Huawei's CFO probably owns more Apple products than you



  • Reply 41 of 54
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    tmay said:
    DAalseth said:
    In a related matter, the European commission called bull on Trump's attacks on Huawei. 

    From Reuters:
    "The European Commission will next week urge EU countries to share more data to tackle cybersecurity risks related to 5G networks but will ignore U.S. calls to ban Huawei Technologies  ...  The United States has lobbied Europe to shut out Huawei, saying its equipment could be used by the Chinese government for espionage. Huawei has strongly rejected the allegations and earlier this month sued the U.S. government over the issue  ...   The Commission will not call for a European ban on global market leader Huawei, leaving it to EU countries to decide on national security grounds ...   The Commission said the recommendation would stress a common EU approach to security risks to 5G networks. "

    And, the case against Meng is largely in the same status:   she is charged with violating Trump's allegations and sanctions on Iran which the rest of the world (except the far right) rejects as bogus, politically motivated rhetoric.

    When you go around insulting other leaders at official meetings, slapping tariffs on allies, and otherwise being a general boor, don't be surprised if the others don't go along when you ask a favour.

    EDIT: Oh and I want to add one other thing. If Trump gets his "deal" with China I expect the charges to magically disappear.
    It's interesting how little the EU appears to be concerned by China's expansionism, ....
    They aren't concerned.  You're right.  Only Trump and his minions.   But then they see friends as enemies and enemies as friends.   Pretty weird dudes.  Delusional.
  • Reply 42 of 54
    nhtnht Posts: 4,522member
    lkrupp said:
    The last thing invented in China was gunpowder. Everything since then has been copied or stolen, including Communism.
    We said the same thing about Japanese radios, cars and steel -- and kept saying it till they beat us into the ground.
    Of course until they hit a roadblock and fell from dominance.  Where are the Japanese now vs where we are?

    The US enjoys a culture of entrepreneurial spirit and innovation that doesn’t exist in the rest of the world.  

    In time we will fade as well...but not soon to the Chinese and their monoculture.
  • Reply 43 of 54
    nhtnht Posts: 4,522member
    tmay said:
    DAalseth said:
    In a related matter, the European commission called bull on Trump's attacks on Huawei. 

    From Reuters:
    "The European Commission will next week urge EU countries to share more data to tackle cybersecurity risks related to 5G networks but will ignore U.S. calls to ban Huawei Technologies  ...  The United States has lobbied Europe to shut out Huawei, saying its equipment could be used by the Chinese government for espionage. Huawei has strongly rejected the allegations and earlier this month sued the U.S. government over the issue  ...   The Commission will not call for a European ban on global market leader Huawei, leaving it to EU countries to decide on national security grounds ...   The Commission said the recommendation would stress a common EU approach to security risks to 5G networks. "

    And, the case against Meng is largely in the same status:   she is charged with violating Trump's allegations and sanctions on Iran which the rest of the world (except the far right) rejects as bogus, politically motivated rhetoric.

    When you go around insulting other leaders at official meetings, slapping tariffs on allies, and otherwise being a general boor, don't be surprised if the others don't go along when you ask a favour.

    EDIT: Oh and I want to add one other thing. If Trump gets his "deal" with China I expect the charges to magically disappear.
    It's interesting how little the EU appears to be concerned by China's expansionism, ....
    They aren't concerned.  You're right.  Only Trump and his minions.   But then they see friends as enemies and enemies as friends.   Pretty weird dudes.  Delusional.
    Not just Trump.
  • Reply 44 of 54
    nht said:
    lkrupp said:
    The last thing invented in China was gunpowder. Everything since then has been copied or stolen, including Communism.
    We said the same thing about Japanese radios, cars and steel -- and kept saying it till they beat us into the ground.
    Of course until they hit a roadblock and fell from dominance.  Where are the Japanese now vs where we are?

    The US enjoys a culture of entrepreneurial spirit and innovation that doesn’t exist in the rest of the world.  

