Users continue to experience sluggishness, battery life problems in iOS 11 after multiple ...



  • Reply 41 of 85
    Rayz2016 said:
    This is crazy! I have had no issues with my 7 Plus with any of the iterations of iOS 11.
    Well it’s not all that surprising. 

    Bear in mind that if something is wrong then people complain. 

    If everything is is okay then folk say nothing at all. 

    Is this a widespread problem? It might be, but the internet is not the best place to find out, not from Apple’s viewpoint anyway. What usually happens is that one person says they have a problem, then ten other people think they have the same issue, when in fact the performance of their phone hasn’t actually changed. Do not underestimate the power of the group mind. 
    Doubt I'm the only one to observe... your invitation to stick one's head in the sand is annoying. 
    There are widespread problems with iOS 11 -- stop doing the "nothing to see here" wave and pay attention.
    I'm an iPhone and iPad owner since first release of each. Now have a 6+ and an iPad Pro.  Not as toys -- I count on each of them as tools to get through my working day.
    Both devices have turned to shit under iOS11. Visual vx mail, email, camera, calendar, general sluggishness, freezes, missed key strokes, stuttering. Daily hard-resets required. I hadn't yet noticed the calculator issue, but it's pretty freakin' easy to replicate. That's not any kind of "group mind." 

    I would do a slick and fresh install but I can't get my photos to sync right now and don't want to lose them.  Yes, battery life has also decreased significantly.  Restoring the background activities that defaulted to "all-on" under iOS 11 install did help some.

    The issues will get fixed eventually, like they almost always do. Meanwhile don't patronize those who are alarmed by meaningful failures in Apple's commitment toward excellence. By identifying the issues they are driving the fix process and also reflecting the fact that Apple users give a damn. Apple needs this feedback just like any other customer-serving organization. Hopefully they are listening.
    OCAavon b7gatorguymuthuk_vanalingambaconstang
  • Reply 42 of 85
    iPhone 7's have been fine, a little less battery life, but manageable.

    iPad Air 2's on the other hand have been horrendous.  Have two, hit one first with the battery indicator not showing correctly(?) dropping in multiple percentages just watching it with nothing running, tried hard resets and full restores, nothing solved it, to the point I thought it was hardware due to the other iPad not having any issues.  Then it started not charging, plugged in to apple cube (or third party) shows charging, but losing battery, even overnight.  Know it's iOS 11 due to the other iPad starting to have the exact same symptoms starting days later, and both were updated at the exact same time (the first time, not the restore for the one).  What is really weird, is if you unplug and replug in the ipad, sometimes, it will pickup and recharge normally.

    As an example, this morning after being on the charger all night, the ipad had dropped from 30%ish to 16%, uplugged it, immediately dropped to 2%, then off a few seconds later.  Plugged it back in, restarted, charged for a moment and jumped to 20%+ a few moments later.  The charging symbol always showed they are charging.

    Have I gone to the genius bar to report this, hell no, not setting up an appointment just to drive and wait for them to either swap the device or say something stupid about the battery needing to be replaced when it is obvious that it is the iOS update that has caused the issue. batteries lasted all day with usually greater than 50% left every day after heavy use before version 11. Actually I think it was worse after 11.0.3.
  • Reply 43 of 85

    Really annoyed and disappointed. created an account just for this.

    I dnt know why I continue to stick with apple despite everyone I know saying to leave.

    Bought iphone 6s plus new in March this year cause i wanted the headphone jack.

    Had no issues with ios 10 phone was perfect. I was putting off upgrading to ios 11 but there was so many constant prompts everyday to agree and update later that night. it finally updated a week ago and the phone runs like crap. Constant glitching and lagging. Battery life not as good as it was before. so many little annoying issues with everything in the phone. On two different occasions I feel like the finger id unlocked itself when I wiped the front of the phone with a thick towel like wth!

    When phone is not touched for a while and then you suddenly pick it up it lags. notifications on the front screen lag. the alarm clock lags and screws up...

    Come on guys either push out a new update for the 6s plus ppl or let us go back to IOS 10.

    If you cant figure out the issues just push out the IOS 10 update so we can go back.   

