Supply chain reaffirms only three new Apple notebooks this fall, likely no 11" MacBook Air



  • Reply 41 of 60
    sog35 said:
    ireland said:
    sog35 said:
    why is Apple so afraid of change?

    IMO, they need to start building iOS laptops and desktops. Why this hasn't happenned blows my mind.

    The fact is 90% of the population does not need a power of an intel desktop. They just need an iOS devices that sync's seamlessly with their phone/tablet/watch.

    Why isn't Apple doing this?

    I'd love to replace my MacMini with an iOS desktop.

    The most expensive part of most Mac's are the intel chips. Replace those $300 chips with a $50 A-series chip. 
    Are you asking for Mac with A-series chips or a Mac with A-series chips + iOS operating system. Because there's no way in hell I want iOS running on my Mac.
    I basically asking for an iOS desktop. No touch screen. Mouse/keyboard input.

    It does not have to run Mac programs, just iOS stuff.  
    So you want the iPad Pro to have a cursor and support a mouse.
    Why would it need a cursor and mouse? The AppleTV is running (a variant of) iOS and doesn't need or use either, why would a desktop version (necessarily) need it? Add a bit more functionality to the tvOS variant of iOS and it would easily be something you could run in a desktop environment (think simple functionality for the masses, not niche use cases for the power users). Doesn't this make much more sense than macOS on an A-series chip? Think about the numbers of each they would sell and to whom. More iOS users with shiny new "iOS" laptops, vs. (if they're lucky) the same number of current laptop owners upgrading to these new A-series (macOS) laptops? We all assume the A-series is coming to a laptop soon, right? What makes sense as an OS to run on it?
    edited October 2016
  • Reply 42 of 60
    Rayz2016Rayz2016 Posts: 6,957member
    sog35 said:
    I think this says it all.

    Its nuts that Apple isn't addressing the $299-$399 desktop market. This was impossible before because Intel chips are so expensive. Now that the A-series chips are fast enough its time to make a move. Even a $299 iHome with 128GB flash and A10 would make a very nice profit for Apple.

    You've put a loud glowing Apple logo on a machine that is going to be sitting in someone's eyeline.  So as well as being no Tim Cook, you're also no Jonny Ive.
  • Reply 43 of 60
    Rayz2016Rayz2016 Posts: 6,957member
    sog35 said:

    The real market this would be attacking is the $399-$599 desktop market. A market that is shrinking but still a HUGE OPPORTUNITY. I

    "Hello, Tim? Hi, it's Sog again. Never mind how I got this number. Just listen up; I've got this great idea … Yeah, another one … What? No it's much better than my 'Buy Burger King' plan … What? No, it's waaaaaayy better than my idea about opening up a retail chain in Syria … No wait! Just listen! Look, okay all that stuff about skating to where the puck's going to be? Old hat! It's been done, baby! Here's what you gotta do, Tim. You ready? Get this: Skate to where the puck WAS! Yeah, you heard right! The puck is not there! The teams have gone home! The crowd has left! The lights around the rink have been turned off and the security guards are already watching porn on their … Hello? Hello? Dang it to hell! He hung up on me again!"
    edited October 2016 randominternetpersonholyonejahajairelandfastasleepwatto_cobra
  • Reply 44 of 60
    sog35 said:
    sog35 said:
    sog35 said:
    sog35 said:
    ireland said:
    sog35 said:
    why is Apple so afraid of change?

    IMO, they need to start building iOS laptops and desktops. Why this hasn't happenned blows my mind.

    The fact is 90% of the population does not need a power of an intel desktop. They just need an iOS devices that sync's seamlessly with their phone/tablet/watch.

    Why isn't Apple doing this?

    I'd love to replace my MacMini with an iOS desktop.

    The most expensive part of most Mac's are the intel chips. Replace those $300 chips with a $50 A-series chip. 
    Are you asking for Mac with A-series chips or a Mac with A-series chips + iOS operating system. Because there's no way in hell I want iOS running on my Mac.
    I basically asking for an iOS desktop. No touch screen. Mouse/keyboard input.

    It does not have to run Mac programs, just iOS stuff.  
    Why not just ask for a desktop dock for an iPad Pro?  As long as you can connect a monitor, keyboard, and mouse with a few USB ports and usb-c, that's all you really need.  Then millions could have their iOS PC wish for a few hundred bucks.

    The current iPad Pros produce equivalent or higher Geekbench scores than some of their desktop counter parts.
    I thought of that too. 

