i think pretty much everyone of fame uses macs in one form or another. i wonder what the % of famous/rich using macs is? i bet they use them for the snob factor..
Yeah. In "Two Weeks Notice" you could clearly see the backlight illuminated Apple logo of the TiBook. Good product placement IMO. It's not like those times you see the TiBook in the background of a Crate & Barrel product page- it's only distinguishable feature at that distance is the slot-loading drive...
<strong>i think pretty much everyone of fame uses macs in one form or another. i wonder what the % of famous/rich using macs is? i bet they use them for the snob factor..</strong><hr></blockquote>
I think they use them because they can afford them and look nice.
Adam Sandler's got one in Mr. Deeds but they covered up the logo.....how lame <img src="graemlins/hmmm.gif" border="0" alt="[Hmmm]" />
But Austin Powers in Goldmember has LOTS of Macs...can you count them all? I've seen a few Power Macs, TiBook, and a friend of mine said he saw an iBook too...though I can't verify
Yes..they are everywhere...it's great. I even saw an LCD iMac in a Chef's Catalogue <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" />
But Austin Powers in Goldmember has LOTS of Macs...can you count them all? I've seen a few Power Macs, TiBook, and a friend of mine said he saw an iBook too...though I can't verify
WOW! I's almost as if they paid for the placement! Could it be?!?!
There is some show out now, on either WB or UPN (perhaps one of the "Buffy" offshoots or that one with the three hot witch sisters) and they seem to feature Apple hardware quite a bit. There was a scene recently where someone was at a desk, getting some info, and the illuminated Apple logo on the TiBook was on screen for a good 40-60 seconds, center frame, as the scene cut back from the woman at the desk to the person she was talking to across the desk.
Awesome, recognizable placement and screen time.
And "Felicity" was always very Mac-heavy.
"24", Drew Carey's little dog and pony show, "VIP" (a G4 Cube, no less!) and about a gazillion others seem to be quite Apple happy.
As well they should. Very snazzy-looking and they simply "say" something. That nice, subtle little "yeah, it's a Mac...what do you expect?" vibe is kinda cool.
Oddly, the one place that ALWAYS featured tons of Macs was the yearly IKEA catalog. Throughout its pages, it would showcase Cubes, PowerBooks, iBooks, jellybean iMacs, Studio Displays, etc.
I have the 2003 issue and it's ALL Hewlett-Packard stuff now, except for a couple of small pic with an iMac.
But it's mostly those silver and black HP towers and flat screen displays this time around, as well as some plain black PC laptops.
I was disappointed, to say the least. Especially now that Apple has some of the coolest-looking hardware EVER: the LCD iMac, the white iBooks, all those gorgeous displays, TiBook. Even the iPod? Hell, even the eMac (in kids rooms and so forth).
<strong>There is some show out now, on either WB or UPN (perhaps one of the "Buffy" offshoots or that one with the three hot witch sisters) and they seem to feature Apple hardware quite a bit.</strong><hr></blockquote>
Do you mean Dark Angel? I saw Apple stuff there a lot (the 2 times I actually watched it).
On the Kofi Annan special on PBS last night (which was an amazing show, BTW. Everyone should see it for reasons far too numerous to mention here) he was even using iPhoto to show pictures to his wife.
Yeah, i went to ikea a few weeks ago, and they seem to have an exclusive deal with HB. It's too bad. the HP boxes seem out of place. Apple was perfect.
Oh well. No big deal. The HPs were ripped apart anyway, and looked like crap. Not much advertising for them there
<strong>yes, I am. that's very nice. well, great minds think alike.
<img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" />
<img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" /> </strong><hr></blockquote>
Macintosh. Powerful enough for professionals. Simple enough for even Bush to figure out.
Macintosh. Powerful enough for professionals. Simple enough for even Bush to figure out.</strong><hr></blockquote>
<img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" /> good one.
Macs are everywhere in Hollywood.
<strong>I have noticed that the TiBook is used in a lot of Shows/Movies. It is in 2 Weeks Notice and on the HBO show Six Feet Under.
Macs are everywhere in Hollywood.
And in Austin Powers too!! Tat's my Austin Powers. Grovvy Baby!
<strong>i think pretty much everyone of fame uses macs in one form or another. i wonder what the % of famous/rich using macs is? i bet they use them for the snob factor..</strong><hr></blockquote>
I think they use them because they can afford them and look nice.
But Austin Powers in Goldmember has LOTS of Macs...can you count them all? I've seen a few Power Macs, TiBook, and a friend of mine said he saw an iBook too...though I can't verify
Yes..they are everywhere...it's great. I even saw an LCD iMac in a Chef's Catalogue <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" />
But Austin Powers in Goldmember has LOTS of Macs...can you count them all? I've seen a few Power Macs, TiBook, and a friend of mine said he saw an iBook too...though I can't verify
WOW! I's almost as if they paid for the placement! Could it be?!?!
Awesome, recognizable placement and screen time.
And "Felicity" was always very Mac-heavy.
"24", Drew Carey's little dog and pony show, "VIP" (a G4 Cube, no less!) and about a gazillion others seem to be quite Apple happy.
As well they should. Very snazzy-looking and they simply "say" something. That nice, subtle little "yeah, it's a Mac...what do you expect?" vibe is kinda cool.
Oddly, the one place that ALWAYS featured tons of Macs was the yearly IKEA catalog. Throughout its pages, it would showcase Cubes, PowerBooks, iBooks, jellybean iMacs, Studio Displays, etc.
I have the 2003 issue and it's ALL Hewlett-Packard stuff now, except for a couple of small pic with an iMac.
But it's mostly those silver and black HP towers and flat screen displays this time around, as well as some plain black PC laptops.
I was disappointed, to say the least. Especially now that Apple has some of the coolest-looking hardware EVER: the LCD iMac, the white iBooks, all those gorgeous displays, TiBook. Even the iPod? Hell, even the eMac (in kids rooms and so forth).
[ 01-06-2003: Message edited by: pscates ]</p>
<strong>There is some show out now, on either WB or UPN (perhaps one of the "Buffy" offshoots or that one with the three hot witch sisters) and they seem to feature Apple hardware quite a bit.</strong><hr></blockquote>
Do you mean Dark Angel? I saw Apple stuff there a lot (the 2 times I actually watched it).
<strong>I always knew he was a backwards guy, he still uses OS 9!!
In all fairness that is a pretty old picture, a couple of years at least. My dad still uses OS 7.5!
Oh well. No big deal. The HPs were ripped apart anyway, and looked like crap. Not much advertising for them there