    After updating a 4s from 7 to 8 and seeing how much it slowed my phone even to the point that Safari couldn't keep up with my slow typing, I just avoid updating the OS now. Maybe I would update to the next version the first year or two but not beyond that.
  • Reply 44 of 85
    As Rene Ritchie of iMore noted, use the iOS 11 calculator app and quickly enter this calculation:  1 + 2 + 3 

    The iOS 11 animations prevent normal operations because they are so intrusive. The calculator slows down and it interferes to the point of affecting calculations.race 
    The iOS 11 animations prevent normal operations because they are so intrusive. - Yet this affects ONLY the OLDER phones, not the latest iPhone 8 series. Any conspiracy to "slow down" the old phones as part of "planned obsolescence"?
    Yes it affects iPhone 8 Plus but is that a thing? What is the point in racing against an animation? How old is this guy?
  • Reply 45 of 85
    OCAOCA Posts: 1member
    I upgraded my iPhone to iPhone7 only 1.5 months ago. Few days back I ran the OS upgrade to 11.0.3. Since that I have to charge my phone 3 times a day. This is insane! In the morning at 8am I have it at 100% and by 11:30am it is below 20%. I turned off all possible things on the phone including location services, Bluetooth, I set low power mode and the only improvement is that it drained by 1pm this time. The battery shows over 60% of it goes to phone audio...Can't wait for the fix 
  • Reply 46 of 85
    airnerd said:
    ios11 has been causing issues for me, but i'm still on a 6.  I can't make it through a day anymore, where I could just fine a month ago.  I also have a lot of sluggishness just trying to type a text, the letters are about a second behind what I type.  

    I haven't done a restore from new through, and have heard that could solve the issue.  Don't have the time for that right now, so not really complaining too much since I haven't done what's been suggested.  
    EXACTLY the same here.
    Even though the battery was replaced about 3-4 months ago I have to recharge it a couple times a day.  I even had to "borrow" a friend's iPad charger to get a faster charge during the day.   Right now at noon it's being charged -- after a full over night charge it had dropped to 10% by lunch.

    But the keyboard/typing delay is the most irritating....  But, while it's pretty common, it's also sporadic.  One time its fine then the next two or three times the lag is back.  I haven't seen any pattern to it.

    Also, not related to iOS -- but my watch now has a problem in the exercise running app where once it is paused it (sometimes) cannot be unpaused....   That may or may not be new, but I never experienced it previous to Apple Watch OS4.

    I'm hoping Apple can fix all this...  It makes the phone and watch 'not fun anymore'

  • Reply 47 of 85
    tbxtbx Posts: 1member
    Previous happy 6s user, now getting battery life issues watched it tick down on the way to work 100-~20 in 30 minutes, turned off background app refresh and mostly fixed but still cautious if going to be away from power for the day.

    Getting stuck iOS notifications from deep preview on emails, also managed to get the control panel blurred back ground stuck somehow, need a power cycle to restore.

    Cant get my regular iTunes account to log in on my 6s and doing a restore was a PITA doing the restore as every app wanted my password before it would start to download (don’t have the problem on the iPad).

    got to say this feels like the shoddiest update ever, and been a user since the first gen.
  • Reply 48 of 85
    iPhone 7 since the update iOS 11 
    lets see; Siri starts up for no reason 
    itunes music app is unlistenable, music plays when the apps closed , try playing music it skips, it stops, Siri comes up again, then it shuffles through music like mad. Paying for the music and cannot even enjoy it. It’s so glitchy I just want to slam the phone on the cement and run it over with a dump truck then through the rest of the pieces in the lake. The music iTunes app is everything to me.. I figured i would try Pandora and it also does the same shit.. if apple doesn’t step up there game and FIX THE ISSUES  IM GONNA JUMP SHIP...
  • Reply 49 of 85
    _sansin__sansin_ Posts: 1unconfirmed, member
    My friend, who has 2 iphones (work & home, 6 and 7), updated the 7 over the air, and the 6 through itunes, clean install (factory reset + update, then restore from backup). He has tons of problems on the 7, but barely any problems on the 6. Maybe a clean install is the way to go.
  • Reply 50 of 85
    As Rene Ritchie of iMore noted, use the iOS 11 calculator app and quickly enter this calculation:  1 + 2 + 3 

    The iOS 11 animations prevent normal operations because they are so intrusive. The calculator slows down and it interferes to the point of affecting calculations.

    Exactly.  The answer is 24 apparently.
  • Reply 51 of 85
    So far we have iOS 11.0.3 running on iPhone 8 Plus, 7 Plus, 7, and an old iPad Air. Here are my datapoints:

    iPhone 8 Plus: Came with iOS 11, data restored from iCloud backup. Had daily Springboard-style crashes at first (screen goes black with spinner, comes back in a few seconds with Passcode/Touch ID request). I did a reinstall and iCloud restore, that seemed to fix it. Works great, battery life is excellent. Camera is freakin' amazeballs.

    iPhone 7 Plus: My wife's phone, upgraded OTA. Some anecdotal decrease in battery life, but otherwise just fine. Hard to do a very scientific take on this one, she uses it differently than I and often puts it back in her purse without locking. Oy vey.

    iPhone 7: Daughter #1 phone. She reports no issues, but often runs her battery down every day because she uses it like the college student she is.

    iPad Air: this aged beast has a harder time keeping up with animations, but works just fine with no change in battery life.

