As Apple acquires Shazam to deepen music knowledge, Microsoft's Cortana loses ability to r...



  • Reply 21 of 29
    StrangeDaysStrangeDays Posts: 12,965member
    gatorguy said:
    Rayz2016 said:
    Actually, that’s something I use Siri for. Seems most of the music I buy is stuff i here in the background on TV shows. 
    Since you mentioned background sounds on TV and "buying stuff" this might be of interest. There's a piece of software in the news this week, Alphonso, that tracks users’ TV habits. It's quietly built into many iOS and Android apps. Some of those apps are even targeted at children, tho to be fair they claim not to be recording human voices but only listening for and identifying background media that seemingly interests that family like TV shows and movies. The bigger concern for some is that "Alphonso can potentially still record audio when the apps that include it are running in the background or even if a device is in a pocket."

    What does this have to do with Shazam? According to their CEO Alphonso has a deal with the music-listening app Shazam, which has microphone access on many phones including iPhones. Alphonso is able to provide the snippets it picks up to Shazam which can use its own content-recognition technology to identify users and then sell that information to Alphonso. With Apple buying the company the relationship with Alphonso is likely to end. 
    I’d be surprised if the iOS version was able to eavesdrop on the mic while in the background. Android, sure, anything goes. 
  • Reply 22 of 29
    kevin keekevin kee Posts: 1,289member
    When I initially heard about Alphonso’s tracking ability the New York Times had named 250 Android apps and 0 iOS apps. 

    As the blogosphere rewrote the story iOS was included without naming 1 iOS app. Not 1. 

    Publications and bloggers were challenged to name 1 iOS app since they chose to include iOS. Not 1 publication nor blogger updated nor corrected their version of the story. 

    Unless something has changed since the New York Times story, anyone posting anything about iOS without naming at least 1 iOS app is being dishonest for including iOS. 

    This is terrible, but not entirely unexpected. It's been known that headliners love to include anything Apple even if it's totally unrelated. This is not only misleading but totally misinform.
  • Reply 23 of 29
    Rayz2016Rayz2016 Posts: 6,957member
    gatorguy said:
    Rayz2016 said:
    Actually, that’s something I use Siri for. Seems most of the music I buy is stuff i here in the background on TV shows. 
    Since you mentioned background sounds on TV and "buying stuff" this might be of interest. 
    Let me guess. A paragraph of concern trolling with a tenuous link to some problem that you’ve researched in order to prove that Apple will implode in the next six minutes?

  • Reply 24 of 29
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,397member
    kevin kee said:
    When I initially heard about Alphonso’s tracking ability the New York Times had named 250 Android apps and 0 iOS apps. 

    As the blogosphere rewrote the story iOS was included without naming 1 iOS app. Not 1. 

    Publications and bloggers were challenged to name 1 iOS app since they chose to include iOS. Not 1 publication nor blogger updated nor corrected their version of the story. 

    Unless something has changed since the New York Times story, anyone posting anything about iOS without naming at least 1 iOS app is being dishonest for including iOS. 

    This is terrible, but not entirely unexpected. It's been known that headliners love to include anything Apple even if it's totally unrelated. This is not only misleading but totally misinform.
    There's reportedly 106 identified Android apps and 24 iOS according to one app intelligence firm

    As for specific iOS app names these were listed by one Apple enthusiast site as a selection of games:
    Pocket Bowling 3D HD, Basketball 3D, Pool 3D, Dark Runner 2, Beer Pong: Trick Shot.

    edited January 2018
  • Reply 25 of 29
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,397member
    Rayz2016 said:
    gatorguy said:
    Rayz2016 said:
    Actually, that’s something I use Siri for. Seems most of the music I buy is stuff i here in the background on TV shows. 
    Since you mentioned background sounds on TV and "buying stuff" this might be of interest. 
    Let me guess. A paragraph of concern trolling with a tenuous link to some problem that you’ve researched in order to prove that Apple will implode in the next six minutes?

    It's gradually becoming clearer to me that I may have been giving you too much credit. Perhaps you are one of "those" posters afterall. :(
    edited January 2018 muthuk_vanalingam
  • Reply 26 of 29
    roakeroake Posts: 821member
    Cortana is primarily a desktop personal assistant now.”

