Apple CEO Tim Cook says new services coming this year, talks iPhone XR 'flop,' more



  • Reply 41 of 81
    radarthekatradarthekat Posts: 3,898moderator
    NY1822 said:
    what new services do you guys think Apple should get into?
    Extend CarPlay to allow an electric vehicle to provide it information on:  its location, its remaining available charge, its homebase location, its schedule of availability and current status for joining a ride hailing service, then let CarPlay allow the car to join into a dynamic fleet of such vehicles to serve ride hailing services, both existing and perhaps even one run by Apple.  

    Apple’s service could create all the layers of technology needed to allow ride hailing and dispatch of vehicles currently in the fleet to serve each ride.  Route optimization tech would dispatch the appropriate vehicle based on positions of all available vehicles proximate to the ride hail request, accounting for remaining charge level, distance to destination and where that would leave the vehicle relative to the end of its scheduled service period, or distance from its homebase or a depot for recharging/cleaning, etc.

    Vehicles could add themselves to such a fleet in an ad hoc or formerly-scheduled manner, taking on the responsibility for navigating, passenger safety, etc.  Apple would only determine that a vehicle could serve a ride and sent the ride hailing details.  The vehicles need not use even Apple maps; they could use their built-in GPS, thus alleviating Apple of liability should a vehicle crash or drive off the road.  Lol.  

    Ride hailing today relies on human drivers, and is much closer to a dynamic taxi service versus what ride hailing will look like in the coming age of autonomous vehicles.  Apple is undoubtedly thinking through what the long future should look like and what the intermediate future of both human driven and autonomous vehicles concurrently sharing the road might look like.  I can hope the company sees a signidicant role for itself in both these major phases of the future of transportation-as-a-service.  
    edited January 2019 watto_cobra
  • Reply 42 of 81
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,584member
    mattinoz said:
    NY1822 said:
    what new services do you guys think Apple should get into?
    iCloud for Teams
    Allow teams in teams or indeed a customer to be in multiple seperate teams.
    So I could have my family shared space, personal space on home computer, while work device has my department and company space.
    iPad, iPhone would have all but would mute Family space notifications while at work and vis versa.

    Team owners can buy storage, apps and services for their team and manage in one location.

    Single sign-on one iCloud account

    I would love an iCloud alternative to G Suite. I fucking hate Google's software.
    Don't use it then. Doesn't Microsoft have something until Apple gets around to it? 
  • Reply 43 of 81
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,584member
    entropys said:
    Consumer credit.
    Worked for GE. Until it didn't.
  • Reply 44 of 81
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,584member
    robbyx said:
    Rayz2016 said:
    robbyx said:

    New services?

    Video streaming seems obvious. I'd like a Netflix style service, except with better content (Netflix always seems to have old movies/shows I don't care about). I'd pay more (like $29 or $39 a month) if I got access to the latest movies/shows.

    Banking is another possibility. So is Apple as a carrier. Get your phone and cellular service from a single provider. They could even offer their service with extras (no tracking by your carrier or better data plans).
    The problem with them getting into he carrier business is that they would be biting the hand that feeds them in many respects.  They need the carriers to promote and push their devices.  I can't see how alienating their carrier partners would ultimately benefit them.
    That’s a very good point, but since the carriers are ending subsidies then I’m not sure how much Apple needs them anymore. 

    If Apple became its own carrier, offering a flat rate service that came with an insured phone (made from recycled parts) then I think that would be an attractive proposition. 

    Subsidies or not, Apple needs carrier support.  If they decided to do their own network, I can see all of the major carriers reducing the iPhone sections of their stores to a neglected corner, sort of like the Mac in the pre-Apple Store days.  What incentive would any of the carriers have to push the iPhone?  Not everyone is going to choose Apple as their carrier and not everyone buys direct from Apple, so carrier support is critical to success.  It's about mindshare as well, so having iPhones featured prominently and promoted at carrier stores, on their websites, etc. is very important.  And what about international?  Apple becoming a carrier seems like a good idea on the surface, but I think it would quickly turn into a quagmire for them.
    I don't see why it couldn't work. That "other platform" serves as a carrier with Fi, with even an integrated VPN that hides your activity. By the way your carrier (ATT, Verizon, T-Mo etc) has been selling your location data, and it can be bought for as little as $4.95 in bulk.  That makes the VPN important kinda important IMO. 

