Once a fencesitter... seeing into the future isn't hard



  • Reply 21 of 26
    chromoschromos Posts: 191member
    [quote]Originally posted by futuremac:

    <strong>hey cdon!

    nice to see you back

    </strong><hr></blockquote> and many more...

    Wow, that hiatus has made CD very indulgent... nary a peep about being 'CD' not 'CDon'.
  • Reply 22 of 26
    junkyard dawgjunkyard dawg Posts: 2,801member

    im on the fence too still on this athalon xp box. im looking to go dual for my first powermac but id like ddr, and a faster bus.

    (by the way the imac 700 mhz i briefly had last winter was FAST! and that was a g3! cant imagine how the g4 imacs feel, so coming from a new pc convers perspective using os 10.1 it was good)


    Don't know what you'll be doing with your computer, but I'd suggest to buy a Powermac over an XP box. DDR or not, the Powermacs are going to be even faster than that FAST G3 iMac you tried out. Also, XP simply isn't OS X, OS X plain rules. Unless you're doing some performance intensive work with your computer, I don't see how you could need so much performance that you would even contemplate putting up with Windows.
  • Reply 23 of 26
    futuremacfuturemac Posts: 242member
    thanks jd

    back then i had the 32 meg radeon card running on the athlon xp 1600 proc with 512 k ddr ram and running videos on that sometimes they would skip or freeze (espically old seinfeld episodes) when i ran video on the imac the picture was much clearer and there was no skipping!

    thats why i couldn't understand the complaints about os 10 being slow on imac maybe its because id never used one and was so used to sluggish windoze pc's the only thing that seemed to tax the imac was itunes visuals (you could see a bit of fluttering)

    other than that it was awsome

    however it did get hot after awhile

    anyway i guess this was because the power pc with os x is more efficent than win2k

    anybody have the duel gig powermac? that thing must scream!
  • Reply 24 of 26
    cdong4cdong4 Posts: 194member
    oh yeah it is CD btw you guys (I just decided not to be anal about it, CD is my initials and I'm (usually) on a [b]G4[b])

    I think single proc 1GHz low end and dual 1.2 and 1.4 to follow. (DDR ram etc), FW 2 USB 2 and all that jazz

    speed bumped iMacs

    speed bumped iBooks


    and all that great steve babble.
  • Reply 25 of 26
    jaredjared Posts: 639member
    I hate to piss on the parade but I guess it has been to long and my memory is fading fast...what has come true that CDonG4 has said in the past? Not trying to be a prick, just curious...
  • Reply 26 of 26
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    Actually, the low end machine and the 933 should both very high margins. Take the 800, the SOI G4 @800 began life at 125 (it ought to be less now), CDrw? Cheap, ATI7500? Cheap, Same old SDR MoBo they've been making in one form or another since forever? Cheap. HDD? Cheap. Uh-un. 800 tower Margins are sweet, It probably costs less to make than a low end Fp iMac! On to the 933, add a superdrive and GF4MX, and the 933, HDD etc... All components that are coming down in price, but a little priceier to make. I'll bet that they make a touch over 50% on the 800 at this point, and that they make similar cash on the 933, not percentage, just cash. Really, look at the component list and you realize that the 800 is insanely cheap to make!

    The DP1Ghz? the 1Ghz SOI G4 started life at 300USD, so there's 600 US worth of just CPU's in that box. Add more RAM, a slightly bigger HDD, and a slight DP premium, and you have your retail difference from the 933. But these are all boxes with a healthy margin, ALL OF THEM, INCLUDING THE 800.

    They should have been duals across the line 6 months ago! A second 800 would have added a mere 125 US to a machine with an already high margin. Today that 800 CPU is even cheaper. Hold pricing at 1599 and you'd likely still make 450-500 on a hypothetical DP800 CDRW. They might even consider adding a small cache to the thing, say 1MB L3s.

    However, 1Ghz parts are certainly a lot cheaper by now. Perhaps a faster single CPU entry level will make a better machine, if they add a full L3 cache to it, and not the hobbled version they insist on peddling ATM.
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