I'm using Dashlane...but am thinking of switching to Apple's application, Keychains. May do it, at the intro of High Sierra.
Apple's implementation has become a lot better with the new betas, but it still lacks a lot of the features I like with 1Password. Features like Watchtower which tells me which passwords I may want to change because websites may have been compromised, the Audit which tells me how old my passwords are (based on when I added them), the robust password generator, the fields for putting secret answers and questions (along with various notes, screenshots, email addresses, dates, and other info I may use for an account), and being able to input countless other types for data (for example, I've created a detailed list for memberships and health) that simply aren't possible with Apple's setup.
I think they got it backwards. 99.9% of users *don't* want a subscription service and have their passwords stored in a cloud. If you check the not only the comments here but also the comments posted in AgileBits own forum, almost all say they don't want the subscription and cloud service. Including me.
AgileBits needs to add support for Resilio (nee Bittorrent) Sync stat, so users can have the best of both worlds: immediate access across all synced devices and locally controlled storage. And, yes, AgileBits' subscription model sucks.
I don't understand why you need 1Password for Resilio. Can't you just sync to the folder/file your vault is stored and have it be copied to another device?
That's fine for Mac/Win/Linux users. But that doesn't help with access on iOS devices, where the data would be synced and accessible within the Resilio Sync app, but it would also be encrypted/unusable without AgileBits adding support for Sync access.
Wouldn't a bit torrent app on App Store violate Apple's rules?
What's in a name? Resilio Sync (nee Bittorrent Sync) has been available in the iOS App Store for years. There's nothing nefarious about it, which is likely a major reason the effort was renamed Resilio.
I use 1Password constantly across all my devices, but I am not going to pay a monthly fee for it. Companies need to get off this concept of sucking on our wallets like money vampires. I'm getting really tired of it and if they continue I might just start ratcheting down my use of technology and with it my spending. It's not imperative I have 1Password. It's not imperative I have home automation - Indigo now has an annual fee for software maintenance. It's not imperative I use home finance software - many home finance apps have compelling services that require a monthly fee. It's not imperative I have home security camera recording software - Sighthound has added an annual software maintenance fee.
I don't understand: has AgileBits come out and told their customers they can't use local vaults anymore? Has that function been removed from the software? I can't tell that it is. And how is the option to sync via iCloud OK, but not via 1Password cloud? Surely the same objections apply to both, but seemingly the iCloud option was never an issue for the security experts.
I'm using Dashlane...but am thinking of switching to Apple's application, Keychains. May do it, at the intro of High Sierra.
Apple's implementation has become a lot better with the new betas, but it still lacks a lot of the features I like with 1Password. Features like Watchtower which tells me which passwords I may want to change because websites may have been compromised, the Audit which tells me how old my passwords are (based on when I added them), the robust password generator, the fields for putting secret answers and questions (along with various notes, screenshots, email addresses, dates, and other info I may use for an account), and being able to input countless other types for data (for example, I've created a detailed list for memberships and health) that simply aren't possible with Apple's setup.
I agree. 1Password is absolutely feature-rich and I think that Apple, being advocates of privacy and security, should incorporate features that 1Password has into macOS and iOS. The Keychain is fine and it works for me, but in the end it is more a convenience that auto-fills credentials for me than something that would store all the things I need in a vault.
macOS needs an active and robust user-security feature.
If a customer feels a one-time license is in their best interest, they can contact AgileBits via email and the company will "help them determine if a license is really what's best for them,"
What incredible arrogance. I bought the software now I'd simply like them to fuck off out of my life, if they want to go to cloud based subscription model then they can refund my purchase price in full and I'll find a different solution.
If 1Password becomes subscription only and cloud only, then I'm leaving. 1. I don't want to be nickle-and-dimed to death with a subscription to a crucial piece of software. 2. Cloud storage of passwords is inherently less secure than local encrypted storage.
So I'm looking for replacements for this stupid move.
