Super Mario Run demo stations installed in Apple Stores for pre-release play



  • Reply 21 of 27
    If it was an ACTUAL Mario game, I’d be happy for it. Because it would mean that Nintendo actually cares. This is a fucking auto-runner for people even below “casual” video game players to “play”. For heaven’s sake, there’s just nothing here. Would it really be that hard to do a full remake of Super Mario Bros. 1, 2, 3, and World for the platform?
    You did not watch the keynote when the game was demonstrated.  He explained why they designed it as an auto-runner, so you could play it while holding the phone with one hand...while riding the subway, etc.  It is a simple game to pass the time, for entertainment.  Something you can't seem to understand.  Nice that they do not have in-game purchases to keep playing, just a one time purchase price.  I am sure you and the other millennials would bitch and complain if you had to keep paying to play.  That is why most games on iOS are terrible because they keep begging for more money to play.  And the little millennials are complaining about $9.99?  Typical...they want everything for free, to go along with their trophy that they did not do anything to earn.
  • Reply 22 of 27
    Mark this day on your calendars.

    Then come back in a few years, look back and remember this is the day Nintendo turned around after realizing just how much money there is in mobile (especially iOS).

    They should have partnered with Apple years ago on mobile by bringing all their franchise games over.
    Lol wrong. When will you people get that smartphone games cannot possibly replicate true handheld and console gaming?

    I'll be here to rub that in your face after I'm proven right. I bet this single title accounts for 10% of their entire revenue stream. One. Single. Game.
    10%? No way. If you look at Nintendo's revenue stream now, mobile games don't even make a dent. That won't change with the release of a Mario Bros game. 

    Pokemon Go made $600 million in a few months. Candy Crush hit $600 million in about 7 months. Nintendo only made $4.4 billion last year. I don't think you realize how much money there is in mobile games.
    Nintendo actually doesn't make much money off Pokemon Go. The companies making money off that game are Apple and Niantic. Pokemon Go is already fading. They have lost tens of millions of users. The new Mario Bros app game will be popular at first, but it will fade. That's why I think no way one game will account for 10% of revenue for Nintendo. I do realize there is a lot of money in mobile games, but hardware and games for consoles and portable consoles will always be Nintendo's bread and butter. If Nintendo ported over some of their classics or even made Pokemon games on mobile devices, now that would be a different story. 

    It's irrelevant that Pokemon Go is fading - it's already raked in $600 million regardless of how many continue to play. Oh, and did you miss the fact that there's a second round of Pokemon coming out plus trading and battling? Niantic will be making bank of this for some time. There are few franchises around with the draw of Pokemon or Mario.

    Nintendo has tanked the last several years. Their revenues were $16.7, $18.7, $15.4 and $12.2 billion dollars for 2008-2011 respectively. The last 3 years they were $5.5, $4.5 and $4.4 billion. If hardware is Nintendo's bread and butter, than they're going to starve to death.
  • Reply 23 of 27
    I don't understand why Nintendo won't release a real Mario game for the Apple TV.
    I had completely forgotten about that format. That’d be great.
     My guess is Nintendo won't do it because it would probably cannibalize DS sales. 
    Oh, I wouldn’t say so. It might cannibalize Switch sales… Oh, that’s it. The Switch is a portable thing now, too (and it’ll be complete garbage; the hardware doesn’t look impressive in any way), in addition to being a console. Nintendo offers their back catalog on the WiiU already, so obviously it will be on the Switch. If people only care about the old games (and a growing number of hardcore gamers don’t play anything made this side or 2007 for ideological reasons), then Nintendo would miss out on hardware profit and revenue by offering their back catalog on other platforms like iOS and tvOS. WHICH IS A CRYING SHAME, because I’d love that catalog and would probably pay for a fair few things, but I have no interest in buying a Switch because they totally screwed it over.
  • Reply 24 of 27
    boltsfan17boltsfan17 Posts: 2,294member
    Mark this day on your calendars.

    Then come back in a few years, look back and remember this is the day Nintendo turned around after realizing just how much money there is in mobile (especially iOS).

    They should have partnered with Apple years ago on mobile by bringing all their franchise games over.
    Lol wrong. When will you people get that smartphone games cannot possibly replicate true handheld and console gaming?

