Apple earns $53.8B in revenue in record-setting third quarter



  • Reply 21 of 24
    mwhitemwhite Posts: 287member
    elijahg said:
    I'm glad the non-iPhone revenue is up, that's good news for Apple's other products that're not in the limelight (Mac mainly). The iPhone revenue drop only reaffirms that iPhones are too expensive. Maybe Cook will finally accept this? Unfortunately I doubt it somehow.
    Look at how much money they made, Apple isn't a 1 trick pony, do you still want Cook to go?????
  • Reply 22 of 24
    mwhitemwhite Posts: 287member
    And of course the stock drops. Some things never change. 
    I'm guessing you don't know how to get to Apple stock it's AAPL haha go check it out.....
  • Reply 23 of 24
    AppleExposedAppleExposed Posts: 1,805unconfirmed, member
    Not gonna lie. We NEED a budget iPhone with a smaller screen.

    1. The point of entry will be lower for the public.

    2. Some people want a small, sleek one-handed iPhone.

    There's no way this iPhone wouldn't sell. Apple surprise us with a new smaller model this year.
  • Reply 24 of 24
    genovellegenovelle Posts: 1,481member
    “The balance of calendar 2019 will be an exciting period, with major launches on all of our platforms, new services and several new products."

    That’s an interesting statement... most “platforms” I think have been updated recently.

    I’m thinking they’re saying software rather than hardware.  Looking forward to iPad OS...

    Maybe AI will get us a breakdown of the products that have been updated recently, and ones that might reasonably get an update in 2019.
    Platforms may represent OS updates etc. They were introduced but will not be released until the fall. 
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