    A doc would work in a household of one. But most desktops are a shared computer. It would be frustrated to find your 'desktop' computer gone when your wife took the iPad Pro to work. There is still a place for a standalone and non-portable computer.

    And this is a budget level product. $299-$399. Nothing fancy. Basically just an extension of your iPhone.

    Oh, one more feature. It would allow multiple user logins. So it would synch with different AppleID accounts depending on who you login as.

    There's this thing called iCloud that lets users access documents independently of any one physical device.  Everything your talking about might have made sense 5 or 10 years ago, but is completely off the table now.  The days of the average household being tied to a desktop hub are numbered.  In a few years people will look at desktop computers the way we look at a Norman Rockwell family sitting around the "wireless" listening to Abbot and Costello (or whatever they listened to with such rapture).
    explain why 300,000,000 PC's were sold last year?

    The day of the desktop computer is FAR from over.

    Look at the Amazon Echo. That's a desktop computer. Or the AppleTV. Same deal. Computers pulled into walls in a fixed location.

    First, show me where the 300 million number comes from.  I assume that's worldwide and that an increasing percentage of those sales are corporate.  I have no doubt that the number of consumer desktop PCs sold in the US (and advanced industrial countries) is dropping.  Tossing a revolutionary product into a decreasingly relevant market isn't the Apple way.

    Then you try to argue that the Amazon Echo is a desktop computer?  No mouse, no keyboard, no screen.  I'm pretty sure that's the definition of a "post-PC" device.  My iPhone sits on my desk sometimes; that doesn't make it a desktop computer.  And if the AppleTV is a desktop computer, then Apple is already doing what you suggesting. 

    Let me address your statements one at a time:

    "First show me where the 300 million number comes from"

    "I assume that's worldwide and that an increasing percentage of those sales are corporate. "

    Yes it is worldwide. And what's the problem with Apple targeting corporate sales? That is their big push with iPad, why not with an iOS desktop? Keep in mind a mid-level iPad with decent storage and a keyboard is $700-$800. An iOS desktop without a screen would be $299. There would be mass adoption by corporate when they see those prices.

    "Tossing a revolutionary product into a decreasingly relevant market isn't the Apple way."

    So why is Apple still selling Mac's? PC sales are down. Laptop sales are down. And even smartphone sales are almost stagnant. A shrinking market never stopped Apple from releasing new product as long as it meant unit growth for Apple. The desktop sector is ripe for disruption. And a $299 iOS desktop that is fast, secure, and sync seamlessly with your iPhone would be disruptive.

    Even if these iOS desktops don't make a ton of profit they are great for keeping people in the Apple ecosystem. Fact is most can't justify spending $1000 on Mac desktop. But offer a $299 iOS desktop and many will buy it. Its all about stickness. The more Apple devices a person uses the less likely they will leave the ecosystem. Synergy potential is MASSIVE with an iOS desktop.

    "Then you try to argue that the Amazon Echo is a desktop computer?  No mouse, no keyboard, no screen."

    Your definition of a home computer is way too narrow. Yes I do believe the Echo is a computer. It uses voice instead of a mouse/keyboard for input. And audio as output instead of a screen.

     "And if the AppleTV is a desktop computer, then Apple is already doing what you suggesting. "

    The AppleTV is a streamer. Its not built for mouse/keyboard input. But yes the guts for an iOS desktop would be similiar. But this is just like saying Apple did not need to make an iPad since its just a large iPhone. The truth is in the details.  ; Just 40% of "PC sales" are desktops and that proportion is shrinking.  D'oh.  You're specifically arguing for a whole new OS for a sector that is mature and shrinking.  To pretend that what you're asking for is anything like the Echo is absurd.  You're specifically arguing in favor of all the things that the Echo eschews.  You can't have to both ways--arguing that Apple should build a better horse and buggy and then pointing to the Model T as supporting evidence. 

    Why is Apple still selling Macs?  Because they are already doing so and doing a nice job at it.  If today's Apple didn't have a desktop line, they wouldn't be starting one.

    What business person would buy $299 (ha!) Apple iOS Desktops (monitor, etc. not included) for their employees?  Apple (rightfully so) has no credibility for supporting enterprise customers.  This is like arguing that the Newton would be a big hit with corporations back in the day.

    The desktop (as a must-have home device) is dead.  Get used to it.

