This is what iPod really needs!!! (Mock-up pic inside*)



  • Reply 21 of 28
    Yeah, the calculations for visualization patterns seem pretty elementary to me. Why is it so difficult to run them? There were more complicated screensavers in the mid-90's!! Why should any cpu hiccup on them?
  • Reply 22 of 28
    airslufairsluf Posts: 1,861member
  • Reply 23 of 28
    bradbowerbradbower Posts: 1,068member
    That would be stupid. Who wants to watch pixelated, black and white, ugly visualizations on that teeny little screen? Most of my iPod-using friends don't even look at their iPod enough to justify that. That would be a funny, yes, but Apple would have to be incredibly stupid to bother wasting time on a feature like that.
  • Reply 24 of 28
    I dunno, it sounds cool, but kinda pointless.

    But, what would be fun, and a little more useful would be the ability to display text. I'm thinking that the lyrics of a song could scroll across the screen. It would be like a Say What Kariokie in your pocket. (while you would have to take it out of your pocket to use it ). I think if you were able to scroll lyrics that would be cool. You might run into copyright issues, however.
  • Reply 25 of 28
    Crack the LCD on you iPod you will get that effect.
  • Reply 26 of 28
    A visualizer is not what the iPod needs. The iPod needs a 10 GB hard drive and needs to be $200.

    Well, $200 for 5 GB, $400 for 10 GB.
  • Reply 27 of 28
    [quote]Originally posted by Chris Howard:

    <strong>Even though Apple calls it a firmware update, it is really an OS disk image - the firmware is the 5K of flash in both the Portal Player and the ARM CPUs.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    So if someone had a compiler/assembler for the ARM CPU, they could technicly write a program, load it onto the iPod, and the iPod (if this new program was named or whatever like the old iPod OS) would run it?

    So someone could write a Palm like thing, or some cool games Would it be possible to write an OS, that would call on the old iPod OS as an application (or would it be better for someone to rewrite it...), and therefore could have other apps in the iPod that this new OS would run?

    Does someone want to start an opensource iPod OS project? I could see this getting as big as the TI calc scene (, with all of them game assemblers
  • Reply 28 of 28
    Well going off of what I said above, I just ordered a free evaluation CD which contains the following:

    [quote]What's On the Evaluation CD

    The evaluation version comprises:

    ? C and C++ compilers

    ? Assembler and linker

    ? An Integrated Development Environment

    ? Powerful GUI based debugger

    ? Instruction Set Simulators

    ? ROM-based debug tools

    ? Support for all ARM cores

    ? An interactive demonstration of features and benefits of ADS

    ? Documentation in PDF format

    The tools included in the evaluation version are in no way different in functionality to those provided in the full product. The evaluation tools are supported on Windows 95, 98, NT 4.0 and 2000.

    The built-in evaluation license lasts for 45 days from the date of installation. No technical support is provided with the software.<hr></blockquote>

    I have two things to say/ask.

    1) Do you think that is enough to start writing a new iPod app?

    2) Please don't everyone go asking/requesting these kits. They would probably stop the program. If it works out, I would be happy to put a disk image on an ftp server so other could try it out.

    I think this could really be cool. We could create apps for the iPod to extend its functionality beyond what Apple first thought of. For all you nay-sayers, this is like going the TI calc route (for those that don't know about this then please read uyp at Yes, TI still updated their calcs, and this usually required a simple fix to the OS that TI calc programers had created. But most games/apps were unaffected (as long as they called OS hooks, and not direct ROM calls that might be changed.

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