Proposed US Senate bill would hand $700M to rural telecoms to avoid Huawei & ZTE



  • Reply 21 of 31
    avon b7avon b7 Posts: 8,097member
    tmay said:
    avon b7 said:
    bells said:
    crfcom said:
    mubaili said:
    this is just beyond dumb. let the capitalism work. we are a capitalism society, aren't we?
    No, we are a republic which employs a free enterprise business model. It's worth noting that the bill proposing all this is bi-partisan, so the executive branch and both parties in the Congress are promoting this measure in an unusually united way.
    LOL... So how free is the enterprise when the world's top 5G innovator is blocked from the markets on some fake, Trumped up "National Security Emergency" edict in a false hope that protectionism will protect our status as the world's largest economy?

    So, while American families will now be paying an extra almost $900 a year for the so called protection, our government wants to hand out free money to rural areas.   Mostly red zones.  But where is it coming from since we already can't pay our bills?   Maybe China will lend us some more?   Please Mr Xi?
    Top Innovator? Please. Huawei is a huge thief. Their CEO goes on Stage dressed like Steve Jobs showing off phones that look exactly like iPhones. They actively seek out stolen information from competitors. They are huge crooks. 

    I tend to vote Democrat, but China's lack of respect for American Intellectual Property has to be curtailed. It hurts American interests when a competitor is allowed to steal their expensive IP and sell substantially similar products for significantly less because they don't have to pay for research. 

    Further, a "free" american market doesn't need to include foreign competitors playing by different rules. 
    Top innovator on 5G?

    I'd say that is demonstrably the case. What makes you think it isn't?

    Nothing you wrote actually stands up to much scrutiny.

    Huawei filed for more WIPO patents than any other company on the planet in 2018.

    It is in the top five R&D investors worldwide and reportedly licences a huge amount of its patents to Apple.

    I'm always impressed with your inability to understand a complex issue. It isn't only about technology, and in this case, it is about National Security, Economics, Trade, Politics, and, even Human Rights.

    Here's a link;

    "A U.S. businessman friend of mine who works in China remarked to me recently that Donald Trump is not the American president America deserves, but he sure is the American president China deserves."

    Amen, brother.

    Your point fell flat on its face when you failed to understand a simple issue!

    I outlined my response in the very first line! Here it is again:

    'Top innovator on 5G?'

    That was what the OP was challenging. Now, tell me where national security enters that particular debate?

    As for your national security claim, you - once again - bring nothing new to the table!

    'A friend of mine said...'

    This is like Donald Trump basing his claims on something he heard down the pub!


    So absurd that Donald Trump himself is his own worst enemy. The latest is that he might be willing to put the Huawei issue into the China trade deal!!!!

    Did he forget that Huawei is supposed to be banned for 'national security' issues, not commercial issues? Like we didn't know national security had nothing to do with anything anyway - in spite of what someone's friend heard down the pub!

    I hope Huawei takes this to court and demands billions in damages.
    edited May 2019
     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 22 of 31
    tmaytmay Posts: 6,458member
    avon b7 said:
    tmay said:
    avon b7 said:
    bells said:
    crfcom said:
    mubaili said:
    this is just beyond dumb. let the capitalism work. we are a capitalism society, aren't we?
    No, we are a republic which employs a free enterprise business model. It's worth noting that the bill proposing all this is bi-partisan, so the executive branch and both parties in the Congress are promoting this measure in an unusually united way.
    LOL... So how free is the enterprise when the world's top 5G innovator is blocked from the markets on some fake, Trumped up "National Security Emergency" edict in a false hope that protectionism will protect our status as the world's largest economy?

    So, while American families will now be paying an extra almost $900 a year for the so called protection, our government wants to hand out free money to rural areas.   Mostly red zones.  But where is it coming from since we already can't pay our bills?   Maybe China will lend us some more?   Please Mr Xi?
    Top Innovator? Please. Huawei is a huge thief. Their CEO goes on Stage dressed like Steve Jobs showing off phones that look exactly like iPhones. They actively seek out stolen information from competitors. They are huge crooks. 

    I tend to vote Democrat, but China's lack of respect for American Intellectual Property has to be curtailed. It hurts American interests when a competitor is allowed to steal their expensive IP and sell substantially similar products for significantly less because they don't have to pay for research. 

    Further, a "free" american market doesn't need to include foreign competitors playing by different rules. 
    Top innovator on 5G?

    I'd say that is demonstrably the case. What makes you think it isn't?