    So no particular issue I can see that would prevent Apple from doing the same, and TBH I expect they will. 
    edited January 2019
  • Reply 45 of 81
    robbyx said:
    NY1822 said:
    what new services do you guys think Apple should get into?
    That's a good question.  Other than video, what has mass appeal?  I'd be curious to hear what services people currently use.  It's hard for me to imagine what services Apple might launch outside of video and perhaps some kind of all-you-can-eat magazine subscription service (based on their acquisition of Texture).
    Simple:  a one-stop shopping service for a monthly subscription fee. Imagine how easy it would be given thier massive installed base of Apple users. They could do tiered plans: GOLD PLAN: Apple Music, Movies and TV (absorbing itunes and introducing original content), Apps, Books (audio and video), storage, iCloud.   SILVER PLAN: Apple Music, TV, Video, Bronze Plan: Apple Music, Books, storage, iCloud. Or any combination of the above. The point is that their ecossytem is so large, they could easily absorb whatever costs are needed to keep the content providers happy.  And none of this should prevent them from exporting Airplay 2 or ITunes to other providers (Samsung, Vizio, Sony, etc). 
  • Reply 46 of 81
    AppleExposedAppleExposed Posts: 1,805unconfirmed, member
    NY1822 said:
    doubt it will happen, but might Apple get into banking?

    "This is not brand-new information….a survey in 2015 stated that 73% of people in their 20s-30s were more excited by a financial services product offered by a technology company rather than a traditional bank."
    Not too crazy an idea. The AppleBank idea was kicked around when ApplePay was announced.

    Apple could be the most secure bank in the world with all our money in the cloud. No, seriously. This would eliminate brick and mortar banks, reduce bank robberies. The Bank would also speed up ApplePay adoption faster than ever.

    So many damn benefits.
  • Reply 47 of 81
    AppleExposedAppleExposed Posts: 1,805unconfirmed, member
    robbyx said:
    Rayz2016 said:
    robbyx said:

    New services?

    Video streaming seems obvious. I'd like a Netflix style service, except with better content (Netflix always seems to have old movies/shows I don't care about). I'd pay more (like $29 or $39 a month) if I got access to the latest movies/shows.

    Banking is another possibility. So is Apple as a carrier. Get your phone and cellular service from a single provider. They could even offer their service with extras (no tracking by your carrier or better data plans).
    The problem with them getting into he carrier business is that they would be biting the hand that feeds them in many respects.  They need the carriers to promote and push their devices.  I can't see how alienating their carrier partners would ultimately benefit them.
    That’s a very good point, but since the carriers are ending subsidies then I’m not sure how much Apple needs them anymore. 

    If Apple became its own carrier, offering a flat rate service that came with an insured phone (made from recycled parts) then I think that would be an attractive proposition. 

    Subsidies or not, Apple needs carrier support.  If they decided to do their own network, I can see all of the major carriers reducing the iPhone sections of their stores to a neglected corner, sort of like the Mac in the pre-Apple Store days.  What incentive would any of the carriers have to push the iPhone?  Not everyone is going to choose Apple as their carrier and not everyone buys direct from Apple, so carrier support is critical to success.  It's about mindshare as well, so having iPhones featured prominently and promoted at carrier stores, on their websites, etc. is very important.  And what about international?  Apple becoming a carrier seems like a good idea on the surface, but I think it would quickly turn into a quagmire for them.
    I see carriers as the ones who bite the Apple that feeds them. They're the ones that allowed knockoff iPhones in their stores to pass off as "just as good" and adopted the "Smartphone" moniker to be a blanket statement for both iPhones and cheap knockoffs further confusing customers.

    I say fuck them. They've screwed us long enough. Are you seriously thinking that these carriers are willing to rweduce their Apple m,argibns for some crappy 100 buck androids?

    "If they decided to do their own network, I can see all of the major carriers reducing the iPhone sections of their stores to a neglected corner, sort of like the Mac in the pre-Apple Store days. "

    So using this logic. Apple as a carrier would bring iPhones out of the dark corners. Carriers can shout "hey, we're an Apple Store too!" Like everyone else does for Macs now.
  • Reply 48 of 81
    avon b7avon b7 Posts: 7,964member
    NY1822 said:
    doubt it will happen, but might Apple get into banking?

