Who is buying AAPL?
<a href="http://www.thinksecret.com/news/stockpurchases.html" target="_blank">This</a> article on Think Secret is reporting that some company is buying up AAPL shares. Any ideas who it might be? Fuel for old Disney/IBM/Sun buys out Apple rumors? I can't really think of a good reason for any company to be buying up Apple shares.
[ 08-30-2002: Message edited by: Matsu ]</p>
i think that was me.
i ordered one apple share over at <a href="http://www.oneshare.com" target="_blank">"oneshare"</a>.
if i had money to spend i would buy loads of apple-stock.
imho: apple is prepared for the future and will be doing very good.
Does anybody know the disclosure rules that determine under what conditions they have to tell us who is buying the shares?
You buy a controlling interest in Apple and stack all the plum executive positions. You take the money to offset the cost, and you shop the desktop business around to a third party. You could exclusively license OSX to one vendor and get out of the hardware business altogether. This vendor has only to meet predefined hardware criteria, they make models and set prices as they see fit. Apple provides a strictly regulate reference platform. Apple keeps Xserve and high-end application business (more along the lines of AVID, Combustion, and other high-end video/3-d workstations. The desktop (pro and consumer) vendor pays licensing to Apple and Apple provides the software solution, support, and backbone technologies.
If market-share grows, Apple reserves the option to add another licensee, but only under carefully pre-determined conditions. If it goes well, the mac platform grows, if it fvcks up (highly possible) you take the money and run to the high-end, which is where Apple will end up anyway if can't make competitive sub 1K machines.
I forgot to mention, you must hire all the right people to whip up investor interest in the company and sell off stock as a successful marketing of the new business model drives up the share price to guarantee you make enough cash (in case/before) it all tanks.
[ 08-30-2002: Message edited by: Matsu ]</p>