Huawei files motion to toss ban on US government purchases



  • Reply 21 of 27
    avon b7avon b7 Posts: 7,867member
    lkrupp said:
    JFC_PA said:
    The admin needs to lay out the case: documented proof of backdoors. Physical evidence of those spy chips has never materialized, so there’s that. 

    Its probable Huawei has stolen tech but that’s not the “security” issue being raised here. Proof is needed not anecdote. 

    On a related note it may be time for Congress to revisit that huge “national security threat” free pass they’ve given the office of the President. Arbitrary actions simply by declaring “security” with zero proof required is crazy. Opens the door way too wide for excessive executive action. Article One is ONE for a reason. 
    I would expect that kind of information to be classified but I’m also sure that members of the White Hat security community would have found something by now. Like you said, Bloomberg’s bullshit claim about server spy chips has never been confirmed. 

    But I continue to be amazed that so many commenters here actively support and defend the Chinese totalitarian communist regime in this. I guess hatred of America and the Western democracies trumps whatever the Chinese government and its corporate actors (Huawei) do. They’d rather buy a Huawei phone than an iPhone any day. 

    Oh, and as for anecdotes that hasn’t stopped the usual crowd here of pinning everything on Apple using only anecdotal reports. So why not Huawei?

    This place has a bad smell these days.

    iKnockoff users are now hoping for the downfall of America in hopes it will hurt Apple.
    iKnockoff users don't exist. Nobody is hoping for the downfall of America.

    That said, few will shed a tear when Trump's time is up. He has pretty much destroyed any goodwill left in his allies who now see the US as a threat to stability which is only interested in itself. For his enemies there was no goodwill in the first place.

    We have seen major policy change as a result. Whoever takes over from Trump will have a very hard time convincing allies that they are more than just puppets dancing to the orders of the US.

    On the technology front, the EU has made it clear that, long term, it wants to depend on itself going forward and has a stated goal of reducing its dependence on US technology.

    It will also not be reliant on one major energy supplier (Russia) and is working to balance energy supply out.

    Idem 5G. It doesn't want to ban Chinese hardware for many reasons but one of them is assure a balanced spread of suppliers.

    In all this, the player with the most to lose is the US, but if you want to see why things are accelerating against it, Trump is one of the major reasons.
  • Reply 22 of 27
    AppleExposedAppleExposed Posts: 1,805unconfirmed, member
    avon b7 said:
    The U.S, should say "Sure, but you can't use Apple patents"

    Are you aware of how many Huawei patents Apple licences?

    Licensing isn't theft.

    Huawei entire company is based off selling knockoff Apple products. Keep trying buddy!
  • Reply 23 of 27
    AppleExposedAppleExposed Posts: 1,805unconfirmed, member
    avon b7 said:
    lkrupp said:
    JFC_PA said:
    The admin needs to lay out the case: documented proof of backdoors. Physical evidence of those spy chips has never materialized, so there’s that. 

    Its probable Huawei has stolen tech but that’s not the “security” issue being raised here. Proof is needed not anecdote. 

    On a related note it may be time for Congress to revisit that huge “national security threat” free pass they’ve given the office of the President. Arbitrary actions simply by declaring “security” with zero proof required is crazy. Opens the door way too wide for excessive executive action. Article One is ONE for a reason. 
    I would expect that kind of information to be classified but I’m also sure that members of the White Hat security community would have found something by now. Like you said, Bloomberg’s bullshit claim about server spy chips has never been confirmed. 

    But I continue to be amazed that so many commenters here actively support and defend the Chinese totalitarian communist regime in this. I guess hatred of America and the Western democracies trumps whatever the Chinese government and its corporate actors (Huawei) do. They’d rather buy a Huawei phone than an iPhone any day. 

    Oh, and as for anecdotes that hasn’t stopped the usual crowd here of pinning everything on Apple using only anecdotal reports. So why not Huawei?

    This place has a bad smell these days.

    iKnockoff users are now hoping for the downfall of America in hopes it will hurt Apple.
    iKnockoff users don't exist. Nobody is hoping for the downfall of America.

    Ladies and gentlemen, Android doesn't exist now!