    Nothing you wrote actually stands up to much scrutiny.

    Huawei filed for more WIPO patents than any other company on the planet in 2018.

    It is in the top five R&D investors worldwide and reportedly licences a huge amount of its patents to Apple.

    I'm always impressed with your inability to understand a complex issue. It isn't only about technology, and in this case, it is about National Security, Economics, Trade, Politics, and, even Human Rights.

    Here's a link;

    "A U.S. businessman friend of mine who works in China remarked to me recently that Donald Trump is not the American president America deserves, but he sure is the American president China deserves."

    Amen, brother.

    Your point fell flat on its face when you failed to understand a simple issue!

    I outlined my response in the very first line! Here it is again:

    'Top innovator on 5G?'

    That was what the OP was challenging. Now, tell me where national security enters that particular debate?

    As for your national security claim, you - once again - bring nothing new to the table!

    'A friend of mine said...'

    This is like Donald Trump basing his claims on something he heard down the pub!


    So absurd that Donald Trump himself is his own worst enemy. The latest is that he might be willing to put the Huawei issue into the China trade deal!!!!

    Did he forget that Huawei is supposed to be banned for 'national security' issues, not commercial issues? Like we didn't know national security had nothing to do with anything anyway - in spite of what someone's friend heard down the pub!

    I hope Huawei takes this to court and demands billions in damages.
    "I hope that Huawei takes this to our and demands billions in damages"

    You obviously don't have a clue about National Security in the U.S. 

    Trump is certainly a loose cannon, but our Constitution and legal structure provides wide allowance for "National Security", and 5G infrastructure certainly falls under that. Huawei has zero chance of changing that in the U.S. 

    Huawei's only hope is that Trump is using this as leverage in trade negotiations, but frankly, I think that the National Security Agencies and the Department of Commerce are pushing this ban, and the American public is waking up to the damage to our industrial base that stolen IP is creating.

    More to the point, as Huawei is deeply integral to Surveillance in China, the U.S. could, and likely will, provide legislation that bans Huawei, HikVision, and others on human rights concerns.

    Completely legal, I might add.

    As an aside, kudos to the Czechs and Australians for waking the West up to the issues with Huawei. 

    You should watch that video. It is actually very informative, as it that is important to you.

    Here's how fucked up China is. They arrested a filmmaker for an image on a liquor bottle labeled "64", a reference to June 4, Tiananmen Square.
    edited May 2019
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 23 of 31
    peteopeteo Posts: 402member
    We already know how this will turn out. $700m will be handed to carriers, they will have 10 year dead line to remove all Huawei/ZTE. During that time they wil add a $1.15 fee to everyone's monthly bill and call it Federal upgrade tax. After 10 years they still will not have upgraded all the equipment and ask for an extension and more money from the government and increase the Federal upgrade tax monthly fee to $2.25. after about 20 years finally all the equipment will be updated and over paid by 1000% all by the federal government and Federal upgrade tax fee users pay. The fee will stay and then they will be back asking the federal government for more money to change out all the India equipment.
    edited May 2019
     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 24 of 31
    avon b7avon b7 Posts: 8,097member
    tmay said:
    avon b7 said:
    tmay said:
    avon b7 said:
    bells said:
    crfcom said:
    mubaili said:
    this is just beyond dumb. let the capitalism work. we are a capitalism society, aren't we?
    No, we are a republic which employs a free enterprise business model. It's worth noting that the bill proposing all this is bi-partisan, so the executive branch and both parties in the Congress are promoting this measure in an unusually united way.
    LOL... So how free is the enterprise when the world's top 5G innovator is blocked from the markets on some fake, Trumped up "National Security Emergency" edict in a false hope that protectionism will protect our status as the world's largest economy?

    So, while American families will now be paying an extra almost $900 a year for the so called protection, our government wants to hand out free money to rural areas.   Mostly red zones.  But where is it coming from since we already can't pay our bills?   Maybe China will lend us some more?   Please Mr Xi?
    Top Innovator? Please. Huawei is a huge thief. Their CEO goes on Stage dressed like Steve Jobs showing off phones that look exactly like iPhones. They actively seek out stolen information from competitors. They are huge crooks. 

    I tend to vote Democrat, but China's lack of respect for American Intellectual Property has to be curtailed. It hurts American interests when a competitor is allowed to steal their expensive IP and sell substantially similar products for significantly less because they don't have to pay for research. 

    Further, a "free" american market doesn't need to include foreign competitors playing by different rules. 
    Top innovator on 5G?