Just for the record I bought Zbrush 1.13 some time around 1999 for $299. I was not promised anything more, yet for the past 17 years I have been receiving free updates, currently up to ZBrush 4R8 P1, which currently sells for nearly $800. Just to put these subscription models of software into perspective.
I use LastPass because $10-20 per platform for only one version worth of guaranteed updates was silly expensive for a password manager when other free local password managers existed like keepass, truecrypt and it's successor veracrypt when I was first deciding several years ago.
Plus 1password has been full of shit about 2FA. They could have done 2FA since PasswordSafe does so. The whole "we're based in encryption not authentication" argument is specious.
Folks that believe "its local and thus more secure" is engaging in wishful thinking especially if they use iCloud or Dropbox as the integration path.
PasswordSafe is free on windows and only $3 on iOS ($15 MacOS) and you can do 2FA with a local vault. Which means someone who keyloggered your box doesn't have full access to your master password list without also having your Yubikey or bruteforcing the encryption. If you are that paranoid about your passwords that "local storage" is your holy grail then you want both encryption and 2FA authentication.
For me, LastPass is good enough and I even pay them their sub of $12 a year. That's still cheaper than 1Pass.
I don't understand: has AgileBits come out and told their customers they can't use local vaults anymore? Has that function been removed from the software? I can't tell that it is. And how is the option to sync via iCloud OK, but not via 1Password cloud? Surely the same objections apply to both, but seemingly the iCloud option was never an issue for the security experts.
No, Agile Bits has not, as yet, removed the capability to store vaults locally or on any of the supported Cloud-based services.
As for the question of it being ok to sync with iCloud, but not via 1Password servers, I think the reasoning may be something along the lines of the following:
If AgileBits 1Password servers were hacked, then the hackers would have just hit (what another post called) "a large honeypot" containing only 1Password Vaults. Yes, the vaults themselves would still have to be hacked, and that's a whole other story, but such a cloud-based repository may make for a very attractive target.
If Apple's Servers were to be hacked, any 1Password vaults contained therein would be compartmentalized within individual iCloud accounts. Stupid question, but does Apple have any global access to iCloud account content?
Presumably, Apple is much more hardened against attack than Agile Bits.
Also note that a 1Password.com subscription can be used with iOS and macOS 1Password apps where the information on items (notes, passwords, logins, documents) will be cached locally for access. Of course access to the cloud stored data vault is the method when logging in via a web browser. Account keys are not stored with Agilebits. Having the cloud storage allows having shared vaults with others if desired. We use this feature to give our estate trustees access to important information.
If Apple's Servers were to be hacked, any 1Password vaults contained therein would be compartmentalized within individual iCloud accounts. Stupid question, but does Apple have any global access to iCloud account content?
I don't trust AgileBits any more.
This thug-boot insistence towards monthly subscriptions and (according to them) beneficial cloud storage, smells more like a gigantic revenue source has been added by the board. Being a heartless company based inside a Five Eyes member country, it wouldn't surprise me AgileBits found being friendly to multiple government agencies brings with it, untold economic benefits. F' AgileBits and 1Password, I'm out!
If Apple's Servers were to be hacked, any 1Password vaults contained therein would be compartmentalized within individual iCloud accounts. Stupid question, but does Apple have any global access to iCloud account content?
It's really not a question of "Is cloud based as secure as device based storage?"
A security professional once told me:
1) The thieves will always take the easiest, richest target"
2) If they want in, they will get in. The best security is to get them to go rob the other guy.
So, what could be a more lucrative target for a hacker than to steal all of somebody's passwords -- but to steal all of millions of people's passwords?
For me, the two biggest targets for hackers have got to be: Cloud based Financial info and passwords
-- That's why I still use device based Quicken on my old laptop rather than its cloud version. The Intuit servers have got to be the golden egg of all non-political hackers.
-- That's also why I don't use a password service: To me it seems like the first place a hacker would attack.
The chance of those things being hacked may be "almost zero" -- but so is the chance of a bungee cord breaking...
I don't trust AgileBits any more.
