2019 iPhone said to be sticking with Lightning, keep 5W charger



  • Reply 21 of 37
    mike1 said:
    Apple surely knows how people charge their phones as they collect data from almost every user. If they found that the majority of customers, the majority of the time charge their phones overnight, through other means, then they have no reason to include a more expensive charger as standard.
    Bingo. Techies on rumor sites always forget this, that fulfilling every use case is not Apple's goal... What works for most people most of the time, is.
  • Reply 22 of 37

    sfolax said:
    mike1 said:
    Apple surely knows how people charge their phones as they collect data from almost every user. If they found that the majority of customers, the majority of the time charge their phones overnight, through other means, then they have no reason to include a more expensive charger as standard.
    So collecting stats on all their users is fine as long as it's Apple doing it? Gotcha.
    Of course. I opt in to this every time I'm asked. Why? Because I trust Apple with my data. They aren't in the business of selling it.
  • Reply 23 of 37

    avon b7 said:
    mike1 said:
    Apple surely knows how people charge their phones as they collect data from almost every user. If they found that the majority of customers, the majority of the time charge their phones overnight, through other means, then they have no reason to include a more expensive charger as standard.
    There is another possible reading. Users know the only period long enough to charge their phones is at night and so they work to that end, making sure they have enough juice to get them through to nighttime. In essence they walk the Apple walk.

    Fast charging is so good that you could have a coffee and top up while drinking it and get a lot more use out of the phone. In that situation the shackles are effectively taken off and the user doesn't have to worry so much about usage patterns.
    Omg. Your Apple paranoia runs so, so deep.

    People charge at night because they themselves are charging at night -- there is essentially no usage, thus there is no outage. It is the ideal time to charge. It's not being forced to "walk the Apple's walk"...get. real. 

    If you forgo nightly charging for random charging, you are "shackling" yourself to carrying around a damned charger and cable everywhere. The cognitive load is much lighter to leave that at home next to your bed, or at work, and not carry more stuff around.
    edited February 2019 fastasleepwatto_cobra
  • Reply 24 of 37
    So technically charging at a faster rate does tend to degrade the battery faster. How much faster? Not much. The heat from charging the the battery faster has a higher consequence that the current/chemical reaction. The main thing they could do to extend the battery life is shave a bit off the max charge voltage to extend the battery life significantly, but no manufacture wants to do that as it means they're phone looks like it holds less of a charge from day 1 even if it meant it would double the life expectancy of the battery.

    Lightning is a dying port. Apple's ports in the past have always had some type of advantage, from analog audio out to reversible. It's finally come a time where the most common 'modern' port offers more features with a minimal size difference, so much so that Apple already uses it heavily in many of its products. You're going to be replacing your cables one day, the question is when. I rather have USB-C sooner than later, just to reduce the amount of electronics that will soon have an obscure connector from being manufactured. 

    Of course, I could be wrong and they either keep the Lightning port for another 10 years, or they develop some other type of cable. What features would you want to see if Apple made a new type of cable? 
  • Reply 25 of 37
    NotMuch-You?NotMuch-You? Posts: 18unconfirmed, member
    mike1 said:
    Apple surely knows how people charge their phones as they collect data from almost every user. If they found that the majority of customers, the majority of the time charge their phones overnight, through other means, then they have no reason to include a more expensive charger as standard.
    Bingo. Techies on rumor sites always forget this, that fulfilling every use case is not Apple's goal... What works for most people most of the time, is.
    What works for most people?  Really?  Is that why they killed the CD-ROM drive?  Is that why all MacBook's and MacBook Pro's only come with USB-C ports (for at least three years)?
  • Reply 26 of 37
    macguimacgui Posts: 2,387member
    Count me as a supporter for never replacing Lightning port with USB-C.
    Me too. Great for Macs but on the phone I'd rather have a Lightning port. Using USB-C for sometime now, I find it to be a little fiddly compared to a Lightning connection. It's fine on my Macs as I don't make/break connections very often.

