Apple's wearable division now the size of a Fortune 300 company



  • Reply 21 of 21
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    nunzy said:
    This state of affairs is not at all sustainable. I don’t mean for Apple–Apple’s doing quite well–I mean for the economy as a whole. FAANG is a quarter of the entire NASDAQ. That’s Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, and Google. Five companies. Let’s couple that statement with another (which will not be expounded upon). “The 1%” will own 2/3 of all wealth on Earth by 2030. They own 50% of all wealth on Earth today. Let’s go back to the stock market. Let’s also ignore the governmental and social implications of “having a monopoly,” too. This is the question which relates to the title of the thread: What happens to the global economy WHEN one of these five fails?
    Apple’s probably going to be the best off of any of them when it happens. Any of their failing branches can simply be dropped, and they could even “hunker down” in a branch to ride things out for a decent amount of time. But it’s still an important question to ask, and it raises a whole slew of other questions regarding the nature of the stock market (and monopolization) in the first place.
    If more companies were like Apple the world would be a better place.
    Like Apple in which way? 
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