  • Reply 45 of 60
    Rayz2016 said:
    sog35 said:

    The real market this would be attacking is the $399-$599 desktop market. A market that is shrinking but still a HUGE OPPORTUNITY. I

    "Hello, Tim? Hi, it's Sog again. Never mind how I got this number. Just listen up; I've got this great idea … Yeah, another one … What? No it's much better than my 'Buy Burger King' plan … What? No, it's waaaaaayy better than my idea about opening up a retail chain in Syria … No wait! Just listen! Look, okay all that stuff about skating to where the puck's going to be? Old hat! It's been done, baby! Here's what you gotta do, Tim. You ready? Get this: Skate to where the puck WAS! Yeah, you heard right! The puck is not there! The teams have gone home! The crowd has left! The lights around the rink have been turned off and the security guards are already watching porn on their … Hello? Hello? Dang it to hell! He hung up on me again!"

    Drop the mic and walk off the stage!  Thank you for this post.
  • Reply 46 of 60
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Rayz2016 said:
    sog35 said:

    The real market this would be attacking is the $399-$599 desktop market. A market that is shrinking but still a HUGE OPPORTUNITY. I

    "Hello, Tim? Hi, it's Sog again. Never mind how I got this number. Just listen up; I've got this great idea … Yeah, another one … What? No it's much better than my 'Buy Burger King' plan … What? No, it's waaaaaayy better than my idea about opening up a retail chain in Syria … No wait! Just listen! Look, okay all that stuff about skating to where the puck's going to be? Old hat! It's been done, baby! Here's what you gotta do, Tim. You ready? Get this: Skate to where the puck WAS! Yeah, you heard right! The puck is not there! The teams have gone home! The crowd has left! The lights around the rink have been turned off and the security guards are already watching porn on their … Hello? Hello? Dang it to hell! He hung up on me again!"

    Drop the mic and walk off the stage!  Thank you for this post.
    That's some funny shit lol
  • Reply 47 of 60
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    sog35 said:
    Rayz2016 said:
    sog35 said:
    I think this says it all.

    Its nuts that Apple isn't addressing the $299-$399 desktop market. This was impossible before because Intel chips are so expensive. Now that the A-series chips are fast enough its time to make a move. Even a $299 iHome with 128GB flash and A10 would make a very nice profit for Apple.

    You've put a loud glowing Apple logo on a machine that is going to be sitting in someone's eyeline.  So as well as being no Tim Cook, you're also no Jonny Ive.
    It would only light up on boot

    Its led so its easy to change the color/intensity of the light
    I'd say give it a rest for today.
    edited October 2016
  • Reply 48 of 60
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member

    sog35 said:
    Rayz2016 said:
    sog35 said:

    The real market this would be attacking is the $399-$599 desktop market. A market that is shrinking but still a HUGE OPPORTUNITY. I

    "Hello, Tim? Hi, it's Sog again. Never mind how I got this number. Just listen up; I've got this great idea … Yeah, another one … What? No it's much better than my 'Buy Burger King' plan … What? No, it's waaaaaayy better than my idea about opening up a retail chain in Syria … No wait! Just listen! Look, okay all that stuff about skating to where the puck's going to be? Old hat! It's been done, baby! Here's what you gotta do, Tim. You ready? Get this: Skate to where the puck WAS! Yeah, you heard right! The puck is not there! The teams have gone home! The crowd has left! The lights around the rink have been turned off and the security guards are already watching porn on their … Hello? Hello? Dang it to hell! He hung up on me again!"

    2 years ago I said Apple should invest much more in services and Cloud. People here called me an idiot. Now Apple is doing exactly that.
    Who called you an idiot for suggesting Apple invest more in cloud services? You'll have to name and shame because only an idiot would argue against that. And I'd got to add that if you're going to try to portray yourself as some kind of visionary you're going to have to go back a lot further than 2 years on that one. Many people prominent in the Apple community have been calling Apple's cloud services lacking for at the very least 5/6 years.
    edited October 2016 watto_cobra
  • Reply 49 of 60
    Rayz2016Rayz2016 Posts: 6,957member
    sog35 said:
    Rayz2016 said:
    sog35 said:

    The real market this would be attacking is the $399-$599 desktop market. A market that is shrinking but still a HUGE OPPORTUNITY. I