    I'd say that is demonstrably the case. What makes you think it isn't?

    Nothing you wrote actually stands up to much scrutiny.

    Huawei filed for more WIPO patents than any other company on the planet in 2018.

    It is in the top five R&D investors worldwide and reportedly licences a huge amount of its patents to Apple.

    I'm always impressed with your inability to understand a complex issue. It isn't only about technology, and in this case, it is about National Security, Economics, Trade, Politics, and, even Human Rights.

    Here's a link;

    "A U.S. businessman friend of mine who works in China remarked to me recently that Donald Trump is not the American president America deserves, but he sure is the American president China deserves."

    Amen, brother.

    Your point fell flat on its face when you failed to understand a simple issue!

    I outlined my response in the very first line! Here it is again:

    'Top innovator on 5G?'

    That was what the OP was challenging. Now, tell me where national security enters that particular debate?

    As for your national security claim, you - once again - bring nothing new to the table!

    'A friend of mine said...'

    This is like Donald Trump basing his claims on something he heard down the pub!


    So absurd that Donald Trump himself is his own worst enemy. The latest is that he might be willing to put the Huawei issue into the China trade deal!!!!

    Did he forget that Huawei is supposed to be banned for 'national security' issues, not commercial issues? Like we didn't know national security had nothing to do with anything anyway - in spite of what someone's friend heard down the pub!

    I hope Huawei takes this to court and demands billions in damages.
    "I hope that Huawei takes this to our and demands billions in damages"

    You obviously don't have a clue about National Security in the U.S. 

    Trump is certainly a loose cannon, but our Constitution and legal structure provides wide allowance for "National Security", and 5G infrastructure certainly falls under that. Huawei has zero chance of changing that in the U.S. 

    Huawei's only hope is that Trump is using this as leverage in trade negotiations, but frankly, I think that the National Security Agencies and the Department of Commerce are pushing this ban, and the American public is waking up to the damage to our industrial base that stolen IP is creating.

    More to the point, as Huawei is deeply integral to Surveillance in China, the U.S. could, and likely will, provide legislation that bans Huawei, HikVision, and others on human rights concerns.

    Completely legal, I might add.

    As an aside, kudos to the Czechs and Australians for waking the West up to the issues with Huawei. 

    You should watch that video. It is actually very informative, as it that is important to you.

    Here's how fucked up China is. They arrested a filmmaker for an image on a liquor bottle labeled "64", a reference to June 4, Tiananmen Square.
    Huawei can in fact take this to court and there have been rumblings of it happening.

    edited May 2019
     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 25 of 31
    tmaytmay Posts: 6,458member
    avon b7 said:
    tmay said:
    avon b7 said:
    tmay said:
    avon b7 said:
    bells said:
    crfcom said:
    mubaili said:
    this is just beyond dumb. let the capitalism work. we are a capitalism society, aren't we?
    No, we are a republic which employs a free enterprise business model. It's worth noting that the bill proposing all this is bi-partisan, so the executive branch and both parties in the Congress are promoting this measure in an unusually united way.
    LOL... So how free is the enterprise when the world's top 5G innovator is blocked from the markets on some fake, Trumped up "National Security Emergency" edict in a false hope that protectionism will protect our status as the world's largest economy?

    So, while American families will now be paying an extra almost $900 a year for the so called protection, our government wants to hand out free money to rural areas.   Mostly red zones.  But where is it coming from since we already can't pay our bills?   Maybe China will lend us some more?   Please Mr Xi?
    Top Innovator? Please. Huawei is a huge thief. Their CEO goes on Stage dressed like Steve Jobs showing off phones that look exactly like iPhones. They actively seek out stolen information from competitors. They are huge crooks. 

    I tend to vote Democrat, but China's lack of respect for American Intellectual Property has to be curtailed. It hurts American interests when a competitor is allowed to steal their expensive IP and sell substantially similar products for significantly less because they don't have to pay for research. 

    Further, a "free" american market doesn't need to include foreign competitors playing by different rules. 
    Top innovator on 5G?

    I'd say that is demonstrably the case. What makes you think it isn't?

    Nothing you wrote actually stands up to much scrutiny.

    Huawei filed for more WIPO patents than any other company on the planet in 2018.

    It is in the top five R&D investors worldwide and reportedly licences a huge amount of its patents to Apple.

    I'm always impressed with your inability to understand a complex issue. It isn't only about technology, and in this case, it is about National Security, Economics, Trade, Politics, and, even Human Rights.

