How close are you to being MS free?
Just occurred to me the other day after the keynote that when I purchase my copy of Keynote I will have, for the first time in many years, no Microsoft applications which I use. PP was the last one I used, being quite happy with Appleworks (despite the bad press it sometimes gets here).
Yes, I will have to use their apps at school but my desk at home is now officially a MS free area. The best bit is I'm not doing it out of spite but because I genuinely prefer all the alternatives (if Keynote is half as good as it looks). I wouldn't have thought this possible a year ago.
Anyone else in the same position?
Yes, I will have to use their apps at school but my desk at home is now officially a MS free area. The best bit is I'm not doing it out of spite but because I genuinely prefer all the alternatives (if Keynote is half as good as it looks). I wouldn't have thought this possible a year ago.
Anyone else in the same position?
But to answer your question...
I still use Word. (like a lemming... I know)
I will still use PowerPoint. (till Apple gives me a free copy of Keynote )
I will still use Excel. (since they are the only show in town.
I do not use IE, Outlook or Entourage. So I am only down to one pack a day now instead of quiting cold turkey.
Man do I wish I had keynote... If anyone wan't to buy me a copy.... just PM me.
The sad thing is that we are looming ever closer to a total corporate win only policy which will mean that I'll be totally reliant on win software and wintel boxes.
It looks like I'm slowly getting ever further away from a MS free life
As you can see from my Bookmark I dont use Internet Explorer.
If Apple made a decent, oh they do, but I dont like it and a good work/excel style app I would use any Micro$oft crap!
However Mail is now cleaner than Entourage in combo with Address Book and iCal.
Apple's way of slicing tasks into seperate apps is looking like a better way of doing things to me.
We just need AppleWorks 7 with 100% M$ compatibility, but I don't know if M$ will ever allow that. Damn them and their billion dollar payouts.
<strong>I still use Word because it's cross platform between the wind0ze machines at school and mac os x.</strong><hr></blockquote>
Shawn, can you not use Appleworks? That's what I use when I want to transfer WP files between home and school. Works fine for me apart from occasional lapse in formatting. It used to just be the edu version but I'm sure as of the last update the translators were included in the normal version.
<strong>I have no MS apps aside from IE on my G4s at work but becuase 99.99% of the rest of the college is win only (including the network) I use word and excel at home.
The sad thing is that we are looming ever closer to a total corporate win only policy which will mean that I'll be totally reliant on win software and wintel boxes.
It looks like I'm slowly getting ever further away from a MS free life </strong><hr></blockquote>
Same with us , Spooky. No consultation about it and very difficult to shift them. We've been Win only purchase wise until last year when we managed to get a few Macs back to pursue DV . Seems that even they can't argue with Apple's lead in this area.
Same with us , Spooky. No consultation about it and very difficult to shift them. We've been Win only purchase wise until last year when we managed to get a few Macs back to pursue DV . Seems that even they can't argue with Apple's lead in this area.</strong><hr></blockquote>
I feel your pain. the college moved to win2000 last year and now this year the policy is to move ALL machines over to XP.
Safari hasn't helped. I had one IT manager complain when I tasked permission to download it that apple was becoming less standard ! I told him that IE was available for mac and he just said "Yes, but for how long?"
It isn't just us. we deal with a lot of companies (18 in total) for work experience and the odd bit of commercial work for our students. All of them have in the last two years switched to windows.
Even the old argument we used to make that we need to teach kids on the kit the industry uses is wearing a little thin.
THEN, two weeks later Apple releases the one thing that I was waiting on from them, software-wise: their own browser.
Had Andy not bought me Office v.X, I'd pretty much have nothing Microsoft. I mean, it's on my Mac, but I just don't use most of it. I've dabbled in Word, but I don't know if a guy like me would EVER use Excel. And I like Mail just fine. And Keynote mops the floor with PowerPoint, at least for anything I'D be doing in that realm.
So, when it comes to actual, day-to-day use, I'm fairly Microsoft-free, minus the occasional launch of Word or Explorer (just to compare it to Safari for a particular site).
Shawn, can you not use Appleworks? That's what I use when I want to transfer WP files between home and school. Works fine for me apart from occasional lapse in formatting. It used to just be the edu version but I'm sure as of the last update the translators were included in the normal version.</strong><hr></blockquote>
I don't have AppleWorks because it just didn't come with my PowerBook. But it's not like I paid for Office v.X though
IE goes to the trash though.
Compatibility has only rarely been a problem, mostly thanks to MacLinkPlus.
Just Internet Exploiter that i use only if nothing else works (chimera, icab, safari) ... lets say i've used it 10 times in 4 months or so.