Apple Pay comes to New Zealand through ANZ Bank

in iPhone
Apple Pay is now officially available in New Zealand, continuing a series of international rollouts that have spanned 2016.

In New Zealand Apple's payment platform is only accessible through ANZ Bank. Customers can add Visa credit and debit cards through the iOS Wallet app, which may trigger a verification process by phone call or SMS.

Retail support so far includes chains like McDonald's, Glassons, Hallenstein Brothers, and K-Mart. Purchases over $80 NZD may require entering a PIN on top of usual Apple Pay authentication.

Local publication Stuff reported that ANZ is the only supporting bank because others, including some other Australian-owned companies, were reluctant to pay the fee Apple imposes on every Apple Pay transaction. Australian banks have in fact fought with Apple to gain access to the same NFC technology Apple Pay employs, something Apple claims is a tactic to deter adoption of its platform.

Initially limited to the U.S., Apple Pay has gradually expanded to 10 additional markets such as Canada, France, the U.K., mainland China, and Hong Kong. Spain, Japan, and Taiwan should join suit in coming months.


  • Reply 1 of 15
    hentaiboyhentaiboy Posts: 1,252member
    I wonder if Kiwibank will sign up? The other 3 anti-competitive Aussie owned banks sure won't  :/
  • Reply 2 of 15
    When they announce things like this I wonder if stores there accept Pay at this point. 
  • Reply 3 of 15
    jbdragonjbdragon Posts: 2,312member
    Apple Pay saves money for the banks with less FRAUD! They want all their cut. Well F them!!!! Maybe they should have figured something out sooner. They're just greedy. If it was me, I'd switch banks to ANZ telling them exactly why, and bye, bye.
  • Reply 4 of 15
    boredumbboredumb Posts: 1,418member
    When they announce things like this I wonder if stores there accept Pay at this point. neighborhood McDonald's has finally, after two years, gotten to the point where they can sometimes perform the transaction...
    If the right manager happens to be on duty. :'(
  • Reply 5 of 15
    This is great news but where is ApplePay on the Web?  
    The holiday shopping season is upon us already and Apple is the only website that I know supports it.
  • Reply 6 of 15
    When they announce things like this I wonder if stores there accept Pay at this point. 
    Yeah for us in NZ it isn't an issue. There are thousands of places that accept contactless payments and ApplePay will work on any of those. It seems to be mainly smaller retailers that don't as they don't want to pay the contactless fee. I can understand that, but I'm more likely to shop somewhere else now that does accept ApplePay. 

    Good on ANZ for pushing the button and implementing it. I have already activated my cards and it was fast and easy. 

    I hope BNZ do it too. Kiwibank would be a great option too but they might have to be pushed by consumers. 
  • Reply 7 of 15
    When they announce things like this I wonder if stores there accept Pay at this point. 

    It's only really the US that lacks retailer support. Most of the other countries where ApplePay has rolled out already had widespread use of contactless payments in place. There was an issue with some retailers in Australia for the first few weeks but that was just due to one of the big banks here trying to stop ApplePay from working. Since then I haven't had any issues with ApplePay in Australia at any store that accepts contactless payments (which is the vast majority).

    as @lostkiwi said New Zealand is in the same situation with most stores supporting contactless payments. 
  • Reply 8 of 15
    lostkiwi said:
    I hope BNZ do it too. Kiwibank would be a great option too but they might have to be pushed by consumers. 

    Based on how things have worked out here in Australia I wouldn't be holding my breath for support from other banks anytime soon. Unfortunately you guys have to deal with some of the same profit hungry banks we have in Australia and it seems the smaller banks aren't going to jump on board until the bigger banks do.

    Looks like you're already with ANZ but I think it's time for any NZ iPhone owners who don't have an ANZ account to swap over to ANZ. That's the only way consumers will be able to push the other banks to get on board. It would have to be a very large groundswell of consumers though as ANZ in Australia have seen a huge surge in new customers due to support for ApplePay and it hasn't moved any of the other banks to support it yet.
  • Reply 9 of 15
    tokyogtrtokyogtr Posts: 1unconfirmed, member
    Contactless payment is in so many places now in NZ and this will work seamlessly with it. I love it. In fact I complain to shops who don't have it. Just tell retailers to adopt it or lose your business.
  • Reply 10 of 15
    One point of contention is the $80 limit. That is the same limit if someone else had your card and did a contactless payment. 

    Surely TouchID is so much more secure than that - why can't that limit be removed? Anyone can shoulder surf and steal a PIN, but no one can easily copy your fingerprints (without movie level theatrics of course).  
    edited October 2016 lolliver
  • Reply 11 of 15
    jony0jony0 Posts: 380member
    lostkiwi said:
    One point of contention is the $80 limit. That is the same limit if someone else had your card and did a contactless payment. 

    Surely TouchID is so much more secure than that - why can't that limit be removed? Anyone can shoulder surf and steal a PIN, but no one can easily copy your fingerprints (without movie level theatrics of course).  
    Same issue in Canada with a 100$ CAD limit. I always bring up the same points you did to the cashier that this limit makes sense for a card but not for a biometric equipped device (well, I just say phone to them). I'll keep on for awhile even though I usually just get a polite puzzled smile.
  • Reply 12 of 15
    robmrobm Posts: 1,068member
    Used it this arvo at New World (supermarket) - worked fine.
    Hey lost kiwi - yea $80 limit, anything over that and it asks for your PIN.
    Still need fingerprint to get to that stage tho

    Rant mode on) - the supermarkets make it so stupid at checkout with the loyalty cards pfffft.
    Still have to fcuk around fishing out plastic cards ..... that goes to a database that registers your purchase and rewards you.
    Why ? If I'm identified electronically just add my measly purchase rewards to my account - don't need no stinking plastic card to identify me.
    Slows everything down.

    edited October 2016 lolliverwatto_cobralostkiwi
  • Reply 13 of 15
    robmrobm Posts: 1,068member
    ohh sorry lk- I see what you're asking.
    Yea no reason for that $80 limit with Apple Pay - I'd guess it's a hangover imposed by somebody (prolly the banks) that safeguarded them if a card got stolen and they've just rolled it over to apply to this method of payment.
    If we kicked up a stink about it I guess ANZ would remove the limit.

    edited October 2016
  • Reply 14 of 15
    jbdragon said:
    Apple Pay saves money for the banks with less FRAUD! They want all their cut. Well F them!!!! Maybe they should have figured something out sooner. They're just greedy. If it was me, I'd switch banks to ANZ telling them exactly why, and bye, bye. 
    Did exactly that. Westpac customer for nearly 40 years. Waited patiently for 13 months for Westpac to adopt Apple Pay. 

    Switched to ANZ in May when it became clear the other banks we not going to hop on board and instead wanted to push their own crappy, complicated app solutions. 

    Im getting better fees and interest rates too
  • Reply 15 of 15
    jbdragon said:
    Apple Pay saves money for the banks with less FRAUD! They want all their cut. Well F them!!!! Maybe they should have figured something out sooner. They're just greedy. If it was me, I'd switch banks to ANZ telling them exactly why, and bye, bye. 
    Did exactly that. Westpac customer for nearly 40 years. Waited patiently for 13 months for Westpac to adopt Apple Pay. 

    Switched to ANZ in May when it became clear the other banks we not going to hop on board and instead wanted to push their own crappy, complicated app solutions. 

    Im getting better fees and interest rates too
    Yeah Westpac in NZ have the most insane fee structure.  They almost try and charge you for breathing in the branch.  I had to leave them.  This is way before ApplePay.
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