    In time we will fade as well...but not soon to the Chinese and their monoculture.
    Don’t underestimate even the Japanese or China. Japanese may be behind, but with AI the future of the world economy and AI robots the future of manufacturing, guess who builds the robots? Not us, but Japan. Remember Steve Jobs/Alan Kay’s lesson about companies who write their own software should build their own hardware.

    The United States is the greatest and most creative and I’m forever optimistic, but we don’t lead everwhere. Instead, we can build our own manufacturing robots and bring back manufacturing to the U.S. and hire American workers to use American robots. Unfortunately, that scenario isn’t going to happen unless there’s a change in priorities. Bringing iPhone manufacturing back to U.S. so Americans can build them in the assembly line by hand is never going to happen. Dumb! Present administration is focusing on the wrong, long-term priorities (and no, that is not an ideological statement).
  • Reply 45 of 54
    nhtnht Posts: 4,522member
    the monk said:
    nht said:
    lkrupp said:
    The last thing invented in China was gunpowder. Everything since then has been copied or stolen, including Communism.
    We said the same thing about Japanese radios, cars and steel -- and kept saying it till they beat us into the ground.
    Of course until they hit a roadblock and fell from dominance.  Where are the Japanese now vs where we are?

    The US enjoys a culture of entrepreneurial spirit and innovation that doesn’t exist in the rest of the world.  

    In time we will fade as well...but not soon to the Chinese and their monoculture.
    Don’t underestimate even the Japanese or China. Japanese may be behind, but with AI the future of the world economy and AI robots the future of manufacturing, guess who builds the robots? Not us, but Japan. Remember Steve Jobs/Alan Kay’s lesson about companies who write their own software should build their own hardware.

    The United States is the greatest and most creative and I’m forever optimistic, but we don’t lead everwhere. Instead, we can build our own manufacturing robots and bring back manufacturing to the U.S. and hire American workers to use American robots. Unfortunately, that scenario isn’t going to happen unless there’s a change in priorities. Bringing iPhone manufacturing back to U.S. so Americans can build them in the assembly line by hand is never going to happen. Dumb! Present administration is focusing on the wrong, long-term priorities (and no, that is not an ideological statement).
    Unless we’re dumb enough to elect Elizabeth Warren to dismantle our tech industry we aren’t losing our dominance in the near future.

    Not with Musk, Bezos, etc investing in our future.  If they succeed in cutting the cost to orbit even further we will own the future.  SpaceX is already down to $2500-$2800 a kilo to LEO.  A ride to Geo is more but from there were within 5 years of a credible propulsion system to get a CubeSat to NEOs.  

    That means any university can get to an asteroid on a few million bucks or any entrepreneur.  LEO science or engineering missions today can be privately funded by a mid sized endowment.

    All because some smart guy from South Africa decided the US was a great place to live vs his home country. That sure as hell isnt going to happen to China where Chinese tycoons, movie stars and tech executives go “missing” on a regular basis.
    edited March 2019 watto_cobra
  • Reply 46 of 54
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    flydog said:
    This isn't surprising at all.  It's hard to reverse engineer anything unless you have the original to take apart. 
    True, as Bill Gates in 1983 realized when Steve gave him a prototype Mac with Macintosh OS  to enable Microsoft, a tiny company, to write Office for the Mac as Steve designed.  Hey, whats an NDA to Gates?  Hence his philanthropy, pure guilt.
    edited March 2019 watto_cobra
  • Reply 47 of 54
    evilutionevilution Posts: 1,399member
    To become the Apple, you must be the Apple.
  • Reply 48 of 54
    I checked local apple website and it is there. Not as top news but is it.
    This article is a bit of a prejudice. Huawei never officially ban employees from using Apple products. Actually in certain departments, they have to. 

    For that poor girl being punished oh come on, you’re the PR department and you post official news with rival’s product? That’s a serious mistake. And that girl done it outside of office hour with her private phone.  

