FCC Chairman Ajit Pai reveals Net Neutrality repeal plan, vote on Dec. 14



  • Reply 41 of 42
    clemynx said:
    clemynx said:
    kerpow said:
    georgie01 said:
    kerpow said:

    I think its going to be fine and look forward to watching the companies who try the things you've described fail.
    I’m all for small and limited government, and there are elements of net neutrality I don’t like, but in the absence of a replacement it needs to stay. We cannot have content in the hands of ISPs unless we also want the content to become profit driven.

    Changes to the Internet, based on profit motivation, will likely be brought about in small doses, things that don’t seem too bad, or are at least tolerably bad. Then there will be another step. Rinse and repeat. And like any clever business tactic, by the time the changes have reached a level of ‘Oh wait, this sucks’, things will have already reached a level of near irreversibility. And the average person won’t really care anyway because they’ve become accustomed to it.

    This approach happens endlessly in business, and government, and politics, and it happens because people are selfish and most people do things for themselves and will happily exploit others if they can. Very few people are there to serve others and do what’s best for them when it means a pay check is at stake.

    So for something that is a national and even global service, to have decisions in hands of people who will take advantage of customers at every opportunity is a disastrous idea. The internet will change, guaranteed. If you’re saying you want these changes then fine, but it’s naive to think everything’s going to stay the same.
    You act like customers have no power to sway the direction ISPs go on this topic, when in fact they (we) have all of the power. Yes, things will change but it doesn't mean its all doom and gloom. Imagine the public outrage  and boycotting that will come if any ISP tries the stuff you all are worried about. I guess I'm just not a hand wringer.
    Those things have happened in other countries and people have said nothing. 

    The naivete of the right when it comes to people complaining is baffling. 

    REMINDER : the US is the only country in the world not in the Paris agreement. Millions should be in the streets. Where are they?

    The Trump admin has done hundreds of awful things and people’s complaints aren’t doing much. 

    Another example : Many in the Trump admin have lied about their relations to Russia, everybody should be in the streets asking for their resignations. 
    What in the world does the unenforceable Paris 'handshake' agreement have to do with anything? The President was not authorized to make a legal agreement with other countries and that's why the Paris accord wasn't binding!
    It has everything to do with it. You Trumpists are embracing all the wrong and evil things. You oppose the fight against climate change, net neutrality, consumer protections against banks and healthcare for all. You know, things that all other developed countries in the world have. 
    Oh, brother. "Wrong and evil things..." Do you realize you sound like a religious zealot?
    edited November 2017
  • Reply 42 of 42
    clemynx said:
    dewme said:
    It’s absolutely criminal the way the current administration has turned over the care and governance of America’s crucial public services and resources to the very same people who seek to destroy them. It’s worse than the inmates running the asylum. They’re dismantling the asylum and selling off the disembodied pieces for profit to the highest well-heeled bidder who’s financing their ill begotten spoils with taxpayer money. Disgusting.
    It is indeed criminal. A disaster of epic and unprecedented proportions. What baffles me the most is how (sorry for the cliche) evil they are. One every single subject they are doing the opposite of what is good. Every one! It’s incredibly bad on taxes, healthcare, environment protection, finance, pharmaceutics...
    The sooner the state is pared back to a manageable, constitutionally rational size, the better.
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