Exploit broker triples iOS bounty to $1.5M, cites security improvements and demand

in General Discussion
Zerodium, a well-known "bug broker," on Thursday announced a new $1.5 million top end limit for zero-day exploits targeting iPhones and iPads running Apple's latest version of iOS 10.

As reported by ArsTechnica, Zerodium upped its bounty payout to reflect stronger security protocols introduced with iOS 10, Apple's latest mobile operating system which launched on Sept. 13. The enhancements make the creation of remote jailbreaks more difficult, which according to the law of supply and demand makes said exploits more valuable to those looking bypass Apple's built-in protections.

In a somewhat controversial practice, Zerodium purchases strings of exploits and flips them to government agencies. The state actors in turn apply the solutions to compromise target devices for surveillance purposes, the report said.

Last year, the firm offered three $1 million bounties for iOS exploits, later dropping the going rate to $500,000. By comparison, Zerodium this year doubled its bounty for Android workarounds to $200,000.

"Prices are directly linked to the difficulty of making a full chain of exploits, and we know that iOS 10 and Android 7 are both much harder to exploit than their previous versions," said Chaouki Bekrar, Zerodium's founder.

Commenting on why an iOS exploit is priced higher than a comparable Android bug, Bekrar said, "That means that iOS 10 chain exploits are either 7.5 times harder than Android or the demand for iOS exploits is 7.5 times higher. The reality is a mix of both."

Developers like Google -- and as of August, Apple -- operate bug bounty programs, though prices are often much lower than rates offered by brokers like Zerodium. This is to be expected, however, as brokers seek working hacks that can be marketed and ultimately deployed, while developers pay researchers for rough outlines and proofs-of-concept, the report said.

Apple's program, for example, offers a maximum payout of $200,000 for secure boot firmware components, with lesser amounts quoted for extraction of confidential material protected by the Secure Enclave Processor, execution of arbitrary code with kernel privileges, unauthorized access to iCloud account data and sandbox boundary bugs.

Though software developers are constantly looking for ways to stay one step ahead of hackers and other nefarious players, the exploit market is alive and well. Most recently, Apple's iOS was the target of a particularly nasty malware package called "Pegasus." A three-pronged attack, Pegasus compromised iOS 9 security measures to surreptitiously jailbreak and install a suite of monitoring software onto a victim's device. Apple patched the attack vectors in iOS 9.3.5.


  • Reply 1 of 17
    iOS - $1,500,000

    Android - $200,000

    That about sums it up right there.
  • Reply 2 of 17
    fallenjtfallenjt Posts: 4,056member
    iOS - $1,500,000

    Android - $200,000

    That about sums it up right there.
    Lol...you beat me to that. Tell Eric Schmidt to read this.
  • Reply 3 of 17
    Zerodium offer cash for exploits that it can sell on so people can hack into and track our phones.
    And this is legal how?

    If the people who discovered the exploits hacked into our phones, they'd be criminals.
  • Reply 4 of 17
    evilution said:
    Zerodium offer cash for exploits that it can sell on so people can hack into and track our phones.
    And this is legal how?

    If the people who discovered the exploits hacked into our phones, they'd be criminals.
    you or I do this... illegal. a government does it... protecting national security. those that write the rules are above the law.
  • Reply 5 of 17
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,566member
    iOS - $1,500,000

