Tim Cook included in early list of potential VP candidates for Clinton campaign

in General Discussion
In one of the WikiLeaks-published Podesta emails allegedly detailing the inner workings of of the Hillary Clinton election campaign, Apple CEO Tim Cook was mentioned as an early possibility for Vice President and was included in a list with Bill Gates, Melinda Gates, and Michael Bloomberg.

The email was allegedly sent by Clinton staffer John Podesta as a first draft of potential, and un-vetted, vice presidential candidates. At the time of the email, said to be March 17, 2016, the campaign claimed to be "prepared to execute non-disclosure agreements with anyone we involve."

Other potential candidates from big business and tech include GM CEO Mary Barra, Michael Bloomberg, chairman and CEO of Xerox Ursula Burns, Bill Gates, Melinda Gates, CEO of Coca-Cola Muhtar Kent, president of The Rockefeller Foundation Judith Rodin, and CEO and Chairman of Starbucks Howard Schultz. The vast majority of candidates suggested to Clinton were political figures, however.

In the same released batch of e-mails, Cook was criticized for his lack of political acumen when dealing with the U.S. government regarding the San Bernardino iPhone 5c encryption issue.

Cook has held fundraising events for both the Clinton election campaign, as well as one for Republican Speaker of the House Paul Ryan.

The leaked e-mails do not include a response or a follow-up for the candidate listing at this time, revealing any thought process leading up to the ultimate selection. It is not clear if Cook was ever approached for the job, but given the sheer number of possibilities listed in the e-mail, he was probably not.

Early Tuesday morning, The WikiLeaks organization published nearly 2000 more emails, bringing the total up to 17,150. The group claims to have around another 33,000 emails to release.


  • Reply 1 of 62
    macxpressmacxpress Posts: 5,849member
    sog35 said:
    I hope Tim takes the Job.

    IMO, Tim is a better fit for public service or charity organization.

    He just doesn't have the mean streak to be a successful CEO in times of crisis.

    The stock price tells the whole story.

    Nothing personal against Tim. He seems to be a VERY NICE GENUINE person. And that's a problem when you are a CEO of a company competing against the sharks at Google, Samsung, Microsoft, Wall Street Journal, Verge, Bloomburg, NY Times, Digi Times, Yahoo Finance, CNBC, Amazon, Tesla, ect.  You need a CEO who will take of the kitty gloves and kick azz.  You need a CEO who is not afraid of confrontation and willing to embarass anyone who spews lies about Apple.
    All about your damn stock price isn't it...
  • Reply 2 of 62
    What about Santa Claus? Why is he missing from the list?
  • Reply 3 of 62
    jd_in_sbjd_in_sb Posts: 1,600member
    VP would be a demotion for Cook and a waste of his talents. 
  • Reply 4 of 62
    macxpressmacxpress Posts: 5,849member
    sog35 said:
    macxpress said:
    sog35 said:
    I hope Tim takes the Job.

    IMO, Tim is a better fit for public service or charity organization.

    He just doesn't have the mean streak to be a successful CEO in times of crisis.

    The stock price tells the whole story.

    Nothing personal against Tim. He seems to be a VERY NICE GENUINE person. And that's a problem when you are a CEO of a company competing against the sharks at Google, Samsung, Microsoft, Wall Street Journal, Verge, Bloomburg, NY Times, Digi Times, Yahoo Finance, CNBC, Amazon, Tesla, ect.  You need a CEO who will take of the kitty gloves and kick azz.  You need a CEO who is not afraid of confrontation and willing to embarass anyone who spews lies about Apple.
    All about your damn stock price isn't it...
    Yes and No.

    Stock price is important because:

    1. Some of the biggest Apple customers also are stockholders. When the stock is up they buy more Apple product.
    2. Retain talent. Most of the top level employees get 90% of their compensation from stock options. If your stock sucks good luck holding on to premier talent.
    3. Public relations. Not good for the image of a company if the stock is getting beaten down constantly
    4. Higher stock price means more buying power for Apple Inc. They can use their stock to buy other companies. The higher the stock the more companies they can acquire all other variables are equal.

