with 115,000 employees --most of which are the best, finest, and most intelligent of our workforce--are overseen by two people. Little wonder is losing market share."
    Sorry you still didn't provide a credible source that every decision at Apple has to go through those two employees. I highly doubt the work Apple is doing with machine learning, or the various 'kits' they have like ResearchKit and HealthKit and HomeKit go through Jony Ive for approval. Same with recent changes made to the App Store. This company is not run by two people. In fact one could argue that one of the issues right now is there isn't one person who is the decider like Steve Jobs was. Collaboration and teamwork is great but who's making the call on whether something is good enough to go out the door? It should be Tim Cook but I have my doubts it really is.
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