    "Hello, Tim? Hi, it's Sog again. Never mind how I got this number. Just listen up; I've got this great idea … Yeah, another one … What? No it's much better than my 'Buy Burger King' plan … What? No, it's waaaaaayy better than my idea about opening up a retail chain in Syria … No wait! Just listen! Look, okay all that stuff about skating to where the puck's going to be? Old hat! It's been done, baby! Here's what you gotta do, Tim. You ready? Get this: Skate to where the puck WAS! Yeah, you heard right! The puck is not there! The teams have gone home! The crowd has left! The lights around the rink have been turned off and the security guards are already watching porn on their … Hello? Hello? Dang it to hell! He hung up on me again!"
    Show me which one of my idea's were ridiculous? I'll be waiting

    2 years ago I proposed that Apple should make an AppleHub.  People said I was an idiot here. A year later we have the Amazon Echo and Apple is scrambling to build their own version.

    2 years ago I said Apple should invest much more in services and Cloud. People here called me an idiot. Now Apple is doing exactly that.

    Last year I said Apple should build iOS desktops.
    Last year I said Apple should license iOS in poor countries in Africa/Asia/South American.

    I still think those are all great ideas. 

    Well, it's hard to know where to begin. I guess the best place to start is with your idea that Apple should buy (insert random company name that you read about ten minutes before) just to boost your portfolio.

    The idea that Apple should license iOS to poor countries, so they can do what … install it on any device they find lying about? Who's going to support it? How will developers ensure that there stuff will work on devices they haven't seen? How will Apple continue to support the system as it hacked and modified beyond all recognition?

  • Reply 50 of 60
    Rayz2016Rayz2016 Posts: 6,957member

    sog35 said:
    Rayz2016 said:
    sog35 said:
    I think this says it all.

    Its nuts that Apple isn't addressing the $299-$399 desktop market. This was impossible before because Intel chips are so expensive. Now that the A-series chips are fast enough its time to make a move. Even a $299 iHome with 128GB flash and A10 would make a very nice profit for Apple.

    You've put a loud glowing Apple logo on a machine that is going to be sitting in someone's eyeline.  So as well as being no Tim Cook, you're also no Jonny Ive.
    It would only light up on boot

    Its led so its easy to change the color/intensity of the light


    Does it come with fluffy dice? Will it bounce up and down on hydraulic suspension when a really hot iPhone walks by?
  • Reply 51 of 60
    wigginwiggin Posts: 2,265member
    sog35 said:
    dysamoria said:
    rob53 said:
    sog35 said:
    why is Apple so afraid of change?

    IMO, they need to start building iOS laptops and desktops. Why this hasn't happenned blows my mind.

    The fact is 90% of the population does not need a power of an intel desktop. They just need an iOS devices that sync's seamlessly with their phone/tablet/watch.

    Why isn't Apple doing this?

    I'd love to replace my MacMini with an iOS desktop.

    The most expensive part of most Mac's are the intel chips. Replace those $300 chips with a $50 A-series chip. 
    Don't know who disliked your comments but I've been wondering the same thing. What does the Intel CPU offer over a custom A-series CPU? I don't really care about running Windows on my Mac (even though I run it at the moment, I don't use it nearly as much as I used to--just read that Windows 10 is available on AMD CPUs) so what else does Intel offer? Apple has added some very nice graphics to the iPhone and iPad so it can't be the Intel graphics GPU. How does Thunderbolt fit into the equation? Does this only work with Intel CPUs or could it work with A-series CPUs? Apple laptops are all going with solid state drives, the iMac is available with them as well so it can't be any disk management capabilities Intel offers. What's left to keep Apple from offering an A-series laptop? I'd love to see a dual (or more) 2+2 core A10 Fusion CPU with as many GPUs as Apple wants to include in an iMac. This same configuration could fit nicely in a Mac mini driving whatever display(s) people want to buy. I can only see an upside to removing Intel from the supply chain because of their lack of CPU development on a timely basis. It's not Apple's fault Intel takes so long to deliver on CPU upgrades that really are upgrades instead of simple updates.
    Obviously you're not invested in content creation software/hardware for Intel Mac computers...
    99% of the population is not invested in content creation software

    A iOS desktop would be a $299-$399 device. Not some powerhouse.

    Its basically going to replace people's crappy PC desktop. This is for normal people who just use their PC's for light tasks.

    I am in no way saying Apple should stop making Intel based Mac's
    So get an iPad mini and pair it to a bluetooth keyboard. And if you don't want to use it as a touch screen get the lightning AV adapter to connect it to the monitor of your choice and use the iPad as a giant track pad.