    Android - $200,000

    That about sums it up right there.
    Note that those are attention-getting (PR?) max payouts. In actuality the bounty's paid begin at a few thousand dollars. Selling to Google/Apple as the case may be might garner more money and is certainly more "ethical".
    edited September 2016 singularitydasanman69
  • Reply 6 of 17
    boredumbboredumb Posts: 1,418member
    adm1 said:
    If the people who discovered the exploits hacked into our phones, they'd be criminals.
    you or I do this... illegal. a government does it... protecting national security. those that write the rules are above the law.
    Channeling  Richard Nixon, are we?
    edited September 2016 dasanman69ai46
  • Reply 7 of 17
    rob53rob53 Posts: 3,282member
    boredumb said:
    adm1 said:
    If the people who discovered the exploits hacked into our phones, they'd be criminals.
    you or I do this... illegal. a government does it... protecting national security. those that write the rules are above the law.
    Channeling  Richard Nixon, are we?
    Not Nixon but James Comey, who is the reincarnation of J Edgar Hoover, the originator of the government being above the law. It also doesn't help that the Patriot Act has given our government free reign to do just about anything they want in the name of national security (whether it's real or imagined). Our radical supreme court can't wait to make this historically illegal act legal and Congress continues to do nothing but fight each other so we're getting closer to the stereotypical police state where our government is allowed to break the law while everyone else (except those who buy off government officials) is expected to abide by a second set of laws. 
  • Reply 8 of 17
    jdgazjdgaz Posts: 405member
    rob53 said:
    boredumb said:
    adm1 said:
    If the people who discovered the exploits hacked into our phones, they'd be criminals.
    you or I do this... illegal. a government does it... protecting national security. those that write the rules are above the law.
    Channeling  Richard Nixon, are we?
    Not Nixon but James Comey, who is the reincarnation of J Edgar Hoover, the originator of the government being above the law. It also doesn't help that the Patriot Act has given our government free reign to do just about anything they want in the name of national security (whether it's real or imagined). Our radical supreme court can't wait to make this historically illegal act legal and Congress continues to do nothing but fight each other so we're getting closer to the stereotypical police state where our government is allowed to break the law while everyone else (except those who buy off government officials) is expected to abide by a second set of laws. 
    Just contribute to the Clinton Foundation and you are good to go. Nice cushy govt job, etc.
  • Reply 9 of 17
    jdgaz said:
    rob53 said:
    boredumb said:
    adm1 said:
    If the people who discovered the exploits hacked into our phones, they'd be criminals.
    you or I do this... illegal. a government does it... protecting national security. those that write the rules are above the law.
    Channeling  Richard Nixon, are we?
    Not Nixon but James Comey, who is the reincarnation of J Edgar Hoover, the originator of the government being above the law. It also doesn't help that the Patriot Act has given our government free reign to do just about anything they want in the name of national security (whether it's real or imagined). Our radical supreme court can't wait to make this historically illegal act legal and Congress continues to do nothing but fight each other so we're getting closer to the stereotypical police state where our government is allowed to break the law while everyone else (except those who buy off government officials) is expected to abide by a second set of laws. 
    Just contribute to the Clinton Foundation and you are good to go. Nice cushy govt job, etc.
    jdgaz - Dont be an idiot. Take your moronic comments to the Faux News site where they belong.
  • Reply 10 of 17
    gatorguy said:
    iOS - $1,500,000

    Android - $200,000

    That about sums it up right there.
    Note that those are attention-getting (PR?) max payouts. In actuality the bounty's paid begin at a few thousand dollars. Selling to Google/Apple as the case may be might garner more money and is certainly more "ethical".

    Irrelevant. iOS is far more secure than Android, hence the higher maximum payouts.

    There are many reasons for this, but the biggest one is Androids useless update model. When Apple discovers a new threat they can issue a patch to everyone within days. Google can do so for Nexus devices, but these represent a tiny fraction of Android devices out there so they don't really count (hackers don't care if they get patched quickly as they are a low priority target). Samsung is currently promising 30 day updates for their flagship devices, but we'll have to see how long they keep this up once a device gets over a year old. The remaining Android devices are left unpatched for many months (or never get patched). So why would you pay for exploits for Android when there are already several to choose from that still work? And even if discovered they will continue to work for some time on the majority of Android devices.
    watto_cobraration al
  • Reply 11 of 17
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,566member
    gatorguy said:
    iOS - $1,500,000

    Android - $200,000

    That about sums it up right there.
    Note that those are attention-getting (PR?) max payouts. In actuality the bounty's paid begin at a few thousand dollars. Selling to Google/Apple as the case may be might garner more money and is certainly more "ethical".

    Irrelevant. iOS is far more secure than Android, hence the higher maximum payouts.

    There are many reasons for this, but the biggest one is Androids useless update model. When Apple discovers a new threat they can issue a patch to everyone within days. Google can do so for Nexus devices, but these represent a tiny fraction of Android devices out there so they don't really count (hackers don't care if they get patched quickly as they are a low priority target). Samsung is currently promising 30 day updates for their flagship devices, but we'll have to see how long they keep this up once a device gets over a year old. The remaining Android devices are left unpatched for many months (or never get patched). So why would you pay for exploits for Android when there are already several to choose from that still work? And even if discovered they will continue to work for some time on the majority of Android devices.
    Not in the least irrelevant. I've no idea why you're going on about which platform is more secure when the comment was that Zerodium wasn't paying out $1.5M for iOS exploits, instead paying out a few to several thousand. That $1.5M figure is to get attention, and if anyone ever gets that amount it's going to be a darn special one that works across the board to infiltrate and spy on most iOS devices.In general I think hackers will get paid better working with Apple or Google, and have less to worry about.

