New macOS 10.12.3 update implements MacBook Pro GPU fix, rectifies Safari battery drain

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in macOS edited January 2017
In conjunction with iOS, tvOS, and watchOS updates, Apple has also released the 10.12.3 update to macOS Sierra, bringing GPU driver updates to the 2016 MacBook Pro, and a fix for PDF corruption.

Apple's release notes specify that the 10.12.3 update improves automatic graphics switching on the 2016 MacBook Pro 15-inch model, as well as resolves issues while encoding Adobe Premiere Pro project on the same model, plus the 13-inch MacBook Pro with Touch Bar.

Apple also claims that the update "improves the stability, compatibility, and security of your Mac." Display brightness has been added as a potential energy impact warning item,, and Apple has also rectified some issues surrounding the MacBook Pro's battery drain in Safari, as accidentally discovered by Consumer Reports during the course of their testing.

The update weighs in at 1.05 GB for a 2016 MacBook Pro, and is available through the Mac App Store.


  • Reply 1 of 24
    eightzeroeightzero Posts: 3,162member
    I'm going to make several backups, and try this one with great suspicion. MacOS 10.12.2 bricked my iMac requiring reload from backups twice.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 2 of 24
    jSnivelyjsnively Posts: 459administrator
    eightzero said:
    I'm going to make several backups, and try this one with great suspicion. MacOS 10.12.2 bricked my iMac requiring reload from backups twice.
    Just finished running the update on my 15" 2016 MBP, all is well : )
    djkfisherlkruppbrian green
     3Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 4 of 24
    wigginwiggin Posts: 2,265member
    Apple's release notes specify that the 10.12.3 update improves automatic graphics switching on the 2016 MacBook Pro 15-inch model
    Hopefully the graphics switching improvements aren't limited to the 2016 MBPs. Sierra also has switching issues on earlier models including my 2015 MBP causing it to switch to the discreet GPU for applications that didn't cause the switch on previous OSes. 
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 5 of 24
    Just updated my MAC's, Mac mini, iPhone 7 and Watch S2 with zero problems!
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 6 of 24
    macxpressmacxpress Posts: 5,958member
    lmagoo said:
    Just updated my MAC's, Mac mini, iPhone 7 and Watch S2 with zero problems!
    BTW...its Mac not MAC. Mac is not an acronym for anything so it doesn't need all caps. As a Mac person this is huge pet peeve of mine when people do this. :smile: 
     5Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 7 of 24
    But what if the GPU wasn't the problem (because a 13 inch) and Safari either (because hardly used in the days I had the machine)?
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 8 of 24
    schmrtzzz said:
    But what if the GPU wasn't the problem (because a 13 inch) and Safari either (because hardly used in the days I had the machine)?
    The Safari issue only hit you if you had explicitly disabled caches in Safari's hidden-by-default "Develop" Menu.

    According to a previous Apple statement, it was an issue with extremely excessive reloads of favicons when the cache was disabled. No end user would ever hit it.
     2Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 9 of 24
    Symposium symposium Posts: 1unconfirmed, member
    Anyone else hit a black screen with white spinning ball on updating ? 
    Been stuck there for 25 min now, not sure how to force it out of this 
    without bricking my mac! Eek 
    macbookpro late 2016
     0Likes 0Dislikes 1Informative
  • Reply 10 of 24
    eightzeroeightzero Posts: 3,162member
    Anyone else hit a black screen with white spinning ball on updating ? 
    Been stuck there for 25 min now, not sure how to force it out of this 
    without bricking my mac! Eek 
    macbookpro late 2016
    Yup. Happened to me with 10.12.2. I had to erase and reload from a 10.12.1 backup. I let mine sit for many hours. On a force reboot, it came up (several times) to the BSoD. You'll need to revert to a backup.

