By the numbers: iPhone X propels Apple's record second quarter

in AAPL Investors edited May 2018
The continued impact of the iPhone X has expectedly reverberated into Apple's second financial quarter of 2017 an interesting one -- but not quite how analysts thought they would. The changes over time are best illustrated graphically, showing the magnitude of the quarter, as compared to the same quarter from of years past.

As usual, the high revenue of the first quarter buoyed by holiday sales makes the second quarter results look slightly disappointing, but it is better to compare it against the results of year-ago quarters. There is a considerable jump of $8.5 billion compared to Q2 2017, an increase of 15.6 percent.

Apple's continued growth has led to the second quarter exceeding the revenue earned in the first quarter spanning the holiday season of 2014. Apple earned more in the last quarter, which didn't see a major iPhone launch, than one that enjoyed the benefits of the flagship iPhone launches four years previously.

While the year-on-year revenue growth is an important part of the story, net profit growth has also spiked far higher, up 25.3 percent compared to a year ago. As the graph shows, the net profit changes tend to magnify alterations in revenue growth, with this quarter showing a considerable upward shift.

A large contributor to Apple's revenue, iPhone continues to see growth in both unit sales and earnings. Again, the unit sales of 52.2 million iPhones is higher than the 51 million achieved in Q1 2017.

Apple's Mac business is relatively stagnant, with unit sales down 2.9 percent year-on-year. The revenue earned in the quarter of $5.8 billion is in fact up from last year by just $4 million, representing a year-on-year improvement of a mere 0.1 percent. While this isn't great news, the silver lining is that Apple is earning more per Mac sold than last year, in order to keep revenue practically the same while reducing sales.

Revenue and shipments of iPads grew by 5.8 percent and 2.1 percent respectively. This does not take into account the new Apple Pencil-equipped iPad, as it launched at the end of the quarter and couldn't make much of an impact.

It will, however, be a factor in the Q3 results.

The average selling price (ASP) of the iPhone has stayed well above $700 this quarter, thanks to the sales of the premium-priced iPhone X keeping it at $728. The ASP is actually down from the $796 seen in the first quarter, which was probably affected by customers buying higher-specification models during the holiday period.

The Mac's ASP is likely to be benefiting from iMac Pro sales, pushing it up to $1434 -- a new record. The ASP for iPad is up year on year by $16, rising to $451.

The main takeaway for operating segment results is the relative closeness of Greater China and Europe as sources of revenue. Apple earned $13.8 billion from Europe in the last quarter, compared to $13.0 billion from Greater China.

Europe makes up 22.6 percent of all Apple's revenue, while Greater China contributes 21.3 percent. Given the closeness of the two segments, it is entirely plausible for China to retake second place on the list in the coming quarters.

Services is continuing to be extremely consistent in terms of its revenue, with steady year-on-year growth resulting in its highest revenue since Apple started including it in reports. The $9.1 billion earned this quarter is more than double the Services revenue reported in its first quarterly appearance in Q1 2014.

The year-on-year growth has also increased higher than normal this quarter, up by 30.5 percent. This is the second highest spike in growth for the Services business, behind the 34.4 percent reported in 2017 Q4's results.


  • Reply 1 of 12
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Biggest upside this quarter? No more Ming Chi Kuo drivel.
  • Reply 2 of 12
    andrewj5790andrewj5790 Posts: 296member
    Biggest upside this quarter? No more Ming Chi Kuo drivel.
    Yeeeeesss!!!! 🎉 
  • Reply 3 of 12
    andrewj5790andrewj5790 Posts: 296member
    Heh. Analysts... Seems to me that the analysts are doing a much better job providing opportunities for cheap Apple stock than accurate analysis. But the main problem is the echo chamber of Apple blogs that just parrot this stuff without skepticism or context. AppleInsider is typically the last to report these stories, but always have some context and skepticism. We’ll just use the term “others”, just regurgitate the nonsense, and then try to save face by misconstruing a Tim Cook quote as meaning that iPhone X really didn’t meet their expectations.... 🙈 Okay, fine. I’m looking at you 9to5
  • Reply 4 of 12
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,407member
    Apple analysts are a bunch of blowhard know-nothings.
  • Reply 5 of 12
    zoetmbzoetmb Posts: 2,655member
    Biggest upside this quarter? No more Ming Chi Kuo drivel.
    No, it's never going to stop.  Every quarter, the analysts predict disaster and Apple proves them wrong.   But then they say, "okay, well Apple did okay this quarter, but next quarter is going to be a big problem."    At least this time, the stock bounced.   I remember so many times when Apple did well and the stock declined anyway.

    I don't think the above charts clearly demonstrate just how well Apple is really doing.  

    Jobs became interim CEO in September of '97 when Apple was in big trouble.   Three years later, Apple did just under $8 billion in revenue and had $786 million in net income, which was considered a huge success.   But the following year, Apple lost money.   

    Net sales grew ever year, but income was inconsistent.   It took until 2005 for Apple to reach over a $billion in net income.   

    In fiscal 2011, the year Jobs resigned as CEO, Apple had $108 billion in net sales and $6.2 billion in net income.

    In fiscal 2017, Apple had $229 billion in net sales and $48 billion in net income, although the net income record was in 2015 with $53.44 billion.  This is really amazing performance and based on this, anyone who keeps maintaining that Tim Cook should be fired is a complete idiot. 

    So far in fiscal 2018, Apple has $149.4 billion in net sales and $33.95 billion in net income.   If they have two $10 billion quarters in net income, they'll hit a new record.   That's extraordinary performance.   In 17 years, Apple's net sales have increased 28x!

