iOS 10.3 beta enables calls on iCloud-connected devices for Verizon customers

in iPhone
A small but significant addition for Verizon iPhone subscribers in the iOS 10.3 beta is the ability to make and answer calls from any iCloud-connected device, including Macs, iPads, iPods, and the Apple Watch.

The option, enabled through the "Calls on Other Devices" section of the Phone menu in the iOS Settings app, was highlighted in tips received by AppleInsider as well as MacRumors. Verizon is the last of the four major U.S. carriers to support the technology, which is also offered by some prepaid brands and a few international carriers.

Once the feature is active, users can toggle which devices are able to accept iCloud calls, routed through Wi-Fi. If configured properly the feature will work regardless of whether or not an iPhone is nearby or even on.

The first iOS 10.3 beta was issued to developers yesterday, and makes some other substantial changes including the switch to the Apple File System, the addition of a Find My AirPods app, and a better reviews infrastructure.

Developers, for instance, will be able to respond to user reviews, while customers should eventually see fewer ratings pop-ups or be able to block them entirely.

It's not clear when the finished version of iOS 10.3 will be ready, but as one of Apple's more important point releases, the company will likely seed at least four or five betas before wrapping up.


  • Reply 1 of 12
    AT&T calls this "NumberSync". I didn't realize until a few days ago that this technology even existed - I though the closest thing was Continuity/Handoff/whatever that routed calls through the iPhone from other Apple devices (therefore requiring the iPhone be on and on the same network as the other devices). I stumbled across it while poking around in the settings on my iPhone a few days ago. Once configured, I can now use my Apple Watch, iMac, MacBook Pro, or iPad to send and receive calls even if my iPhone is off or not on the same network. Pretty nifty little "new to me" feature. :)
  • Reply 2 of 12
    Now that IS innovation. And, besides enrolling your devices with some service (Google Voice, Hangouts, others) that's really not something that Android can do. And they couldn't support tablets or watches, etc, easily or well.
  • Reply 3 of 12
    Sounds like a pretty  big addition to me !
  • Reply 4 of 12
    Mattreed78Mattreed78 Posts: 1unconfirmed, member
    That not is new for Verizon iPhone it always been there, I used it a lot 
  • Reply 5 of 12
    MplsPMplsP Posts: 4,006member
    T Mobile has had this for a while, too. Really nice when you can't get signal in big buildings but have a wifi signal. T Mobile was the first to allow this. Not sure why verizon took so long. Mobile minutes haven't been an issue or significant revenue source for a while, so it's not like it's costing them anything 
  • Reply 6 of 12
    john.bjohn.b Posts: 2,742member
    This is not new in the 10.3 beta, I have it on 10.2.1 with Verizon and I think it goes all the way back to 10.0:

  • Reply 7 of 12
    with t-mobile , you can use cellular ipads to make and receive calls, they do not need to be connected to wifi at all
  • Reply 8 of 12
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,608member
    Now that IS innovation. And, besides enrolling your devices with some service (Google Voice, Hangouts, others) that's really not something that Android can do. And they couldn't support tablets or watches, etc, easily or well.
    Is this wifi calling or something different? If the former yes both Android/iPhones have had the capability for years. The limiter was the network provider which may make this new for Verizon.  If the latter then what is the difference between it and wifi calls? 

    EDIT: Is this perhaps Apple's way of doing something akin to VolP/Google Voice, but with the partner app built into the OS rather than standalone? I'm not techy so don't really understand the finer points. 
    edited January 2017
  • Reply 9 of 12
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    How is this different from making FaceTime calls via WiFi?

    My grandson has been making Facetime calls to me (as well as sending text messages) from his WiFi only IPad for years.   Yet the IPad is not linked to any cellular carrier or to any ID that is linked to a cellular carrier -- meaning it is strictly WiFi with no connection in anyway to a cellular plan or carrier.

  • Reply 10 of 12
    yonibenoniyonibenoni Posts: 1unconfirmed, member
    How is this different from making FaceTime calls via WiFi?

    My grandson has been making Facetime calls to me (as well as sending text messages) from his WiFi only IPad for years.   Yet the IPad is not linked to any cellular carrier or to any ID that is linked to a cellular carrier -- meaning it is strictly WiFi with no connection in anyway to a cellular plan or carrier.

    FaceTime and iMessage only work to people with Apple devices.  This feature allows you to call with your phone number, even without your phone and to people without Apple devices.
  • Reply 11 of 12
    Now this is a shame. How can you write an article about something you didn't verify?  Verizon has this feature in 10.2 and even 10 already!  This is nothing new on Verizon. You should do an update and make correction. 
  • Reply 12 of 12
    I don’t understand how this differs from the existing ability to receive calls from your Mac or iPad. Our Verizon iPhones have always been able to do that. If this is a new feature, HOW is it a feature when it overlaps 1:1 with what Apple already provides?
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