    Here's a link;

    "A U.S. businessman friend of mine who works in China remarked to me recently that Donald Trump is not the American president America deserves, but he sure is the American president China deserves."

    Amen, brother.

    Your point fell flat on its face when you failed to understand a simple issue!

    I outlined my response in the very first line! Here it is again:

    'Top innovator on 5G?'

    That was what the OP was challenging. Now, tell me where national security enters that particular debate?

    As for your national security claim, you - once again - bring nothing new to the table!

    'A friend of mine said...'

    This is like Donald Trump basing his claims on something he heard down the pub!


    So absurd that Donald Trump himself is his own worst enemy. The latest is that he might be willing to put the Huawei issue into the China trade deal!!!!

    Did he forget that Huawei is supposed to be banned for 'national security' issues, not commercial issues? Like we didn't know national security had nothing to do with anything anyway - in spite of what someone's friend heard down the pub!

    I hope Huawei takes this to court and demands billions in damages.
    "I hope that Huawei takes this to our and demands billions in damages"

    You obviously don't have a clue about National Security in the U.S. 

    Trump is certainly a loose cannon, but our Constitution and legal structure provides wide allowance for "National Security", and 5G infrastructure certainly falls under that. Huawei has zero chance of changing that in the U.S. 

    Huawei's only hope is that Trump is using this as leverage in trade negotiations, but frankly, I think that the National Security Agencies and the Department of Commerce are pushing this ban, and the American public is waking up to the damage to our industrial base that stolen IP is creating.

    More to the point, as Huawei is deeply integral to Surveillance in China, the U.S. could, and likely will, provide legislation that bans Huawei, HikVision, and others on human rights concerns.

    Completely legal, I might add.

    As an aside, kudos to the Czechs and Australians for waking the West up to the issues with Huawei. 

    You should watch that video. It is actually very informative, as it that is important to you.

    Here's how fucked up China is. They arrested a filmmaker for an image on a liquor bottle labeled "64", a reference to June 4, Tiananmen Square.
    Huawei can in fact take this to court and there have been rumblings of it happening.

    Sure, they can sue, but they won't get anywhere. 

     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 26 of 31
    avon b7avon b7 Posts: 8,097member
    tmay said:
    avon b7 said:
    tmay said:
    avon b7 said:
    tmay said:
    avon b7 said:
    bells said:
    crfcom said:
    mubaili said:
    this is just beyond dumb. let the capitalism work. we are a capitalism society, aren't we?
    No, we are a republic which employs a free enterprise business model. It's worth noting that the bill proposing all this is bi-partisan, so the executive branch and both parties in the Congress are promoting this measure in an unusually united way.
    LOL... So how free is the enterprise when the world's top 5G innovator is blocked from the markets on some fake, Trumped up "National Security Emergency" edict in a false hope that protectionism will protect our status as the world's largest economy?

    So, while American families will now be paying an extra almost $900 a year for the so called protection, our government wants to hand out free money to rural areas.   Mostly red zones.  But where is it coming from since we already can't pay our bills?   Maybe China will lend us some more?   Please Mr Xi?
    Top Innovator? Please. Huawei is a huge thief. Their CEO goes on Stage dressed like Steve Jobs showing off phones that look exactly like iPhones. They actively seek out stolen information from competitors. They are huge crooks. 

    I tend to vote Democrat, but China's lack of respect for American Intellectual Property has to be curtailed. It hurts American interests when a competitor is allowed to steal their expensive IP and sell substantially similar products for significantly less because they don't have to pay for research. 

    Further, a "free" american market doesn't need to include foreign competitors playing by different rules. 
    Top innovator on 5G?

    I'd say that is demonstrably the case. What makes you think it isn't?

    Nothing you wrote actually stands up to much scrutiny.

    Huawei filed for more WIPO patents than any other company on the planet in 2018.

    It is in the top five R&D investors worldwide and reportedly licences a huge amount of its patents to Apple.

    I'm always impressed with your inability to understand a complex issue. It isn't only about technology, and in this case, it is about National Security, Economics, Trade, Politics, and, even Human Rights.

    Here's a link;

    "A U.S. businessman friend of mine who works in China remarked to me recently that Donald Trump is not the American president America deserves, but he sure is the American president China deserves."

    Amen, brother.

    Your point fell flat on its face when you failed to understand a simple issue!

    I outlined my response in the very first line! Here it is again:

    'Top innovator on 5G?'

