Note 7 owners launch first of several class action lawsuits in South Korea

in General Discussion
Samsung is set to face multiple South Korean lawsuits over the Galaxy Note 7, amid reports that it's still looking to track down the cause of battery fires, and offering Koreans discounted upgrades to next year's flagship phones -- including the Note 8.

An initial class action suit on behalf of 527 Note 7 buyers is demanding 500,000 won (roughly $440) per person for the inconvenience of the recall and the phone's eventual demise, Bloomberg said on Monday. The lawfirm running the suit, Harvest Law, said it's "planning to file a lawsuit every month."

The issue, Harvest claimed, is that Note 7 owners not only had to return to stores multiple times, but were expected to download software limiting their battery to 60 percent capacity, and reconfigure apps and logins after getting a recall device they ultimately had to abandon anyway.

The firm said it's received three complaints from people whose phones caught on fire, which will be bundled into a separate lawsuit.

Bolstering its efforts to restore good will, Samsung on Monday revealed a Korean program whereby people exchanging a Note 7 for a Galaxy S7 or S7 Edge will be able to trade that in for a sharp discount on the Galaxy S8 or Note 8, neither of which have been officially revealed. Specifically, people will only have to pay half the cost of the S7 to get the 2017 hardware, Reuters reported.

The program could come to other countries, Samsung said, without elaborating on details. In many regions the company has been offering refunds or exchanges, in some cases with extra credit.

The Wall Street Journal said on Sunday that Samsung is still trying to figure out the cause of the Note 7 fires, acknowledging that it misdiagnosed the problem as purely battery-related when it issued a recall. The company is even reportedly delaying the development of the Galaxy S8 by two weeks as engineers work on the Note 7 autopsy.

Samsung allegedly dismissed some of the initial Note 7 fire anecdotes, but decided it needed to act fast after it became clear the trouble was serious, rather than conduct a thorough investgation. This led to the recall and a new battery supplier, which didn't end up solving anything.

The recall is said to have caught the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission offguard, since it wasn't informed prior and normally investigates malfunctions. Even once the CPSC was alerted, Samsung chose a fast-track route, which bypassed the Commission's usual preliminary determination process. This might have saved Samsung from some liability issues, but meant it sailed into the recall blind.


  • Reply 1 of 16
    blastdoorblastdoor Posts: 3,520member
    If SJ were alive I suspect he would interpret these events as evidence that is consistent with the existence of karma. 
  • Reply 2 of 16
    Hey, it's South Korea. Samsung probably owns every judge and every politician there.
  • Reply 3 of 16
    Even the lawyers don't know hot to copy. They need to pay close attention to Apple class actions to do this properly. Here are some tips:

