New Galaxy Note 7 fire raises worries Samsung didn't fix battery problems



  • Reply 41 of 60
    fallenjtfallenjt Posts: 4,056member

    duervo said:
    volcan said:
    magman1979 said:

    How long until there is a sweeping ban on ALL Samsung devices on ALL flights around the world?
    As a frequent flyer this worries me a lot, but how do the airlines enforce a ban? No one is going to convince a Samsung owner to voluntarily comply. That is just not their mindset, damn the other 200 passengers on the plane.
    If there is a ban, it most likely won't be against any single brand. It's more probable that it will be against all brands, and rightfully so. When safety is at risk, compromise cannot, and should not, be made.

    Enforcement is carried out at security checkpoints. TSA, or the agency for whatever country you're in, will be the ones enforcing such a ban, and it is those agencies that would be implementing such a ban, not an individual airline.
    Then they will ban everything with batteries in it. No, they can't do that since many devices don't pose the risk but only Samsung phone.
  • Reply 42 of 60
    bigbig Posts: 36member
    Makes sense to me. Just a thought exploration: "It's like every media outlet wants Apple to fail because that's a story they can string on for weeks and get attention" and that makes sense because stringing it along for weeks and weeks equals more clicks. Because they're all advertising supported, more clicks equals more revenue. The media is corrupt - or if nothing else, there is a serious conflict of interest. I'm so sick of this shit.
    macxpress said:
    sog35 said:
    Why isnt the Verge, Wall Street Journal, Business Insider, Forbes, CNET, ect picking up this story?

    So friken obvious these a-holes are trying their best to keep this quiet.

    Crazy that Samsung just excused the past half dozen Note7 fires in China as having nothing to do with the Note7. Right......

    Because its not Apple. If there were happening to any model of the iPhone it would be everywhere all day long for weeks on end. But, because its Samsung its not a story because Samsung isn't as big as Apple. Its like every media outlet wants Apple to fail because thats a story they can string on for weeks and get attention. Apple will always get more attention (positive or negative) than Samsung ever will. 
  • Reply 43 of 60
    bigbig Posts: 36member
    No way! One particular brand has been popping up all over the news, thanks to their product's penchant for self immolation. There is a saying that "your right to swing your fist stops at your neighbor's face" (I'm paraphrasing, but it's something like that). Well, a Samsuck owner does not have the right to endanger anybody else on an airplane by bringing aboard their personal firebomb disguised as a smartphone. To a busy TSA agent's eyes, it's hard to distinguish a Note 7 from Samsuck's other offerings at a glance. So, I say bring on the Samsuck ban.
    volcan said:
    duervo said:

    If there is a ban, it most likely won't be against any single brand. It's more probable that it will be against all brands, and rightfully so. When safety is at risk, compromise cannot, and should not, be made.

    Enforcement is carried out at security checkpoints. TSA, or the agency for whatever country you're in, will be the ones enforcing such a ban, and it is those agencies that would be implementing such a ban, not an individual airline.
    Banning all cellphones at the TSA check in is going meet with incredible resistance from the general public. It is more complicated than banning handguns for example. Those can be confiscated. You can't legitimately confiscate someone's cellphone. That is their business and personal life line. Forcing people to check their phones in their luggage is a horrible idea and even riskier than having them on their person or carry on. Besides with the expense of checked luggage most people don't check anything. Mostly it is all carry on these days.
  • Reply 44 of 60
    bigbig Posts: 36member
    I may be missing something (hence I post to ask). But why ban all cellphones when it's only one specific brand that is exploding and causing problems? Assumption: every passenger on the plane is carrying a smartphone. To the TSA, that would mean only having (Samsuck's smartphone marketshare) % pissed off passengers versus 100% pissed off passengers.
    volcan said:
    duervo said:

    If there is a ban, it most likely won't be against any single brand. It's more probable that it will be against all brands, and rightfully so. When safety is at risk, compromise cannot, and should not, be made.