    "This is not brand-new information….a survey in 2015 stated that 73% of people in their 20s-30s were more excited by a financial services product offered by a technology company rather than a traditional bank."
    Not too crazy an idea. The AppleBank idea was kicked around when ApplePay was announced.

    Apple could be the most secure bank in the world with all our money in the cloud. No, seriously. This would eliminate brick and mortar banks, reduce bank robberies. The Bank would also speed up ApplePay adoption faster than ever.

    So many damn benefits.
    What you propose largely already exists.

    My old bank even had times when they didn't deal with cash. Those times were reserved for selling services.

    However, 'cash' is not going to go away 'tomorrow' and so physical banks will remain by law. Just like a minimum amount of public telephone boxes still exist today (also through legislation - in my case Spain).
  • Reply 49 of 81
    AppleExposedAppleExposed Posts: 1,805unconfirmed, member
    I'd like to see a default shopping app and Didi for the rest of the world.

    I can also see News getting a HUGE HUGE video version akin to Beats Radio(genre-less) where they recruit the top reporters etc. and have an always on news network. Maybe bundled into their TV Service? THAT would be fu**ing awesome!!!
  • Reply 50 of 81
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,584member
    NY1822 said:
    doubt it will happen, but might Apple get into banking?

    "This is not brand-new information….a survey in 2015 stated that 73% of people in their 20s-30s were more excited by a financial services product offered by a technology company rather than a traditional bank."
    Not too crazy an idea. The AppleBank idea was kicked around when ApplePay was announced.

    Apple could be the most secure bank in the world with all our money in the cloud. No, seriously. This would eliminate brick and mortar banks, reduce bank robberies. The Bank would also speed up ApplePay adoption faster than ever.

    So many damn benefits.
    Virtual banks get robbed. 'In the cloud" doesn't mean safe. 
  • Reply 51 of 81
    robbyxrobbyx Posts: 479member
    robbyx said:
    Rayz2016 said:
    robbyx said:
    robbyx said:
    NY1822 said:
    what new services do you guys think Apple should get into?
    That's a good question.  Other than video, what has mass appeal?  I'd be curious to hear what services people currently use.  It's hard for me to imagine what services Apple might launch outside of video and perhaps some kind of all-you-can-eat magazine subscription service (based on their acquisition of Texture).
    That’s an easy one. The service that is ripe for takeover is something to rival Facebook that doesn’t steel, sell or absconded with your private data and still allow you to be in contact with your friends and family.
    I disagree.  Several companies have tried to create such a service and failed.  It's a nice idea, but people simply aren't willing to pay for it.
    Well, they wouldn’t pay for it on its own, but as part of something else … ?
    I personally don't believe so.  If Facebook believed that enough users wanted a paid, secure service with no data sharing, don't you think they'd already be doing it?  I think that would be a hugely foolish avenue for Apple to pursue.
    But Facebook don’t need to do that they run ad’s. ;)

    The very fact that Facebook could go up to the hill and make a mockery of your country’s government in the way it did during those hearings speaks volumes to how much respect it really has for its customers. Now, while we are on that topic, who are they exactly? Do you think for a second that it is you and me that has a a Facebook account or do you think that it is those faceless organization and social influencers that has purchased the ads? I would bet that Facebook really looks at us as a commodity to be exploited in as many was as they can get away with.

    I for one would be very happy for Apple to step in and clean up this very dirty aspect of social media and the internet.

    I'm no fan of Facebook, but let's great real.  Facebook isn't making a mockery of anything.  People are dumb.  It isn't Facebook's job to police thought or nanny us on the Internet.  If people are dumb enough to fall for Russian troll posts, that's on them.  Facebook built a platform.  They can't help it if people are stupid and click a bunch of dumb surveys without thinking and grant unknown entities access to their data.  That isn't to say that Facebook is without blame.  Clearly they built the platform and didn't consider how easily it could be used to manipulate and gather data from stupid people.  It's no wonder the Russians love it.  They are masters at propaganda and Facebook is the perfect tool for manipulating the stupid, lazy, and uninformed.  But is that Facebook's fault?  I don't think so.

