Nicki Minaj says Spotify retaliated against her for Apple Music show



  • Reply 21 of 24
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    LordeHawk said:
    It’s unfortunate that our community is commenting on Nicki’s music.

    I would like to think we are all intellectuals that enjoy Apple’s products and attitudes.  I will talk tech all day, but I will not be negative or judgmental about someone.

    I believe we’re better than this, or at least capable of better.
    You must be new here. We comment on everything... and you can too.
  • Reply 22 of 24
    sphericspheric Posts: 2,666member
    Will be a shame once people wise up to the fact that she is a no-talent hack whose main act is taking off her clothes and pretending to rap. It'll be back to the Red Lobster for her.
    I think you’re an ignorant hack who has zero knowledge of the background and history of what she’s doing and in no way qualified to judge whether it’s important or good. 

    Once people wise up to the fact it’ll be back to macrumors for you. 


    This isn’t about her music; it’s about business politics. 

    As far as I can see, she jumped the gun by broadcasting ahead of the official debut, and Spotify is probably within rights to be a little P.O.’d at her. 
  • Reply 23 of 24
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
    Will be a shame once people wise up to the fact that she is a no-talent hack whose main act is taking off her clothes and pretending to rap. It'll be back to the Red Lobster for her.
    Pretending to rap?  She's one of the best rappers on the scene.  You don't have a clue what you're talking about.
  • Reply 24 of 24
    Regardless of her music...
    That she should be happy that Spotify is advertising for her is laughable.
    Spotify is advertising ITS SELF. Without music, they wouldn't have a product. So they advertise that they have Niki. She doesn't need their advertisement.
    Too many big media and tech companies making all of the money in music these days.
    One can die of exposure.
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