    Enforcement is carried out at security checkpoints. TSA, or the agency for whatever country you're in, will be the ones enforcing such a ban, and it is those agencies that would be implementing such a ban, not an individual airline.
    Banning all cellphones at the TSA check in is going meet with incredible resistance from the general public. It is more complicated than banning handguns for example. Those can be confiscated. You can't legitimately confiscate someone's cellphone. That is their business and personal life line. Forcing people to check their phones in their luggage is a horrible idea and even riskier than having them on their person or carry on. Besides with the expense of checked luggage most people don't check anything. Mostly it is all carry on these days.
  • Reply 45 of 60
    fallenjt said:
    sog35 said:
    volcan said:
    magman1979 said:

    How long until there is a sweeping ban on ALL Samsung devices on ALL flights around the world?
    As a frequent flyer this worries me a lot, but how do the airlines enforce a ban? No one is going to convince a Samsung owner to voluntarily comply. That is just not their mindset, damn the other 200 passengers on the plane.
    Who cares about what Samsung mindset is. Their product is absolutely a fire hazard. This is like saying it isn't the mindset of someone with dynamite to not bring it on a plane. Too bad. Samsung owners should have ZERO CHOICE. Their phones should be powered down and left with thier check in baggage. If not, then get another phone. 

    I don't a plane going down in flames because a Samsung owner felt not using his phone on a plane is not his 'mindset'
    oh no, Samsung phones should never be allowed in check-in. What if someone forgets to turn it off and the crap explodes in mid air? FAA recommended to carry it on board but power it off.
    FAA should insist all Galaxy 7s be put in fireproof bag and stowed down owners pants: "In close proximity of ball sack." 
  • Reply 46 of 60
    badmonkbadmonk Posts: 1,326member
    macxpress said:
    sog35 said:
    Why isnt the Verge, Wall Street Journal, Business Insider, Forbes, CNET, ect picking up this story?

    So friken obvious these a-holes are trying their best to keep this quiet.

    Crazy that Samsung just excused the past half dozen Note7 fires in China as having nothing to do with the Note7. Right......

    Because its not Apple. If there were happening to any model of the iPhone it would be everywhere all day long for weeks on end. But, because its Samsung its not a story because Samsung isn't as big as Apple. Its like every media outlet wants Apple to fail because thats a story they can string on for weeks and get attention. Apple will always get more attention (positive or negative) than Samsung ever will. 
    it's because Samsung's advertising budget is formidable.
  • Reply 47 of 60
    badmonkbadmonk Posts: 1,326member
    I flew Delta Airlines domestically three days ago.  All Galaxy Note 7s were to be turned off during the flight.  The Delta representative said that Delta has already had one in-flight fire. 
  • Reply 48 of 60
    bdkennedy said:
    Steve Jobs would be bathing in the karma right now.
    I imagine him as bouyantly splashing it around and laughing...
  • Reply 49 of 60
    lkrupp said:
    This issue may indeed wind up costing Samsung its reputation
    Then you haven't seen YT comments with 100+ thumb ups, saying they he/she will get that note 7 anyway and he/she doesn't care about bad engineering.
    Likely a combination of cretins, folks looking for lawsuit potential and the Samsung astroturfing department frantically working overtime. 
  • Reply 50 of 60
    linkmanlinkman Posts: 1,046member
    Perhaps aircraft need to have a fireproof box with venting system for Samsung phones, similar to what they put into the Boeing 787:

