Consumer Reports ranks iPhone X behind Galaxy S8 and iPhone 8 series in testing



  • Reply 21 of 33
    I've always wondered why in most cases, iPhone batteries have less capacity than Android smartphones. Is Apple simply trying to save money on batteries or just trying to keep the iPhone bulk low? Anyway, I just thought it was odd for Apple to give up battery capacity to Android smartphones of similar size.
    I dunno but maybe it's a good thing Apple doesn't use the same batteries that Samsung uses... you know?
    edited December 2017 radarthekatRayz2016macky the mackyairnerdwatto_cobra
  • Reply 22 of 33
    danvmdanvm Posts: 1,465member
    freerange said:
    These results are in line with others for the 'X'. It's a really nice phone, but yes, it's fragile.
    WTF - what? After putting it through dozens of cycles in a tumbling machine???? Yes, that’s something we do everyday! Why not drive over the phones with a car a dozen times? The last group I would count on for testing of my iPhone X would be consumer reports. 
    Cnet did some tests on the iPhone X and the results were similar.  Looks like the iPhone X is very fragile,
    edited December 2017
  • Reply 23 of 33
    Consumer Reports is a garbage magazine. Nothing they say can be trusted. 

    They lost me as a reader a long time one ago when they went on record stating in emphatic fashion that dental amalgams, made up of 50% mercury, are completely safe. 

    The EPA classifies amalgam as hazardous waste and OSHA requires special precautions to protect the staff from mercury vapor in dental offices. Yet the stuff is safe to put into people’s mouths, fully supported by consumer reports. 

    The evidence is pretty overwhelming these days regarding the harm that mercury amalgam is capable of:

    Or the following video:

    Consumer reports has absolutely no credibility in my book.  

    I truly don’t mean to go off on a tangent. But their OPINIONS are in many cases, completely WRONG. They certainly don’t base their opinions on facts, so why should they regarding the iPhone X? Never mind that the performance of the A10 bionic CPU in the iPhone accomplishes far more with less power than the Snapdragon 835 in the Galaxy S8. Or the fact that iOS is far more secure and offers much better privacy than any Android device. Or the fact that the potential for state of the art AR apps is far greater on the iPhone X than for any Android based device. 

    Consumer Reports is a pathetic publication. Their opinions mean nothing these days. 

    Especially to the real consumers who will be purchasing the iPhone X in droves and greatly outselling the Galaxy S8. The publication has lost touch with the real public and what’s truly important. 
  • Reply 24 of 33
    X is SEX and it’s selling.  Fogetaboutit.

  • Reply 25 of 33
    bluefire1bluefire1 Posts: 1,309member
    The iPhone X is #1 in my book.
  • Reply 26 of 33
    harrykatsarosharrykatsaros Posts: 88unconfirmed, member
    LukeCage said:
    aenghus said:
    "The iPhone X has the best camera of the phones it tested. The iPhone 8 -- not the iPhone 8 Plus -- had the second-best camera."

    That's odd. I was under the impression that the iPhone 8 Plus camera was identical to the iPhone X camera.
    They are very close but not the same. Besides the front camera differences in the X and the 8 plus. Both back cameras on the phone have the same wide angle lens of f/1.8 aperture but differ in the telephoto lens. The X has a f/2.4 aperture while the 8 plus has a  f/2.8 aperture. I couldn’t tell you how much of differences a 2.8 aperture to a 2.4 aperture makes but that’s the difference. 
    In addition to this, both rear cameras have optical image stabilization, which should allow you to use the telephoto lens in darker conditions. On the iPhone 8 Plus, only the primary camera does.
  • Reply 27 of 33
    airnerdairnerd Posts: 693member
    CR is out of touch...always have been. I remember back in the day, they would rate various Windows laptops as better 'value' than Apple laptops.

    That's when I cancelled my subscription.

    CR is for the Costco crowd who buy Samsung TV's, Android cellphones and HP computers where if it's cheap, its has to be good value.