    Yes that's HIGHLY relevant. Your comment was completely irrelevant to anything I said. 
    edited September 2016
  • Reply 12 of 17
    gatorguy said:
    gatorguy said:
    iOS - $1,500,000

    Android - $200,000

    That about sums it up right there.
    Note that those are attention-getting (PR?) max payouts. In actuality the bounty's paid begin at a few thousand dollars. Selling to Google/Apple as the case may be might garner more money and is certainly more "ethical".

    Irrelevant. iOS is far more secure than Android, hence the higher maximum payouts.

    There are many reasons for this, but the biggest one is Androids useless update model. When Apple discovers a new threat they can issue a patch to everyone within days. Google can do so for Nexus devices, but these represent a tiny fraction of Android devices out there so they don't really count (hackers don't care if they get patched quickly as they are a low priority target). Samsung is currently promising 30 day updates for their flagship devices, but we'll have to see how long they keep this up once a device gets over a year old. The remaining Android devices are left unpatched for many months (or never get patched). So why would you pay for exploits for Android when there are already several to choose from that still work? And even if discovered they will continue to work for some time on the majority of Android devices.
    Not in the least irrelevant. I've no idea why you're going on about which platform is more secure when the comment was that Zerodium wasn't paying out $1.5M for iOS exploits, instead paying out a few to several thousand. That $1.5M figure is to get attention, and if anyone ever gets that amount it's going to be a darn special one that works across the board to infiltrate and spy on most iOS devices.In general I think hackers will get paid better working with Apple or Google, and have less to worry about.

    Yes that's HIGHLY relevant. Your comment was completely irrelevant to anything I said. 

    Your post claimed these are for attention getting/PR, and that real payouts start at much less. Yet Zerodium paid a $1 million bounty last year for the same thing. All I see is you trying to distract from the fact exploits that successfully get into a iOS device Pay 7.5x as much as for Android. It's irrelevant what they start at - the top level "golden key" for iOS is $1.5 million and for Android a measly $200K.
    watto_cobraration al
  • Reply 13 of 17
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,566member
    gatorguy said:
    gatorguy said:
    iOS - $1,500,000

    Android - $200,000

    That about sums it up right there.
    Note that those are attention-getting (PR?) max payouts. In actuality the bounty's paid begin at a few thousand dollars. Selling to Google/Apple as the case may be might garner more money and is certainly more "ethical".

    Irrelevant. iOS is far more secure than Android, hence the higher maximum payouts.

    There are many reasons for this, but the biggest one is Androids useless update model. When Apple discovers a new threat they can issue a patch to everyone within days. Google can do so for Nexus devices, but these represent a tiny fraction of Android devices out there so they don't really count (hackers don't care if they get patched quickly as they are a low priority target). Samsung is currently promising 30 day updates for their flagship devices, but we'll have to see how long they keep this up once a device gets over a year old. The remaining Android devices are left unpatched for many months (or never get patched). So why would you pay for exploits for Android when there are already several to choose from that still work? And even if discovered they will continue to work for some time on the majority of Android devices.
    Not in the least irrelevant. I've no idea why you're going on about which platform is more secure when the comment was that Zerodium wasn't paying out $1.5M for iOS exploits, instead paying out a few to several thousand. That $1.5M figure is to get attention, and if anyone ever gets that amount it's going to be a darn special one that works across the board to infiltrate and spy on most iOS devices.In general I think hackers will get paid better working with Apple or Google, and have less to worry about.

    Yes that's HIGHLY relevant. Your comment was completely irrelevant to anything I said. 

    Your post claimed these are for attention getting/PR, and that real payouts start at much less. Yet Zerodium paid a $1 million bounty last year for the same thing. All I see is you trying to distract from the fact exploits that successfully get into a iOS device Pay 7.5x as much as for Android. It's irrelevant what they start at - the top level "golden key" for iOS is $1.5 million and for Android a measly $200K.
    That's nice.

    Still think those discovering exploits may do better dealing directly with Apple and Google and as a plus sleep better at night. As for your irrelevant-to-my-point comments please do carry on.
    edited September 2016
  • Reply 14 of 17
    freerange said:
    jdgaz said:
    rob53 said:
    boredumb said:
    adm1 said:
    If the people who discovered the exploits hacked into our phones, they'd be criminals.
    you or I do this... illegal. a government does it... protecting national security. those that write the rules are above the law.
    Channeling  Richard Nixon, are we?
    Not Nixon but James Comey, who is the reincarnation of J Edgar Hoover, the originator of the government being above the law. It also doesn't help that the Patriot Act has given our government free reign to do just about anything they want in the name of national security (whether it's real or imagined). Our radical supreme court can't wait to make this historically illegal act legal and Congress continues to do nothing but fight each other so we're getting closer to the stereotypical police state where our government is allowed to break the law while everyone else (except those who buy off government officials) is expected to abide by a second set of laws. 
    Just contribute to the Clinton Foundation and you are good to go. Nice cushy govt job, etc.
    jdgaz - Dont be an idiot. Take your moronic comments to the Faux News site where they belong.
    Uh, this isn't some conspiracy theory, this is conspiracy fact, as exposed by Wikileaks. 