    Boarding instructions will include phrasing like "Per FAA directive, all passengers and crew with Samsung devices must place those devices into the fire vault located near the door of the plane."
  • Reply 51 of 60
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,585member
    As a sidenote I'd expect the Note 8 to be released by April/May 2017, maybe even earlier, in an effort to put the whole Note 7 debacle behind them. 
    edited September 2016
  • Reply 52 of 60
    Total bull. Pure Samsung bashing based on rumours. See how many iphones explode and that Apple only has one reaction "NOT OUR FAULT". Exploding' iPhone leaves man with third-degree burns Exploding iPhones? Not our fault says Apple Burning iPhone forces plane to make emergency evacuation Chinese woman left with a scratched eyeball after her iPhone 5 exploded 'after heating up during 40 minute call' iPhone 4 Catches Fire, Combusts Midflight on Australian Airline IPHONE 5 explodes and kills stewardess answering her phone Exploding Apple iPhone crisis covered up iphones exploding: Two more iphones explode Aarg, exploding iPhones on a plane! London - An Apple iPhone has exploded on a plane, raising fears over the safety of the devices.
    edited September 2016 gatorguy
  • Reply 53 of 60
    volcanvolcan Posts: 1,799member
    fallenjt said:
    Then they will ban everything with batteries in it. No, they can't do that since many devices don't pose the risk but only Samsung phone.
    I'm sorry sir, you must remove your pacemaker and turn it off. FAA rules. /s
  • Reply 54 of 60
    sphericspheric Posts: 2,666member
    All lithium-ion batteries are at risk of fire to a degree, regardless of manufacturer. 

    All manufacturers have had their share, and everybody claiming that "only Samdung" or whatever blablabla is full of shit and will be in a really, really bad position should Apple ever be hit by a similar recall due supplier issues. 

    Key differences here are
    a) the number of devices actually having caught fire (enough to be a serious issue affecting this particular product line), and 
    b) Samsung's handling of the issue, which can only be described as catastrophic. If this kills or badly maims their mobile business, it will be fully deserved. 

    But most of the crap in this thread is just puerile mudslinging. 
  • Reply 55 of 60
    Have you heard the latest?

    Now their washing machines are exploding!

    Their entire business is blowing up from the inside.
  • Reply 56 of 60
    sphericspheric Posts: 2,666member
    Their washing machines have been catching fire for a while now - the recall is a year or so old. 

    What's news is that some of the REPAIRED machines are now also catching fire. 

    Which is unsurprising, considering that (IIRC) the "fix" for the humidity-caused short circuit risk was to package those components in a plastic bag and tie that off. 
  • Reply 57 of 60
    spheric said:
    Their washing machines have been catching fire for a while now - the recall is a year or so old. 

    What's news is that some of the REPAIRED machines are now also catching fire. 

    Which is unsurprising, considering that (IIRC) the "fix" for the humidity-caused short circuit risk was to package those components in a plastic bag and tie that off. 
    Good thing those washing machines don't also run Android...
  • Reply 58 of 60
    sog35 said:
    what a fiasco.

    Samsung is truly SAMDUNG.

    And Wall Street and Tech media boogers eaters thought Samsung would overtake Apple? LOL

    And even the new Note7 that don't have the explosive feature are having horrible battery life, overheating, and laggy performance. Seems like the safety precautions installed in the new Note7 is making it a crappy performer. 

    This is true karma for all those years that Samsung shamelessly copied Apple, cheated on test results, bribing officials, allowing employees to die from hazardous material, ect, ect, ect, ect.
    It's so weird how people hope some business fails or gets destroyed. 
    Huh? Do you not read the comments on here at all? Just look at all the gloating because BB is failing, and every dip MS takes is celebrated. There's no shortage of hoping for businesses to fail on here. 
  • Reply 59 of 60
    PaulPeter said:
    Total bull. Pure Samsung bashing based on rumours. See how many iphones explode and that Apple only has one reaction "NOT OUR FAULT". Exploding' iPhone leaves man with third-degree burns Exploding iPhones? Not our fault says Apple Burning iPhone forces plane to make emergency evacuation Chinese woman left with a scratched eyeball after her iPhone 5 exploded 'after heating up during 40 minute call' iPhone 4 Catches Fire, Combusts Midflight on Australian Airline IPHONE 5 explodes and kills stewardess answering her phone Exploding Apple iPhone crisis covered up iphones exploding: Two more iphones explode Aarg, exploding iPhones on a plane! London - An Apple iPhone has exploded on a plane, raising fears over the safety of the devices.
    Troll alert.

    Have you read through everything that you link, mister, or just coming here to whine? None of those are manufacturer's defect. NONE. Any lithium battery that is burnt, poked, damaged, pierced, high-pressurised, etc. directly will cause explosion. Samsung phone is just sitting there and will cause explosion. Totally different.
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