    Daughter #2 is still running iOS 10 on a 6S, so I'll try to observe any changes there when she upgrades. Don't worry, she's 18 - if there's a problem, I'll hear about it. All day long.
  • Reply 52 of 85
    I have an iPhone 6 still (3 years strong), so my belief and my plan has been not to upgrade to iOS 11 at this point. My phone has great battery life and feels great. I haven't used a 6s, 7, or newer phone yet, so I don't know what I'm missing. Ignorance is bliss and so is the extra cash in my bank account. 

    Good for you.  I recommend not upgrading--at least not yet.  At some point there will be great new apps that require iOS 11, but that's not a problem yet.  And you might be surprised how many apps on your phone won't work with iOS 11--since they have been abandoned my the developer so they were never recompiled to be 64-bit compliant (or whatever the issue is).
  • Reply 53 of 85
    JFC_PAJFC_PA Posts: 945member
    Just like when I upgrade a desktop OS I always suspect non compliant app software for performance hiccups. And with all the independent apps on a phone the likelihood some developer misses the jump gains likelihood. 
  • Reply 54 of 85
    JFC_PA said:
    Just like when I upgrade a desktop OS I always suspect non compliant app software for performance hiccups. And with all the independent apps on a phone the likelihood some developer misses the jump gains likelihood. 
    Exactly. But it is customary to blame Apple for every performance loss and alike.

    iOS sends “low memory” warnings to running apps. Apps are expected to comply with these warnings and take the necessary measures before iOS kills them or they crash altogether. Apple may be indulgent to these apps in the first releases of a new major iOS version until these apps fully adapt. But once these initial versions pass and second or third point updates are released Apple may begin to kill those low performers. Then everyone is relieved and applaud those updates. That cycle repeats with every major iOS release.
  • Reply 55 of 85
    sdw2001 said:
    iOS 11 still hasn't fixed my random screen dimming issues on my 7+.   The screen will dim like 15-20% for no brightness turned off.  I also get sluggishness at times, but that's not all the time.   
    Same here but on an iPhone SE. 
  • Reply 56 of 85
    As Rene Ritchie of iMore noted, use the iOS 11 calculator app and quickly enter this calculation:  1 + 2 + 3 

    The iOS 11 animations prevent normal operations because they are so intrusive. The calculator slows down and it interferes to the point of affecting calculations.

    Exactly.  The answer is 24 apparently.
    "New math".
  • Reply 57 of 85
    ariearie Posts: 27member
    As Rene Ritchie of iMore noted, use the iOS 11 calculator app and quickly enter this calculation:  1 + 2 + 3 

    The iOS 11 animations prevent normal operations because they are so intrusive. The calculator slows down and it interferes to the point of affecting calculations.

    Exactly.  The answer is 24 apparently.
    "New math".
    « Think different ».
  • Reply 58 of 85
    iqatedoiqatedo Posts: 1,828member
    On a 7+ I've experienced just two issues that perhaps now make sense. A fitness app running on both the phone and watch don't talk reliably now and I'm experiencing dropped video connections between the phone and 1st generation Apple TV. My wife might be having different problems on a 7.

    Battery life though is unaffected. Still getting through the day.

    With such disparate issues, it seems unlikely that there could be a common cause. Being a 'fly on the wall' at Apple HQ right now would be interesting.
  • Reply 59 of 85
    With ios 10.2 on 6s, it is buttery smooth. I used to always update to the latest offered, now ima staying out this time until things sorted out completely. Thanks but no thanks apple.
    edited October 2017 baconstang
  • Reply 60 of 85
    I have an iPhone 6 that is exhibiting some strange battery issues since iOS 11.

    It will display as 35% or 48% or whatever, but when I go to take a photo the camera app takes forever to load.  The screen goes dark and eventually it will show what's in view and take a photo.  But, then the phone shuts down.  When I power it on, it takes a long time to restart and the battery will show <10%, then it will shut down and the plug into iTunes or power display will come up like the battery is dead.  Wait 5 or 10 minutes and power it on and it will show ~30% battery, but die again.  After doing this several times, it will show the original % and be fine.

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