    The only real future is mobile.
  • Reply 27 of 29
    Rayz2016Rayz2016 Posts: 6,957member
    gatorguy said:
    Rayz2016 said:
    gatorguy said:
    Rayz2016 said:
    Actually, that’s something I use Siri for. Seems most of the music I buy is stuff i here in the background on TV shows. 
    Since you mentioned background sounds on TV and "buying stuff" this might be of interest. 
    Let me guess. A paragraph of concern trolling with a tenuous link to some problem that you’ve researched in order to prove that Apple will implode in the next six minutes?

    It's gradually becoming clearer to me that I may have been giving you too much credit. Perhaps you are one of "those" posters afterall. :(
    Wait a minute…

    Do you actually … no, you couldn’t possibly think that… Don’t tell me that you’ve been labouring under the notion that I give a sh*t what you think. 

    edited January 2018 bestkeptsecret
  • Reply 28 of 29
    fastasleepfastasleep Posts: 6,447member
    gatorguy said:
    Rayz2016 said:
    Actually, that’s something I use Siri for. Seems most of the music I buy is stuff i here in the background on TV shows. 
    Since you mentioned background sounds on TV and "buying stuff" this might be of interest. There's a piece of software in the news this week, Alphonso, that tracks users’ TV habits. It's quietly built into many iOS and Android apps. Some of those apps are even targeted at children, tho to be fair they claim not to be recording human voices but only listening for and identifying background media that seemingly interests that family like TV shows and movies. The bigger concern for some is that "Alphonso can potentially still record audio when the apps that include it are running in the background or even if a device is in a pocket."

    What does this have to do with Shazam? According to their CEO Alphonso has a deal with the music-listening app Shazam, which has microphone access on many phones including iPhones. Alphonso is able to provide the snippets it picks up to Shazam which can use its own content-recognition technology to identify users and then sell that information to Alphonso. With Apple buying the company the relationship with Alphonso is likely to end. 
    I’d be surprised if the iOS version was able to eavesdrop on the mic while in the background. Android, sure, anything goes.
  • Reply 29 of 29
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,397member
    Rayz2016 said:
    gatorguy said:
    Rayz2016 said:
    gatorguy said:
    Rayz2016 said:
    Actually, that’s something I use Siri for. Seems most of the music I buy is stuff i here in the background on TV shows. 
    Since you mentioned background sounds on TV and "buying stuff" this might be of interest. 
    Let me guess. A paragraph of concern trolling with a tenuous link to some problem that you’ve researched in order to prove that Apple will implode in the next six minutes?

    It's gradually becoming clearer to me that I may have been giving you too much credit. Perhaps you are one of "those" posters afterall. :(
    Wait a minute…

    Do you actually … no, you couldn’t possibly think that… Don’t tell me that you’ve been labouring under the notion that I give a sh*t what you think. 

    Nor apparently should I care a whit about what you think of me. Neither of us is all that important in the bigger scheme, nor have any effect on Apple's success or lack thereof in any undertaking. 

    But no it had less to do with what you personally thought of me and more that I had considered you to be one of the more thoughtful and respectful members here. So as I said I may well have been mistaken as you've been trying to tell me. 

    Comments such as the more recent ones you've directed my way aren't adding anything to the forum knowledge base, only piling on to the insults, disrespect and unhelpful entitlement displays put on by a tiny minority here that in all honesty reflect poorly on the Apple and AI communities when visitors drop in and read them, which is unfortunate. IMHO the majority of members here are still more interested in honest discussion no matter what direction it takes. They're OK with discovering things they were not aware of even if they might match up perfectly with preconceptions. Only a very small (but loud) clique, one I have always considered you not part of until now, seems to consistently go out of their way to aggressively shout down discussion that doesn't meet with their personal approval by lobbing insults, personal attacks, and shoot-the-messenger efforts, only playing nice with those that share their view of how things should be even if might not necessarily match up to how they factually are

    So I'm not going to add even more fuel to your fire and provide any more reason to distract from a group discussion by continuing to respond to your silly personal stuff that should have no place here to begin with.  Carry on sir and please do ignore me as I will try to do with you going forward.
    edited January 2018 king editor the gratemuthuk_vanalingam
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