    I'll be here to rub that in your face after I'm proven right. I bet this single title accounts for 10% of their entire revenue stream. One. Single. Game.
    10%? No way. If you look at Nintendo's revenue stream now, mobile games don't even make a dent. That won't change with the release of a Mario Bros game. 

    Pokemon Go made $600 million in a few months. Candy Crush hit $600 million in about 7 months. Nintendo only made $4.4 billion last year. I don't think you realize how much money there is in mobile games.
    Nintendo actually doesn't make much money off Pokemon Go. The companies making money off that game are Apple and Niantic. Pokemon Go is already fading. They have lost tens of millions of users. The new Mario Bros app game will be popular at first, but it will fade. That's why I think no way one game will account for 10% of revenue for Nintendo. I do realize there is a lot of money in mobile games, but hardware and games for consoles and portable consoles will always be Nintendo's bread and butter. If Nintendo ported over some of their classics or even made Pokemon games on mobile devices, now that would be a different story. 

    It's irrelevant that Pokemon Go is fading - it's already raked in $600 million regardless of how many continue to play. Oh, and did you miss the fact that there's a second round of Pokemon coming out plus trading and battling? Niantic will be making bank of this for some time. There are few franchises around with the draw of Pokemon or Mario.

    Nintendo has tanked the last several years. Their revenues were $16.7, $18.7, $15.4 and $12.2 billion dollars for 2008-2011 respectively. The last 3 years they were $5.5, $4.5 and $4.4 billion. If hardware is Nintendo's bread and butter, than they're going to starve to death.
    We will see how well Mario does for Nintendo. They haven't starved to death with hardware being their largest source of income. A now they have the hottest item of the year with the NES Classic. Of course Nintendo can make a ton of money with mobile games, but they still aren't the same compared to games on the DS. Nintendo really needs to tap into the home streaming device market. If they ported over Pokemon games for Apple TV, Roku, Fire TV, etc, that would be huge. 
    edited December 2016
  • Reply 25 of 27
    boltsfan17boltsfan17 Posts: 2,294member
    I don't understand why Nintendo won't release a real Mario game for the Apple TV.
    I had completely forgotten about that format. That’d be great.
     My guess is Nintendo won't do it because it would probably cannibalize DS sales. 
    Oh, I wouldn’t say so. It might cannibalize Switch sales… Oh, that’s it. The Switch is a portable thing now, too (and it’ll be complete garbage; the hardware doesn’t look impressive in any way), in addition to being a console. Nintendo offers their back catalog on the WiiU already, so obviously it will be on the Switch. If people only care about the old games (and a growing number of hardcore gamers don’t play anything made this side or 2007 for ideological reasons), then Nintendo would miss out on hardware profit and revenue by offering their back catalog on other platforms like iOS and tvOS. WHICH IS A CRYING SHAME, because I’d love that catalog and would probably pay for a fair few things, but I have no interest in buying a Switch because they totally screwed it over.
    It really is baffling Nintendo won't release their back catalog. Imagine being able to play Pokemon, Mario Bros games, Donkey Kong, Legend of Zelda, etc on other platforms? That would be amazing. 
    tallest skil
  • Reply 26 of 27
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,821member
    Mark this day on your calendars.

    Then come back in a few years, look back and remember this is the day Nintendo turned around after realizing just how much money there is in mobile (especially iOS).

    They should have partnered with Apple years ago on mobile by bringing all their franchise games over.
    I tend to agree, I suspect it's too little too late.  Their user base is probably in the pub playing darts.
    edited December 2016 macplusplus
  • Reply 27 of 27
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,584member
    Mark this day on your calendars.

    Then come back in a few years, look back and remember this is the day Nintendo turned around after realizing just how much money there is in mobile (especially iOS).

    They should have partnered with Apple years ago on mobile by bringing all their franchise games over.
    Lol wrong. When will you people get that smartphone games cannot possibly replicate true handheld and console gaming?

    I'll be here to rub that in your face after I'm proven right. I bet this single title accounts for 10% of their entire revenue stream. One. Single. Game.
    Well good luck with a mobile game that requires an always-on internet connection. On the face of it that sounds pretty un-mobilely. So why the requirement for a persistent internet? Nintendo is worried about iOS users stealing it. Really? Personally i think they worry too much. 

    At least it's free to download and try so folks can see whether the always-connected requirement affects their gameplay before committing to buy and unlock all the levels. 
    edited December 2016
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