Your Apple Care experiences



  • Reply 21 of 25
    I love apple care! Nothing but happy results for me.

    I have AC on my tibook 400. Whne my keyboard started to function wrong (5 key all messed up) they shipped me a new keyboard no wquestions asked, took 2 days to get to me, five minutes to install with shutting down and restarting.

    I have gotten help every time I ever asked.

    When i forst got the machine I was installig ram and the ram clips BROKE! I couldn't keep in more htna one chip, the arm just flaked off.

    Apple sent a box, and I had it back in 7 days. They had to replace the entire logic board.

    if you have a laptop and dont have AC you are ASKING FOR DOOM.

    I sometimes pretend I'm claling on a laptop problem when I'm having trouble wth my G4 400 tower, heheheh.
  • Reply 22 of 25
    leonisleonis Posts: 3,427member
    When there is a problem with my machines I always take them to the service providers which have technicians that I know.

    They know who I am and I am not bullshitting.

    When I tell the problem they will fix them for me. No questions asked.

    I think the 'experience' is totally depending on the people you are dealing with.
  • Reply 23 of 25
    lol, yeah. i think part of what threw me off was that i'm used to getting my ass kissed when i call up. i have dozens of macs registered in my name through work over the last 10 years, so usually once they look me up they're very polite. this guy was just an ass.

    i think i'll be bringing in my laptop this weekend to see what the deal is (at an apple store)

    i'll post here after i've talked to them. i'm hoping that i have nothing like what Fran did.
  • Reply 24 of 25
    ryukyuryukyu Posts: 450member
    I have to say that my experience with them was pretty good.

    On Thursday night, I got a weird processor error and after trying to reboot, was unable to boot in OSX. I could boot into OS9, but received an error mesage about one of the processors (Dual 1ghz).

    Called Apple Friday morning, and after dealing with a pleasant tech support person, was told to take it to a local Apple authorized repair center.

    They checked it out, ordered a new logic board and processors, had it back to me Monday afternoon.

    Not bad I'd say.
  • Reply 25 of 25
    frawgzfrawgz Posts: 547member
    [quote]Originally posted by Matsu:

    <strong>It seems like Apple is just trying harder and harder to erode its own market. I hear far too many accounts of dissatisfaction with Apple service.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Where's that signature that says "the plural of anecdote is not 'data'"?
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