    So yes, stock price IS IMPORTANT, even for non-shareholders.
    Sigh...Apple can't go private fast enough...
    edited October 2016 londordysamoriachialostkiwi
  • Reply 5 of 62
    quinneyquinney Posts: 2,528member
    What about Santa Claus? Why is he missing from the list?
    He's not from a southern state and not to the right of Clinton on the political spectrum.  Establishment Democrats do everything by the book.
  • Reply 6 of 62
    sog35 said:
    macxpress said:
    sog35 said:
    I hope Tim takes the Job.

    IMO, Tim is a better fit for public service or charity organization.

    He just doesn't have the mean streak to be a successful CEO in times of crisis.

    The stock price tells the whole story.

    Nothing personal against Tim. He seems to be a VERY NICE GENUINE person. And that's a problem when you are a CEO of a company competing against the sharks at Google, Samsung, Microsoft, Wall Street Journal, Verge, Bloomburg, NY Times, Digi Times, Yahoo Finance, CNBC, Amazon, Tesla, ect.  You need a CEO who will take of the kitty gloves and kick azz.  You need a CEO who is not afraid of confrontation and willing to embarass anyone who spews lies about Apple.
    All about your damn stock price isn't it...
    Yes and No.

    Stock price is important because:

    1. Some of the biggest Apple customers also are stockholders. When the stock is up they buy more Apple product.
    2. Retain talent. Most of the top level employees get 90% of their compensation from stock options. If your stock sucks good luck holding on to premier talent.
    3. Public relations. Not good for the image of a company if the stock is getting beaten down constantly
    4. Higher stock price means more buying power for Apple Inc. They can use their stock to buy other companies. The higher the stock the more companies they can acquire all other variables are equal.

    So yes, stock price IS IMPORTANT, even for non-shareholders.

    Oh come on.

    1. Makes no sense at all.  You could double or triple the price of AAPL and the number of additional iPhones, iPads, and Macs would barely budget due to this wealth effect.

    2. Retain talent.  Yeah, ok.  But I haven't seen a huge brain drain from Apple.  And when interesting people leave it's almost always to work on a more interesting project.  Money isn't the prime motivators for the superstars.

    3. Who cares about public relations related to the stock price (except people who care about the stock price)?  Do you know of anyone who hasn't bought an Apple product because the AAPL share price or P:E: ratio wasn't as high as it could be?

    4. Right, because the unfathomably large stockpile of CASH that Apple keeps running out because of all the big companies Apple snaps up?

    I get the stock price is important to shareholders (an embarrassing large proportion of my investments are in AAPL, so I'm one myself), but to argue that it's critical to Apple Inc. is off the mark.

  • Reply 7 of 62
    Gee. Some of the richest people on Earth. Go figure.
  • Reply 8 of 62
    dysamoriadysamoria Posts: 3,430member
    Because technology CEOs know anything about leadership of a country... Then again, our candidates fall into that same category...
  • Reply 9 of 62
    dysamoria said:
    Because technology CEOs know anything about leadership of a country... Then again, our candidates fall into that same category...
    With the exception of the small (but not trivial) chance that HRC leaves office due to health issues, the vice presidency is a figurehead position.  The only reason those name were floated were for the electoral benefit they could theoretically bring.  Most of those names would excite voters more than the top of the ticket.  At the end of the day HRC went the other direction.  Not that I think any of those names were seriously considered except as part of a brainstorming exercise.
  • Reply 10 of 62
    zoetmbzoetmb Posts: 2,655member
    jd_in_sb said:
    VP would be a demotion for Cook and a waste of his talents. 
    That's exactly right.   People wonder why our political choices are so bad and that's why.   Being a politician today, even POTUS, is a completely thankless job.   You have the 24/7 cable news cycle ready to pounce on everything one does as a "got-cha".   You have the pundits both on cable and on the web criticizing everything.   You have the public, who no longer has any respect or trust in politicians.   And you have the inability to get anything done if the POTUS and Congress are of different parties because the extremists in Congress are unwilling to compromise.  

