Class action suit alleges Apple lies to customers over size & resolution of iPhone X, XS &...



  • Reply 81 of 83
    cgWerkscgWerks Posts: 2,952member
    macgui said:
    Fine print counts except were it's too fine to be found or read. It's about what you can make a jury believe is reasonable. A bunch of pics showing one thing and some fine print saying 'No, not really' won't be enough to defend a misleading action. I don't think this is the case with Apple, and I'm betting the suit never goes to trial, and Apple doesn't pay a dime.
    This is really the point, IMO. Whether it is in the fine print or not, was the overall portrayal deceptive such that a typical person (not reading A.I.) might be mislead? But, being a class action, it's ultimately about the attorneys getting their millions and anyone else, 'I want my $2' regardless of the outcome.

    airnerd said:
    Wait, you are telling me the Iphone X line has a notch?  When did that happen, I had no idea!
    No one, ever.  
    Well, or if they missed that Apple was including that area in the measurement. I really could care less, as I'm not in the market for one. But, I'd like to see Apple be honest about their specs... not rely on deceptive product shots and fine-print.
  • Reply 82 of 83
    JbergJberg Posts: 1unconfirmed, member
    You all are missing the point. If you were sold a led tv and was delivered bricks instead, wouldn’t you be pissed? Hope something comes of this suit, because everyone who paid top dollar for this phone has been royally screwed, Seriously!
    edited January 2019
  • Reply 83 of 83
    SoliSoli Posts: 10,038member
    Jberg said:
    You all are missing the point. If you were sold a led tv and was delivered bricks instead, wouldn’t you be pissed? Hope something comes of this suit, because everyone who paid top dollar for this phone has been royally screwed, Seriously!
    Except the no one is getting a brick. Not even a bricked iPhone. But your example of a TV is apt because they do market sizes that are a half an inch smaller than what they are, but like the iPhone they details of the display are still clearly listed which proves that no one reasonable is feeling duped.
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