    Do you really think it would be worth fragmenting the product line to make a touchless iPad and chain it to a desk?
  • Reply 52 of 60
    Rayz2016Rayz2016 Posts: 6,957member
    sog35 said:
    Let me address your statements one at a time:

    "First show me where the 300 million number comes from"

    FRAMINGHAM, Mass.January 12, 2016 – Worldwide PC shipments totaled 71.9 million units in the fourth quarter of 2015 (4Q15), a year-on-year decline of -10.6%, according to the International Data Corporation (IDC Worldwide Quarterly PC Tracker . Although total shipments were in line with already conservative expectations, the news nonetheless ended 2015 as the first year below 300 million units since 2008. The holiday quarter achieved a modest uptick compared to the third quarter, but the year-on-year decline in 2015 shipments was nevertheless the largest in history, surpassing the decline of -9.8% in 2013.

    It's like you didn't even read it.

    And of course the more interesting figure is how much profit was made on those sales.
  • Reply 53 of 60
    Rayz2016Rayz2016 Posts: 6,957member
    sog35 said:
    Rayz2016 said:
    sog35 said:
    I think this says it all.

    Its nuts that Apple isn't addressing the $299-$399 desktop market. This was impossible before because Intel chips are so expensive. Now that the A-series chips are fast enough its time to make a move. Even a $299 iHome with 128GB flash and A10 would make a very nice profit for Apple.

    You've put a loud glowing Apple logo on a machine that is going to be sitting in someone's eyeline.  So as well as being no Tim Cook, you're also no Jonny Ive.
    It would only light up on boot

    Its led so its easy to change the color/intensity of the light

    Looking at this mockup also explains why you seem to come up with ideas that are so far outside what Apple is about. See the way that you just listed a bunch of specs? When Apple comes up with an idea they first look at what it brings to its customers because that is how they will sell it. They will not sell anything through a spec list. I think you should sell your shares and buy shares in HP. They sell more machines than Apple. They don't make as much money, but that's not as important as sales volume is it?

    And that's not how you spell 'seamless'.
  • Reply 54 of 60
    fastasleepfastasleep Posts: 6,450member
    Where's the setting to also block all posts where sog35 is quoted?
  • Reply 55 of 60
    'Supply chain reaffirms only three new Apple notebooks this fall, likely no 11" MacBook Air'
    Someone please tell that Supply Chain that 3 is still better than 0... 
  • Reply 56 of 60
    sirozhasirozha Posts: 801member
    iOS will never be for content creation. If one is in the business of creating anything other than home videos, iOS is not the right platform for it. Even when iOS is used as a serious business device, such as in meducal offices, it's mostly used for content consumption, such as pulling up patient charts, looking up medicine, etc. If there is any content creation on iOS, it's very limited and light. Many have tried to use iOS for content creation when the first, second, and third generation of iPads were released, and after some significant efforts, most folks have given up. iOS has been artificially held back by Apple to prevent it from canibalizing macOS. In my opinion, Apple has made a terrible mistake by using this strategy because it stymied the growth of the iOS market share while not really helping macOS grow its share. Because iOS devices are so profitable, if the canibalization of macOS by iOS had indeed happened, Apple would not have lost revenue and probably would have grown profits at a higher rate due to capturing a larger market share with iOS. 

    We know how the events unfolded. The iPad lost its market share to cheaper tablets because even though iPad has always been a superior device to other tablets, there's not much that iPad could do that other tablets could not. The price of the iPad is so much higher than most android tablets that it makes little sense for people on a budget to buy an iPad. If they have bought one already, there's little incentive to upgrade it to a newer one. 

    At this point, chances are iOS will remain a content consumption platform. However, this doesn't mean that Apple will not release a hybrid device that runs iOS in the tablet mode and macOS in the docked mode. At this point, nothing prevents Apple from creating such a device besides the stubborn refusal on the part of Apple to build such a hybrid device. I have no doubt such a device has been built and is being tested in the Apple's secret lab. The question is if it will ever be released to the masses. Tim Cook would have to walk back his denial that Apple would ever consider such a device if he decides to release it. 

    I, for one, can't wait for this device to be released. This is the only way that Apple can grow their tablet and laptop/desktop market share. Otherwise, both platforms will gradually slide into oblivion, and iPhone will be the only meaningful Apple's platform from the revenue/profit perspective, which is a dangerous road for Apple to take. 
  • Reply 57 of 60
    Rayz2016 said:
    sog35 said:
    I think this says it all.