    On more local fronts, Governors and Mayors can't get much done because so much of their budgets go to paying pensions.   And it's difficult to change the way public employees do their jobs. 

    No one in their rights minds would want most political jobs these days and so we get people who aren't in their right minds.   And of course, at least as compared to major industry, the pay sucks, although Tim and people like him don't have money concerns.    And you say, the VP isn't much of a job anyway, even if Clinton-Gore did have a semblance of a co-presidency and so did Bush-Cheney (some would argue that Cheney was really the President).  
  • Reply 11 of 62
    dougddougd Posts: 292member
    I doubt he'd accept a draft as VP. For what ?
  • Reply 12 of 62
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,020member
    macxpress said:
    sog35 said:
    I hope Tim takes the Job.

    IMO, Tim is a better fit for public service or charity organization.

    He just doesn't have the mean streak to be a successful CEO in times of crisis.

    The stock price tells the whole story.

    Nothing personal against Tim. He seems to be a VERY NICE GENUINE person. And that's a problem when you are a CEO of a company competing against the sharks at Google, Samsung, Microsoft, Wall Street Journal, Verge, Bloomburg, NY Times, Digi Times, Yahoo Finance, CNBC, Amazon, Tesla, ect.  You need a CEO who will take of the kitty gloves and kick azz.  You need a CEO who is not afraid of confrontation and willing to embarass anyone who spews lies about Apple.
    All about your damn stock price isn't it...
    If he's an investor, yes, it is.  
  • Reply 13 of 62
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,020member

    macxpress said:
    sog35 said:
    macxpress said:
    sog35 said:
    I hope Tim takes the Job.

    IMO, Tim is a better fit for public service or charity organization.

    He just doesn't have the mean streak to be a successful CEO in times of crisis.

    The stock price tells the whole story.

    Nothing personal against Tim. He seems to be a VERY NICE GENUINE person. And that's a problem when you are a CEO of a company competing against the sharks at Google, Samsung, Microsoft, Wall Street Journal, Verge, Bloomburg, NY Times, Digi Times, Yahoo Finance, CNBC, Amazon, Tesla, ect.  You need a CEO who will take of the kitty gloves and kick azz.  You need a CEO who is not afraid of confrontation and willing to embarass anyone who spews lies about Apple.
    All about your damn stock price isn't it...
    Yes and No.

    Stock price is important because:

    1. Some of the biggest Apple customers also are stockholders. When the stock is up they buy more Apple product.
    2. Retain talent. Most of the top level employees get 90% of their compensation from stock options. If your stock sucks good luck holding on to premier talent.
    3. Public relations. Not good for the image of a company if the stock is getting beaten down constantly
    4. Higher stock price means more buying power for Apple Inc. They can use their stock to buy other companies. The higher the stock the more companies they can acquire all other variables are equal.

    So yes, stock price IS IMPORTANT, even for non-shareholders.
    Sigh...Apple can't go private fast enough...

    What are you...20 years old in your 1st semester of economics?  
    ronnsingularitySpamSandwichtallest skil
  • Reply 14 of 62
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,020member
    Well, he'd be better than the Creepy Batman Villain, Tim Kaine.  
  • Reply 15 of 62
    sog35 said:
    I hope Tim takes the Job.

    IMO, Tim is a better fit for public service or charity organization.

    He just doesn't have the mean streak to be a successful CEO in times of crisis.

    The stock price tells the whole story.

    Nothing personal against Tim. He seems to be a VERY NICE GENUINE person. And that's a problem when you are a CEO of a company competing against the sharks at Google, Samsung, Microsoft, Wall Street Journal, Verge, Bloomburg, NY Times, Digi Times, Yahoo Finance, CNBC, Amazon, Tesla, ect.  You need a CEO who will take of the kitty gloves and kick azz.  You need a CEO who is not afraid of confrontation and willing to embarass anyone who spews lies about Apple.
    Yeah, because you become the #1 supply chain expert genius in the world by being a nice guy. And Steve Jobs's mean streak was so helpful to him when drove his incredibly innovative NeXT company to bankruptcy.
  • Reply 16 of 62
    macxpressmacxpress Posts: 5,849member
    sog35 said:
    macxpress said:
    sog35 said:
    macxpress said:
    sog35 said:
    I hope Tim takes the Job.

