Magic Keyboard with Numeric Keypad order delays fuel speculation about new model for iMac ...

in Current Mac Hardware edited August 2020
Mac users looking to buy the Magic Keyboard with Numeric Keypad face a long wait before getting their hands on the peripheral if they order it through Apple's online store, with the long backorder time potentially suggesting a change to the hardware is on the way.

Apple Magic Keyboard with Numeric Keypad

The product page for the Magic Keyboard with Numeric Keypad in the online Apple Store advises it will ship within 4 to 5 weeks. AppleInsider's testing found the same lead time for shipping is advised for all language variations of the keyboard available to purchase via the US storefront.

It is a similar situation in other regional online Apple stores, with the versions covering the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Sweden, Mexico, Japan, and other markets all listing the same 4- to 5-week period of time.

Notably, the Magic Keyboard without the extra keypad does not appear to be affected. Delivery times for the keypad-less model seem to be normal, taking days or a few weeks to ship, depending on the market and the selected language.

It is unknown why the Magic Keyboard with Numeric Keypad has such long shipping estimates across the board, and just for this version. Apple does sometimes hold a product from dispatch if a refresh is incoming, but as Apple introduced the keypad-equipped model during WWDC 2017 in June, it seems to be too early in a typical product cycle for major changes to be made to the hardware.

The December shipment timing may have something to do with the expected release of the iMac Pro before the end of the year. Space Grey versions of the Wireless Keyboard, Magic Mouse 2, and Magic Trackpad 2 accessories will be sold alongside the iMac Pro, matching the color of the chassis.

There is also the possibility of Apple adding the Touch Bar, the thin touchscreen display included as part of the MacBook Pro, to peripherals used by desktop Macs. In April, patent applications were uncovered for a "Keyboard with Adaptive Input Row," which uses a similar touch-enabled screen situated just above a standard keyboard.

While there is potential for the introduction of the Touch Bar to the accessory, it would seem to be more likely for Apple to offer the Touch Bar as part of an update to the smaller Magic Keyboard alongside the Numeric Keypad variant, rather than just for the larger model.

Those looking to pick up a Magic Keyboard with Numeric Keypad can find it in stock at Adorama for $124.00 ($5 off) with free shipping and no sales tax collected on orders shipped outside NY and NJ.


  • Reply 1 of 32
    I haven't seen anyone use a numeric keypad since the days of the IBM 029 keypunch.
    Where is the demand coming for this?   For that matter, why hasn't the caps lock key also
    have gone the way of the dodo bird?
  • Reply 2 of 32
    If you are doing any sort of spreadsheet work it is incredibly faster and easier to have a numeric keypad. It always baffled me why there wasn't a wireless version of the keyboard with keypad when they have had a wired version since the Mac SE.
    king editor the grateloopyfroggerbaconstangSpamSandwichwatto_cobradavenchiaStrangeDayszroger73jony0
  • Reply 3 of 32
    FFS Apple... BACKLIT KEYS!!!!

    Any other reason is bull crap.
  • Reply 4 of 32
    Surprised they will update it that quick. Took long enough to release one, that if they had an update in the pipeline, you’d imagine they’d have waited less than 6 months.

    numberpads are a must when working in finance or numeric data entry. 3 to 4 times faster probably. They’ll be plenty of people who need one.
  • Reply 5 of 32
    loquitur said:
    I haven't seen anyone use a numeric keypad since the days of the IBM 029 keypunch.
    Where is the demand coming for this?   For that matter, why hasn't the caps lock key also
    have gone the way of the dodo bird?
    I've been a journalist of sorts for 24 years. I loved my old-timey Mac numeric keyboard for any, well, numeric entries. Sadly, I've been robbed of that with this janky iMac short keyboard. Numbers are the only keys I have to hunt or/and peck. I also use the caps lock with some frequency, chiefly when emailing play-by-mail turns for Hyborian War. So, I reckon there's your market: middle-aged geeks. (Although I also play punk rock [Kick It by Mark Allen] ... and my mom thinks I'm cool.)
    edited November 2017 baconstangSpamSandwichwatto_cobrajohn.bfrankiejony0
  • Reply 6 of 32
    FFS Apple... BACKLIT KEYS!!!!

    Any other reason is bull crap.
    I agree !!!! I have the original small magic keyboard and I hate it. It came with my iMac and I used it for one day. Put it back in the box and up on a shelf and went out and purchased the wired full sized keyboard. I use the numeric pad all the time. I want a full sized Apple Keyboard with Backlit KEYS!!!!! I don't care if it is wired or wireless.
  • Reply 7 of 32
    macxpressmacxpress Posts: 5,913member
    loquitur said:
    I haven't seen anyone use a numeric keypad since the days of the IBM 029 keypunch.
    Where is the demand coming for this?   For that matter, why hasn't the caps lock key also
    have gone the way of the dodo bird?
    I use the number pad all the time.
    FFS Apple... BACKLIT KEYS!!!!

    Any other reason is bull crap.
    Yes I agree...they could have made the keyboard backlit. Especially with the iMac Pro keyboard and it being space gray with black keys.
    edited November 2017 baconstangevilutionfrankie
  • Reply 8 of 32
    They are probably refreshing it to make the keyboard even more shitty just like the unreliable MacBook Pros with touch bar.  Only had my MacBook Pro with touch bar keyboard replaced twice so far in 12 months when it starts to play up ....