    That was what the OP was challenging. Now, tell me where national security enters that particular debate?

    As for your national security claim, you - once again - bring nothing new to the table!

    'A friend of mine said...'

    This is like Donald Trump basing his claims on something he heard down the pub!


    So absurd that Donald Trump himself is his own worst enemy. The latest is that he might be willing to put the Huawei issue into the China trade deal!!!!

    Did he forget that Huawei is supposed to be banned for 'national security' issues, not commercial issues? Like we didn't know national security had nothing to do with anything anyway - in spite of what someone's friend heard down the pub!

    I hope Huawei takes this to court and demands billions in damages.
    "I hope that Huawei takes this to our and demands billions in damages"

    You obviously don't have a clue about National Security in the U.S. 

    Trump is certainly a loose cannon, but our Constitution and legal structure provides wide allowance for "National Security", and 5G infrastructure certainly falls under that. Huawei has zero chance of changing that in the U.S. 

    Huawei's only hope is that Trump is using this as leverage in trade negotiations, but frankly, I think that the National Security Agencies and the Department of Commerce are pushing this ban, and the American public is waking up to the damage to our industrial base that stolen IP is creating.

    More to the point, as Huawei is deeply integral to Surveillance in China, the U.S. could, and likely will, provide legislation that bans Huawei, HikVision, and others on human rights concerns.

    Completely legal, I might add.

    As an aside, kudos to the Czechs and Australians for waking the West up to the issues with Huawei. 

    You should watch that video. It is actually very informative, as it that is important to you.

    Here's how fucked up China is. They arrested a filmmaker for an image on a liquor bottle labeled "64", a reference to June 4, Tiananmen Square.
    Huawei can in fact take this to court and there have been rumblings of it happening.

    Sure, they can sue, but they won't get anywhere. 

    If they sue, clearly they wouldn't be agreeing with you. 

     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 27 of 31
    GeorgeBMacgeorgebmac Posts: 11,421member
    tmay said:
    avon b7 said:
    tmay said:
    avon b7 said:
    tmay said:
    avon b7 said:
    bells said:
    crfcom said:
    mubaili said:
    this is just beyond dumb. let the capitalism work. we are a capitalism society, aren't we?
    No, we are a republic which employs a free enterprise business model. It's worth noting that the bill proposing all this is bi-partisan, so the executive branch and both parties in the Congress are promoting this measure in an unusually united way.
    LOL... So how free is the enterprise when the world's top 5G innovator is blocked from the markets on some fake, Trumped up "National Security Emergency" edict in a false hope that protectionism will protect our status as the world's largest economy?

    So, while American families will now be paying an extra almost $900 a year for the so called protection, our government wants to hand out free money to rural areas.   Mostly red zones.  But where is it coming from since we already can't pay our bills?   Maybe China will lend us some more?   Please Mr Xi?
    Top Innovator? Please. Huawei is a huge thief. Their CEO goes on Stage dressed like Steve Jobs showing off phones that look exactly like iPhones. They actively seek out stolen information from competitors. They are huge crooks. 

    I tend to vote Democrat, but China's lack of respect for American Intellectual Property has to be curtailed. It hurts American interests when a competitor is allowed to steal their expensive IP and sell substantially similar products for significantly less because they don't have to pay for research. 

    Further, a "free" american market doesn't need to include foreign competitors playing by different rules. 
    Top innovator on 5G?

    I'd say that is demonstrably the case. What makes you think it isn't?

    Nothing you wrote actually stands up to much scrutiny.

    Huawei filed for more WIPO patents than any other company on the planet in 2018.

    It is in the top five R&D investors worldwide and reportedly licences a huge amount of its patents to Apple.

    I'm always impressed with your inability to understand a complex issue. It isn't only about technology, and in this case, it is about National Security, Economics, Trade, Politics, and, even Human Rights.

    Here's a link;

    "A U.S. businessman friend of mine who works in China remarked to me recently that Donald Trump is not the American president America deserves, but he sure is the American president China deserves."

    Amen, brother.

    Your point fell flat on its face when you failed to understand a simple issue!

    I outlined my response in the very first line! Here it is again:

    'Top innovator on 5G?'

    That was what the OP was challenging. Now, tell me where national security enters that particular debate?

    As for your national security claim, you - once again - bring nothing new to the table!

    'A friend of mine said...'

    This is like Donald Trump basing his claims on something he heard down the pub!


