Kuo: Upcoming 6.1-inch LCD iPhone may skip 3D Touch in favor of better glass



  • Reply 21 of 27
    Genuinely interesting prediction article. Is it possible the company will remove 3d touch? Is it so widely used and needed? Will the omission benefit the lower sales price? 

    Will the 4.7 be discontinued for this cycle? That is remarkable too.

     Personally, I can not grasp the love for these huge displays, and they are getting much larger, except for the SE 2, perhaps. 

    For three years I’ve primarily used my iPad to manage my seven figure stock and options portfolio, write, and do the myriad other tasks I used to sit at a table and use my MacBook Air to do.  
    I don't like to be rude but it kinda comes across bad when you have to tell us how big your portfolio is
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  • Reply 22 of 27

    I find the precision cursor option when using 3D touch on the keyboard indispensable. I would be extremely surprised if they did remove 3D Touch in the next OS version.

    Is there any precedence of Apple taking away software features on iOS? They removed the dedicated GameCenter app, but that was an app, not a software feature.

    I don't think 3D Touch is going away permanently on ALL iPhone models. It is just for one cheap model, to cut down the costs. A reasonable trade-off, so as to speak, similar to the budget iPads launched last year and this year. All the flagship iPhones will continue to have this feature. Only people with limited budget and do not need all the latest/greatest features from high-end iPhones will go for this budget model.
    edited April 2018
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  • Reply 23 of 27

    I find the precision cursor option when using 3D touch on the keyboard indispensable. I would be extremely surprised if they did remove 3D Touch in the next OS version.

    Is there any precedence of Apple taking away software features on iOS? They removed the dedicated GameCenter app, but that was an app, not a software feature.

    For example tap camera icon on lock screen to turn flash light off. But do not remember any other.
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  • Reply 24 of 27
    Question is what other sacrifices had to be in place to get to price. 3 USD on ForceTouch are not enough. Display will be cheaper as well. Maybe less memory, storage, no wireless charging, lower clocked processor, or A11 processor and iPhone 8 discontinued....
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  • Reply 25 of 27
    19831983 Posts: 1,225member
    I don’t know, this upcoming LCD iPhone seems at the moment to be a step backwards in some respects compared to previous models. What with it seemingly ditching the glass backs of the latest iPhones, so no wireless induction charging and now it seems 3D Touch too, all to keep prices down. When statistics seem to indicate that people nowadays are willing to pay more for their latest smartphones, not less.
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  • Reply 26 of 27
    rogifan_newrogifan_new Posts: 4,297member
    I’m with John Gruber:
    But it’s one thing to wait for older iPhones from the pre-3D touch era to drop out of usage. It’s another for Apple to sell a brand new phone in 2018 without it. I’m not going to rant and rave about something that’s only a rumor — but if September rolls around and Apple ships this new phone without 3D touch to save a few measly dollars, I’m going to rant and rave.
    For me the difference between 3D Touch and long press is the haptic feedback. Not having haptic feedback would really be step backwards. 
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  • Reply 27 of 27
    This is one that Ming got wrong. . .or at least not quite right. He even mentions in the original note, "Apple will add a thin-film sensor to the touch film sensor included in the CGS, but the purpose of the new layer is unknown.". This new sensor could be for 3D Touch or possibly for something more advanced like gesture controls. There is NO WAY they just wholesale remove 3D Touch without adding something to replace it.
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