    Now this guy knows our personal experiences haha! How can you tell someone their experience aren't real? LOL
    edited May 2019 watto_cobra
  • Reply 24 of 27
    tmaytmay Posts: 6,430member
    avon b7 said:
    lkrupp said:
    JFC_PA said:
    The admin needs to lay out the case: documented proof of backdoors. Physical evidence of those spy chips has never materialized, so there’s that. 

    Its probable Huawei has stolen tech but that’s not the “security” issue being raised here. Proof is needed not anecdote. 

    On a related note it may be time for Congress to revisit that huge “national security threat” free pass they’ve given the office of the President. Arbitrary actions simply by declaring “security” with zero proof required is crazy. Opens the door way too wide for excessive executive action. Article One is ONE for a reason. 
    I would expect that kind of information to be classified but I’m also sure that members of the White Hat security community would have found something by now. Like you said, Bloomberg’s bullshit claim about server spy chips has never been confirmed. 

    But I continue to be amazed that so many commenters here actively support and defend the Chinese totalitarian communist regime in this. I guess hatred of America and the Western democracies trumps whatever the Chinese government and its corporate actors (Huawei) do. They’d rather buy a Huawei phone than an iPhone any day. 

    Oh, and as for anecdotes that hasn’t stopped the usual crowd here of pinning everything on Apple using only anecdotal reports. So why not Huawei?

    This place has a bad smell these days.

    iKnockoff users are now hoping for the downfall of America in hopes it will hurt Apple.
    iKnockoff users don't exist. Nobody is hoping for the downfall of America.

    That said, few will shed a tear when Trump's time is up. He has pretty much destroyed any goodwill left in his allies who now see the US as a threat to stability which is only interested in itself. For his enemies there was no goodwill in the first place.

    We have seen major policy change as a result. Whoever takes over from Trump will have a very hard time convincing allies that they are more than just puppets dancing to the orders of the US.

    On the technology front, the EU has made it clear that, long term, it wants to depend on itself going forward and has a stated goal of reducing its dependence on US technology.

    It will also not be reliant on one major energy supplier (Russia) and is working to balance energy supply out.

    Idem 5G. It doesn't want to ban Chinese hardware for many reasons but one of them is assure a balanced spread of suppliers.

    In all this, the player with the most to lose is the US, but if you want to see why things are accelerating against it, Trump is one of the major reasons.
    Well, there's the trade wars, there's human rights, and then there's prelude to conflict.

    We know how the trade wars are going, thanks so much to the Chinese for reneging on major points in the initial agreement,  we have clues that the U.S. will deliver a harsh response to the China's Uirghur Autonomous region, a massive reeducation/prison camp, and soon, the U.S. will flesh out its policies for FONO, Freedom of Navigation Operations by Western Navies, in the South China Sea, in a belated attempt to block future militarization of China in current disputed areas.

    At some point, your pining for Huawei is lost in China's abyss of Authoritarianism, well supported by Huawei technology, I might add, and perhaps its time that the EU show some spine as well. China's ambitions are not benign, and I tire of all of the geeks with their bullshit complaints about the 5G rollout requiring Huawei. 
  • Reply 25 of 27
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    avon b7 said:
    lkrupp said:
    JFC_PA said:
    The admin needs to lay out the case: documented proof of backdoors. Physical evidence of those spy chips has never materialized, so there’s that. 

    Its probable Huawei has stolen tech but that’s not the “security” issue being raised here. Proof is needed not anecdote. 

    On a related note it may be time for Congress to revisit that huge “national security threat” free pass they’ve given the office of the President. Arbitrary actions simply by declaring “security” with zero proof required is crazy. Opens the door way too wide for excessive executive action. Article One is ONE for a reason. 
    I would expect that kind of information to be classified but I’m also sure that members of the White Hat security community would have found something by now. Like you said, Bloomberg’s bullshit claim about server spy chips has never been confirmed. 

    But I continue to be amazed that so many commenters here actively support and defend the Chinese totalitarian communist regime in this. I guess hatred of America and the Western democracies trumps whatever the Chinese government and its corporate actors (Huawei) do. They’d rather buy a Huawei phone than an iPhone any day. 

    Oh, and as for anecdotes that hasn’t stopped the usual crowd here of pinning everything on Apple using only anecdotal reports. So why not Huawei?