    So absurd that Donald Trump himself is his own worst enemy. The latest is that he might be willing to put the Huawei issue into the China trade deal!!!!

    Did he forget that Huawei is supposed to be banned for 'national security' issues, not commercial issues? Like we didn't know national security had nothing to do with anything anyway - in spite of what someone's friend heard down the pub!

    I hope Huawei takes this to court and demands billions in damages.
    "I hope that Huawei takes this to our and demands billions in damages"

    You obviously don't have a clue about National Security in the U.S. 

    Trump is certainly a loose cannon, but our Constitution and legal structure provides wide allowance for "National Security", and 5G infrastructure certainly falls under that. Huawei has zero chance of changing that in the U.S. 

    Huawei's only hope is that Trump is using this as leverage in trade negotiations, but frankly, I think that the National Security Agencies and the Department of Commerce are pushing this ban, and the American public is waking up to the damage to our industrial base that stolen IP is creating.

    More to the point, as Huawei is deeply integral to Surveillance in China, the U.S. could, and likely will, provide legislation that bans Huawei, HikVision, and others on human rights concerns.

    Completely legal, I might add.

    As an aside, kudos to the Czechs and Australians for waking the West up to the issues with Huawei. 

    You should watch that video. It is actually very informative, as it that is important to you.

    Here's how fucked up China is. They arrested a filmmaker for an image on a liquor bottle labeled "64", a reference to June 4, Tiananmen Square.
    Huawei can in fact take this to court and there have been rumblings of it happening.

    Sure, they can sue, but they won't get anywhere. 

    The courts have already overturned Trump's first fake National Emergency.
    But, even if they don't, this will, in the long run weaken the U.S. because the rest of the world is tiring of U.S. hawks telling the world what to believe and what do (starting with Iraq 20 years ago).  Long term, it is in their best interests to side with China and Huawei over Trump and his America First nationalism. 
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 28 of 31
    tmaytmay Posts: 6,458member
    tmay said:
    avon b7 said:
    tmay said:
    avon b7 said:
    tmay said:
    avon b7 said:
    bells said:
    crfcom said:
    mubaili said:
    this is just beyond dumb. let the capitalism work. we are a capitalism society, aren't we?
    No, we are a republic which employs a free enterprise business model. It's worth noting that the bill proposing all this is bi-partisan, so the executive branch and both parties in the Congress are promoting this measure in an unusually united way.
    LOL... So how free is the enterprise when the world's top 5G innovator is blocked from the markets on some fake, Trumped up "National Security Emergency" edict in a false hope that protectionism will protect our status as the world's largest economy?

    So, while American families will now be paying an extra almost $900 a year for the so called protection, our government wants to hand out free money to rural areas.   Mostly red zones.  But where is it coming from since we already can't pay our bills?   Maybe China will lend us some more?   Please Mr Xi?
    Top Innovator? Please. Huawei is a huge thief. Their CEO goes on Stage dressed like Steve Jobs showing off phones that look exactly like iPhones. They actively seek out stolen information from competitors. They are huge crooks. 

    I tend to vote Democrat, but China's lack of respect for American Intellectual Property has to be curtailed. It hurts American interests when a competitor is allowed to steal their expensive IP and sell substantially similar products for significantly less because they don't have to pay for research. 

    Further, a "free" american market doesn't need to include foreign competitors playing by different rules. 
    Top innovator on 5G?

    I'd say that is demonstrably the case. What makes you think it isn't?

    Nothing you wrote actually stands up to much scrutiny.

    Huawei filed for more WIPO patents than any other company on the planet in 2018.

    It is in the top five R&D investors worldwide and reportedly licences a huge amount of its patents to Apple.

    I'm always impressed with your inability to understand a complex issue. It isn't only about technology, and in this case, it is about National Security, Economics, Trade, Politics, and, even Human Rights.

    Here's a link;

    "A U.S. businessman friend of mine who works in China remarked to me recently that Donald Trump is not the American president America deserves, but he sure is the American president China deserves."

    Amen, brother.

    Your point fell flat on its face when you failed to understand a simple issue!

    I outlined my response in the very first line! Here it is again:

    'Top innovator on 5G?'

    That was what the OP was challenging. Now, tell me where national security enters that particular debate?

    As for your national security claim, you - once again - bring nothing new to the table!

    'A friend of mine said...'

    This is like Donald Trump basing his claims on something he heard down the pub!


    So absurd that Donald Trump himself is his own worst enemy. The latest is that he might be willing to put the Huawei issue into the China trade deal!!!!

