Video: Extending the iPhone X's battery life with 'Dark Mode'

in iPhone edited November 2017
Using dark wallpaper, "Smart Invert," and some other iOS features, it's possible to push the iPhone X's battery surprisingly far.

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  • Reply 1 of 17
    macxpressmacxpress Posts: 5,911member
    I wish Apple would just have a real dark mode. As a choice...I prefer a dark interface vs a white interface like that use now. I also wish they do the same for macOS. 
  • Reply 2 of 17
    netroxnetrox Posts: 1,478member
    I definitely hope that Apple will have a dark theme for iOS 12 because damn, it looks much better when it's dark!!!!
  • Reply 3 of 17
    Great video. Thx. Not really concerned about looks, but when traveling maxing out these options sounds like a good idea. 

  • Reply 4 of 17
    An awesome reason to go OLED.
    But I still hate the blue color shift & the fact that OLED has 50% the life span of LCD.

    When I upgrade I am still going for the 8 Plus, from the 6 Plus
  • Reply 5 of 17
    bluefire1bluefire1 Posts: 1,309member
    The black wallpaper looks great on my iPhone X--even makes the notch invisible.
  • Reply 6 of 17
    fallenjtfallenjt Posts: 4,056member
    Yeah, but it’s stupid. Do we enjoy looking at the negatives or real developed pictures?
  • Reply 7 of 17
    I see they didn't put Apple insider App on the display.
    Arrh yes it's don't support iPhoneX display, with almost every article about the device, you would of expect they would be fist on the bandwagon!

  • Reply 8 of 17
    >> "Do we enjoy looking at the negatives or real developed pictures?" . Are you saying the Smart Invert feature is going to display all the photos in inverted negative-view as well?? Smart Invert is supposed to leave all the Photos alone.
    edited November 2017 watto_cobra
  • Reply 9 of 17
    An awesome reason to go OLED.
    But I still hate the blue color shift & the fact that OLED has 50% the life span of LCD.

    When I upgrade I am still going for the 8 Plus, from the 6 Plus
    Most people don't keep phones past a few years, max. 
    It's senseless to base your decision on LED degradation. 
  • Reply 10 of 17
    What a innovation. How about it saves your vision inth first place. This generation will be half blind in a few years. I know they do not relaize that, but human vision limits did not evelove with speed of technology. Curent display devices kill eyes way faster than older once with lower brightness.
  • Reply 11 of 17
    macxpress said:
    I wish Apple would just have a real dark mode. As a choice...I prefer a dark interface vs a white interface like that use now. I also wish they do the same for macOS. 
    macOS does have a dark mode. It’s been there since Yosemite. 
  • Reply 12 of 17
    MplsPMplsP Posts: 3,997member
    An awesome reason to go OLED.
    But I still hate the blue color shift & the fact that OLED has 50% the life span of LCD.

    When I upgrade I am still going for the 8 Plus, from the 6 Plus
    Most people don't keep phones past a few years, max. 
    It's senseless to base your decision on LED degradation. 
    Speak for yourself. *Many* people I know keep their phones more than 2 years, especially now that the technology has matured some and the feature/OS improvements are less dramatic. By discounting the lifespan issue, you are implicitly arguing that the phone should be discarded after 2 years. At $1000 a pop, upgrading phones for me, my wife and kids every other year would mean spending $2000 per year on hardware alone.

    I have long wished iOS had a dark mode. Now with OLED screens there is even more of a need for it.
  • Reply 13 of 17
    What a innovation. How about it saves your vision inth first place. This generation will be half blind in a few years. I know they do not relaize that, but human vision limits did not evelove with speed of technology. Curent display devices kill eyes way faster than older once with lower brightness.
    Source? ...Call me skeptical, but I'd love to see the peer-reviewed source for this assertion.

  • Reply 14 of 17
    MplsP said:
    An awesome reason to go OLED.
    But I still hate the blue color shift & the fact that OLED has 50% the life span of LCD.

    When I upgrade I am still going for the 8 Plus, from the 6 Plus
    Most people don't keep phones past a few years, max. 
    It's senseless to base your decision on LED degradation. 
    Speak for yourself. *Many* people I know keep their phones more than 2 years, especially now that the technology has matured some and the feature/OS improvements are less dramatic. By discounting the lifespan issue, you are implicitly arguing that the phone should be discarded after 2 years. At $1000 a pop, upgrading phones for me, my wife and kids every other year would mean spending $2000 per year on hardware alone.

    I have long wished iOS had a dark mode. Now with OLED screens there is even more of a need for it.
    Few years, not couple years. There's no way the lifespan of OLED is less than a few years. I can bet that even after 5 years it'll be fine. Technology is advancing so quickly that the iPhone X OLED display will look ancient compared to the ones we'll have in 5 years, even if you kept the X sealed in the box until then. 

    So OLED lifespan in phones is a joke. 

    OLED lifespan in TV's is a bigger deal, since some people keep TV's for more than a generation. 
  • Reply 15 of 17
    macxpressmacxpress Posts: 5,911member
    macxpress said:
    I wish Apple would just have a real dark mode. As a choice...I prefer a dark interface vs a white interface like that use now. I also wish they do the same for macOS. 
    macOS does have a dark mode. It’s been there since Yosemite. 
    Changing the Dock and Menu Bar to a darker color isn't a true dark mode. Dark mode means...well everything changes to a dark color. That includes Finder windows, apps, etc. Since Yosemite, Apple even eliminated the Notification Center screen from being dark. 

    We even have ambient light sensors on everything so Apple could even make it so it automatically switched over. Heck, we should even be able to make smarter websites that also switch to a dark mode in dark areas of use. 
  • Reply 16 of 17
    macxpressmacxpress Posts: 5,911member

    MplsP said:
    An awesome reason to go OLED.
    But I still hate the blue color shift & the fact that OLED has 50% the life span of LCD.

    When I upgrade I am still going for the 8 Plus, from the 6 Plus
    Most people don't keep phones past a few years, max. 
    It's senseless to base your decision on LED degradation. 
    Speak for yourself. *Many* people I know keep their phones more than 2 years, especially now that the technology has matured some and the feature/OS improvements are less dramatic. By discounting the lifespan issue, you are implicitly arguing that the phone should be discarded after 2 years. At $1000 a pop, upgrading phones for me, my wife and kids every other year would mean spending $2000 per year on hardware alone.

    I have long wished iOS had a dark mode. Now with OLED screens there is even more of a need for it.
    Maybe you a few of your friends keep their phones past 2yrs, but I'd say the vast majority upgrade their phones every year or two. If it wasn't popular, nobody would be making it easier to upgrade your phone so much. There's obviously demand for it. 
  • Reply 17 of 17
    What a innovation. How about it saves your vision inth first place. This generation will be half blind in a few years. I know they do not relaize that, but human vision limits did not evelove with speed of technology. Curent display devices kill eyes way faster than older once with lower brightness.
    Seems the first sensible reason to go through all these compromises, trade-offs, complications, functional anomalies that could have been avoided with a 1.5 mm thicker design
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