Storage increases in iPhone XS offers high profits to Apple with minimal production cost



  • Reply 21 of 21
    I understand that audio jack toook some much space and Apple had to remove and keep device with no cables, but having slot for additional storage memory like in Samsung or LG would not hurt, is valued by their customers and cost can be pushed to customer. "Welding" .5 TB on phone to have it day one is not necessarily good choice as we cannot predict if this will be cost efficient or person really needs that much for his/her/its tasks.
    Audio (and other) jacks limit how thin a phone can be made (though I'd just as soon have it a bit thicker so that it can have a larger battery and whatever else). Plus, then we maybe wouldn't need a weird lens bump in order to have a larger, better camera (which is one of my main needs). Plus, are those Samsungs and LGs waterproof? Also, there are less mechanical things to fail, though I guess that means there are more electronics that can fail. Which is more likely ... and/or more expensive?
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