Apple may have to wait two years for OLED iPhone screens from Japan Display

in iPhone
Ailing LCD producer Japan Display could potentially start production of OLED panels for smartphones at one of its domestic facilities, the CEO of a consortium helping the manufacturer with a bail out suggests, one that could possibly provide screens for a future iPhone model.

The iPhone XR has an LCD screen, but Apple has moved to OLED for the higher end of the range
The iPhone XR has an LCD screen, but Apple has moved to OLED for the higher end of the range

The beleaguered Japanese manufacturer agreed within the last month to an investment of cash from Suwa Investment, a consortium by China's Harvest Tech Investment Management and Hong Kong-based Oasis Management. Under the investment, worth up to 80 billion yen ($752 million), Suwa would become a major shareholder in the company, with Suwa CEO Winston Lee nominated as a director, subject to shareholder approval.

As part of the plan to revive the firm, Lee is anticipating making OLED panels at JDI's Hakusan plant in Ishikawa Prefecture, reports The Japan Times. By converting the LCD facility to OLED, it will allow the company to start supplying OLED panels to the market relatively quickly.

"To build a full OLED production plant in China will take three to four years before the product comes off the line," Lee advised. "To build in Hakusan, it may take only 2 to 2 [and a half]. The cost at Hakusan would be half or less. The market changes rapidly, the Chinese OLED manufacturers will eventually catch up."

Lee added "We don't have three or four years to wait for JDI's OLED to reach the market. Our major customer cannot wait that long." It is likely that Lee is referring to Apple as the "major customer," as the iPhone maker accounts for some 60% of JDI's revenue in the 2018 fiscal year.

Apple assisted JDI in building a $1.5 billion LCD panel factory in 2015, with JDI to contribute to the cost by paying Apple back over time. However, Apple's shift towards OLED panels in the iPhone meant fewer LCD panels were required, putting JDI into the perilous position.


  • Reply 1 of 11
    I know I'm beating a dead horse, but can someone please give me an idea why JDI keeps being propped up?  If the schedule for their OLED is accurate, they're going to be in the same predicament they were in when Apple transitioned to OLED after bailing out their LCD concern.  By the time JDI gets their OLED up to volume production, Apple will probably be ready to transition to microLED.  Hopefully the consortium has JDI on a two-prong development strategy.  OLED and microLED simultaneously.  That would be expensive as all get out so... probably not happening.  So I'm back to asking why?
  • Reply 2 of 11
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    This is fine...   We need a cheaper iPhone -- so this iinsures we will continue to have access to the Xr (Soon to be "11") base model instead of being pushed into more expensive "pro" models with OLED screens.   For most people, the advantages of OLED are not great enough to pay the cost -- at least until it comes down a good bit.

    Everybody wins with this:   Japan, China, Apple and us, Apple's customers.

  • Reply 3 of 11
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    This is fine...   We need a cheaper iPhone -- so this iinsures we will continue to have access to the Xr (Soon to be "11") base model instead of being pushed into more expensive "pro" models with OLED screens.   For most people, the advantages of OLED are not great enough to pay the cost -- at least until it comes down a good bit.

    Everybody wins with this:   Japan, China, Apple and us, Apple's customers.

    Baloney and you know it. And stop with the price bullshit. If you can’t afford or think Apple’s prices are out of line then buy something else. There are plenty of products out there that some people claim are just as good or even better than Apple products. Buy one of those and be happy with the “deal” you got. Deal with your Apple hatred and move on instead of harping on Apple’s prices all the damn day long. By the way, all the carping about prices by tech blog denizens is meaningless and doesn’t influence anybody, least of all Apple. If you think you can talk Apple into lowering its prices by caterwauling in tech blogs you are sorely mistaken.
    edited September 2019 racerhomie3PickUrPoison
  • Reply 4 of 11
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    lkrupp said:
    This is fine...   We need a cheaper iPhone -- so this iinsures we will continue to have access to the Xr (Soon to be "11") base model instead of being pushed into more expensive "pro" models with OLED screens.   For most people, the advantages of OLED are not great enough to pay the cost -- at least until it comes down a good bit.

    Everybody wins with this:   Japan, China, Apple and us, Apple's customers.

    Baloney and you know it. And stop with the price bullshit. If you can’t afford or think Apple’s prices are out of line then buy something else. There are plenty of products out there that some people claim are just as good or even better than Apple products. Buy one of those and be happy with the “deal” you got. Deal with your Apple hatred and move on instead of harping on Apple’s prices all the damn day long. By the way, all the carping about prices by tech blog denizens is meaningless and doesn’t influence anybody, least of all Apple. If you think you can talk Apple into lowering its prices by caterwauling in tech blogs you are sorely mistaken.
    LOL... You might want to drop by an Apple Store and check the prices on an Xr vs an Xs or XsMax.   