    No such issues with the phone. I can quickly plug in the cable in total darkness no problem. So make all the power supplies USB-C, fine. Just leave the phone connector alone. Same for the iPad 5.
  • Reply 27 of 37
    avon b7avon b7 Posts: 7,882member

    avon b7 said:
    mike1 said:
    Apple surely knows how people charge their phones as they collect data from almost every user. If they found that the majority of customers, the majority of the time charge their phones overnight, through other means, then they have no reason to include a more expensive charger as standard.
    There is another possible reading. Users know the only period long enough to charge their phones is at night and so they work to that end, making sure they have enough juice to get them through to nighttime. In essence they walk the Apple walk.

    Fast charging is so good that you could have a coffee and top up while drinking it and get a lot more use out of the phone. In that situation the shackles are effectively taken off and the user doesn't have to worry so much about usage patterns.
    Omg. Your Apple paranoia runs so, so deep.

    People charge at night because they themselves are charging at night -- there is essentially no usage, thus there is no outage. It is the ideal time to charge. It's not being forced to "walk the Apple's walk"...get. real. 

    If you forgo nightly charging for random charging, you are "shackling" yourself to carrying around a damned charger and cable everywhere. The cognitive load is much lighter to leave that at home next to your bed, or at work, and not carry more stuff around.
    Let me quote you!  "Nonsense"

    I can fully charge my phone in the time it takes me from getting up to leaving my flat.

    That kind of option is priceless.
  • Reply 28 of 37
    nhtnht Posts: 4,522member
    avon b7 said:

    avon b7 said:
    mike1 said:
    Apple surely knows how people charge their phones as they collect data from almost every user. If they found that the majority of customers, the majority of the time charge their phones overnight, through other means, then they have no reason to include a more expensive charger as standard.
    There is another possible reading. Users know the only period long enough to charge their phones is at night and so they work to that end, making sure they have enough juice to get them through to nighttime. In essence they walk the Apple walk.

    Fast charging is so good that you could have a coffee and top up while drinking it and get a lot more use out of the phone. In that situation the shackles are effectively taken off and the user doesn't have to worry so much about usage patterns.
    Omg. Your Apple paranoia runs so, so deep.

    People charge at night because they themselves are charging at night -- there is essentially no usage, thus there is no outage. It is the ideal time to charge. It's not being forced to "walk the Apple's walk"...get. real. 

    If you forgo nightly charging for random charging, you are "shackling" yourself to carrying around a damned charger and cable everywhere. The cognitive load is much lighter to leave that at home next to your bed, or at work, and not carry more stuff around.
    Let me quote you!  "Nonsense"

    I can fully charge my phone in the time it takes me from getting up to leaving my flat.

    That kind of option is priceless.
    It's not priceless.  It's $25 on Amazon.
  • Reply 29 of 37
    aimbdd said:
    hattig said:
    5W charging only, in 2019, on an expensive high-end mobile phone?

    To 'keep costs down' - when 20W USB C fast chargers come by default now with mid-range Android phones?

    Still, there's the wireless charging, maybe Apple considers connected-charging 'legacy' nowadays.
    Fast charging at 20w daily isn’t really good for your phones battery. But they could at least include a 7.5 or 10 watt charger. 
    I don’t think that’s an issue anymore. I use Apple’s 29w USC-C charger with my iPhone all the time. No problems.
    It will definitely affect your battery health in the future. Apple or other companies cannot change battery chemistry. The more the heat ,the faster the battery degrades. Leave your iPhone in a hot car ,to see a real life example. I would suggest ,you only use 10W at the max. Use the 30W charger sparingly.
  • Reply 30 of 37
    mac_128 said:
    payeco said:
    All this ‘will they or won’t they switch to USB-C’ is really giving my pause about whether I should start upgrading my cables from USB-A to lightning to USB-C to lightning. I don’t want to upgrade now if next year or the year after I’m going to have to replace them all over again. I usually spend $15-$20 per cable to get Ankers high end cables with a lifetime warranty so it’s not a small small investment, replacing them all would cost a couple hundred dollars, and the new USB-C to Lightning cables are all going to be even more expensive.
    The reality is, even if Apple moves to USB-C and you start upgrading your cables from -A to -B, you’re still going to need USB-A cables at 98% of the public spaces where you don’t have your own charger. You’re going to need adapters for cars, planes, airports, coffee shops, hotels, offices, friends houses, built-in outlets, etc. and will need them for years to come.
    You're conflating public USB charging ports with the port on your iPhone. They make USB-A to USB-C cables, or you can get an adapter to keep on your keychain, or whatever. It's not that hard. Eventually we'll all move on from USB-A and it'll be fine.