    It's sad that this country has sunk to the point where and obviously and blatantly corrupt candidate has legions of people defending her. Trump may be a giant douche, but Clinton is a turd sandwich whose been exposed revealing classified information (yet she wants to persecute Snowden for the same crime- except when he did it he exposed criminal activity at the highest levels of government.)

    Never would have thought we would have a more corrupt administration after W. Bush, but here we are, and we are supposed to vote for the most corrupt of the secretaries in the most corrupt administration ever?

  • Reply 15 of 17
    freerange said:
    jdgaz said:
    rob53 said:
    boredumb said:
    adm1 said:
    If the people who discovered the exploits hacked into our phones, they'd be criminals.
    you or I do this... illegal. a government does it... protecting national security. those that write the rules are above the law.
    Channeling  Richard Nixon, are we?
    Not Nixon but James Comey, who is the reincarnation of J Edgar Hoover, the originator of the government being above the law. It also doesn't help that the Patriot Act has given our government free reign to do just about anything they want in the name of national security (whether it's real or imagined). Our radical supreme court can't wait to make this historically illegal act legal and Congress continues to do nothing but fight each other so we're getting closer to the stereotypical police state where our government is allowed to break the law while everyone else (except those who buy off government officials) is expected to abide by a second set of laws. 
    Just contribute to the Clinton Foundation and you are good to go. Nice cushy govt job, etc.
    jdgaz - Dont be an idiot. Take your moronic comments to the Faux News site where they belong.
    Uh, this isn't some conspiracy theory, this is conspiracy fact, as exposed by Wikileaks. 

    It's sad that this country has sunk to the point where and obviously and blatantly corrupt candidate has legions of people defending her. Trump may be a giant douche, but Clinton is a turd sandwich whose been exposed revealing classified information (yet she wants to persecute Snowden for the same crime- except when he did it he exposed criminal activity at the highest levels of government.)

    Never would have thought we would have a more corrupt administration after W. Bush, but here we are, and we are supposed to vote for the most corrupt of the secretaries in the most corrupt administration ever?

  • Reply 16 of 17
    normmnormm Posts: 653member
    Uh, this isn't some conspiracy theory, this is conspiracy fact, as exposed by Wikileaks. 

    It's sad that this country has sunk to the point where and obviously and blatantly corrupt candidate has legions of people defending her. Trump may be a giant douche, but Clinton is a turd sandwich whose been exposed revealing classified information (yet she wants to persecute Snowden for the same crime- except when he did it he exposed criminal activity at the highest levels of government.)

    Never would have thought we would have a more corrupt administration after W. Bush, but here we are, and we are supposed to vote for the most corrupt of the secretaries in the most corrupt administration ever?

    Take a look at John Oliver's take on all of this, which is not a whitewash. She shouldn't have used a private email server (as many others did also), but only in Republicanstan is this a real scandal.  Just because the Republican party have attacked Clinton endlessly for years with accusations and innuendo and investigations doesn't actually make her a criminal -- it's been a tremendous waste of money and effort with nothing found that they could get her with. 

    And other than crazy conspiracy theories, the Obama administration has been remarkably clean.  There's obviously too much money in politics, but that is what the Supreme Court decided is required, voting entirely on party lines according to the administrations that appointed them.
  • Reply 17 of 17
    boredumbboredumb Posts: 1,418member
    rob53 said:
    boredumb said:
    adm1 said:
    If the people who discovered the exploits hacked into our phones, they'd be criminals.
    you or I do this... illegal. a government does it... protecting national security. those that write the rules are above the law.
    Channeling  Richard Nixon, are we?
    Not Nixon but James Comey, who is the reincarnation of J Edgar Hoover, the originator of the government being above the law. It also doesn't help that the Patriot Act has given our government free reign to do just about anything they want in the name of national security (whether it's real or imagined). Our radical supreme court can't wait to make this historically illegal act legal and Congress continues to do nothing but fight each other so we're getting closer to the stereotypical police state where our government is allowed to break the law while everyone else (except those who buy off government officials) is expected to abide by a second set of laws. 
    Not to simply argue - I suppose they could share credit in some time-traveler way, but, James Comey was about 14 when Richard Nixon used, as his defense,
    "When the President does it, that means that it is not illegal"...
    Unless you mean that I should have said, "channeling J. Edgar"?
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