iOS 12 being adopted by iPhone and iPad users at a quicker rate than iOS 11

in iOS
Released in September, iOS 12 is now on 78 percent of all iPhones, iPads, and iPod touches shipped in the past four years, Apple said in updated stats for developers.

Memoji on iPhone XS

Among those devices, 17 percent are still on iOS 11, while 5 percent are using iOS 10 or earlier. People will sometimes hold off on updating iPhones and iPads for the sake of hacking, testing, app compatibility, or speed -- though iOS 12 was a concerted effort to improve performance on older hardware, annual iOS upgrades have previously caused either minor or major slowdowns.

Broadening analytics to all Apple mobile devices, iOS 12 usage shrinks to 75 percent. The missing 3 percent can be found with pre-iOS 11 users, some of whom might not be able to install the newest software.

iOS 12 adoption has so far outpaced iOS 11. In late January last year iOS 11 was on 65 percent of devices, only reaching 85 percent days before iOS 12's launch.

Beyond better performance, iOS 12 includes features like an improved notification system, memoji, ARKit 2 support, and Siri shortcuts enabling something akin to Amazon Alexa skills.


  • Reply 1 of 6
    MplsPMplsP Posts: 3,988member
    Have they fixed the bricking issue in 12.1.2 yet?

    Even when iOS 12 was released ios 11 was still so buggy that I’m sure a lot of people upgraded just to fix the bugs
  • Reply 2 of 6
    I haven’t upgraded my X yet just because I had such a bad experience upgrading my 4s from 7 to 8.
  • Reply 3 of 6
    tw41tw41 Posts: 3member
    After I spent many hours (including phone call with Apple Support) but still couldn't fix the Push Notification issue after upgraded to 12.1.2, I have NO WAY to allow my other iOS devices to upgrade to this release. The whole WhatsApp has became un-usable. Instant Messaging is more important than phone calls these days. That means my iPhone 7+ with the 12.1.2 is more or less useless. I am still trying to fit it. As my phone does't have enough space for a WhatsApp backup and re-install that kind of un-necessary hassle, I am thinking of hardware upgrade or switching platform all together. So frustrating and so regret on installed 12.1.2. So beware...
  • Reply 4 of 6
    ivanhivanh Posts: 597member
    Unfortunately iOS 12.1.2 (16C104) is slower than 12.1.2 (16C101) which is slower than 12.1.1 which is slower than 12.1, especially on older devices.  Soon, iPhone X and even iPhone Xs will become "older" too.  When iPhone X becomes older, its performance is not much difference from iPhone 8, iPhone 7, iPhone 6s or even iPhone 6.  

    Many Apple native iOS apps are still those developed or last modified on iOS 11, iOS 10, or even iOS 9.  Speaking so the fact, is iOS 12 really iOS 12? or just iOS (current year - 2007) * 2007 was year the first iOS version 1.0 released.

    Apple should frankly and simply use the year for its iOS versions, say, iOS 2018, iOS 2019, iOS 2020.
  • Reply 5 of 6
    coolfactorcoolfactor Posts: 2,318member
    There were a couple of iOS releases in there that felt clunky, but iOS 12 is amazing! So smooth, and zero problems! In my opinion, it's near perfection!

    The only change with iOS that I absolutely detest is how they changed sending photos within Messages. It's now an awkward series of steps compared to previous generations. I preferred the thumbnail at the bottom of the screen that's easy to tap with one hand. No longer under iOS 12. Although the larger size of the XR, compared to the SE, is partly at fault.

    I absolutely love the gestures of iOS 12 on my XR! Feels so natural! I never believed something could be better than the Home button, but they managed to find something!
  • Reply 6 of 6
    coolfactorcoolfactor Posts: 2,318member

    ivanh said:
    Unfortunately iOS 12.1.2 (16C104) is slower than 12.1.2 (16C101) which is slower than 12.1.1 which is slower than 12.1, especially on older devices.  Soon, iPhone X and even iPhone Xs will become "older" too.  When iPhone X becomes older, its performance is not much difference from iPhone 8, iPhone 7, iPhone 6s or even iPhone 6.
    You're going to need to try harder than that! iOS 12 on my SE still runs super-fast! I'm now lugging an XR, but I use both phones daily, and performance is not an issue at all, hasn't been for years for me! Maybe you're using an entirely separate set of apps from me? For example, if you find the Facebook app slow, quite often, that can not be the device or Apple's fault, but rather the developer not optimizing the experience enough, or the app is trying to do too much at once. Network speed and bandwidth, for example, can have a very noticeable on the performance of apps that need to load resources over the internet.

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