Intel's 5G modem rollout accelerated, could end up in 2019 iPhone

in iPhone edited November 2019
Intel has launched a new modem intended for mobile devices that will connect to 5G mobile networks, with the chip producer claiming to have accelerated the launch of the XMM 8160 modem by half a year compared to its original scheduling.

Intel's XMM 8160 5G modem, with a penny for scale.
Intel's XMM 8160 5G modem, with a penny for scale.

The XMM 8160 5G modem boasts peak speeds of up to 6 gigabits per second when used on a cellular network. Intel claims the speed is between three and six times faster than the latest LTE modems used in current-generation mobile devices.

It is a multimode modem, which allows for 4G, 3G, and legacy 2G networks to be used by the chipset, and it will also support the new standard of 5G New Radio (NR) along with standalone (SA) and non-standalone (NSA) modes. The use of a single-chip multimode baseband modem can enable smartphone, tablet, and notebook producers to reuse space typically taken up by other modem chips for other components, or even to create a smaller overall device.

Intel plans to ship the XMM 8160 5G modem in the second half of 2019, with commercial devices using the modem expected to ship in the first half of 2020.

The scheduling change from Intel follows reports that competing 5G modem producers including Qualcomm and MediaTek are moving up their own launches by a quarter. In the case of Qualcomm, it is alleged a major smartphone producer is planning to launch two 5G smartphones in the first and second halves of 2019.

It is doubted that Apple is the vendor in question, as the ongoing legal war between Qualcomm and Apple has led to Intel providing all of the modems for the 2018 iPhones.

Apple is however tipped to launch a 5G-compatible iPhone in 2020, and is claimed to be working with Intel on producing a suitable modem for the task. The change in scheduling by Intel for this modem launch means there is an outside possibility for a 5G modem to be added to the 2019 iPhones, depending on how early Intel can start its mass production.

One report in July claimed Apple had changed its mind about using Intel modems for the 2020 iPhones, but Intel advised to AppleInsider it had not changed its "5G customer engagements and roadmap" and the company "remain committed to our 5G plans and projects."


  • Reply 1 of 14
    wood1208wood1208 Posts: 2,921member
    Everything point to year 2020 for inclusion of 5G in iPhones but you never know with competition looming to deliver 5G in 2019. Unfortunate part is widespread 5G infrastructure will not be ready to support 5G.
  • Reply 2 of 14
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Another article I read said that it will be available in products first quarter of 2000. I don’t see how this can make a September 2019 cut, unless Intel rushes it out for Apple.
  • Reply 3 of 14
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,122member
    melgross said:
    Another article I read said that it will be available in products first quarter of 2000. I don’t see how this can make a September 2019 cut, unless Intel rushes it out for Apple.
    First quarter of 2000?  Sounds like Intel definitely was not in a rush whatsoever.  :)
    avon b7watto_cobra
  • Reply 4 of 14
    Intel: “available by Q4 2019”
    reality: try sometime never
  • Reply 5 of 14
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    sflocal said:
    melgross said:
    Another article I read said that it will be available in products first quarter of 2000. I don’t see how this can make a September 2019 cut, unless Intel rushes it out for Apple.
    First quarter of 2000?  Sounds like Intel definitely was not in a rush whatsoever.  :)
    You know how this works. It takes whatever time it takes. It’s always possible that Apple’s position with intel on this has Intel releasing it for Apple’s September product line, which is a big order, and then releasing it for everyone else somewhat later. It wouldn’t be the first time. Remember Yonah? Apple got that several months ahead of anyone else.
  • Reply 6 of 14
    mattinozmattinoz Posts: 2,446member
    Can they get them into the 2019 Macbooks as an option?

  • Reply 7 of 14
    FatmanFatman Posts: 513member
    What’s the nm? Hopefully they can create something in time that doesn’t double as a pocket warmer/battery drainer. Qualcomm is much more experienced in this area.
  • Reply 8 of 14
    bluefire1bluefire1 Posts: 1,309member
    I really hope the 5G Qualcomm modems are available in the 2019 or 2020 iPhones.  Having bought a new iPhone every year since 2007,  there’s no doubt in my mind that QUALCOMM modems are clearly superior to those from Intel. 
    edited November 2018 muthuk_vanalingam
  • Reply 9 of 14
    Fatman said:
    What’s the nm? Hopefully they can create something in time that doesn’t double as a pocket warmer/battery drainer. Qualcomm is much more experienced in this area.

    It's not just about experience. it's not like Intel is an amateur at chip design and fabrication. But they each need to come up with designs that don't infringe on each other's patents. Sad.
  • Reply 10 of 14
    Will there be a battery drain increase with 5G in mobile devices?

    I’m more interested in increased competition of 5G vs. DSL & Cable.... 5G should be extremely competitive.  I know T-mobile bought a company recently to compete vs. TV providers.

    I bet companies like CenturyLink (DSL) will struggle.  Cable companies will probably do fine because they’ve moved more into the content business lately.
  • Reply 11 of 14
    wood1208wood1208 Posts: 2,921member
    bluefire1 said:
    I really hope the 5G Qualcomm modems are available in the 2019 or 2020 iPhones.  Having bought a new iPhone every year since 2007,  there’s no doubt in my mind that QUALCOMM modems are clearly superior to those from Intel. 
    Intel can do as good if not better than Qualcomm modem. If Intel fails to deliver 5G modem in timely manner than Apple has MediaTek as back up. Only way, Apple will use Qualcomm modem, if Qualcomm settles lawsuits with Apple about overcharging(once in chip and again in phone) it's IP. As of now, Court told Qualcomm to share it's IP to Intel or anyone for it's modem development and Apple is going to court in early 2019 for the same lawsuit, no settlement talk.
    edited November 2018 doozydozenwatto_cobra
  • Reply 12 of 14
    bluefire1 said:
    I really hope the 5G Qualcomm modems are available in the 2019 or 2020 iPhones.  Having bought a new iPhone every year since 2007,  there’s no doubt in my mind that QUALCOMM modems are clearly superior to those from Intel. 
    Please inform your network operator that your reception sucks. Stop trying to blame Qualcomm , apple or Intel for this.
  • Reply 13 of 14
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Will there be a battery drain increase with 5G in mobile devices?

    I’m more interested in increased competition of 5G vs. DSL & Cable.... 5G should be extremely competitive.  I know T-mobile bought a company recently to compete vs. TV providers.

    I bet companies like CenturyLink (DSL) will struggle.  Cable companies will probably do fine because they’ve moved more into the content business lately.
    The first modems will. It’s the same as early LTE, where Apple waited before using. They were mocked for that, but it was a good decision. The first LTE Android phone had a full 2.5 hours of battery life, even if you weren’t using LTE. We were marked for not wanting to “manage” our phones, being lazy iPhone users and all.

    people would keep LTE turned off until they wanted to make a big download. Then they would turn it on, wait for,the network to reset, go to the site, do the download, go and turn it off again, wait for the network to reset again. That was considered to be “properly managing” their phone. Of course, it took longer to do the download that way than to just download with 3G in the first place.

    5G is even worse. Most of what you will do with your phone will be done with 4G anyway. Most of the time it won’t matter that you have 5G. But your battery life will suck. The second generation modem will be better.

    but real 5G won’t be around until 2020 anyway, and it will take, according to industry sources and experts, a good 10 years before it’s generally available.

    so what’s the rush?
  • Reply 14 of 14
    jdgazjdgaz Posts: 405member
    Sounds to me like 5G could sell a lot of phones. With battery life being awful and improving over time it will be just like our early experience with cell phones; trading them out every year or two just to get better battery life.
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