    And thanks for letting me know the problem still exists for 10.12.3. I think we are stuck in time with 10.12.1. Fairly, my iMac is a late 27" iMac that works just fine...on 10.12.1....and I suspect 10.13 will not support. I think I've reached end-of-life. Your new MBP is a different situation though. 
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 11 of 24
    Anyone else hit a black screen with white spinning ball on updating ? 
    Been stuck there for 25 min now, not sure how to force it out of this 
    without bricking my mac! Eek 
    macbookpro late 2016
    No and I updated my iMac and my MBP, did you: Should I check my drive before upgrading? Yes, that’s a good idea. Open Disk Utility, which is in the Utilities folder of your Mac’s Applications folder. Select your drive and click First Aid. The app will run a check on the drive, its catalog information, and your files. If there are any repairs to be made, it will be able to carry out most of them. I always do this prior to any update. Alway tidy up your Mac first 😎
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 12 of 24
    jSnively said:
    eightzero said:
    I'm going to make several backups, and try this one with great suspicion. MacOS 10.12.2 bricked my iMac requiring reload from backups twice.
    Just finished running the update on my 15" 2016 MBP, all is well : )
    Same here, no problem with two Mac's, but as always, I checked my drive before upgrading! It's always a good idea. Open Disk Utility, which is in the Utilities folder of your Mac’s Applications folder. Select your drive and click First Aid. The app will run a check on the drive, its catalog information, and your files. If there are any repairs to be made, it will be able to carry out most of them.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 13 of 24
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    eightzero said:
    I'm going to make several backups, and try this one with great suspicion. MacOS 10.12.2 bricked my iMac requiring reload from backups twice.
    Just updated my late 2013 iMac 14,2 with no issues to report. All updates install without issue for me.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 14 of 24
    Rosyna said:
    schmrtzzz said:
    But what if the GPU wasn't the problem (because a 13 inch) and Safari either (because hardly used in the days I had the machine)?
    The Safari issue only hit you if you had explicitly disabled caches in Safari's hidden-by-default "Develop" Menu.

    According to a previous Apple statement, it was an issue with extremely excessive reloads of favicons when the cache was disabled. No end user would ever hit it.
    No. Apple found out CR used this this developer mode. But that wasn't all. During this investigation they discovered a bug. They didn't give it much attention, obviously, because they first said CR was too stupid to perform a decent test. Anyway, they never made clear what the bug was and if it was in Safari or something else. So I'm still in the dark. 
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 15 of 24
    schmrtzzz said:
    Rosyna said:
    schmrtzzz said:
    But what if the GPU wasn't the problem (because a 13 inch) and Safari either (because hardly used in the days I had the machine)?
    The Safari issue only hit you if you had explicitly disabled caches in Safari's hidden-by-default "Develop" Menu.

    According to a previous Apple statement, it was an issue with extremely excessive reloads of favicons when the cache was disabled. No end user would ever hit it.
    No. Apple found out CR used this this developer mode. But that wasn't all. During this investigation they discovered a bug. They didn't give it much attention, obviously, because they first said CR was too stupid to perform a decent test. Anyway, they never made clear what the bug was and if it was in Safari or something else. So I'm still in the dark. 
    Yes, the bug they found was the favicons bug. Look at the last paragraph of
    edited January 2017
     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 16 of 24
    schmrtzzz said:
    But what if the GPU wasn't the problem (because a 13 inch) and Safari either (because hardly used in the days I had the machine)?
    As I informed the beta team although the OS installed the usual Apple apps we ONLY opened and ever ran DJay (1.4.2 Biltmore for touch bar model) and iTunes (1.5.4) and that's it!  I never launched Safari or mail or anything else except Activity and that's only because the new beta (then) disabled the "time remaining" from the pull down menu. 

    In the 2016 15" touch bar laptop running the beta before this one, I was only getting 2.45 hours EVER. That includes running it till it literally stopped working. Not by choice - there was no electrical at Walgreens waiting room to plug it in so it literally just turned off. 

