President-elect Trump says Apple CEO Tim Cook phoned him after victory



  • Reply 21 of 66
    wood1208wood1208 Posts: 2,921member
    I voted for Mr.Trump but one advice for him. Stay away from screwing great American corporation like Apple.
  • Reply 22 of 66
    apple ][ said:
    Just so you know in advance, I am going to slam all of the hateful and ignorant, little liberals on here when it turns out that Trump actually turns out to be a good President.

    So far nothing he has said gives me any confidence in that prediction. 

    Imagine if it turns out that Apple and other American companies will be able to repatriate all or most of their foreign cash during Trump's term. Trump is a doer, unlike the community organizer and full-time golfer that has held the position for the last 8 years. 

    If you really believe in Trump that's your right but why do you need to insult President Obama to make your point? Insulting others show a lack of respect for others and can only make people angry and not your point of view.

    The guy hasn't even begun at his new job yet, and yet, probably all of the same idiots who loudly declared that Trump had a 0% chance of winning, are the same idiots that are now declaring his term to be a failure, when it hasn't even begun yet.

    Let's see how this plays out, please make a long list of insults and keep it handy to insult others when Trump makes a boo boo. 

    I suppose that these are the same clueless idiots who applauded and thought that it was a good idea when Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in advance, at the very beginning of his Presidency.

    What any of that has to do with anything now?????

    No matter what happens, I am going to enjoy the next 4 years, and I suspect that there will be a lot more crying, whining and tantrums to be had from liberals, who basically act like racist, adult babies. They will just have to be smacked down, that is how to deal with adult babies.

    Yes you are so right, all the pro human rights people are such racists.
    The shrill tone from Trump's supporters sees no letting up. I don't recall the left calling McCain and Romney voters names and deriding them for their choice. Perhaps you can do some research there to remind me. 

  • Reply 23 of 66
    tzeshantzeshan Posts: 2,351member
    I agree with Trump a lot US media are liars.  They sell their souls for money through ads.  
    apple ][
  • Reply 24 of 66
    ben20 said:
    Maybe you guys should read the "Art of the deal". 
    Maybe you should read the statements of the real author of that book, who absolutely blasts Trump. Donnie couldn't write a coloring book. He's a pathological liar and con artist.
  • Reply 25 of 66
    rob53 said:
    lkrupp said:
    macxpress said:
    He said exactly what he needed to in order to get elected ...
    I'm beginning to think that's true.  Maybe he never intended to DO these things... he just SAID them to gain votes.  Once in office, he may act very differently.  Admittedly that would infuriate the millions who voted for him, but he'll have 4 years to run he country and may consider the alienation of his voters just "collateral damage" -- a means to an end.

    (I voted strongly against him, so I'm not defending him... just trying to understand his behavior.)
    Most people voted for him not because of the things he said but because he promised change. You may recall that Barack Obama also promised Hope and Change. The vast majority of Trump voters are not the racists, bigots, homophobes, or xenophobes as liberals would label them to be and they swallowed hard at some of the crap that emanated from his mouth. Truth is all ideologies have their lunatic fringe crazies that the media presents as the face of the parties. I’m going to assume Trump is a pragmatist at heart because he is a businessman. Ronald Regan and Tip O’Neil were at opposite ends of the political spectrum but they able to work out deals. But you are right, time will tell what he’s really all about. 
    I beg to differ with your assessment. I live in the Pacific Northwest and even though Clinton took WA, OR, and CA, once you get away from I-5 in WA you find the same kind of people who live in the bible belt. A lot of them are racists, bigots, and everything else who say what I am is all that matters and to hell with everyone else, especially those commie liberals. Look at the county maps for the west coast. The vast amount of counties went for Trump. There's also a lot of people on the West Coast who want to split from the US. This is the State of Jefferson from northern CA to who knows how far north. I don't want to be like Donnie and call these people ignorant but a lot of these people are minimally educated, born and raised in more or less the same area, and are content with how they live. They don't care about other people, especially all those foreigners (without admitting their ancestors also were foreigners at one time). That said, a lot of Clinton voters are also racists and bigots because we can't stand those damn Republicans. Neither side is right but I just wish we could all get along. I don't see that happening as long as our President elect continues to think we can get along with people who have no desire to even try and get along with us. 
    I'm an independent who leans Libertarian so I tend to have a mix of conservative and liberal views. The Republicans I know well tend to have racist views. These are college educated engineers. They don't go around saying the N word but they take positions like being in favor racial profiling blacks because "it benefits us (white people)". They were bothered by the fact that the first lady was black. In addition those people I know that supported Trump are people I know are biased. None of these people are extremists as in the KKK. It isn't like they don't have black friends but it is obvious that they think whites are special.
  • Reply 26 of 66
    k2kw said:
    paxman said:
    The Trump government - The slow unfolding of a train wreck of epic proportions. He has already doubled back on most of his major campaign promises - vague as they were. 
    He's already said he will pull out of TPP on day one.

    he has to do most of the Big Things like building a Wall and getting tough on free trade crap that screws American workers.

    he shouldn't worry if the Price of an IPhone doubles because of Higher import tariffs.  Apple is California company and CA votes for the democrats so why worry about them.   Either they bring jobs back to USA (through lots of automation) or their stock will slide.