    As for not needing to offer a secure/paid service, it's not about need.  The point is, if people really wanted that, Facebook would offer it as every company exists to make money and this would be another revenue stream for them.  And it's already within their wheelhouse.  They've built the platform.  They already have the users.  If people really wanted a totally secure/private social network, Facebook would offer it.  But most people don't want that, at least not for a monthly fee.  Very few people are going to pay $20/month (or whatever) to connect with their friends.  A handful of people will, but the vast majority of people won't and a social network is pretty pointless if only 5% of the people you know are on it.  That's the reason it has to be free, ultimately.

    Others have tried to create a paid/secure social network and they've all bombed.  It's simply not something most people are willing to pay for.
  • Reply 52 of 81
    robbyxrobbyx Posts: 479member

    robbyx said:
    NY1822 said:
    what new services do you guys think Apple should get into?
    That's a good question.  Other than video, what has mass appeal?  I'd be curious to hear what services people currently use.  It's hard for me to imagine what services Apple might launch outside of video and perhaps some kind of all-you-can-eat magazine subscription service (based on their acquisition of Texture).
    That’s an easy one. The service that is ripe for takeover is something to rival Facebook that doesn’t steel, sell or absconded with your private data and still allow you to be in contact with your friends and family.
    This is a really good call. I’ve left both Facebook and Twitter now and know that I miss out hearing on certain things as a result but am not prepared to be a product like that. I understand Tim Berners-Lees is working on something like this - or the early start of an internet that gives you control of your data. But would be great to see Apple run with it. 
    This is what Berners-Lee is working on:

    "Solid empowers users and organizations to separate their data from the applications that use it. It allows people to look at the same data with different apps at the same time. It opens brand new avenues for creativity, problem-solving, and commerce. Learn how it came to be."

    It's not a social network.
  • Reply 53 of 81
    robbyxrobbyx Posts: 479member

    danvm said:
    MplsP said:
    mattinoz said:
    NY1822 said:
    what new services do you guys think Apple should get into?
    iCloud for Teams
    Allow teams in teams or indeed a customer to be in multiple seperate teams.
    So I could have my family shared space, personal space on home computer, while work device has my department and company space.
    iPad, iPhone would have all but would mute Family space notifications while at work and vis versa.

    Team owners can buy storage, apps and services for their team and manage in one location.

    Single sign-on one iCloud account

    I would love an iCloud alternative to G Suite. I fucking hate Google's software.
    yes. We use office 365 at work, and it's a bloody mess. Classic Microsoft (mis)design on the interface. A good business suite would be awesome.
    As today, the "bloody mess" from MS Office 365 and Google GSuite are miles ahead of what Apple offer, including the interface.  I don't see how Apple could do better, considering they had show zero interest in improving iWorks / iCloud to the level of MS Office / Office 365 and GSuite.
    Agreed.  And let's not forget that Apple can't risk alienating Microsoft.  Remember what a BIG DEAL it was many years ago, after many long years, that Microsoft decided to release an updated version of Office for Mac?  The lack of Office was seen as a major negative for Apple's platform.  Apple needs Office on all of it's platforms, so going head to head with Microsoft in this arena would be downright foolish.  And Apple knows this, as evidenced by the continued simplicity of iWork.
  • Reply 54 of 81
    robbyxrobbyx Posts: 479member
    gatorguy said:
    robbyx said:
    Rayz2016 said:
    robbyx said:

    New services?

    Video streaming seems obvious. I'd like a Netflix style service, except with better content (Netflix always seems to have old movies/shows I don't care about). I'd pay more (like $29 or $39 a month) if I got access to the latest movies/shows.

    Banking is another possibility. So is Apple as a carrier. Get your phone and cellular service from a single provider. They could even offer their service with extras (no tracking by your carrier or better data plans).
    The problem with them getting into he carrier business is that they would be biting the hand that feeds them in many respects.  They need the carriers to promote and push their devices.  I can't see how alienating their carrier partners would ultimately benefit them.
    That’s a very good point, but since the carriers are ending subsidies then I’m not sure how much Apple needs them anymore. 