    mac_128 said:
    wood1208 said:
    As far as iPhone port is concern, if Apple internally decided in future to move iPhone to USB-C than sooner is better and year 2019 is as good as 2020/21. It seems going portless/wireless on phone is still few years down in future and no new/better port design/standard on horizon.
    See my comments above. I have Lightning cables everywhere, and it seems like I only just recently got rid of the last of my 30-pin Dock Connector cables, and finally have enough Lightning cables to meet my needs. To say nothing of Lightning adapters, and Lightning accessories I’ve purchased. So I’m not really sure how Apple switching to USB-C on the iPhone is going to help me. If anything, I’m going to have to buy all new cables, and accessories. With an iPhone 8, I can have a wireless charger at home, and can use them at airports and coffee houses. And if I need to borrow, or buy a cable because I left mine at home, I can go to any 7-11 and buy one 24 hours a day. I work on an office campus of 5,000 people and I would be hard pressed to find one USB-C cable, where’s about 70% of those in my office have Lightning cables.

    apple should leave the Lightning port alone in the iPhone, and let people move to Qi, which is fast becoming a more common standard than USB-C in public spaces, not to mention more convenient.
    You seem to be unaware that Android phones are moving en masse to USB-C. You know those bins full of garbage micro-USB cables next to the garbage Lightning cables at 7-11? If those haven't started including USB-C, I'd be surprised. Turns out when everyone uses USB-C, then you can borrow a charger/cable from *anybody*. That's how it helps you.

  • Reply 31 of 37
    mike1 said:
    Apple surely knows how people charge their phones as they collect data from almost every user. If they found that the majority of customers, the majority of the time charge their phones overnight, through other means, then they have no reason to include a more expensive charger as standard.
    Bingo. Techies on rumor sites always forget this, that fulfilling every use case is not Apple's goal... What works for most people most of the time, is.
    What works for most people?  Really?  Is that why they killed the CD-ROM drive?  Is that why all MacBook's and MacBook Pro's only come with USB-C ports (for at least three years)?
    Turns out most people have no use for a built-in optical drive. The few people that need one can get an external one for like $20.

    USB-C ports, especially the Thunderbolt 3 variety, work great, and for most people.
  • Reply 32 of 37
    mike1 said:
    Apple surely knows how people charge their phones as they collect data from almost every user. If they found that the majority of customers, the majority of the time charge their phones overnight, through other means, then they have no reason to include a more expensive charger as standard.
    I don't think its the fact of "most users are currently satisfied", its more of the point the iPhone has been shipping with the same charger for a decade and they have they are saving $5 on a now several hundred more asking price on the iPhones. Also ignoring the fact that most android phones have shipped with 7+ watt chargers a decade ago. In my opinion had apple added the little nonnecesary but actual small improvements to the iPhone XS including a faster charger and the headphone adapter, if not kept the port that all would have made the iPhone XS a little less hated while not actually bettering people by lack of features.
  • Reply 33 of 37
    MplsPMplsP Posts: 3,966member
    mike1 said:
    Apple surely knows how people charge their phones as they collect data from almost every user. If they found that the majority of customers, the majority of the time charge their phones overnight, through other means, then they have no reason to include a more expensive charger as standard.
    Bingo. Techies on rumor sites always forget this, that fulfilling every use case is not Apple's goal... What works for most people most of the time, is.
    The problem is most people use the charger that comes with then phone, and many times people use the car outlet or some other outlet, so on top of being inaccurate, the best this data would do is simply confirm which charger came with the phone. 
  • Reply 34 of 37
    avon b7avon b7 Posts: 7,882member
    nht said:
    avon b7 said:

    avon b7 said:
    mike1 said:
    Apple surely knows how people charge their phones as they collect data from almost every user. If they found that the majority of customers, the majority of the time charge their phones overnight, through other means, then they have no reason to include a more expensive charger as standard.
    There is another possible reading. Users know the only period long enough to charge their phones is at night and so they work to that end, making sure they have enough juice to get them through to nighttime. In essence they walk the Apple walk.

