Limited Apple Watch controls for select Whirlpool appliances coming in 2018



  • Reply 21 of 25
    volcanvolcan Posts: 1,799member
    gatorguy said:

    I would disagree that manual labor is bad for you, despite there being some particular chores that might stress your back if not done properly. 
    It really depends on what type and to what degree you are doing manual labor. For example the guy who mows our grass is all hunched over from 10 hours a day for 25 years of manual labor and he is still overweight.
  • Reply 22 of 25
    volcan said:
    boltsfan17 said:

    So true. My LG washer has been a complete nightmare. I constantly get unbalanced load errors. There are times when it has taken like 4 plus hours to wash a load because the spin cycle starts over again when you get an unbalanced load error. 
    We've had a Whirlpool washer and dryer set for ten+ years - not one problem and we do at least one load of clothes almost every day. They are just the plain old style that have been around for decades.
    Totally agree with Volcan on the benefits of old washer/dryers. 

    We also have Kenmore basic washer/dryer.  New in 1997.  Still going.  Replaced the dryer motor many years ago for $87, directions from youTube, and washing-machine little "dog" plastic things that make the agitator rotate in only one direction: $2, also with youTube videos.

    And that washer has taken 20 years of abuse, with countless overloads/unbalances.  I've sprinted up the stairs quite a few times to stop a run-away "BANG-ing" load.

    Yeah it's not smart to run it like that, but I find I keep saying, "Just a few more pieces and it's only one load...."

    If one of them really dies, I can probably get another just like it cheap on Craigslist, and continue.

  • Reply 23 of 25
    fracfrac Posts: 480member
    volcan said:
    gatorguy said:
    Heck if we'd all just do a bit more manual labor we wouldn't need gym memberships. Nothing wrong with mowing our own lawns, digging a few holes for the fence posts, or walking up or down a flight of stairs. To me it's silly to hire someone to clean house or dig holes for the new landscaping but pay for a personal trainer to get in shape because you aren't active enough.

    Manual labor isn't particularly good for you. Mowing the yard or digging post holes is stressful, especially on the lower back. Yoga, stretching, walking, and even lifting weights (if done correctly) are low impact and condition all of your muscles, and to some degree, your mind. One of the biggest factors for staying healthy and fit though, is your diet and sleep habits. 
    Sorry, can’t possibly agree. Physical activity is always good for you, it’s the regime which does the damage. A lard_arse is always going to be an ambulance candidate if sudden exercise is undertaken. As Gatorguy says, there are jobs that get passed on that we could all do, that would help maintain physical health. I can’t speak for the gym generation, I’m an old school Yorkshire Bloody Minded fool, who after a life in construction and engineering, still relishes being able to do the same jobs as a young ‘un. Sanctimonious I am not, I actually enjoy the physical activity and reward of cutting and splitting our two tonnes of wood fuel for next winter in the current one. 
    Consequently, I cant find a use case for most of these convenience solutions. 
  • Reply 24 of 25
    gatorguy said:
    I would disagree that manual labor is bad for you, despite there being some particular chores that might stress your back if not done properly. (snipped)

    ...and like yoga the benefits of manual labor can go well beyond the physical exertion put into it. But that's me, YMMV.


    Mowing the lawn, even in the 100+ degree, 3 million percent humidity we sometimes get around here, is a cathartic distraction from the rest of life.  It's a form of meditation all its own.

  • Reply 25 of 25
    welshdogwelshdog Posts: 1,903member
    There’s an app no one needs...

    I can see people wanting to control the temp in their homes, scheduling the grass watering (or turning it off remotely if it’s raining), controlling the oven, etc.  but no one cares managing the dryer/washer remotely.

    I was going to say the same thing, but...  Why wouldn't you want to be able to glance at your watch to see how much time is left before the clothes are ready?  It's not a major feature, but I can see how it could come in handy from time to time.  
    Our washer and dryer are upstairs.  We spend most of our time downstairs. Currently we have an older LG pair which has what they called a "modem" with a remote display.  It sends washer/dryer status and displays time on the screen - sent through the power lines.  It also makes an audio signal when one machine is done.  It's in our main living area downstairs so we can easily know when to head up to fold or move wet clothes to the dryer. Having this on the watch would be great.  BTW it's never a good idea from a safety standpoint to leave the home with a washer and/or dryer running, so I would hope this app is not encouraging people to do so.
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