    It's written by unimaginative former IT 'engineers' weened on Windows! Left up to them we'd still be using Motorola Razors, working on Windows Desktops. Ugh!  :)
    Agree with everything except the Samsung TV's.  I am a devout Samsung TV owner, but not the cheap ones.  7000 series or better provides a great product.  LG doesn't last and Sony Bravia I wrote off after multiple versions that all took FOREVER to start up and be responsive.  

    rest of your post earned a "like" though :smiley: 
  • Reply 28 of 33
    jd_in_sbjd_in_sb Posts: 1,600member
    Terribly unrealistic. They should test the smartphones while all using a basic case. It’s unrealist to assume no case. And they need to ditch the tumble machine. Consumers don’t use them. 
  • Reply 29 of 33
    Consumer Reports is about as useful as a tail on a pig
  • Reply 30 of 33
    I love my iPhone X.  It was a tough decision giving up the size of the 7 plus, but after over a month of use now, I don't miss the 7 plus at all.  The form factor is perfect in this phone.  The display is gorgeous, the phone is unbelievably fast and responsive.  And the battery life is very good.  I've yet to use the phone in normal daily use where i worry I won't have enough battery to get through the day (individual results may vary!).

    Honestly though, it think the CR testing seem reasonable.  How are you going to test the durability of a phone?  I've seen YouTube videos of drop tests, but how easy are those to manipulate.  Drop it in just a certain way and the phone will fall a certain way.  The tumbler seems like a good way to randomize the testing.  And if they tested multiple phones, not just one or two, then you can average out the testing and make a determination.  Yes, the phone is fragile, so is every industry leading phone.  I chose to not put a case on my phone.  Rather I use a Zagg shield on the front and an eGrips skin on the back (which I highly recommend).  Keeps the phone very sleek and beautiful.  If I drop it, I'm aware of the consequences.  
    The battery test also seems reasonable.  Have a robot perform a bunch of functions until the battery runs out.  So many people are saying they rated the Galaxy series higher because they have a larger battery.  That's not what they were doing, they were rating how long the battery lasts.  19 hours is pretty solid for constant use.  And given how much smaller the X battery is compared to other phones, I think this says a lot for efficiency of the iPhone chips.  Like many of you, I'd be willing to sacrifice a few more millimeters of thickness to have a larger battery, but Apple doesn't agree and we get what we get.

    I think CR got this one right and they still rate it one of the best phones on the market.
    king editor the gratemuthuk_vanalingam
  • Reply 31 of 33
    mrboba1mrboba1 Posts: 276member
    CR is out of touch...always have been. I remember back in the day, they would rate various Windows laptops as better 'value' than Apple laptops.

    That's when I cancelled my subscription.

    CR is for the Costco crowd who buy Samsung TV's, Android cellphones and HP computers where if it's cheap, its has to be good value.

    It's written by unimaginative former IT 'engineers' weened on Windows! Left up to them we'd still be using Motorola Razors, working on Windows Desktops. Ugh!  :)
    I was looking at refrigerators recently, and at CR's reports on them. They often had the Samsungs high on the list. When our appliance repair guy came over, I asked him - he said "no - do not buy a Samsung refrigerator, they have so many problems. None of them. You're better off sticking with the GEs."

    He had a Samsung phone. I trust my repair guy more than CR.
  • Reply 32 of 33
    mrboba1 said:
    CR is out of touch...always have been. I remember back in the day, they would rate various Windows laptops as better 'value' than Apple laptops.

    That's when I cancelled my subscription.

    CR is for the Costco crowd who buy Samsung TV's, Android cellphones and HP computers where if it's cheap, its has to be good value.

    It's written by unimaginative former IT 'engineers' weened on Windows! Left up to them we'd still be using Motorola Razors, working on Windows Desktops. Ugh!  :)
    I was looking at refrigerators recently, and at CR's reports on them. They often had the Samsungs high on the list. When our appliance repair guy came over, I asked him - he said "no - do not buy a Samsung refrigerator, they have so many problems. None of them. You're better off sticking with the GEs."

    He had a Samsung phone. I trust my repair guy more than CR.
    Here in New Zealand we had a spate of Samsung washing machines catching fire and burning people’s houses down all because their design put water in contact with the electrics.

    It seems the only thing Samsung can design right is TVs and even then my inlaws’ Samsung TV has weird issues with signal dropouts.
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