imate , powermate



  • Reply 41 of 45
    Yeah, I really need a slower laptop with an even smaller screen to use in conjunction with my iMac, and that's only a couple hundred cheaper than an iBook.

    [ 07-16-2002: Message edited by: pathogen ]</p>
  • Reply 42 of 45
    If the form factor was good on it then i would buy one of those things in a second. I've been looking for a good cheap tablet style computer, and there aren't any.

    And if its only a thousand bucks that rocks.

    It would be even cooler if it has a keyboard, like the vadem clio if anyone remebers it, it was like a laptop but the monitor was swivel mounted so you could turn it into a laptop, tablet, or picture frame type thing.

    Personally what i think would be even cooler than a tablet is an imac with a removable screen. Imagine using your imac, you have to go to the bathroom so you pick up your monitor and take it with you.

    That would freaking rock.
  • Reply 43 of 45
    allenallen Posts: 84member
    Okay, the D-Link bluetooth adapter is being sold again. 10.2 with bluetooth and inkwell coming next month. Are all the parts in place for the next digital hub device?

    [ 07-19-2002: Message edited by: allen ]</p>
  • Reply 44 of 45
    kormac77kormac77 Posts: 197member


    Summer is not over yet.

    What a long summer! :cool:

    Dream on & See it soon.
  • Reply 45 of 45
    While all of us would love to believe something like this, how MANY times has something like this been posted?! Of course every time, when it doesn't show, everything thinks that it is bogus. And if the dude comes back and has the balls to post, it is always something like, "well there's ANOTHER Macworld event coming soon, we'll see, we'll see,"

    This is just so tiresome. These actions will eventually be played out, and then the bloke that started all this will say, "SEE! Gee I guess they changed the specs though!"

    Maybe this PDA is simply the iPod with more software add ons each Macworld. Look at the iPod now, with a Calender, clock, contacts....

    [ 07-19-2002: Message edited by: ouroboros ]</p>
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