    This place has a bad smell these days.

    iKnockoff users are now hoping for the downfall of America in hopes it will hurt Apple.
    iKnockoff users don't exist. Nobody is hoping for the downfall of America.

    That said, few will shed a tear when Trump's time is up. He has pretty much destroyed any goodwill left in his allies who now see the US as a threat to stability which is only interested in itself. For his enemies there was no goodwill in the first place.

    We have seen major policy change as a result. Whoever takes over from Trump will have a very hard time convincing allies that they are more than just puppets dancing to the orders of the US.

    On the technology front, the EU has made it clear that, long term, it wants to depend on itself going forward and has a stated goal of reducing its dependence on US technology.

    It will also not be reliant on one major energy supplier (Russia) and is working to balance energy supply out.

    Idem 5G. It doesn't want to ban Chinese hardware for many reasons but one of them is assure a balanced spread of suppliers.

    In all this, the player with the most to lose is the US, but if you want to see why things are accelerating against it, Trump is one of the major reasons.
    That’s all a load of nonsense. The US economy and labor market are just about the strongest they’ve ever been in modern history. Pres. Trump is now acknowledged to be in an excellent position to easily be re-elected.
    edited May 2019 watto_cobra
  • Reply 26 of 27
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,407member
    avon b7 said:
    lkrupp said:
    JFC_PA said:
    The admin needs to lay out the case: documented proof of backdoors. Physical evidence of those spy chips has never materialized, so there’s that. 

    Its probable Huawei has stolen tech but that’s not the “security” issue being raised here. Proof is needed not anecdote. 

    On a related note it may be time for Congress to revisit that huge “national security threat” free pass they’ve given the office of the President. Arbitrary actions simply by declaring “security” with zero proof required is crazy. Opens the door way too wide for excessive executive action. Article One is ONE for a reason. 
    I would expect that kind of information to be classified but I’m also sure that members of the White Hat security community would have found something by now. Like you said, Bloomberg’s bullshit claim about server spy chips has never been confirmed. 

    But I continue to be amazed that so many commenters here actively support and defend the Chinese totalitarian communist regime in this. I guess hatred of America and the Western democracies trumps whatever the Chinese government and its corporate actors (Huawei) do. They’d rather buy a Huawei phone than an iPhone any day. 

    Oh, and as for anecdotes that hasn’t stopped the usual crowd here of pinning everything on Apple using only anecdotal reports. So why not Huawei?

    This place has a bad smell these days.

    iKnockoff users are now hoping for the downfall of America in hopes it will hurt Apple.
    iKnockoff users don't exist. Nobody is hoping for the downfall of America.

    That said, few will shed a tear when Trump's time is up. He has pretty much destroyed any goodwill left in his allies who now see the US as a threat to stability which is only interested in itself. For his enemies there was no goodwill in the first place.

    We have seen major policy change as a result. Whoever takes over from Trump will have a very hard time convincing allies that they are more than just puppets dancing to the orders of the US.

    On the technology front, the EU has made it clear that, long term, it wants to depend on itself going forward and has a stated goal of reducing its dependence on US technology.

    It will also not be reliant on one major energy supplier (Russia) and is working to balance energy supply out.

    Idem 5G. It doesn't want to ban Chinese hardware for many reasons but one of them is assure a balanced spread of suppliers.

    In all this, the player with the most to lose is the US, but if you want to see why things are accelerating against it, Trump is one of the major reasons.
    Go away.
  • Reply 27 of 27
    jbdragonjbdragon Posts: 2,311member
    This whole lets see the Proof. There are good reasons for NOT showing it.

    While this company might have a chance to fight off the other newer ban. They have no chance in hell of ever winning a ban against sales of their phone for the Government!!! That is never going to happen. It's beyond laughable.

    They are sure putting up a fight for something that's not a HUGE deal to them. They have parts to last a year they say. That have the whole China market.

    The simple fact is, they built that company up on the backs of American IP Tech. It doesn't even matter what they do NOW, they've been screwing us for YEARS. Quite frankly, if they go out of business, no great loss. Android phones are a dime a dozen.
    edited May 2019 tmaywatto_cobra
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