    On January 8th after 3 weeks of never achieving 3 hours, let alone the yet to be seen "10 hours" - they finally took mine back and overnighted a brand new one directly from China. I've been on it since January 12th and still just 2.45 hours running only those two programs. 

    Yes tge screen is dimmed to 12 clicks
    Yes wifi is turned off
    Yes Bluetooth is turned off
    Yes the keyboard is turned off
    Yes I've set setting to run lower processor
    in fact if you think of any others yes I did those too!
    We're not sure what to do now. 2.45 hours?? That's not even a flight from Phoenix to Houston to prepare for a show! I've never bought into the whole "class action law suit" thong before, but I swear if they don't change their specs from 10 hours to state "maybe 4 hours if you don't open anything", then I'm onboard on this one. $3800 and not ever 3 hours?  My 2011 laptop lasts 45 minutes longer using just the same two programs.  They can't state things that can't physically achieved. If this was Microsoft, Google or Leveno we'd be blogging the hell out of this outrageous lie, but because it's apple and I've been with them since 1984 (so don't start with the troll shit) were supposed to just accept it and go quietly into the night?  

    And before someone points out "no one made you buy it" well dude they kind of did because I've been using my 2011 17" to death and next year it will be on the not supported list so yeah... I kinda had to. I remember when you bought apple and "it just worked" those days are a distant memory these days. 
    edited January 2017
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 17 of 24
    Well razornaut it must obviously be connected to the app you are using   Bluetooth or wifi or keyboard brightness would not make this big difference anyway. 

    The app that you're using is seemingly using a lot of CPU or GPU and that's draining the battery.  Did you check the manufacturer's website or do they have forums you can ask for advice?
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 18 of 24
    ...there does seem the usual bleeding edge collateral damage... And a lot going on... I found 10.12.2 facilitated 2016MBP from 4K 30hz to 4K 60hz on non OEM displays, and yet the ultimate irony was that the only displays I could not even limp with were my trusty Apple ones (mini-DisplayPort and target display iMac) and so I await mini DisplayPort support, ideally OEM or if absolutely necessary, 3rd party...
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 19 of 24
    Cbrgnyccbrgnyc Posts: 2unconfirmed, member
    Anyone else hit a black screen with white spinning ball on updating ? 
    Been stuck there for 25 min now, not sure how to force it out of this 
    without bricking my mac! Eek 
    macbookpro late 2016
    Ugh, I came here to see if anyone else was having the same issue and sure enough...
    Stuck on the black screen spinning wheel for an hour 45 now. This is not looking good.
    macbook pro late 2016 with touchbar 

    UPDATE: Got on chat with AppleCare. They had me force shutdown, restart, it cycled through the Apple Logo startup 3 times and then it was fine. Update had been installed. It was stuck in the shutdown after installation but otherwise nothing wrong.
    edited January 2017
     0Likes 0Dislikes 1Informative
  • Reply 20 of 24
    MplsPmplsp Posts: 4,065member
    razormaid said:
    schmrtzzz said:
    But what if the GPU wasn't the problem (because a 13 inch) and Safari either (because hardly used in the days I had the machine)?
    As I informed the beta team although the OS installed the usual Apple apps we ONLY opened and ever ran DJay (1.4.2 Biltmore for touch bar model) and iTunes (1.5.4) and that's it!  I never launched Safari or mail or anything else except Activity and that's only because the new beta (then) disabled the "time remaining" from the pull down menu. 
    And before someone points out "no one made you buy it" well dude they kind of did because I've been using my 2011 17" to death and next year it will be on the not supported list so yeah... I kinda had to. I remember when you bought apple and "it just worked" those days are a distant memory these days. 
    so what happens if you quit either DJay or iTunes and only run one of them, or if you close both of them and run something else (safari, mail, etc?) If the performance is significantly better, it's clearly one of those apps. I realize that doesn't help make the machine useable for you, but it lets you know where the fault lies.
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