1. CIA effectively ran a counter NSA department, when those functions are by law given to the NSA. This was done long ago to ensure that no one agency had too much spying power. This specific change was an Obama directive.
2. They Obama admin entered into a cooperative agreement with technology companies in 2010 to inform them of exploits, and then completely reneged on that arrangement.
3. This counter NSA group at CIA purposely left all of their weaponized software exploits as "unclassified" to circumvent procedures and legalities when using highly sensitive, classified weapons and state secrets directly or through any surrogates. This is not only highly illegal, totally shady but incredibly careless.
4. CIA cultivated a highly destructive arsenal in secret and against the law/their agency directive, and then completely failed to protect it.
5. Obama admin's knowledge and usage of these tools, along with their incredibly poor history with respect to US citizens' privacy rights/rule of law regarding evidence collection, but also clandestine activities in spying on other countries, but also domestic press (including reporters at both CNN & FoxNews).
6. Former Obama admin officials and supporters frequent vague claims of Russian hacking as a default response for information leaks and exposed embarrassing behavior by the admin, Clinton campaign and DNC.
It's quite clear that the CIA and NSA are extralegal entities that effectively answer to no one. Think about it. They have the dirt on any and everyone before they even consider running for office or applying for a government job.
... As long as these tools are used in legal ways against the citizens they serve we should feel good about it. Whether they do or not is a different story!
Going to be interesting to see who Obama was listening in on. Merkel, WTO, UN, AP that we already know about. Many more revelations will be forthcoming I'm sure.
Even if the revelations about bugging Trump turn out to be false bugging your alies is highly questionable. The big problem right now is that we may never know the truth. Im just glad Clinton didn't get elected as she had a rather nasty history and would have trashed the bill of rights even more than Obama.
And the CIA/FBI wanted Apple to hand them the keys to an iOS backdoor?
It appears they didn't need one from Apple since they already had a few, at least in the case of the CIA. So odd that the FBI and CIA don't seem to work together on stuff.
1. CIA effectively ran a counter NSA department, when those functions are by law given to the NSA. This was done long ago to ensure that no one agency had too much spying power. This specific change was an Obama directive.
2. They Obama admin entered into a cooperative agreement with technology companies in 2010 to inform them of exploits, and then completely reneged on that arrangement.
3. This counter NSA group at CIA purposely left all of their weaponized software exploits as "unclassified" to circumvent procedures and legalities when using highly sensitive, classified weapons and state secrets directly or through any surrogates. This is not only highly illegal, totally shady but incredibly careless.
4. CIA cultivated a highly destructive arsenal in secret and against the law/their agency directive, and then completely failed to protect it.
5. Obama admin's knowledge and usage of these tools, along with their incredibly poor history with respect to US citizens' privacy rights/rule of law regarding evidence collection, but also clandestine activities in spying on other countries, but also domestic press (including reporters at both CNN & FoxNews).
6. Former Obama admin officials and supporters frequent vague claims of Russian hacking as a default response for information leaks and exposed embarrassing behavior by the admin, Clinton campaign and DNC.
It's quite clear that the CIA and NSA are extralegal entities that effectively answer to no one. Think about it. They have the dirt on anyone and everyone before they even consider running for office or applying for a government job.
Both CIA and NSA work directly for the chief executive. Obama gave them extralegal powers to collect data on everyone, and then directed them to create this mess. That's called a pattern of behavior. He enjoyed using their powers to go after reporters and world leaders, he doesn't get to selectively claim non-involvement now. It's 100% his shit show. He could have dialed back the Patriot Act from the Bush era, but that's not how he chose to play it with his intelligence directives.
Further it it was his state departmeny that voided Snowden's passport, while he was in the Moscow airport for a connecting flight. That's either total incompetence on the former Admin's part, or deliberate. The political wonks are going to wonk, and the partisan political zealots are still fully entranced, but there's no upside for Obama here. He's been incredibly arrogant and stupid about laying blame and making excuses for his mistakes so far.
It always comes back to Obama for you guys. Doesn't even matter to you that Putin now has his boys in the White House. The Republicans in Congress just blindly follow cause power is all that matters. How low will you righties go? You have no dignity, ethics or love for our country, it seems. Reagan would vomit over you dogs! Trump is a great representative for all that is wrong about conservatism in this epic.