    Cook better suck up to Trump - he's a bad CEO anyway - or of to Guantanamo.
    If Trump puts a 40% tariff on overseas products the US dollars in our pockets are going to devalue. What now cost $100 at Walmart will cost significantly more. The people who pay the import tax is the average American consumer not the foreign manufacturer. The entity that gets the tax revenues is the federal government. So Trump's tariffs will be like a 40%federal sales tax on a lot of what we buy, not just iPhones.
  • Reply 27 of 66
    apple ][ said:
    Just so you know in advance, I am going to slam all of the hateful and ignorant, little liberals on here when it turns out that Trump actually turns out to be a good President.

    Imagine if it turns out that Apple and other American companies will be able to repatriate all or most of their foreign cash during Trump's term. Trump is a doer, unlike the community organizer and full-time golfer that has held the position for the last 8 years. 

    The guy hasn't even begun at his new job yet, and yet, probably all of the same idiots who loudly declared that Trump had a 0% chance of winning, are the same idiots that are now declaring his term to be a failure, when it hasn't even begun yet.

    I suppose that these are the same clueless idiots who applauded and thought that it was a good idea when Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in advance, at the very beginning of his Presidency.

    No matter what happens, I am going to enjoy the next 4 years, and I suspect that there will be a lot more crying, whining and tantrums to be had from liberals, who basically act like racist, adult babies. They will just have to be smacked down, that is how to deal with adult babies.
    You outed yourself at "community organizer" as someone that just regurgitates right-wing propaganda. The right only acknowledges his term in the US Senate as if he didn't spend seven years in the Illinois State Senate. Nice! Closing with a little hate speech.
  • Reply 28 of 66
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member
    I am sure many here have read this critical article on the Republican Party and on Trump. If you are a Trump supporter or die hard republican you may not want to, but it is an intelligent and yes, very gloomy look at the status quo.
  • Reply 29 of 66
    paxman said:
    The Trump government - The slow unfolding of a train wreck of epic proportions. He has already doubled back on most of his major campaign promises - vague as they were. 
    As someone once said, no one goes broke underestimating the stupidity of the American public. Or something to that effect.... 
  • Reply 30 of 66

    apple ][ said:
    Just so you know in advance, I am going to slam all of the hateful and ignorant, little liberals on here when it turns out that Trump actually turns out to be a good President.

    Imagine if it turns out that Apple and other American companies will be able to repatriate all or most of their foreign cash during Trump's term. Trump is a doer, unlike the community organizer and full-time golfer that has held the position for the last 8 years. 

    The guy hasn't even begun at his new job yet, and yet, probably all of the same idiots who loudly declared that Trump had a 0% chance of winning, are the same idiots that are now declaring his term to be a failure, when it hasn't even begun yet.

    I suppose that these are the same clueless idiots who applauded and thought that it was a good idea when Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in advance, at the very beginning of his Presidency.

    No matter what happens, I am going to enjoy the next 4 years, and I suspect that there will be a lot more crying, whining and tantrums to be had from liberals, who basically act like racist, adult babies. They will just have to be smacked down, that is how to deal with adult babies.
    Gosh, you're a sore winner.

    Not that you likely care, but that's pretty pathetic to watch.
  • Reply 31 of 66
    ben20 said:
    Maybe you guys should read the "Art of the deal". 
    Why? Who wrote it?
    edited November 2016 baconstang
  • Reply 32 of 66
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Gosh, you're a sore winner.

    Not that you likely care, but that's pretty pathetic to watch.
    A battle has been won, but the war is not over. 
    gtrtallest skil
  • Reply 33 of 66
    If Trump puts a 40% tariff on overseas products the US dollars in our pockets are going to devalue. What now cost $100 at Walmart will cost significantly more. The people who pay the import tax is the average American consumer not the foreign manufacturer. The entity that gets the tax revenues is the federal government. So Trump's tariffs will be like a 40%federal sales tax on a lot of what we buy, not just iPhones.
    Don't worry...
    He'll balance out the increased revenue by giving the top 0.1% a big tax break.
  • Reply 34 of 66
    bluefire1bluefire1 Posts: 1,309member
    He's interviewing minority candidates from both parties as well as moderates for official positions, he backtracked on his promise to have his Attorney General try to lock Hillary up, and he didn't mention Obamacare in his goals for his first 100 days.
    Now that he won the election, let's see what the real Donald is all about.
  • Reply 35 of 66
    gtrgtr Posts: 3,231member
    apple ][ said:
    Just so you know in advance, I am going to slam all of the hateful and ignorant, little liberals on here when it turns out that Trump actually turns out to be a good President.

