Apple's AirPods a smash hit, shipments could reach 28M in 2018

in General Discussion edited December 2017
Declaring AirPods "the most important accessory in Apple's wireless ecosystem," analyst Ming-Chi Kuo said he believes the company could ship between 26 million and 28 million units of the completely wireless headphones next year.

Those sales, according to the KGI Securities analyst, would represent 100 percent year over year growth. The predictions were made in a note issued to investors on Monday, a copy of which was obtained by AppleInsider.

AirPods shipped in late 2016, but Apple has struggled to keep up with demand for much of their availability. That has changed in recent months, with an improved assembly process and increased capacity from adding a second manufacturer.

While Inventec used to be the sole supplier of AirPods, Luxshare-ICT has reportedly joined the mix recently. As a result, he sees Luxshare-ICT potentially edging its way into Apple's HomePod supply chain as well.

The $159 AirPods include Apple's custom W1 wireless chip, which allows easy pairing across a range of devices signed into the same iCloud account. The accessory is expected to soon be enhanced by a wireless charging case that will be compatible with Apple's AirPower charging mat.


  • Reply 1 of 53
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    Yet another obvious disconnect between what is said in comment sections about Apple products and what real users want and do in the real world. AirPods continue be maligned and denigrated by denizens of tech forums like AI, MacRumors, 9to5Mac, and others. But in the real world they are a hit. I watched this week’s Mac Break Weekly and it contained a segment about the MacBook Pro. After Leo La Porte, Andy Ihnatko, and Rene Ritchie (to a smaller extent) got through trashing and tearing the MacBook Pro limb from limb, from keyboard to Touch Bar, Leo La Porte heaved a big sigh, lowered his head and said, “But they’re selling really well. A lot of people are buying them.”

    So it’s always the same meme from the so-called techie crowd. People who buy Apple products are stupid and that’s really the only explanation that crowd has for why something like the AirPods have succeeded in the market place.

  • Reply 2 of 53
    airnerdairnerd Posts: 693member
    I'm approaching middle age and the need for a "get off my lawn" sign, but I'm an entrenched Apple ecosystem user because things just work.  I don't have to worry about standing on one leg and holding my tongue just right and hope that whatever awesome tech junk I bought will work that day.  Apple makes things simple and makes their stuff work well together.  That said, I have yet to purchase Air Pods.  I have had them in my cart many times ready to pull the trigger but then I pause because these were released in 2016.  We are coming up on 2018, so shouldn't there be some sort of refresh coming out?  Not sure what that is aside from a different case (separate purchase anyhow, I know) but I'm nervous about spending the 2018 price on 2016 tech and then right after they come out with something that has a slight change...but in Apple I trust to change when needed and not "because".  

    So here I sit, waiting still.  I'm sure someone reading this knows there is no refresh or upgrade coming and if that's the case I'd be happy to know.  :)
  • Reply 3 of 53
    there will be a refresh, the wireless charging case.
    edited December 2017 bb-15schlackwatto_cobra
  • Reply 4 of 53
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    AirPods are among the best things to ever happen in technology, in my opinion.

    For another view from the UK, the capital of anti-Apple envy, see the Macalope:

    edited December 2017 bb-15pscooter63randominternetpersonchristopher126RobPalmer9
  • Reply 5 of 53
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    Well the keyboard and touch bar seem to have some issues. I think the touch bar is a bit of a test for Apple, they want to see if people can shift from the mouse to touch easily, the answer is not really. 

    Airpods are great though. 
  • Reply 6 of 53
    Of the tens of thousands of dollars (literally - yikes!) I've "donated" to Apple over the last decade for computers, tablets, phones, routers, and other devices and accessories, I rank the AirPods as the most useful and appreciated purchase yet. I can't express how pleased I am with them. It was tough to spend $160 for a few pieces of plastic, but I now wonder how I ever lived without them. I can never go back to wires (either ear-to-device or ear-to-ear).
  • Reply 7 of 53
    netmagenetmage Posts: 314member
    I don't see the touchbar replacing the mouse, they already have the touch pad for that. 
  • Reply 8 of 53
    macxpressmacxpress Posts: 5,904member
    lkrupp said:
    Yet another obvious disconnect between what is said in comment sections about Apple products and what real users want and do in the real world. AirPods continue be maligned and denigrated by denizens of tech forums like AI, MacRumors, 9to5Mac, and others. But in the real world they are a hit. I watched this week’s Mac Break Weekly and it contained a segment about the MacBook Pro. After Leo La Porte, Andy Ihnatko, and Rene Ritchie (to a smaller extent) got through trashing and tearing the MacBook Pro limb from limb, from keyboard to Touch Bar, Leo La Porte heaved a big sigh, lowered his head and said, “But they’re selling really well. A lot of people are buying them.”

    So it’s always the same meme from the so-called techie crowd. People who buy Apple products are stupid and that’s really the only explanation that crowd has for why something like the AirPods have succeeded in the market place.