It always comes back to Obama for you guys. Doesn't even matter to you that Putin now has his boys in the White House. The Republicans in Congress just blindly follow cause power is all that matters. How low will you righties go? You have no dignity, ethics or love for our country, it seems. Reagan would vomit over you dogs! Trump is a great representative for all that is wrong about conservatism in this epic.
You're gaslighting. Obama not only allowed universal surveillance without any probably cause, then he authorized an unaccountable CIA division to supplant the NSA and develop then diseminate malware and exploits, and then to leave it stupidly unclassied as to avoid any government oversight.
That has nothing to do with Trump, Republicans, Democrats or Russians. This is purely Obama's own mess and those around him who participated. Partisan democrats who continue to support him, are going to look increasingly foolish. I suggest you take some time to check your perspective and do some deep soul searching. You're on the side against the people, all people.
As of this writing, Wikileaks has yet to provide any evidence that the tools of our security services exposed by them today were used in any way against American citizens. Therefore these tools were lawful and necessary to defend against our many adversaries. Obama had nothing to do with this conversation(Wikileaks) or in Trumps rants against him. Our enemies and their purposes are helped tremendously by this massive intelligence exposure. Russia in particular will have their evil deeds advanced by this, and not to forget, China, Iran, North Korea and any extremists with a technical core. Gaslighting, by the definition I have read, was not my intention. Yet, my coarse expression of my point was uncalled for. wikileaks is not your friend or mine, certainly not the friend of liberal western democracy, which is why we are allowed to express such divergent positions safely. In a perfect world, less covert actions, secrets and warfare against our sworn enemies would be nice. The world is in upheaval, the bad actors feign good intentions and the good actors are brushed with whatever demeaning black brush serves the evil doers purpose. And now we have a good percentage of our citizens cheering Wikileaks or exposure of our intelligence agencies and their methods. i don't see the value in it. Sorry.
As of this writing, Wikileaks has yet to provide any evidence that the tools of our security services exposed by them today were used in any way against American citizens. Therefore these tools were lawful and necessary to defend against our many adversaries. Obama had nothing to do with this conversation(Wikileaks) or in Trumps rants against him. Our enemies and their purposes are helped tremendously by this massive intelligence exposure. Russia in particular will have their evil deeds advanced by this, and not to forget, China, Iran, North Korea and any extremists with a technical core. Gaslighting, by the definition I have read, was not my intention. Yet, my coarse expression of my point was uncalled for. wikileaks is not your friend or mine, certainly not the friend of liberal western democracy, which is why we are allowed to express such divergent positions safely. In a perfect world, less covert actions, secrets and warfare against our sworn enemies would be nice. The world is in upheaval, the bad actors feign good intentions and the good actors are brushed with whatever demeaning black brush serves the evil doers purpose. And now we have a good percentage of our citizens cheering Wikileaks or exposure of our intelligence agencies and their methods. i don't see the value in it. Sorry.
So you believe in shooting the messenger? Wikileaks is an information outlet, ascribing friendship roles is a sure sign that you're started off on the wrong foot. Who cares if it's Assange or MSNBC as long as it's genuine, data is data. So far they have a perfect record of releasing authentic materials. Truth is your enemy because it exposes corruption in our government? That's weird logic, seems more like a faith based statement.
Our intelligence agencies are under direct authority of the President, with oversight by Congress. When the President sidesteps those laws and oversights, he is not a friend of freedom or the people, that's a dictator. There's no excuse for his actions on this. He was misusing his position and vastly overstepping his power. These weapons are creepy even when employed against enemies, unforgivable when deployed against his own people. These Obama directives are of the same nature that the Stasi used in East Germany, where everyone is guilty and under suspicion and monitoring by the government. History didn't judge that very well, and those heavily invested in the Obama personality cult would do well to remember that.
You talk of 'enemies' but tell me, which Obama foreign policy decision or action involving Russia, wasn't a net positive for them?
Guess who dropped the Iranian arms embargo at Russia's request? Why did the Russians want the embargo lifted, because they wanted to sell military arms and nuclear technology to Iran. This wasn't any secret, the Russians lobbied for these things specifically and Obama was like "yeah cool, whatever". His crappy Middle East policies have also resulted in some pretty sweet arms deals for Russia with Egypt, Syria and now Libya using Egypt as a middleman. But you're worried about the real estate mogul, turned tv game show host with a weird haircut who stays up late to say silly things on Twitter? Right...