    Its nuts that Apple isn't addressing the $299-$399 desktop market. This was impossible before because Intel chips are so expensive. Now that the A-series chips are fast enough its time to make a move. Even a $299 iHome with 128GB flash and A10 would make a very nice profit for Apple.

    You've put a loud glowing Apple logo on a machine that is going to be sitting in someone's eyeline.  So as well as being no Tim Cook, you're also no Jonny Ive.
    Also, why would the damn thing only run selected iOS Apps? Someone clearly has a concept in mind but hasn't thought it out at all.
  • Reply 58 of 60
    canukstormcanukstorm Posts: 2,732member
    sirozha said:
    iOS will never be for content creation. If one is in the business of creating anything other than home videos, iOS is not the right platform for it. Even when iOS is used as a serious business device, such as in meducal offices, it's mostly used for content consumption, such as pulling up patient charts, looking up medicine, etc. If there is any content creation on iOS, it's very limited and light. Many have tried to use iOS for content creation when the first, second, and third generation of iPads were released, and after some significant efforts, most folks have given up. iOS has been artificially held back by Apple to prevent it from canibalizing macOS. In my opinion, Apple has made a terrible mistake by using this strategy because it stymied the growth of the iOS market share while not really helping macOS grow its share. Because iOS devices are so profitable, if the canibalization of macOS by iOS had indeed happened, Apple would not have lost revenue and probably would have grown profits at a higher rate due to capturing a larger market share with iOS. 

    We know how the events unfolded. The iPad lost its market share to cheaper tablets because even though iPad has always been a superior device to other tablets, there's not much that iPad could do that other tablets could not. The price of the iPad is so much higher than most android tablets that it makes little sense for people on a budget to buy an iPad. If they have bought one already, there's little incentive to upgrade it to a newer one. 

    At this point, chances are iOS will remain a content consumption platform. However, this doesn't mean that Apple will not release a hybrid device that runs iOS in the tablet mode and macOS in the docked mode. At this point, nothing prevents Apple from creating such a device besides the stubborn refusal on the part of Apple to build such a hybrid device. I have no doubt such a device has been built and is being tested in the Apple's secret lab. The question is if it will ever be released to the masses. Tim Cook would have to walk back his denial that Apple would ever consider such a device if he decides to release it. 

    I, for one, can't wait for this device to be released. This is the only way that Apple can grow their tablet and laptop/desktop market share. Otherwise, both platforms will gradually slide into oblivion, and iPhone will be the only meaningful Apple's platform from the revenue/profit perspective, which is a dangerous road for Apple to take. 
    " iOS has been artificially held back by Apple to prevent it from canibalizing macOS. In my opinion, Apple has made a terrible mistake by using this strategy because it stymied the growth of the iOS market share while not really helping macOS grow its share."

    I agree, that in the beginning, this did happen but since iOS 9, and now iOS 10, there's much evidence that Apple is opening up iOS to take on more capabilities to the point where in a few years time it will cannibalize macOS

    The iPad lost its market share to cheaper tablets because even though iPad has always been a superior device to other tablets, there's not much that iPad could do that other tablets could not"

    Disagree. The biggest reason for the decline in sales of iPads, and tablets in general, is directly related to the meteoric rise in sales of large-screen smartphones. For the majority of Average Joes / Janes out there, large-screen smartphones today are more than capable of being their only "computer". And the only time they really need a tablet or a traditional PC is they need a device that's more powerful or need a bigger screen.
  • Reply 59 of 60
    sphericspheric Posts: 2,666member
    sog35 said:
    Rayz2016 said:
    sog35 said:
    I think this says it all.

    Its nuts that Apple isn't addressing the $299-$399 desktop market. This was impossible before because Intel chips are so expensive. Now that the A-series chips are fast enough its time to make a move. Even a $299 iHome with 128GB flash and A10 would make a very nice profit for Apple.

    You've put a loud glowing Apple logo on a machine that is going to be sitting in someone's eyeline.  So as well as being no Tim Cook, you're also no Jonny Ive.
    Also, why would the damn thing only run selected iOS Apps? Someone clearly has a concept in mind but hasn't thought it out at all.
    It would run only select iOS apps because Apps would need to be converted to mouse/keyboard support instead of touch.

    For most Apps that won't be that difficult. But you could not advertise it as running all iOS apps because some won't work on a mouse/keyboard interface.
    This exists. We call it "Mac". 
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