    I agree....too many times on all forums, media outlets, etc there are these armchair CEO's who think they know how to run Apple better than Apple. I've done it myself!  We never learn that Apple knows what the hell its doing, and the sales back up that statement. If Apple were releasing something that wasn't selling and causing that particular line to have a consistent decrease in sales versus the outgoing line then yes, someone has an argument, but as is stands right now, this simply isn't happening. I guess one could say the current Mac Pro was a flop, and I think Apple acknowledged that and is in the process of fixing that. In the meantime, they have a kickass iMac Pro coming soon for those who cannot wait, and maybe that actually fulfills what they need and I think it will. It doesn't matter how big or successful a company is, they're gonna have a flop at some point. This is what happens when you push forward and try things. Sometimes you end up shooting yourself in the foot. 

    So people can bitch and whine all they want about the MacBook Pro, or over priced earbuds, etc. The fact of the matter is that they're selling, and selling very well. So I have to say that you are in the extreme minority and it may not seem that way because those who whine are the loudest so it seems like its a massive failure, but in reality its just not true. Its quite obvious with the new MacBook Pro that people don't necessarily care about the USB-C only thing, or the new keyboard, touch bar, etc. If it were an issue, people wouldn't buy them. And don't give me this BS that well people are forced to buy them because they're so embedded into the platform. BS!

    I think we're also entering a new era where computers, and other devices are different on the inside and some are really struggling with that. We're entering a day and age where you may not be able to tinker inside anymore. Its the way of the world...the way things are going with not just Apple, but many other computer manufacturers as well. Hell, even cars are going this route to some extent. This again, is an area where those who don't like this are loud so it seems like a bigger issue than it really is, but in the grand scheme of things, its not really that big of a deal because 99.9% of folks don't care to do this and never will so its a nonissue. I'm not an engineering/design expert, but I gotta believe its a lot easier to design something where everything is integrated versus having to create expansion slots, ports, holes in the case, etc. I would also think its more reliable as well. Maybe I'm wrong though, I don't know. 

    As its always been, even when Steve or anyone else was running Apple, they aren't going to make everyone happy 100% of the time. I think it was even Steve who said "You can make some of the people happy, some of the time, but you cannot make some of the people happy, all the time" (I'm paraphrasing there). When you have the amount of customers Apple does, it doesn't matter what you release, you're always going to make some happy and some unhappy. And, some may leave the platform as a result, but I have a feeling that Apple is also introducing a lot of new people to the platform. When more start leaving than entering, then you may have a leg to stand on, but until then, you really don't have an argument. You can not like what Apple is doing, but that doesn't mean you have a valid argument. 

  • Reply 9 of 53
    GG1GG1 Posts: 483member
    Please make them in black (or Space Gray).
  • Reply 10 of 53
    macxpressmacxpress Posts: 5,904member
    GG1 said:
    Please make them in black (or Space Gray).
    Yes please Apple! I would also like them in black/space gray. 
  • Reply 11 of 53
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,386member
    This proves how utterly divorced from reality internet commentators are. These things were pretty much universally mocked, derided, and laughed at on the net and in forums, with never-ending articles about how "ugly" and "expensive" and "horrible sounding" they were. Clearly the public did not agree. Well done Apple.
  • Reply 12 of 53
    StrangeDaysStrangeDays Posts: 13,037member
    airnerd said:
    I'm approaching middle age and the need for a "get off my lawn" sign, but I'm an entrenched Apple ecosystem user because things just work.  I don't have to worry about standing on one leg and holding my tongue just right and hope that whatever awesome tech junk I bought will work that day.  Apple makes things simple and makes their stuff work well together.  That said, I have yet to purchase Air Pods.  I have had them in my cart many times ready to pull the trigger but then I pause because these were released in 2016.  We are coming up on 2018, so shouldn't there be some sort of refresh coming out?  Not sure what that is aside from a different case (separate purchase anyhow, I know) but I'm nervous about spending the 2018 price on 2016 tech and then right after they come out with something that has a slight change...but in Apple I trust to change when needed and not "because".  

    So here I sit, waiting still.  I'm sure someone reading this knows there is no refresh or upgrade coming and if that's the case I'd be happy to know.  :)
    Sorry but nobody here knows anything but what we read here the same as you. 
  • Reply 13 of 53
    StrangeDaysStrangeDays Posts: 13,037member

    lkrupp said:
    Yet another obvious disconnect between what is said in comment sections about Apple products and what real users want and do in the real world. AirPods continue be maligned and denigrated by denizens of tech forums like AI, MacRumors, 9to5Mac, and others. But in the real world they are a hit. I watched this week’s Mac Break Weekly and it contained a segment about the MacBook Pro. After Leo La Porte, Andy Ihnatko, and Rene Ritchie (to a smaller extent) got through trashing and tearing the MacBook Pro limb from limb, from keyboard to Touch Bar, Leo La Porte heaved a big sigh, lowered his head and said, “But they’re selling really well. A lot of people are buying them.”