    Imagine if it turns out that Apple and other American companies will be able to repatriate all or most of their foreign cash during Trump's term. Trump is a doer, unlike the community organizer and full-time golfer that has held the position for the last 8 years. 

    The guy hasn't even begun at his new job yet, and yet, probably all of the same idiots who loudly declared that Trump had a 0% chance of winning, are the same idiots that are now declaring his term to be a failure, when it hasn't even begun yet.

    I suppose that these are the same clueless idiots who applauded and thought that it was a good idea when Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in advance, at the very beginning of his Presidency.

    No matter what happens, I am going to enjoy the next 4 years, and I suspect that there will be a lot more crying, whining and tantrums to be had from liberals, who basically act like racist, adult babies. They will just have to be smacked down, that is how to deal with adult babies.
    Hear, hear!

    1). The guy has basically financed his own nomination campaign and owes no favours.
    2). He's taken a symbolic salary of a dollar/year only (who was last leader we saw do that who turned out to be amazing, Apple fans?)
    3). He's imposed a five year lobbying ban on his own adminstration to prevent corruption
    4). ...and a lifetime ban on lobbying for foreign interests
    5). He doesn't care about the effect on his brand: "Stahl asked Ivanka Trump if the campaign had hurt the family’s business brand. Ivanka Trump replied that she didn’t think it mattered. “Who cares?". "Who cares?” Trump added earnestly. “This is big league stuff. This is our country. Our country is going bad. We’re going to save our country. I don’t care about hotel occupancy. It’s peanuts compared to what we’re doing.”

    He has just run, not just against the democratic party and their candidate, but the republican party, 90% of the media, Wall St, FBI, DOJ, global elites, and yet he still won.

    How did all those polls get it so wrong? Or were they lying to you the entire time?

    There are clues here, guys.

    All the signs of a potentially great leader.

    You're almost twenty trillion dollars in the hole, America. Time to try a different strategy.
    edited November 2016 apple ][
  • Reply 36 of 66
    Big GuyBig Guy Posts: 1unconfirmed, member
    paxman said:
    The Trump government - The slow unfolding of a train wreck of epic proportions. He has already doubled back on most of his major campaign promises - vague as they were. 
    Oh Yeah yeah, Just like his presidential campaign was a "slow unfolding of a train wreck of epic proportions" and Hillary Clinton had 99.99% chance of wiping the floor with "Donald Drumpf", right? Keep living in the liberal bubble.
    gtrtallest skil
  • Reply 37 of 66
    paxman said:
    The Trump government - The slow unfolding of a train wreck of epic proportions. He has already doubled back on most of his major campaign promises - vague as they were. 
    As someone once said, no one goes broke underestimating the stupidity of the American public. Or something to that effect.... 
    Didn't 'he' say that he was more intelligent than most of the people voting for him and that they basically don't realise that they are thick/stupid.
    Seems to confirm that the American Public are stupid. Their Homer simpson moment perhaps (Doh!)
  • Reply 38 of 66
    gtr said:

    4). ...and a lifetime ban on lobbying for foreign interests

    Perhaps he should ban himself right now. He tried to get a friend of his (Nigel Farage) appointed as UK Ambassador to the USA.
    If that is not a clear breach of thar rule, then I don't know what is.

    I have a $100 bet on DT not lasting his full first term as President.

  • Reply 39 of 66
    Manufacturing iPhones in the US is totally feasible if the manufacting lines are robotic. Apple or its manufacturing contractors will have to completely retool, but in the long run this is the right decision. The iPhone manufacturing in the US would create some high paying manufacturing jobs for those who would be programming and servicing the robots, but this would not bring tens of thousands of manufacturing jobs to the US. Nevertheless, this move should be welcome because it would promote domestic manufacturing and reduce dependence on Chinese labor. 

    As for Trump's conflict of interest, one or two
    million dollars invested in Apple is negligible in Trump's case. This is not a large investment for him, and this would not affect his policy vis-a-vis Apple either way. 
  • Reply 40 of 66
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
    gtr said:

    1). The guy has basically financed his own nomination campaign and owes no favours.
    If you buy into the "self-financed" con of Trump filling his own pockets with his supporters' donations then you'll believe anything.
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