    If Apple became its own carrier, offering a flat rate service that came with an insured phone (made from recycled parts) then I think that would be an attractive proposition. 

    Subsidies or not, Apple needs carrier support.  If they decided to do their own network, I can see all of the major carriers reducing the iPhone sections of their stores to a neglected corner, sort of like the Mac in the pre-Apple Store days.  What incentive would any of the carriers have to push the iPhone?  Not everyone is going to choose Apple as their carrier and not everyone buys direct from Apple, so carrier support is critical to success.  It's about mindshare as well, so having iPhones featured prominently and promoted at carrier stores, on their websites, etc. is very important.  And what about international?  Apple becoming a carrier seems like a good idea on the surface, but I think it would quickly turn into a quagmire for them.
    I don't see why it couldn't work. That "other platform" serves as a carrier with Fi, with even an integrated VPN that hides your activity. By the way your carrier (ATT, Verizon, T-Mo etc) has been selling your location data, and it can be bought for as little as $4.95 in bulk.  That makes the VPN important kinda important IMO. 

    So no particular issue I can see that would prevent Apple from doing the same, and TBH I expect they will. 
    They could do it, for sure, but I don't see it happening for the various reasons I outlined.  Once they decide to go head to head with the carriers, the carriers are going to lose all incentive to care about the iPhone.  That would be a colossally foolish move.  Furthermore, I don't see Apple getting into the VPN business.  It would put a HUGE target on their back.  The government would be all over it.  I don't see how this really benefits Apple, nor do I think most users would care enough to pay for it.  The sky's the limit in terms of what Apple could do, but it has to make sense financially if we're talking about services.  Are most Apple users going to pay extra to secure their data via VPN (and deal with a slower Internet experience)?  I don't think so.
  • Reply 55 of 81
    robbyxrobbyx Posts: 479member

    robbyx said:
    Rayz2016 said:
    robbyx said:

    New services?

    Video streaming seems obvious. I'd like a Netflix style service, except with better content (Netflix always seems to have old movies/shows I don't care about). I'd pay more (like $29 or $39 a month) if I got access to the latest movies/shows.

    Banking is another possibility. So is Apple as a carrier. Get your phone and cellular service from a single provider. They could even offer their service with extras (no tracking by your carrier or better data plans).
    The problem with them getting into he carrier business is that they would be biting the hand that feeds them in many respects.  They need the carriers to promote and push their devices.  I can't see how alienating their carrier partners would ultimately benefit them.
    That’s a very good point, but since the carriers are ending subsidies then I’m not sure how much Apple needs them anymore. 

    If Apple became its own carrier, offering a flat rate service that came with an insured phone (made from recycled parts) then I think that would be an attractive proposition. 

    Subsidies or not, Apple needs carrier support.  If they decided to do their own network, I can see all of the major carriers reducing the iPhone sections of their stores to a neglected corner, sort of like the Mac in the pre-Apple Store days.  What incentive would any of the carriers have to push the iPhone?  Not everyone is going to choose Apple as their carrier and not everyone buys direct from Apple, so carrier support is critical to success.  It's about mindshare as well, so having iPhones featured prominently and promoted at carrier stores, on their websites, etc. is very important.  And what about international?  Apple becoming a carrier seems like a good idea on the surface, but I think it would quickly turn into a quagmire for them.
    I see carriers as the ones who bite the Apple that feeds them. They're the ones that allowed knockoff iPhones in their stores to pass off as "just as good" and adopted the "Smartphone" moniker to be a blanket statement for both iPhones and cheap knockoffs further confusing customers.

    I say fuck them. They've screwed us long enough. Are you seriously thinking that these carriers are willing to rweduce their Apple m,argibns for some crappy 100 buck androids?