    So it’s always the same meme from the so-called techie crowd. People who buy Apple products are stupid and that’s really the only explanation that crowd has for why something like the AirPods have succeeded in the market place.
    This despite the media’s insistence that Apple is befallen within disaster after disaster. Makes one scratch their head, doesn’t it?

    I call it Marco Arment's Techie Echo Chamber of Doom, Worry, and Concern (tm).

  • Reply 14 of 53
    doggonedoggone Posts: 396member
    Black Airpods would be cool.  That would make me by another pair (plus the wireless charging cases).

    Of all the bluetooth headphones I have tried in the last 4 years, the AirPods have been the most reliable, have the best battery life, fit amazing well and best of all sound like headphones are supposed to sound.
    The lack of controls (and Siri responding poorly to my commands) is the only downside but I readily forgive that for the truly awesome sound that these units produce. 
    To Airnerd - I suspect the next gen will be out in Q1 next year so maybe wait until then.  Otherwise the current version it is a great Xmas present (to yourself :))

  • Reply 15 of 53
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    GG1 said:
    Please make them in black (or Space Gray).
    You do know, don’t you, that Apple has a customer feedback website where you can send comments, criticisms, and requests directly to Apple. That would be much more effective than adding your two cents in this blog.

  • Reply 16 of 53
    These should have COME WITH iPhone X WITH the MIA wireless charging case version!  🙄
  • Reply 17 of 53
    GG1GG1 Posts: 483member
    lkrupp said:
    GG1 said:
    Please make them in black (or Space Gray).
    You do know, don’t you, that Apple has a customer feedback website where you can send comments, criticisms, and requests directly to Apple. That would be much more effective than adding your two cents in this blog.

    Thanks. I just gave my 2 cents to Apple, also.
  • Reply 18 of 53
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    macxpress said:

    As its always been, even when Steve or anyone else was running Apple, they aren't going to make everyone happy 100% of the time. I think it was even Steve who said "You can make some of the people happy, some of the time, but you cannot make some of the people happy, all the time" (I'm paraphrasing there). When you have the amount of customers Apple does, it doesn't matter what you release, you're always going to make some happy and some unhappy. And, some may leave the platform as a result, but I have a feeling that Apple is also introducing a lot of new people to the platform. When more start leaving than entering, then you may have a leg to stand on, but until then, you really don't have an argument. You can not like what Apple is doing, but that doesn't mean you have a valid argument. 

    From what I can see it’s the ultra-conservative Mac traditionalists who scream the most. They want to turn back the clock to headless towers with slots and ports out the wazoo. Most legacy ports aren’t fast enough these days for modern operating systems and applications. The longer you keep a piece of hardware the slower it will get because it doesn’t have the horsepower to run the newer software. So your are left with the choice of arbitrarily freezing your software at a certain point in time or buying new hardware. The tinkerers will bleat that open, upgradeable hardware architecture means you can stay current but that’s mostly a myth. You can’t overcome things like bus speeds, caches, the basic design of now obsolete motherboards and SOCs. 
  • Reply 19 of 53
    ninjai said:
    there will be a refresh, the wireless charging case.
    Yes, I don't believe they would refresh or upgrade the internals for some time, as it would make all the current owners feel like they have an inferior set of earbuds. Of course the wireless charging case is a perfect upgrade since it's not required, only increases convenience and helps justify their AirPower wireless charging pad. Heck, they could even throw in the case for free, or at a discount.
  • Reply 20 of 53
    macxpressmacxpress Posts: 5,904member
    lkrupp said:
    macxpress said:

    As its always been, even when Steve or anyone else was running Apple, they aren't going to make everyone happy 100% of the time. I think it was even Steve who said "You can make some of the people happy, some of the time, but you cannot make some of the people happy, all the time" (I'm paraphrasing there). When you have the amount of customers Apple does, it doesn't matter what you release, you're always going to make some happy and some unhappy. And, some may leave the platform as a result, but I have a feeling that Apple is also introducing a lot of new people to the platform. When more start leaving than entering, then you may have a leg to stand on, but until then, you really don't have an argument. You can not like what Apple is doing, but that doesn't mean you have a valid argument. 

    From what I can see it’s the ultra-conservative Mac traditionalists who scream the most. They want to turn back the clock to headless towers with slots and ports out the wazoo. Most legacy ports aren’t fast enough these days for modern operating systems and applications. The longer you keep a piece of hardware the slower it will get because it doesn’t have the horsepower to run the newer software. So your are left with the choice of arbitrarily freezing your software at a certain point in time or buying new hardware. The tinkerers will bleat that open, upgradeable hardware architecture means you can stay current but that’s mostly a myth. You can’t overcome things like bus speeds, caches, the basic design of now obsolete motherboards and SOCs. 
    True and I think a lot also forget that you can sell your Mac and you will get a good amount of money for it. So its not like you're constantly spending $4,000 on a Mac or whatever. If you spend $4,000 on a Mac and use it for 3yrs or so you'll get at least 50-70% back out of it or better depending on condition and specs. In the end, only your initial investment should be expensive. 
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