    - You need to file right away. Preferably within the first 24 hours of any known issue.
    - You should have bought your own Note 7's and then find someone to give them to, so you can have a plaintiff(s) to help you start your lawsuit.
    - You need to look for other issues you can start separate class actions for. Like Galaxy phones not having a full 32GB of storage after Android is installed. Or the irreparable harm caused to customers over Samsung features that have been discontinued (like Milk Music). Or the harm caused by no longer offering replaceable batteries.
  • Reply 4 of 16
    blastdoorblastdoor Posts: 3,520member
    Hey, it's South Korea. Samsung probably owns every judge and every politician there.
    It's rigged!
  • Reply 5 of 16
    I just find it funny it took so long .... every ambulance chasing law firm in the world would have lined up to take this on if it was a iPhone !!!!
  • Reply 6 of 16
    h2ph2p Posts: 335member
    <whisper> is there any chance that Android has issues handling the Note 7 hardware (battery, etc)?
  • Reply 7 of 16
    Seriously, what kind of a dimwit would get a Note 8 after the Note 7 debacle? I know exactly what kind. This acquaintance of mine who keeps using his Note 7 despite the recall (because hey, it's a free phone!). 
  • Reply 8 of 16
    Seriously, what kind of a dimwit would get a Note 8 after the Note 7 debacle? I know exactly what kind. This acquaintance of mine who keeps using his Note 7 despite the recall (because hey, it's a free phone!). 
    Maybe he's just holding out till it actually causes him bodily harm. After the settlement or jury verdict, all his future phones will be free!
  • Reply 9 of 16
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    There are now reports out there that say the Galaxy S8, let alone the Note 8, is suffering severe delays because Samsung still doesn’t know what the root cause of the battery fires is. All the Samsung cult members are predicting a quick recovery and business as usual. I’m not so sure about that now.
  • Reply 10 of 16
    badmonkbadmonk Posts: 1,326member
    I'm surprised they are even thinking about a GN 8.  The lineage is dead and they need a new name.
  • Reply 11 of 16
    jbdragonjbdragon Posts: 2,312member
    I gave Samesung a battery pass early on as all phones, including the iPhone have had Exploding battery's. It's just a fact of life with Lithium. It's the failure rate that matters. How many fail to how many sold. 1 in 10,000? 1 in 50,000? 1 in 1 million? 1 in 10 million, and so on. There's been a couple iPhone 7's exploding supposedly, out of how many? One could guess 25 million sold so far since launch. Where for the Note 7, I've heard anything from 100 to 200 phones blowing up out of 2.5 to 3 million. That's much, much, much worse!!! It had to be a pretty high failure rate to just completely KILL the phone all together and take what could be a 10 billion loss or more. You don't do something like that over a FEW phones!!! When you sell millions of phones, you will get a few defects. Nothing is 100% perfect. It's why there's Lemon Laws on Cars. They should all be the same right? Yet a few cars break down and end up in the Shop getting worked on over and over and over again. For phones and other devices, it's Lithium. They have to be perfect. A minor flaw and the right conditions could set it off. With the Note 7, it wasn't so bad that they had exploding phones and kind of a high rate. What really made it BAD is releasing a so called FIXED Note 7, and all they did was guess, assumed what was wrong because they couldn't figure it out and in the end, that backfired on them. They were in such a rush to get their phones back out there. Right off the bat I had thought it was strange and really FAST that they got FIXED Note 7's out into the market as fast as they did, and now we all know why. They didn't actually fix anything. They just used the battery's from the factory they though were problem free, even though the battery's at both factory's are designed the SAME for the Samesung Note 7. That just seemed like a dumb move. It's like no one was thinking?!?!?! So it wasn't the blowing up Note 7's to start with that were a huge problem. It was a growing problem though, but the FIXED Note 7's that didn't fix anything that made this a HUGE screw up!!! Even now I still give Samesung a free pass on the first few exploding phones. it happens with everyone. It's all about the percentages.
  • Reply 12 of 16
    Two weeks will make all the difference, I'm sure.
  • Reply 13 of 16
    calicali Posts: 3,494member
    Samsung blamed battery manufacturers first.

    I hope this bites them in the ass. 
  • Reply 14 of 16
    Oh, BURN!!!

    Wait. Too soon? :D
  • Reply 15 of 16
    h2ph2p Posts: 335member
    jbdragon said:
    ... Even now I still give Samesung a free pass on the first few exploding phones. it happens with everyone. It's all about the percentages.
    When the Note 7 was banned from US Airlines -- That's it! Toast.

    Unexplained, unresolved issues with exploding phones is Not about percentages. This Model (and this brand) is in Real trouble.

    There is the incident on the Louisville SW Air flight with the "Replacement" N7! On the plane, fortunately before they pulled away from the gate - prompted this statement:

    "There are no 'safe' Galaxy Note 7s... The entire Note 7 line as been canceled and all Note 7 units have been deemed unsafe."

    I understand your point -- AND this is no longer about percentages. One downed airliner, a tiny fraction of all planes in the air that day, could possible spell the end of Samsung mobile in the US.
  • Reply 16 of 16
    1st1st Posts: 443member
    "amid reports that it's still looking to track down the cause of battery fires,..." you start offer next gen handset meanwhile still NFF (no fault found) at FA (failure analysis level) for the N7, S7? seriously? N8 must eliminate battery all together... with such a confidence... 
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