    It takes $28 billion to get onto the Fortune 100.  Apple Services (almost $30 billion in fiscal 2017) alone would now be a Fortune 100 company, if they spun it off and all the analysts want to talk about is iPhone share.  For the first two quarters of this fiscal, it's already at $17.66 billion.  Full year Apple Services sales alone is larger than all of Apple from fiscal 2007 and earlier.    

  • Reply 6 of 12
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    zoetmb said:
    Biggest upside this quarter? No more Ming Chi Kuo drivel.
    No, it's never going to stop.  Every quarter, the analysts predict disaster and Apple proves them wrong.   But then they say, "okay, well Apple did okay this quarter, but next quarter is going to be a big problem."    At least this time, the stock bounced.   I remember so many times when Apple did well and the stock declined anyway.

    I don't think the above charts clearly demonstrate just how well Apple is really doing.  

    Jobs became interim CEO in September of '97 when Apple was in big trouble.   Three years later, Apple did just under $8 billion in revenue and had $786 million in net income, which was considered a huge success.   But the following year, Apple lost money.   

    Net sales grew ever year, but income was inconsistent.   It took until 2005 for Apple to reach over a $billion in net income.   

    In fiscal 2011, the year Jobs resigned as CEO, Apple had $108 billion in net sales and $6.2 billion in net income.

    In fiscal 2017, Apple had $229 billion in net sales and $48 billion in net income, although the net income record was in 2015 with $53.44 billion.  This is really amazing performance and based on this, anyone who keeps maintaining that Tim Cook should be fired is a complete idiot. 

    So far in fiscal 2018, Apple has $149.4 billion in net sales and $33.95 billion in net income.   If they have two $10 billion quarters in net income, they'll hit a new record.   That's extraordinary performance.   In 17 years, Apple's net sales have increased 28x!

    It takes $28 billion to get onto the Fortune 100.  Apple Services (almost $30 billion in fiscal 2017) alone would now be a Fortune 100 company, if they spun it off and all the analysts want to talk about is iPhone share.  For the first two quarters of this fiscal, it's already at $17.66 billion.  Full year Apple Services sales alone is larger than all of Apple from fiscal 2007 and earlier.    

    Tim is just about the best person around to continue to steer the ship and squeeze existing lines to maximize profitability. I don’t see him as a “bet the company” personality, as Jobs was. The iPhone was a big risk for Apple.
  • Reply 7 of 12
    d70macd70mac Posts: 8member
    Perhaps this will be the last time that “supply chain gurus” will be given credence (iPhone X dead, least popular iPhone, sales are disastrous, etc.)  but I doubt it. There is too much money in the click-bait!
  • Reply 8 of 12
    zonezone Posts: 71member
    Sell, sell, sell the stock is doomed! No one is buying the Homepod!!!
  • Reply 9 of 12
    nunzynunzy Posts: 662member
    The analysts just pump and dump Apple. Apple is an easy stock to do it with.
  • Reply 10 of 12
    nunzynunzy Posts: 662member
    zoetmb said:
    Biggest upside this quarter? No more Ming Chi Kuo drivel.
    No, it's never going to stop.  Every quarter, the analysts predict disaster and Apple proves them wrong.   But then they say, "okay, well Apple did okay this quarter, but next quarter is going to be a big problem."    At least this time, the stock bounced.   I remember so many times when Apple did well and the stock declined anyway.

    I don't think the above charts clearly demonstrate just how well Apple is really doing.  

    Jobs became interim CEO in September of '97 when Apple was in big trouble.   Three years later, Apple did just under $8 billion in revenue and had $786 million in net income, which was considered a huge success.   But the following year, Apple lost money.   

    Net sales grew ever year, but income was inconsistent.   It took until 2005 for Apple to reach over a $billion in net income.   

    In fiscal 2011, the year Jobs resigned as CEO, Apple had $108 billion in net sales and $6.2 billion in net income.

    In fiscal 2017, Apple had $229 billion in net sales and $48 billion in net income, although the net income record was in 2015 with $53.44 billion.  This is really amazing performance and based on this, anyone who keeps maintaining that Tim Cook should be fired is a complete idiot. 

    So far in fiscal 2018, Apple has $149.4 billion in net sales and $33.95 billion in net income.   If they have two $10 billion quarters in net income, they'll hit a new record.   That's extraordinary performance.   In 17 years, Apple's net sales have increased 28x!

    It takes $28 billion to get onto the Fortune 100.  Apple Services (almost $30 billion in fiscal 2017) alone would now be a Fortune 100 company, if they spun it off and all the analysts want to talk about is iPhone share.  For the first two quarters of this fiscal, it's already at $17.66 billion.  Full year Apple Services sales alone is larger than all of Apple from fiscal 2007 and earlier.    

    Tim is just about the best person around to continue to steer the ship and squeeze existing lines to maximize profitability. I don’t see him as a “bet the company” personality, as Jobs was. The iPhone was a big risk for Apple.
    Maximum profitability is right. Cook is doing very well.
  • Reply 11 of 12
    awhawh Posts: 9member
    Chances are that Apple itself is the source of a lot of the analysts' drivel - if you had a $300b buyback program you'd want to buy the shares as cheap as possible, right?
  • Reply 12 of 12
    iDarrenGiDarrenG Posts: 3member
    d70mac said:
    Perhaps this will be the last time that “supply chain gurus” will be given credence (iPhone X dead, least popular iPhone, sales are disastrous, etc.)  but I doubt it. There is too much money in the click-bait!
    I believe you’re right on target there, it’s 100% click bait. It does work though (I admit that I click on them myself lol), so safe to say it will continue until it doesn’t pay anymore. The supply chain analysts are wrong literally every single time with Apple, as countless earnings reports have proven over and over. One day they’ll get it right though, just like a broken clock shows the correct time twice a day lol
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