    Any I lose the computer from 2 to 5 days each time.  Insane.
  • Reply 9 of 32
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    loquitur said:
    I haven't seen anyone use a numeric keypad since the days of the IBM 029 keypunch.
    Where is the demand coming for this?   For that matter, why hasn't the caps lock key also
    have gone the way of the dodo bird?

    The numeric keypad is extremely useful for any bulk numeric entry you will need to do.   Likewise the caps lock key solves a lot of finger tangling issues for long string of caps and reduces entry errors.    Try that caps lock someday and you might better understand. 
  • Reply 10 of 32
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member

    They are probably refreshing it to make the keyboard even more shitty just like the unreliable MacBook Pros with touch bar.  Only had my MacBook Pro with touch bar keyboard replaced twice so far in 12 months when it starts to play up ....

    Any I lose the computer from 2 to 5 days each time.  Insane.
    This is a separate issue but I have to agree the overall quality of Apples keyboards have declined significantly.
  • Reply 11 of 32
    wizard69 said:

    They are probably refreshing it to make the keyboard even more shitty just like the unreliable MacBook Pros with touch bar.  Only had my MacBook Pro with touch bar keyboard replaced twice so far in 12 months when it starts to play up ....

    Any I lose the computer from 2 to 5 days each time.  Insane.
    This is a separate issue but I have to agree the overall quality of Apples keyboards have declined significantly.
    Maybe Apple should buy Logitech... /s
  • Reply 12 of 32
    dewmedewme Posts: 5,669member
    loquitur said:
    I haven't seen anyone use a numeric keypad since the days of the IBM 029 keypunch.
    Where is the demand coming for this?   For that matter, why hasn't the caps lock key also
    have gone the way of the dodo bird?
    Accountants, bookkeepers, and other forms of bean counting individuals use the numeric keypad all of the time. In fact, it's not unusual for bean counters to purchase a dedicated numeric keypad to use with notebook computers. Sounds crazy, I know...
  • Reply 13 of 32
    appexappex Posts: 687member
    Bring wired whatever when possible. Much more convenient, no batteries and protecting the environment and planet Earth.
  • Reply 14 of 32
    Actually, there is some production problem with Magic Keyboard with Numeric Keypad.
    It's happening to all language model like this

    Apple is trying to fix this issue before iMac Pro launch.
    Apple won't add Touch Bar to Magic Keyboard. Just fixing bent problem so far.
  • Reply 15 of 32
    k2kwk2kw Posts: 2,077member
    PFM_PFM said:
    Apple won't add Touch Bar to Magic Keyboard. Just fixing bent problem so far.
    I was hoping TouchID was on the new Keyboard.
  • Reply 16 of 32
    dewme said:
    loquitur said:
    I haven't seen anyone use a numeric keypad since the days of the IBM 029 keypunch.
    Where is the demand coming for this?   For that matter, why hasn't the caps lock key also
    have gone the way of the dodo bird?
    Accountants, bookkeepers, and other forms of bean counting individuals use the numeric keypad all of the time. In fact, it's not unusual for bean counters to purchase a dedicated numeric keypad to use with notebook computers. Sounds crazy, I know...
    Now I understand, so thank you, as one who switched from numerical to non-numerical computing early on.
    But aren't bean-counters more likely to be Windows-oriented?

  • Reply 17 of 32
    FFS Apple... BACKLIT KEYS!!!!

    Any other reason is bull crap.
    Have a backlit bluetooth Logitech keyboard (K811). Works great and am using it right now.
  • Reply 18 of 32
    aaarrrggghaaarrrgggh Posts: 1,609member
    I really HATE the current keyboard with numeric keypad; for some annoying reason they eliminated the function key from the bottom right, so you struggle if you have to use Windows to do an alt-f4.  Key placement is also awkward, so I find my left hand drifting from the home row and unable to easily adjust back-- all the keys are essentially the same.  I can barely touch type with the damn thing. The previous keyboard was significantly better for touch typing, but the stupid bolt-on numeric keypad and aa batteries were a hassle.
  • Reply 19 of 32
    StrangeDaysStrangeDays Posts: 13,043member
    loquitur said:
    dewme said:
    loquitur said:
    I haven't seen anyone use a numeric keypad since the days of the IBM 029 keypunch.
    Where is the demand coming for this?   For that matter, why hasn't the caps lock key also
    have gone the way of the dodo bird?
    Accountants, bookkeepers, and other forms of bean counting individuals use the numeric keypad all of the time. In fact, it's not unusual for bean counters to purchase a dedicated numeric keypad to use with notebook computers. Sounds crazy, I know...
    Now I understand, so thank you, as one who switched from numerical to non-numerical computing early on.
    But aren't bean-counters more likely to be Windows-oriented?
    No, and the idea that the only people keying in numbers are "bean counters" is silly. Anybody working with inventory, spreadsheets, prices, etc, all use the keypad. Numbers are a normal part of life in business, not just accounting. And of course people using Macs need to do this things as well.
  • Reply 20 of 32
    It’s bullshit that they only offer the black variants with the iMac Pro (these things get shiny with use and you can see the dirt as it slowly, inevitably builds up over the years), and even more bemusing that there’s no backlight (as many have mentioned).
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