    Fast charging is so good that you could have a coffee and top up while drinking it and get a lot more use out of the phone. In that situation the shackles are effectively taken off and the user doesn't have to worry so much about usage patterns.
    Omg. Your Apple paranoia runs so, so deep.

    People charge at night because they themselves are charging at night -- there is essentially no usage, thus there is no outage. It is the ideal time to charge. It's not being forced to "walk the Apple's walk"...get. real. 

    If you forgo nightly charging for random charging, you are "shackling" yourself to carrying around a damned charger and cable everywhere. The cognitive load is much lighter to leave that at home next to your bed, or at work, and not carry more stuff around.
    Let me quote you!  "Nonsense"

    I can fully charge my phone in the time it takes me from getting up to leaving my flat.

    That kind of option is priceless.
    It's not priceless.  It's $25 on Amazon.
    Except this article is about what might ship out of the box and the consequences of that, so if you forget to charge the phone or for some reason it doesn't charge when you thought it was, Apple's out of the box solution is for you to wait on its 5W charger for four hours!

    It's time to include a fast charger in the box!
  • Reply 35 of 37
    avon b7avon b7 Posts: 7,882member
    aimbdd said:
    hattig said:
    5W charging only, in 2019, on an expensive high-end mobile phone?

    To 'keep costs down' - when 20W USB C fast chargers come by default now with mid-range Android phones?

    Still, there's the wireless charging, maybe Apple considers connected-charging 'legacy' nowadays.
    Fast charging at 20w daily isn’t really good for your phones battery. But they could at least include a 7.5 or 10 watt charger. 
    I don’t think that’s an issue anymore. I use Apple’s 29w USC-C charger with my iPhone all the time. No problems.
    It will definitely affect your battery health in the future. Apple or other companies cannot change battery chemistry. The more the heat ,the faster the battery degrades. Leave your iPhone in a hot car ,to see a real life example. I would suggest ,you only use 10W at the max. Use the 30W charger sparingly.
    Huawei actually has changed the chemistry of batteries (three times)  doubling the lifespan and increasing the operational heat limits and charging faster.

    This is heat related:


    Currently, the technology is not being used in smartphones AFAIK, although it is possible that some aspects are.

    The latest advance however, (Huawei's take on lithium-silicon, revealed late last year) is specifically aimed at the smartphone market.

    One of the supposed strong points of SuperCharge (already in use) is precisely heat management and keeping the battery as cool as possible while charging.
    edited February 2019 muthuk_vanalingam
  • Reply 36 of 37
    NotMuch-You?NotMuch-You? Posts: 18unconfirmed, member
    mike1 said:
    Apple surely knows how people charge their phones as they collect data from almost every user. If they found that the majority of customers, the majority of the time charge their phones overnight, through other means, then they have no reason to include a more expensive charger as standard.
    Bingo. Techies on rumor sites always forget this, that fulfilling every use case is not Apple's goal... What works for most people most of the time, is.
    What works for most people?  Really?  Is that why they killed the CD-ROM drive?  Is that why all MacBook's and MacBook Pro's only come with USB-C ports (for at least three years)?
    Turns out most people have no use for a built-in optical drive. The few people that need one can get an external one for like $20.

    USB-C ports, especially the Thunderbolt 3 variety, work great, and for most people.
    Is that what most people said when the new MacBook Pro came out in 2015?  Hardly.  Same thing when Apple first removed the CD-ROM drive.  Apple tends to set the direction, not respond to it, therefore, they are implementing product changes before "most people".
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