    IMO, Tim is a better fit for public service or charity organization.

    He just doesn't have the mean streak to be a successful CEO in times of crisis.

    The stock price tells the whole story.

    Nothing personal against Tim. He seems to be a VERY NICE GENUINE person. And that's a problem when you are a CEO of a company competing against the sharks at Google, Samsung, Microsoft, Wall Street Journal, Verge, Bloomburg, NY Times, Digi Times, Yahoo Finance, CNBC, Amazon, Tesla, ect.  You need a CEO who will take of the kitty gloves and kick azz.  You need a CEO who is not afraid of confrontation and willing to embarass anyone who spews lies about Apple.
    All about your damn stock price isn't it...
    Yes and No.

    Stock price is important because:

    1. Some of the biggest Apple customers also are stockholders. When the stock is up they buy more Apple product.
    2. Retain talent. Most of the top level employees get 90% of their compensation from stock options. If your stock sucks good luck holding on to premier talent.
    3. Public relations. Not good for the image of a company if the stock is getting beaten down constantly
    4. Higher stock price means more buying power for Apple Inc. They can use their stock to buy other companies. The higher the stock the more companies they can acquire all other variables are equal.

    So yes, stock price IS IMPORTANT, even for non-shareholders.
    Sigh...Apple can't go private fast enough...
    They don't need to.

    They just need a CEO who can defend the company and spew some BS vision about its future.

    Look at companies like Amazon, Google, Tesla, ect. They are all in much worse shape than Apple, and far riskier. Yet their stock is valued at 200%-1000% higher than Apple. Its because their CEO knows how to spew BS and spin. Their CEO's also know how to chew out the media and Wall Street. Apple desperately needs a CEO who is NOT afraid of ruffling feathers and getting DIRTY.

    One example is Ming Kuo (the well connected 'insider') the guy in the far east spewing crap about Apple. If Apple had a crafty CEO, Ming would be silent. A crafty CEO would send a dozen guys to Ming's office and home. You know the rest. Nothing illegal. But very persuasive. That's just one example.

    Instead of spending $200 billion on buying back stock, Apple should have hired an entire PR arm, who's sole purpose is to aggressively combat the FUD and lies spread by the media. That would cost way less than $200 billion and the stock would be MUCH HIGHER if Apple aggressively fought back, even pushing legal action against these people.
    Yes they do...because they we don't have to deal with people like you who just care about how much money Apple is making you. 
  • Reply 17 of 62
    gtrgtr Posts: 3,231member
    Clinton and Cook?

    They'd be like orange juice and toothpaste together.

    For those who like to hear both sides of a story, go to www.breitbart.com on a regular basis to find out why.
    apple ][SpamSandwichmacseekercalitallest skilfreshmaker
  • Reply 18 of 62
    this article could have merged with the previous one on MisFit:)
  • Reply 19 of 62
    foggyhillfoggyhill Posts: 4,767member
    gtr said:
    Clinton and Cook?

    They'd be like orange juice and toothpaste together.

    For those who like to hear both sides of a story, go to www.breitbart.com on a regular basis to find out why.
    Give me cycling break, Breitbarts guy runs the god damn Trump campaign and besides extreme xenophobia and misogyny and sucking the tit of every conspiracy, I don't see another side
  • Reply 20 of 62
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    foggyhill said:
    Give me cycling break, Breitbarts guy runs the god damn Trump campaign and besides extreme xenophobia and misogyny and sucking the tit of every conspiracy, I don't see another side
    Hillary, represents extreme racism, extreme support for terrorists, extreme anti-Americanism, extreme pedophilia, extreme rapism, extreme criminality, extreme fraud, extreme deception, extreme corruption, extreme sickness, extreme voter fraud, extreme anti-second amendment, extreme anti-first amendment and extreme extremism.
    edited October 2016 macseekertallest skilgtrrbelize
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