This thug-boot insistence towards monthly subscriptions and (according to them) beneficial cloud storage, smells more like a gigantic revenue source has been added by the board. Being a heartless company based inside a Five Eyes member country, it wouldn't surprise me AgileBits found being friendly to multiple government agencies brings with it, untold economic benefits. F' AgileBits and 1Password, I'm out!
WHat's this "thug-boot instance" to which you refer? I've never had 1Password force me to stop using my pre-paird apps on any platform. If, one day, they did, I'll probably switch to monthly payments even if I don't want that simply because it's not likely anyone else will be able to match them, but you're message seems to claim that they're focusing current users off of their current plans with their current licenses.
Just to be clear, they charge $2.99 for a monthly fee, which comes out to $35.88 per annum. Now, what if started offering the app a pre-paid license for a new version and charged $50, but then had new versions every year that also cost $50, not unlike how VM apps operate with macOS doing annual updates. Would you be more happy with that even though it costs more money? Personally, I feel I've been underpaying for 1Password for all the years I've been buying their products and using it every single day to help me stay secure. If something better comes along I'll surely consider moving to it, but it will be based on features and ease of use, not cost.
Pro Tip: In mobileSafari, edit the options that appear when you click that box with a line through it in the center of the bottom bar so that 1Password is in teh first row, if not hte first item, so you can easily input 1Password data into websites.
I use 1Password constantly across all my devices, but I am not going to pay a monthly fee for it. Companies need to get off this concept of sucking on our wallets like money vampires. I'm getting really tired of it and if they continue I might just start ratcheting down my use of technology and with it my spending. It's not imperative I have 1Password. It's not imperative I have home automation - Indigo now has an annual fee for software maintenance. It's not imperative I use home finance software - many home finance apps have compelling services that require a monthly fee. It's not imperative I have home security camera recording software - Sighthound has added an annual software maintenance fee.
Getting really sick of this.
I agree. 1Password is absolutely feature-rich and I think that Apple, being advocates of privacy and security, should incorporate features that 1Password has into macOS and iOS. The Keychain is fine and it works for me, but in the end it is more a convenience that auto-fills credentials for me than something that would store all the things I need in a vault.
macOS needs an active and robust user-security feature.
What incredible arrogance. I bought the software now I'd simply like them to fuck off out of my life, if they want to go to cloud based subscription model then they can refund my purchase price in full and I'll find a different solution.
1. I don't want to be nickle-and-dimed to death with a subscription to a crucial piece of software.
2. Cloud storage of passwords is inherently less secure than local encrypted storage.
So I'm looking for replacements for this stupid move.
Plus 1password has been full of shit about 2FA. They could have done 2FA since PasswordSafe does so. The whole "we're based in encryption not authentication" argument is specious.
Folks that believe "its local and thus more secure" is engaging in wishful thinking especially if they use iCloud or Dropbox as the integration path.
PasswordSafe is free on windows and only $3 on iOS ($15 MacOS) and you can do 2FA with a local vault. Which means someone who keyloggered your box doesn't have full access to your master password list without also having your Yubikey or bruteforcing the encryption. If you are that paranoid about your passwords that "local storage" is your holy grail then you want both encryption and 2FA authentication.
For me, LastPass is good enough and I even pay them their sub of $12 a year. That's still cheaper than 1Pass.
As for the question of it being ok to sync with iCloud, but not via 1Password servers, I think the reasoning may be something along the lines of the following:
Just to be clear, they charge $2.99 for a monthly fee, which comes out to $35.88 per annum. Now, what if started offering the app a pre-paid license for a new version and charged $50, but then had new versions every year that also cost $50, not unlike how VM apps operate with macOS doing annual updates. Would you be more happy with that even though it costs more money? Personally, I feel I've been underpaying for 1Password for all the years I've been buying their products and using it every single day to help me stay secure. If something better comes along I'll surely consider moving to it, but it will be based on features and ease of use, not cost.
Pro Tip: In mobileSafari, edit the options that appear when you click that box with a line through it in the center of the bottom bar so that 1Password is in teh first row, if not hte first item, so you can easily input 1Password data into websites.