    Lol. I have no idea what O RLY means but in my language orly means eagles ;-)
  • Reply 49 of 54
    MacPro said:
    daven said:
    She may be an executive at a competitor but at least she has good personal taste in her tech equipment
    Exactly, more than we can say for about resident Google tech journalist.
    chasm said:
    Of course she has Apple products. She knows perfectly well where the data collected by Huawei devices goes.
    She knows how to protect her data :-)
  • Reply 50 of 54
    AppleExposedAppleExposed Posts: 1,805unconfirmed, member
    This article is a bit of a prejudice. Huawei never officially ban employees from using Apple products. Actually in certain departments, they have to. 

    For that poor girl being punished oh come on, you’re the PR department and you post official news with rival’s product? That’s a serious mistake. And that girl done it outside of office hour with her private phone.  

    There's always excuses why iKnockoff CEOs are caught with real Apple products. I remember idiots making excuses for Eric Schmidt owning a real iPhone.
  • Reply 51 of 54
     but little about all of the technology that was illegally obtained by China over the years, and still, there are valid questions about Huawei's links to the Chinese Government, CCP, and PLA.
    edited April 2019
  • Reply 52 of 54
    tmay said:
    DAalseth said:
    In a related matter, the European commission called bull on Trump's attacks on Huawei. 

    From Reuters:
    "The European Commission will next week urge EU countries to share more data to tackle cybersecurity risks related to 5G networks but will ignore U.S. calls to ban Huawei Technologies  ...  The United States has lobbied Europe to shut out Huawei, saying its equipment could be used by the Chinese government for espionage. Huawei has strongly rejected the allegations and earlier this month sued the U.S. government over the issue  ...   The Commission will not call for a European ban on global market leader Huawei, leaving it to EU countries to decide on national security grounds ...   The Commission said the recommendation would stress a common EU approach to security risks to 5G networks. "

    And, the case against Meng is largely in the same status:   she is charged with violating Trump's allegations and sanctions on Iran which the rest of the world (except the far right) rejects as bogus, politically motivated rhetoric.

    When you go around insulting other leaders at official meetings, slapping tariffs on allies, and otherwise being a general boor, don't be surprised if the others don't go along when you ask a favour.

    EDIT: Oh and I want to add one other thing. If Trump gets his "deal" with China I expect the charges to magically disappear.
    It's interesting how little the EU appears to be concerned by China's expansionism, but it is also notable that the few that are looking at signing on the the Belt Road Initiative, are at least having some qualms about their "deal with the devil". All we ever hear from Huawei supporters is what a great and innovative company, but little about all of the technology that was illegally obtained by China over the years, and still, there are valid questions about Huawei's links to the Chinese Government, CCP, and PLA.

    You might want to note that China hasn't exactly been inactive in support of Huawei. If anything, China has been very aggressive.  It isn't coincidental that two Canadians were picked up and charged in China, and have been held without legal assistance and likely looking at extensive prison terms in conditions far from Meng's house arrest and legal support in Vancouver.

    Then of course, there were the cancelled Canola contracts with Canadian farmers. If you look at how China reacts around the world when liberal democracies choose security over the economics of Huawei, you will see a pattern of economic warfare. Fair enough, but that only strengthens the case of those that consider Huawei an integral part of China's foreign policy and Intelligence missions.

    But of course, the U.S. is the villain here. /s
    This is an old thread I found when I tried to look up camera, but here you go, The Beautiful Huawei, by the glorious CCP:

    It's laughable to say they're not behind Huawei.  In fact, it has become the nationalist symbol.  After all, I'm glad that I left that dystopian world.
  • Reply 53 of 54
    One more thing: Trump might be a bumbling idiot, but to me, things like the Trade War is inevitable.  China (or at least the CCP) hates democracy, combine that with decades of anger (and nationalist education), it's going to bite the west someday.

    Here's how people react about the protest in HK.  "帝吧" is one of the largest "tieba" (You can think it's like the Chinese Reddit) in the wall, that's their official Weibo account.
    edited September 2019
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