Here he is taking to the former Russian leader about pulling missile defense systems from our allies in Europe, which emboldened the Russians invading and annexing Crimea, threatening Ukraine and Poland, expand their energy pipeline schemes, while Obama emboldened them by capitulating at our allies dismay on missile defense in Eastern Europe.. Translation: Obama sold out our allies (including one of our best in Europe. Poland) and the result was almost entirely favorable for Russia and growing Putin's personal wealth.
Here's Obama even caught on a hot mic telling the Russian president Mendevel he'll have more flexibility pulling the missile defense shield from our allies in Eastern Europe after his election
He wanted to wait until after the election to sell out our allies in the Czech Republic and Poland, fearful of Russian aggression, and all the folks on the left put their fingers in their ears, but are now spreading silly conspiracy theories about Russian hackings and hookers peeing on mattresses for Trump. He even mocked Romney in the campaign for calling Russia "our number one geopolitical foe".
After dropping the missile defense program, Putin pledged to meet with GE, Obama's single biggest campaign contributor, now doing bigger business than ever in Russia, yet no red flags for you? What's Trump going to do in comparison? Charge them premium rates on mini bar items at his hotels? Fail for a fifth time to make a real estate development deal in Russia? Sell a second home in Florida to a guy from Russia? Those are hardly James Bond villain worthy schemes, and pretty stupid to lose any sleep over.
As of this writing, Wikileaks has yet to provide any evidence that the tools of our security services exposed by them today were used in any way against American citizens. Therefore these tools were lawful and necessary to defend against our many adversaries. Obama had nothing to do with this conversation(Wikileaks) or in Trumps rants against him. Our enemies and their purposes are helped tremendously by this massive intelligence exposure. Russia in particular will have their evil deeds advanced by this, and not to forget, China, Iran, North Korea and any extremists with a technical core. Gaslighting, by the definition I have read, was not my intention. Yet, my coarse expression of my point was uncalled for. wikileaks is not your friend or mine, certainly not the friend of liberal western democracy, which is why we are allowed to express such divergent positions safely. In a perfect world, less covert actions, secrets and warfare against our sworn enemies would be nice. The world is in upheaval, the bad actors feign good intentions and the good actors are brushed with whatever demeaning black brush serves the evil doers purpose. And now we have a good percentage of our citizens cheering Wikileaks or exposure of our intelligence agencies and their methods. i don't see the value in it. Sorry.
So you believe in shooting the messenger? Wikileaks is an information outlet, ascribing friendship roles is a sure sign that you're started off on the wrong foot. Who cares if it's Assange or MSNBC as long as it's genuine, data is data. So far they have a perfect record of releasing authentic materials. Truth is your enemy because it exposes corruption in our government? That's weird logic, seems more like a faith based statement.
Our intelligence agencies are under direct authority of the President, with oversight by Congress. When the President sidesteps those laws and oversights, he is not a friend of freedom or the people, that's a dictator. There's no excuse for his actions on this. He was misusing his position and vastly overstepping his power. These weapons are creepy even when employed against enemies, unforgivable when deployed against his own people. These Obama directives are of the same nature that the Stasi used in East Germany, where everyone is guilty and under suspicion and monitoring by the government. History didn't judge that very well, and those heavily invested in the Obama personality cult would do well to remember that.
You talk of 'enemies' but tell me, which Obama foreign policy decision or action involving Russia, wasn't a net positive for them?
Guess who dropped the Iranian arms embargo at Russia's request? Why did the Russians want the embargo lifted, because they wanted to sell military arms and nuclear technology to Iran. This wasn't any secret, the Russians lobbied for these things specifically and Obama was like "yeah cool, whatever". His crappy Middle East policies have also resulted in some pretty sweet arms deals for Russia with Egypt, Syria and now Libya using Egypt as a middleman. But you're worried about the real estate mogul, turned tv game show host with a weird haircut who stays up late to say silly things on Twitter? Right...
Here he is taking to the former Russian leader about pulling missile defense systems from our allies in Europe, which emboldened the Russians invading and annexing Crimea, threatening Ukraine and Poland, expand their energy pipeline schemes, while Obama emboldened them by capitulating at our allies dismay on missile defense in Eastern Europe.. Translation: Obama sold out our allies (including one of our best in Europe. Poland) and the result was almost entirely favorable for Russia and growing Putin's personal wealth.
