Should you preorder Apple's iPhone 8, or wait for the iPhone X?

in iPhone
With pre-orders starting this Friday, and the first deliveries hitting Sept. 22, it may be tempting to buy an iPhone 8 instead of waiting for the iPhone X, coming Nov. 3. There are a few factors to consider before going either route.

Cost, naturally, will be the overarching concern for most people. At $699 -- $50 more than the iPhone 7 was a week ago -- even a 64-gigabyte iPhone 8 may be too expensive. The $999 price tag on the iPhone X could be a non-starter unless your phone is your primary computing device, or you're simply affluent enough that it doesn't matter. When you consider that you could buy a MacBook Air or a complete Windows PC for the same amount, that should give pause.

Either device may be more affordable under Apple's iPhone Upgrade Program, which guarantees a new iPhone and AppleCare+ every year in exchange for monthly payments and trading in your old iPhone. Remember though that in any circumstance, your budget also needs to account for apps and accessories. A case may be virtually mandatory, since Apple has opted for glass backs on both products, making them a magnet for scratches and fingerprints even if they don't crack.

Feature-wise, both phones will do what you need them to do. They each have A11 Bionic processors, wireless charging, waterproofing, 64 or 256 gigabytes of storage, and basic augmented reality support. The X and the 8 Plus share dual-lens cameras with optical zoom and support for Portrait shooting, a slight edge going to the f/2.4 aperture on the X's telephoto lens.

If price isn't a concern, the obvious advantage of the X is its edge-to-edge, 5.8-inch OLED display -- which is not only bigger than what the 8 Plus has to offer, but features high dynamic range (HDR) including much starker 1,000,000:1 contrast. This is clearly the future of the iPhone, and some people are no doubt willing to pay extra to get a glimpse.

The X replaces a home button with gestures, and Touch ID with Face ID, but since even the press has barely had any time with the device, it's too early to judge whether these changes are seamless and a net gain. Privacy critics have expressed worries that despite Apple's promises, Face ID may be less secure, for instance because police, criminals, or others could theoretically take your phone and just point it at you to unlock it.

A unique perk of the phone's AR capabilities is animoji -- emoji that match your face movements -- but realistically, that hardly justifies spending over $1,000.

One final point to consider is how scarce the iPhone X may be, regardless of how much money you have. The company could be manufacturing less than 10,000 units a day, which even with a November launch may not be enough to meet global demand. For many people the phone's Nov. 3 ship date could turn into Dec. 3, if not later, which means you need to ask yourself just how badly you want cutting-edge technology. OLED may become de facto on next year's iPhones -- and the X will inevitably see a price drop around the same time.


  • Reply 1 of 44
    Waiting for X. 
    StrangeDaysanton zuykovlolliverredgeminipa
  • Reply 2 of 44
    I have decided to preorder the iPhone X. 256 GB, Silver.
  • Reply 3 of 44
    Since I need a phone that fits in my pants, I'm waiting for the SE update.
  • Reply 4 of 44
    entropysentropys Posts: 4,263member

    Face ID may be less secure, for instance because police, criminals, or others could theoretically take your phone and just point it at you to unlock it.

    You mean totally unlike now when they could just hold your finger against the home button?
  • Reply 5 of 44

    If price isn't a concern, the obvious advantage of the X is its edge-to-edge, 5.8-inch OLED display -- which is not only bigger than what the 8 Plus has to offer, 

    This is just not true. The X doesn't have a display bigger than the 8 Plus'. The display width is the same as the 8's: 375 logical pixels. With its 16:9 aspect ratio, the 8 Plus offers more width, which becomes a clear superiority to the X in landscape orientation.
    edited September 2017
  • Reply 6 of 44
    I'll wait for iPhone XII
  • Reply 7 of 44
    Face ID may be less secure, for instance because police, criminals, or others could theoretically take your phone and just point it at you to unlock it.
    This is absurd FUD and I expect better of AI.

     - iOS 11 has a quick-disable of biometrics via 5 rapid clicks of the side-button.

     - Face ID won't work if you close your eyes or look away.

     - Anybody using force can make you authenticate any device.

     ...sorry but total nonsense, AI.
    edited September 2017 muthuk_vanalingammwhitetycho_macuserlolliveriqatedoargonautredgeminipajony0
  • Reply 8 of 44
    entropysentropys Posts: 4,263member
    Definitely want to upgrade from the 6+.
    • The price of the X cannot be justified for what it is. Maybe the price is meant to limit sales closer to production capacity, but I think the price also gives nitrous fuel to Apple's critics.
    • There are also design and UI elements to the X that don't seem very Apple, eg The Notch, and the two step: Face ID/swipe to get to the home screen that were immediately obvious. It might work better with familiarity.
    • The 8's are only incremental refinements over the 7, but have also increased in price.
    I hope this isn't a jump the shark moment.
    edited September 2017 williamlondon
  • Reply 9 of 44
    sog35 said:
    WTF is logical pixels

    And then the first link!
    edited September 2017
  • Reply 10 of 44
    sog35 said:

    If price isn't a concern, the obvious advantage of the X is its edge-to-edge, 5.8-inch OLED display -- which is not only bigger than what the 8 Plus has to offer, 

    This is just not true. The X doesn't have a display bigger than the 8 Plus'. The display width is the same as the 8's: 375 logical pixels. With its 16:9 aspect ratio, the 8 Plus offers more width, which becomes a clear superiority to the X in landscape orientation.
    WTF is logical pixels
    iPhone X
    2436x1125 @3x
    1125/3 = 375

    iPhone 8
    1334x750 @2x
    750/2 = 375

    That means the 8 and the X display exactly the same number of objects horizontally, with exactly the same size in pixels. When rotated to landscape and say for example when using a keyboard, the keyboard will be exactly the same size in both 8 and X, as well as the space left above keyboard where you type text. With iPhone 8 Plus, you will get more space above the keyboard to type text if you switch to landscape mode. With iPhone X you won't get that more space. 
  • Reply 11 of 44
    Just for comparison sake, the iPhone 8 Plus screen measures 68 mm wide by 122 mm tall.  Given the resolution and PPI from the keynote, the X screen is going to measure 62.5 mm wide by 135 mm tall.  The X will be narrower but longer than the 8 Plus.

