This is inevitable. But they'll do it with Pogo pins and magnets or similar for a while. They could already get away with it. As for portable charging, you could do something like their hunchback case. Fans would put up with it.
jdw said: Look, I still love Apple and have since my 128k in 1984, but that doesn't mean I worship them. When they screw up royally or are thinking about allowing Johnny Ive's over-zealous minimalism to yet again screw up royally in the future (e.g., but removing all ports on iPhones in the near future), the pro-Apple and pro-Mac and pro-iOS device MEDIA needs to call them out for it in a major way.
Apparently, the majority of readers here are AAPL stock holders.... i.e.: so long as AAPL is performing well, Apple is doing everything right. (Or, maybe they are just fanboys who don't understand business, economics, or how stock markets work.)
lorin schultz said: It may be faster in theory, but it absolutely is not in actual use. Every few days I have to transfer 20-60 GB of video to my iPhone. I have a fast wireless network (all Apple routers, with my Mac reporting speeds between 700-1100 Mbps) yet wirelessly transferring files to my iPhone takes 1.5 to 2 times longer than with a Lightning cable.
Yeah, with wireless the 'in theory' part needs way more emphasis. Once you start trying to do something serious, it falls apart pretty quickly. That said, I suppose less and less people are attempting to do anything serious.
Yeah, with wireless the 'in theory' part needs way more emphasis. Once you start trying to do something serious, it falls apart pretty quickly. That said, I suppose less and less people are attempting to do anything serious.