Here's Obama even caught on a hot mic telling the Russian president Mendevel he'll have more flexibility pulling the missile defense shield from our allies in Eastern Europe after his election
He wanted to wait until after the election to sell out our allies in the Czech Republic and Poland, fearful of Russian aggression, and all the folks on the left put their fingers in their ears, but are now spreading silly conspiracy theories about Russian hackings and hookers peeing on mattresses for Trump. He even mocked Romney in the campaign for calling Russia "our number one geopolitical foe".
After dropping the missile defense program, Putin pledged to meet with GE, Obama's single biggest campaign contributor, now doing bigger business than ever in Russia, yet no red flags for you? What's Trump going to do in comparison? Charge them premium rates on mini bar items at his hotels? Fail for a fifth time to make a real estate development deal in Russia? Sell a second home in Florida to a guy from Russia? Those are hardly James Bond villain worthy schemes, and pretty stupid to lose any sleep over.
Give me a fracking break, the messenger is important, Assange's twitter feeds is a sewer of disinformation that doesn't even match the god damn files he leaks.
He's expressly in his actions and even his words said he was against the DNC and many times has expressed anti-semitic rants, not to mention his god damn rape charges he's evading (and yes, they are serious as fuck charges regardless what his sycophants and him claim).
There is nothing really that amazing about this leak except for the convenient timing of those leaks as Trump is battling the IC. It's the CIA, they do spy shit, film at 11. In fact, the timing of all those so called leaks (mostly thefts) is predictable in being always supporting whatever narrative the alt-right supports (and the Kremlin's line); his twitters leave nothing to the imagination about his intentions and motivations. I don't have to guess.
Also, releasing info selectively that you can't really ever verify (unlike snowden who at least released to the media who then vetted it) creates whatever narrative he wants to convey.
A big part of trusting information, especially anonymous one, comes from trusting the source. That's the difference from something released by Breitbart and say the New York Times or The Washington Post. Assange is not a reliable conduit for information by the weight of his many inactions and inactions; he can't be trusted.
Obama not only allowed universal surveillance without any probably cause, then he authorized an unaccountable CIA division to supplant the NSA and develop then diseminate malware and exploits, and then to leave it stupidly unclassied as to avoid any government oversight.
You have said this now at least three times without one bit of evidence or a citation. I'm open to whatever, but you've gotta prove allegations like that. You imply that Obama had specific knowledge and even fine grained oversight of activities in the CIA. This is highly doubtful as no president has that sort of control over that agency. Presidents are kept in the dark as to CIA activities by the CIA and withgood reason. Again, show us even one document that proves Obama did what you said. And don't tell us to Google it, the proof is on you pal.
Obama not only allowed universal surveillance without any probably cause, then he authorized an unaccountable CIA division to supplant the NSA and develop then diseminate malware and exploits, and then to leave it stupidly unclassied as to avoid any government oversight.
You have said this now at least three times without one bit of evidence or a citation. I'm open to whatever, but you've gotta prove allegations like that. You imply that Obama had specific knowledge and even fine grained oversight of activities in the CIA. This is highly doubtful as no president has that sort of control over that agency. Presidents are kept in the dark as to CIA activities by the CIA and withgood reason. Again, show us even one document that proves Obama did what you said. And don't tell us to Google it, the proof is on you pal.
Funny how Alex Jones has been saying the Hardware Companies were forced into creating Hardware back doors for 'them' to exploit... The world discovered every P.C. had a tracking number, now your iPhone is hackable by Spooks. Guess he wasn't a nut after all
Further it it was his state departmeny that voided Snowden's passport, while he was in the Moscow airport for a connecting flight. That's either total incompetence on the former Admin's part, or deliberate. The political wonks are going to wonk, and the partisan political zealots are still fully entranced, but there's no upside for Obama here. He's been incredibly arrogant and stupid about laying blame and making excuses for his mistakes so far.
That has nothing to do with Trump, Republicans, Democrats or Russians. This is purely Obama's own mess and those around him who participated. Partisan democrats who continue to support him, are going to look increasingly foolish. I suggest you take some time to check your perspective and do some deep soul searching. You're on the side against the people, all people.