    From a practical standpoint this means movies or other content displayed in landscape mode in 16:9 format will be smaller on the X than on the 8 Plus even though the overall screen size is larger.  The visible area will be 111 mm by 62.5 mm and you'll see letterboxes on each side while the 8 Plus will use the full 122 by 68 screen.
  • Reply 12 of 44
    entropysentropys Posts: 4,263member

    The X and the 8 Plus share dual-lens cameras with optical zoom and support for Portrait shooting, a slight edge going to the f/2.4 aperture on the X's telephoto lens.

    Do both the 8 Plus and the X have optical image stabilisation on both lenses? Apple says dual optical stabilisation for the X and just Optical stabilisation for the 8 plus. Apple's wording is not clear, but if the Plus has digital stabilisation only on the telephoto it would be another benefit to the X in addition to a better aperture.
    edited September 2017 lolliverredgeminipa
  • Reply 13 of 44
    I would probably still be using my 4S had I not wanted a larger screen for easier viewing which lead to me upgrading to a 6. I decided to upgrade to a 6S+ primarily for the camera improvements, but soon became frustrated with the loss of one-handed operation. I just couldn't get excited enough about the 7 to upgrade and the same goes for the 8.

    I'm still on the fence about OLED technology. The LCD displays are plenty good enough for me. I liked the idea of an "edge-to-edge" display in hopes that I could get the plus-sized screen in a non-plus form factor. I like the looks of the X...when it's off. As mentioned above, the "notch" comes across as very un-Apple-like. When I saw it during the event, I felt another "Steve would never have allowed this" moment.

    Speed hasn't been an issue for me. I don't game and I can't recall ever using my phone and wishing it were faster.

    The X would be a somewhat significant upgrade from my 6S+ (jumping over the 7 and 8). Right now, there's less chance I'll pre-order and more change I'll wait to see it in person before I buy. I just haven't been able to get all that excited about upgrades the last few years as I have in the past.
  • Reply 14 of 44
    For me it is Silver X.. Going to have my finger on The buy botton .... hope i click fast enough .?
  • Reply 15 of 44
    If a person had the X and shot an animoji on it, would it animate for someone who it was sent to and had a 6 or 6s...?
  • Reply 16 of 44
    Think I'm going for the Space Grey 256GB X. Only thing giving me any apprehension is Face ID. Not sold on this over Touch ID. I'd really like to try it first but I worried if I wait, I'll be waiting some time to finally get my phone. I'll probably just take the plunge knowing I have the option to switch to the 8 Plus if I hate Face ID.
  • Reply 17 of 44
    One of the major cable TV networks had reporters down on the street interviewing the public (hint hint) ..and their reactions were hilarious. Only 1 in 10 said NO and of those who said YES, only 3 in 10 complained it was too expensive and 5 of 10 said that they didn't see it as that big a  value but would be buying it anyway. The _way_ they responded to the questions was great --if you care about your footwear, you're going to own an iPhone X or a Galaxy S8 no matter what the cost; otherwise, you're going to own whatever comes next (what color is in stock and the monthly payment as important as picture quality), just when your current unit starts to sound bad from too much exposure/use.
  • Reply 18 of 44
    this is a cool feature demo on the X using the TrueDepth camera system (at the 7:58 mark):

    ...basically like using a green screen without the green screen. neat. (hmm time
    edited September 2017
  • Reply 19 of 44
    entropys said:
    Definitely want to upgrade from the 6+.
    • The 8's are only incremental refinements over the 7, but have also increased in price.
    The 8's are not incremental refinements. Similar to 64 bit introduced with 5s they signal a significant forward jump of the platform as a whole. The A11 bionic chip is not just a clock speed increase. Neural engine will bring considerable enhancements to Siri and smart device management. Wireless charging, optical image stabilization, hardware encoder HEVC, 4K video @60 fps, are substantial. Of course one may strikethru every single one of these features but then there is the SE, why do we discuss 8?
  • Reply 20 of 44

    If price isn't a concern, the obvious advantage of the X is its edge-to-edge, 5.8-inch OLED display -- which is not only bigger than what the 8 Plus has to offer, 

    This is just not true. The X doesn't have a display bigger than the 8 Plus'. The display width is the same as the 8's: 375 logical pixels. With its 16:9 aspect ratio, the 8 Plus offers more width, which becomes a clear superiority to the X in landscape orientation.
    How on earth would the 8 Plus offer more width? If you are watching a movie on either the iPhone 8 Plus or X, it's going to be 16:9 aspect ratio. The only difference I imagine is there will be pillarboxing on the iPhone X since it has what I assume is an 18:9 aspect ratio. 
    edited September 2017
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