AT&T CEO says faster 5G networks will cost more and be capped



  • Reply 41 of 47
    MplsPMplsP Posts: 3,996member
    lkrupp said:
    Starting to look like 5G is going to have a tough go at becoming ubiquitous. Verizon nows says 5G will almost certainly be limited to dense urban areas. 5G looks like a solution in search of a problem. Range will be a big issue. The techies touting this technology are scamming us.
    Yes - the more I learn about 5G, the less I care about it. I have a 6GB data plan right now - 5G would use the entire data allowance in 3 minutes. Cool - now I can get hit with an overage fee.

    I can currently use my iphone as a 4G hotspot, have a video conference and remote in to work without any problem at all (assuming I have a decent signal.) The only realistic benefit I can see from 5G in the next 5 years is potentially better coverage for the existing 4G products.
  • Reply 42 of 47
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    In the end prices will reflect the costs of the hardware, installation and its maintenance costs. Overall the cost per byte will be lower or nobody will use it. Since 5G is roughly 100x faster than 4G, we will see roughly 99% reduction in cost per byte. Roughly.
    Historically the cost of both wired and wireless communications has used the pharmaceutical model of pricing which is:  "Whatever the customer is willing & able to pay" rather than cost.   For the provider, cost sets a basic minimum to pricing, but the actual price depends on how much they can gouge the customer for. 

    It's why we need government regulation of this industry.   It is an essential utility infrastructure service dominated by regional monopolies and limited vendors in collusion with each other.  But currently it is priced as if it were an optional luxury -- whatever the customer will bear.  
  • Reply 43 of 47
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    tzeshan said:
    Instead of letting AT&T, Verizon to dump their existing LTE networks, FCC should require them to sell these networks to third party companies. 
    Like 3G and 4G, it's not "either / or".
  • Reply 44 of 47
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    lkrupp said:
    Starting to look like 5G is going to have a tough go at becoming ubiquitous. Verizon nows says 5G will almost certainly be limited to dense urban areas. 5G looks like a solution in search of a problem. Range will be a big issue. The techies touting this technology are scamming us.
    Rural coverage has been a problem for over a hundred years.
    It's why the Tennessee Valley Authority was created:  to spread the electrification of America beyond city limits out into the hills of Appalachia and beyond.   As well, that is why the AT&T monopoly was encouraged and supported -- so the network could serve ALL of America equally.  And, both did their jobs well.

    But, today, we have returned to the profit model and allow carriers to only supply service where it is profitable to them.  The result is that much of rural America does not yet even have cable much less 3G and certainly not 4G.   And for them, 5G is just a dream.

    In a word:   "Sad!"
  • Reply 45 of 47
    jbdragonjbdragon Posts: 2,312member
    wood1208 said:
    I will likely stay on LTE(or 5G E) service long as possible. It's more than OK. At this point when 5G coverage is limited than why pay more for 5G phone and 5G service.
    Apple is more than smart to target 5G iPhone in 2020. In 2021 with competition, coverage will increase and prices of 5G service may comedown for some to justify paying.
    Ya, I have no interest in 5G at this time. Verizon wants another $10 a month for 5G. I wouldn't pay another $120 a year on top of what I'm paying now. What do I need the faster speed for? I can already stream video just fine and that's about as much of a bandwidth Hog as you can get. Unless you're using your phone for a Wifi Hotspot with other people also using that bandwidth, I don't see the point. I've been places where they don't even have 3G. I saw a E pop up on my phone and was going, what the hell is that? It's the EDGE Network. Basically 2G. Still a lot of places where there's no 4G. 5G doesn't even have as far of a range. So they need even more towers. So really I could care less about 5G. I'll be upgrading my iPhone XS in 2022. I hold onto my phones for 4 years.
  • Reply 46 of 47
    volcanvolcan Posts: 1,799member
    Unless you’re in the middle of nowhere, it will be rare to see two bars with 5G, since the equipment is likely to be fairly close to your home. 
    volcan said:
    I get two bars of signal at my house. How much faster is two bars of 5G vs two bars of 4G?

    The middle of nowhere in the middle of Los Angeles California
  • Reply 47 of 47
    davgregdavgreg Posts: 1,046member
    Of course it will cost more, AT&T is still paying off DIRECTV and now Time-Warner. They have carried close to $200 Billion in debt- it is down to "only" 169 Billion at the latest.

    Not really seeing the need for 5G on every cell phone as I can stream HDTV on LTE just fine and they already charge way too much.

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