    "If they decided to do their own network, I can see all of the major carriers reducing the iPhone sections of their stores to a neglected corner, sort of like the Mac in the pre-Apple Store days. "

    So using this logic. Apple as a carrier would bring iPhones out of the dark corners. Carriers can shout "hey, we're an Apple Store too!" Like everyone else does for Macs now.
    I don't know where you're shopping, but I don't see the iPhone occupying any dark corners today.  And how have the carriers "screwed us"?  Seriously?  Do you think Apple, as a carrier, would be cheaper?  I don't.  That's just not Apple's way.  They don't do cheap.  I see no incentive for Apple to go down that path.  How does it benefit them?
  • Reply 56 of 81
    fastasleepfastasleep Posts: 6,450member
    gatorguy said:
    mattinoz said:
    NY1822 said:
    what new services do you guys think Apple should get into?
    iCloud for Teams
    Allow teams in teams or indeed a customer to be in multiple seperate teams.
    So I could have my family shared space, personal space on home computer, while work device has my department and company space.
    iPad, iPhone would have all but would mute Family space notifications while at work and vis versa.

    Team owners can buy storage, apps and services for their team and manage in one location.

    Single sign-on one iCloud account

    I would love an iCloud alternative to G Suite. I fucking hate Google's software.
    Don't use it then. Doesn't Microsoft have something until Apple gets around to it? 
    Lol like I have a choice. I don’t use it for my own services, but I do consulting for all kinds of clients, 90% of which use GSuite and the rest using Office365. I don’t care for Microsoft’s offerings either. I’d rather put new clients on something better, but there’s not really anything else. 

  • Reply 57 of 81
    A secure voting machine? ;)
  • Reply 58 of 81
    mattinozmattinoz Posts: 2,446member
    robbyx said:

    robbyx said:
    NY1822 said:
    what new services do you guys think Apple should get into?
    That's a good question.  Other than video, what has mass appeal?  I'd be curious to hear what services people currently use.  It's hard for me to imagine what services Apple might launch outside of video and perhaps some kind of all-you-can-eat magazine subscription service (based on their acquisition of Texture).
    That’s an easy one. The service that is ripe for takeover is something to rival Facebook that doesn’t steel, sell or absconded with your private data and still allow you to be in contact with your friends and family.
    This is a really good call. I’ve left both Facebook and Twitter now and know that I miss out hearing on certain things as a result but am not prepared to be a product like that. I understand Tim Berners-Lees is working on something like this - or the early start of an internet that gives you control of your data. But would be great to see Apple run with it. 
    This is what Berners-Lee is working on:

    "Solid empowers users and organizations to separate their data from the applications that use it. It allows people to look at the same data with different apps at the same time. It opens brand new avenues for creativity, problem-solving, and commerce. Learn how it came to be."

    It's not a social network.
    This would be prefect for Apple to get on board with. Make all iCloud accounts a POD and add API that allows any developer to interface to it in their Apps. Add interface for it to Mail (or News) more as an overview location to see whats going on. See where it goes.

    Not that there isn't a few projects like this but it really is the way it should go.
  • Reply 59 of 81
    technotechno Posts: 737member
    I believe the reasons for the sales drop-off is multi-pronged. 
    • Fatigue - New phones or refreshes every year, often with no new technology.
    • Uncertainty of economy
    • Lack of innovation - piggybacking of 1st bullet point. It feels like Apple has shifted their goals from innovation to strictly increasing revenue streams.
    • Which brings me to the last one - THE FUCKING PRICE! My god, who can afford to stay in the Apple ecosystem? The prices are just way out of hand. I know Tim said they came out with the XR, which in the opinion of many is a step back from the iPhone X, to target customers who don't want to pay over 1k for a phone. Fine for people in the USA. But, yes, there are people in other countries, like Canada where the stonger US dollar makes the cost over 1k. here. just sayin'

  • Reply 60 of 81
    fastasleepfastasleep Posts: 6,450member
    techno said:
    I believe the reasons for the sales drop-off is multi-pronged. 
    • Fatigue - New phones or refreshes every year, often with no new technology.
    • Uncertainty of economy
    • Lack of innovation - piggybacking of 1st bullet point. It feels like Apple has shifted their goals from innovation to strictly increasing revenue streams.
    • Which brings me to the last one - THE FUCKING PRICE! My god, who can afford to stay in the Apple ecosystem? The prices are just way out of hand. I know Tim said they came out with the XR, which in the opinion of many is a step back from the iPhone X, to target customers who don't want to pay over 1k for a phone. Fine for people in the USA. But, yes, there are people in other countries, like Canada where the stonger US dollar makes the cost over 1k. here. just sayin'

    No new technology? BULLLLLLLLLLLSHIT!
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