    Did he forget that Huawei is supposed to be banned for 'national security' issues, not commercial issues? Like we didn't know national security had nothing to do with anything anyway - in spite of what someone's friend heard down the pub!

    I hope Huawei takes this to court and demands billions in damages.
    "I hope that Huawei takes this to our and demands billions in damages"

    You obviously don't have a clue about National Security in the U.S. 

    Trump is certainly a loose cannon, but our Constitution and legal structure provides wide allowance for "National Security", and 5G infrastructure certainly falls under that. Huawei has zero chance of changing that in the U.S. 

    Huawei's only hope is that Trump is using this as leverage in trade negotiations, but frankly, I think that the National Security Agencies and the Department of Commerce are pushing this ban, and the American public is waking up to the damage to our industrial base that stolen IP is creating.

    More to the point, as Huawei is deeply integral to Surveillance in China, the U.S. could, and likely will, provide legislation that bans Huawei, HikVision, and others on human rights concerns.

    Completely legal, I might add.

    As an aside, kudos to the Czechs and Australians for waking the West up to the issues with Huawei. 

    You should watch that video. It is actually very informative, as it that is important to you.

    Here's how fucked up China is. They arrested a filmmaker for an image on a liquor bottle labeled "64", a reference to June 4, Tiananmen Square.
    Huawei can in fact take this to court and there have been rumblings of it happening.

    Sure, they can sue, but they won't get anywhere. 

    The courts have already overturned Trump's first fake National Emergency.
    But, even if they don't, this will, in the long run weaken the U.S. because the rest of the world is tiring of U.S. hawks telling the world what to believe and what do (starting with Iraq 20 years ago).  Long term, it is in their best interests to side with China and Huawei over Trump and his America First nationalism. 
    Actually, the liberal world is getting tired of China, so no, it isn't in the best interest of side with China and Huawei.

    China is an authoritarian police state in the short, medium, and long term; we have a pre-dementia President to deal with in the short term. Your solution rewards China, other authoritarian states, and punishes the rest of the world.
    edited May 2019
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 29 of 31
    GeorgeBMacgeorgebmac Posts: 11,421member
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    avon b7 said:
    tmay said:
    avon b7 said:
    tmay said:
    avon b7 said:
    bells said:
    crfcom said:
    mubaili said:
    this is just beyond dumb. let the capitalism work. we are a capitalism society, aren't we?
    No, we are a republic which employs a free enterprise business model. It's worth noting that the bill proposing all this is bi-partisan, so the executive branch and both parties in the Congress are promoting this measure in an unusually united way.
    LOL... So how free is the enterprise when the world's top 5G innovator is blocked from the markets on some fake, Trumped up "National Security Emergency" edict in a false hope that protectionism will protect our status as the world's largest economy?

    So, while American families will now be paying an extra almost $900 a year for the so called protection, our government wants to hand out free money to rural areas.   Mostly red zones.  But where is it coming from since we already can't pay our bills?   Maybe China will lend us some more?   Please Mr Xi?
    Top Innovator? Please. Huawei is a huge thief. Their CEO goes on Stage dressed like Steve Jobs showing off phones that look exactly like iPhones. They actively seek out stolen information from competitors. They are huge crooks. 

    I tend to vote Democrat, but China's lack of respect for American Intellectual Property has to be curtailed. It hurts American interests when a competitor is allowed to steal their expensive IP and sell substantially similar products for significantly less because they don't have to pay for research. 

    Further, a "free" american market doesn't need to include foreign competitors playing by different rules. 
    Top innovator on 5G?

    I'd say that is demonstrably the case. What makes you think it isn't?

    Nothing you wrote actually stands up to much scrutiny.

    Huawei filed for more WIPO patents than any other company on the planet in 2018.

    It is in the top five R&D investors worldwide and reportedly licences a huge amount of its patents to Apple.

    I'm always impressed with your inability to understand a complex issue. It isn't only about technology, and in this case, it is about National Security, Economics, Trade, Politics, and, even Human Rights.

    Here's a link;

    "A U.S. businessman friend of mine who works in China remarked to me recently that Donald Trump is not the American president America deserves, but he sure is the American president China deserves."

    Amen, brother.

    Your point fell flat on its face when you failed to understand a simple issue!

    I outlined my response in the very first line! Here it is again:

    'Top innovator on 5G?'

    That was what the OP was challenging. Now, tell me where national security enters that particular debate?

    As for your national security claim, you - once again - bring nothing new to the table!