Gaslighting, by the definition I have read, was not my intention. Yet, my coarse expression of my point was uncalled for.
wikileaks is not your friend or mine, certainly not the friend of liberal western democracy, which is why we are allowed to express such divergent positions safely. In a perfect world, less covert actions, secrets and warfare against our sworn enemies would be nice. The world is in upheaval, the bad actors feign good intentions and the good actors are brushed with whatever demeaning black brush serves the evil doers purpose. And now we have a good percentage of our citizens cheering Wikileaks or exposure of our intelligence agencies and their methods.
i don't see the value in it. Sorry.
So you believe in shooting the messenger? Wikileaks is an information outlet, ascribing friendship roles is a sure sign that you're started off on the wrong foot. Who cares if it's Assange or MSNBC as long as it's genuine, data is data. So far they have a perfect record of releasing authentic materials. Truth is your enemy because it exposes corruption in our government? That's weird logic, seems more like a faith based statement.
Our intelligence agencies are under direct authority of the President, with oversight by Congress. When the President sidesteps those laws and oversights, he is not a friend of freedom or the people, that's a dictator. There's no excuse for his actions on this. He was misusing his position and vastly overstepping his power. These weapons are creepy even when employed against enemies, unforgivable when deployed against his own people. These Obama directives are of the same nature that the Stasi used in East Germany, where everyone is guilty and under suspicion and monitoring by the government. History didn't judge that very well, and those heavily invested in the Obama personality cult would do well to remember that.
You talk of 'enemies' but tell me, which Obama foreign policy decision or action involving Russia, wasn't a net positive for them?
Guess who dropped the Iranian arms embargo at Russia's request? Why did the Russians want the embargo lifted, because they wanted to sell military arms and nuclear technology to Iran. This wasn't any secret, the Russians lobbied for these things specifically and Obama was like "yeah cool, whatever". His crappy Middle East policies have also resulted in some pretty sweet arms deals for Russia with Egypt, Syria and now Libya using Egypt as a middleman. But you're worried about the real estate mogul, turned tv game show host with a weird haircut who stays up late to say silly things on Twitter? Right...
Here he is taking to the former Russian leader about pulling missile defense systems from our allies in Europe, which emboldened the Russians invading and annexing Crimea, threatening Ukraine and Poland, expand their energy pipeline schemes, while Obama emboldened them by capitulating at our allies dismay on missile defense in Eastern Europe.. Translation: Obama sold out our allies (including one of our best in Europe. Poland) and the result was almost entirely favorable for Russia and growing Putin's personal wealth.
Here's Obama even caught on a hot mic telling the Russian president Mendevel he'll have more flexibility pulling the missile defense shield from our allies in Eastern Europe after his election
He wanted to wait until after the election to sell out our allies in the Czech Republic and Poland, fearful of Russian aggression, and all the folks on the left put their fingers in their ears, but are now spreading silly conspiracy theories about Russian hackings and hookers peeing on mattresses for Trump. He even mocked Romney in the campaign for calling Russia "our number one geopolitical foe".
After dropping the missile defense program, Putin pledged to meet with GE, Obama's single biggest campaign contributor, now doing bigger business than ever in Russia, yet no red flags for you? What's Trump going to do in comparison? Charge them premium rates on mini bar items at his hotels? Fail for a fifth time to make a real estate development deal in Russia? Sell a second home in Florida to a guy from Russia? Those are hardly James Bond villain worthy schemes, and pretty stupid to lose any sleep over.
He's expressly in his actions and even his words said he was against the DNC and many times has expressed anti-semitic rants, not to mention his god damn rape charges he's evading (and yes, they are serious as fuck charges regardless what his sycophants and him claim).
There is nothing really that amazing about this leak except for the convenient timing of those leaks as Trump is battling the IC. It's the CIA, they do spy shit, film at 11.
In fact, the timing of all those so called leaks (mostly thefts) is predictable in being always supporting whatever narrative the alt-right supports (and the Kremlin's line); his twitters leave nothing to the imagination about his intentions and motivations. I don't have to guess.
Also, releasing info selectively that you can't really ever verify (unlike snowden who at least released to the media who then vetted it) creates whatever narrative he wants to convey.
A big part of trusting information, especially anonymous one, comes from trusting the source. That's the difference from something released by Breitbart and say the New York Times or The Washington Post. Assange is not a reliable conduit for information by the weight of his many inactions and inactions; he can't be trusted.
The world discovered every P.C. had a tracking number, now your iPhone is hackable by Spooks.
Guess he wasn't a nut after all