The Apple Stickers
When my sister bought her ibook, it shipped with two white apple stickers. My dad finally gave in and let me put bumber stickers on the car. We have a 92 Plymouth voyager, and on the back bumber it has like these two things that stick out sorta just an extended surface. I put one apple sticker on each, and now it looks like we have an apple turbo mobile.
What did you do with your stickers?
I think its really cool that apple ships them with their products.. . why do you think they do?
What should I do with the ones that come with my iMac?
What did you do with your stickers?
I think its really cool that apple ships them with their products.. . why do you think they do?
What should I do with the ones that come with my iMac?
Maybe I'll put one on my front door or mailbox?
cant do much On Screen Keyboarrdd winbloows
And I still have over 20 of the things sitting on my bookshelf. Must have an eBay auction one of these days.
Yeah, I have a problem. Must...quit...buying new Macs...
<strong>I still have the static cling rainbow apple stickers that came with my old Performa. One of them has graced the back window of every car I've owned since then.</strong><hr></blockquote>
I have some of those, you used to be able to order them from a page on Apple's site. They would then send them to you by express mail all the way from Cupertino to where ever you where in the world, all for free. Not the most intelligent way to use company resources.
[ 09-13-2002: Message edited by: Mediaman ]</p>
As I got TWO stickers. .. white ones, of the same size.. i think i could use them as the bikini top next year on the beach <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" />
Instead of having the standard bikini triangles ... that'd look Apple <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" />
i tend to see alot of cars like this whenever im near an apple store.
(i made my own pro speakers)
Large WHite apple sticker on each side...avobe a smaller colored sticker (multi colored for the slow person)
[ 09-16-2002: Message edited by: ast3r3x ]</p>
When the G3 came out, I got a whole bunch of the snail stickers and stuck them on Wintel boxes at work. The irony is that at the time I was working for the law firm that was (and still is) representing MS in the ongoing antitrust lawsuit. <img src="graemlins/hmmm.gif" border="0" alt="[Hmmm]" />
[ 09-17-2002: Message edited by: Escher ]</p>
<strong> on a metal coffee thermos</strong><hr></blockquote>
I made the same, too.
One friend actually asked me "Does Apple make thermos now ?"
[ 09-17-2002: Message edited by: BrianMacOS ]</p>
There was a computer class in one of my schools, and the room it was located in had the windows completely covered with the colored Apple clings.