    'A friend of mine said...'

    This is like Donald Trump basing his claims on something he heard down the pub!


    So absurd that Donald Trump himself is his own worst enemy. The latest is that he might be willing to put the Huawei issue into the China trade deal!!!!

    Did he forget that Huawei is supposed to be banned for 'national security' issues, not commercial issues? Like we didn't know national security had nothing to do with anything anyway - in spite of what someone's friend heard down the pub!

    I hope Huawei takes this to court and demands billions in damages.
    "I hope that Huawei takes this to our and demands billions in damages"

    You obviously don't have a clue about National Security in the U.S. 

    Trump is certainly a loose cannon, but our Constitution and legal structure provides wide allowance for "National Security", and 5G infrastructure certainly falls under that. Huawei has zero chance of changing that in the U.S. 

    Huawei's only hope is that Trump is using this as leverage in trade negotiations, but frankly, I think that the National Security Agencies and the Department of Commerce are pushing this ban, and the American public is waking up to the damage to our industrial base that stolen IP is creating.

    More to the point, as Huawei is deeply integral to Surveillance in China, the U.S. could, and likely will, provide legislation that bans Huawei, HikVision, and others on human rights concerns.

    Completely legal, I might add.

    As an aside, kudos to the Czechs and Australians for waking the West up to the issues with Huawei. 

    You should watch that video. It is actually very informative, as it that is important to you.

    Here's how fucked up China is. They arrested a filmmaker for an image on a liquor bottle labeled "64", a reference to June 4, Tiananmen Square.
    Huawei can in fact take this to court and there have been rumblings of it happening.

    Sure, they can sue, but they won't get anywhere. 

    The courts have already overturned Trump's first fake National Emergency.
    But, even if they don't, this will, in the long run weaken the U.S. because the rest of the world is tiring of U.S. hawks telling the world what to believe and what do (starting with Iraq 20 years ago).  Long term, it is in their best interests to side with China and Huawei over Trump and his America First nationalism. 
    Actually, the liberal world is getting tired of China, so no, it isn't in the best interest of side with China and Huawei.

    China is an authoritarian police state in the short, medium, and long term; we have a pre-dementia President to deal with in the short term. Your solution rewards China, other authoritarian states, and punishes the rest of the world.
    That old, cold war propaganda is getting worn -- particularly when the person propagating it praises and rewards dictators and oppressive states.   For instance, his latest fake emergency is to sell bombs to the Saudis -- one of the worst of the worst.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 30 of 31
    SpamSandwichspamsandwich Posts: 33,407member
    mubaili said:
    this is just beyond dumb. let the capitalism work. we are a capitalism society, aren't we?
    Actually we're a mix of many different ideologies and policies. 

    Myself, I'm not big on letting an oppressive, murderous, single-party, authoritarian regime manager the world's communications equipment. And since this company is "effectively an arm of the Chinese state" the decision seems pretty prudent. I'm no fan of our crappy president, but I have no reason to doubt the six US intelligence agencies who briefed the Senate security committee. These are the same agencies that said Russia interfered in our election to benefit Trump, and I believed them then. Not believing them now would be intellectually dishonest. (something our communist apologists excel at, lol)
    Interesting that Obama didn’t even attempt to do this when he was President and even more interesting when you know he was fully aware of the extent of Chinese and Russian spying.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 31 of 31
    GeorgeBMacgeorgebmac Posts: 11,421member
    mubaili said:
    this is just beyond dumb. let the capitalism work. we are a capitalism society, aren't we?
    Actually we're a mix of many different ideologies and policies. 

    Myself, I'm not big on letting an oppressive, murderous, single-party, authoritarian regime manager the world's communications equipment. And since this company is "effectively an arm of the Chinese state" the decision seems pretty prudent. I'm no fan of our crappy president, but I have no reason to doubt the six US intelligence agencies who briefed the Senate security committee. These are the same agencies that said Russia interfered in our election to benefit Trump, and I believed them then. Not believing them now would be intellectually dishonest. (something our communist apologists excel at, lol)
    Interesting that Obama didn’t even attempt to do this when he was President and even more interesting when you know he was fully aware of the extent of Chinese and Russian spying.
    Yeh, He took it to McConnell who told him if made made the Russian attack to help Trump public, he would claim it was all a political charade and use it to help get Trump elected.  But I agree that Obama should have let us know anyway even if McConnell would have used it to help Trump. 

    As for Chinese spying....   That's all in the dotard's head.
     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
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