    Then explain to me why I hate Apple because the price of an Xr is lower than the price of an Xs.   But do that after you take your meds.
  • Reply 5 of 11
    adamcadamc Posts: 583member
    LOL... You might want to drop by an Apple Store and check the prices on an Xr vs an Xs or XsMax.   

    Then explain to me why I hate Apple because the price of an Xr is lower than the price of an Xs.   But do that after you take your meds.
    I thought you are one of the better informed ones - check the specs of the Xr and then compare them with the Xs you get the answer.
  • Reply 6 of 11
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    adamc said:LOL... You might want to drop by an Apple Store and check the prices on an Xr vs an Xs or XsMax.   

    Then explain to me why I hate Apple because the price of an Xr is lower than the price of an Xs.   But do that after you take your meds.
    I thought you are one of the better informed ones - check the specs of the Xr and then compare them with the Xs you get the answer.

    I probably am.   If you read my original post where I talked about the benefits of having the LED LCD display for the cheaper Xr instead of the higher priced OLED things may make sense to you.

    Taken out of context as you did, things often sound confused.

    edited September 2019 muthuk_vanalingam
  • Reply 7 of 11
    k2kwk2kw Posts: 2,077member
    I know I'm beating a dead horse, but can someone please give me an idea why JDI keeps being propped up?  If the schedule for their OLED is accurate, they're going to be in the same predicament they were in when Apple transitioned to OLED after bailing out their LCD concern.  By the time JDI gets their OLED up to volume production, Apple will probably be ready to transition to microLED.  Hopefully the consortium has JDI on a two-prong development strategy.  OLED and microLED simultaneously.  That would be expensive as all get out so... probably not happening.  So I'm back to asking why?
    No. Apple's miniscule investment into MicroLED hasn't been successful. Apple will continue to prop up JDI in hopes that they can get better rates from Samsung. They may even be force to by JDI like they did with Intel's modem business. Despite DED's editorial Apple's R&D investments haven't been sufficient in developing next generation technologies under Cook.
  • Reply 8 of 11
    I know I'm beating a dead horse, but can someone please give me an idea why JDI keeps being propped up?  If the schedule for their OLED is accurate, they're going to be in the same predicament they were in when Apple transitioned to OLED after bailing out their LCD concern.  By the time JDI gets their OLED up to volume production, Apple will probably be ready to transition to microLED.  Hopefully the consortium has JDI on a two-prong development strategy.  OLED and microLED simultaneously.  That would be expensive as all get out so... probably not happening.  So I'm back to asking why?
    Japan Display is the source of the microLED panels Apple is soon to have manufactured in large quantities. OLED will never be in large panel displays otherwise LG and Samsung would have done it already.

    Apple has zero wish to have any part of the Pro Display be beholden to third party panel manufacturers like Samsung and LG. The tightly closed-lip relationship with Japan Display guarantees end-to-end manufacturing control.

    Over 50% of all microLED patents are between Apple, Samsung and LG, with Apple garnering the most.

    The lead has only grown since this publication.

    edited September 2019 applesnorangesfastasleepd_2
  • Reply 9 of 11
    wood1208wood1208 Posts: 2,920member
    By that time Apple will have microLED ready for use.
  • Reply 10 of 11
    japan's tech industry (as i understand it from reading about it) was sitting on their hands because they were the best at that time. then samsung and lg came along and leapfrogged passed them and now Japan display (a combination of a few companies) are trying to play catch up.
  • Reply 11 of 11
    I know I'm beating a dead horse, but can someone please give me an idea why JDI keeps being propped up?  If the schedule for their OLED is accurate, they're going to be in the same predicament they were in when Apple transitioned to OLED after bailing out their LCD concern.  By the time JDI gets their OLED up to volume production, Apple will probably be ready to transition to microLED.  Hopefully the consortium has JDI on a two-prong development strategy.  OLED and microLED simultaneously.  That would be expensive as all get out so... probably not happening.  So I'm back to asking why?
    Japan Display is the source of the microLED panels Apple is soon to have manufactured in large quantities. OLED will never be in large panel displays otherwise LG and Samsung would have done it already.

    Apple has zero wish to have any part of the Pro Display be beholden to third party panel manufacturers like Samsung and LG. The tightly closed-lip relationship with Japan Display guarantees end-to-end manufacturing control.

    Over 50% of all microLED patents are between Apple, Samsung and LG, with Apple garnering the most.

    The lead has only grown since this publication.

    Bud.  This is the 2nd time you've made these claims about an Apple/JDI microLED connection.  Please stop.  Please.  Making up stuff and trying to pawn it off as fact is poor form.  Also please stop implying the Pro Display is going to be microLED.  The spec page for the PD clearly states IPS LCD display .  The Pro Display is not utilizing a microLED panel.

    The new majority ownership of JDI says one thing - JDI will be ramping up for OLED, and you claim another - JDI/Apple microLED - that only you seem to know about... with no substantiation whatsoever.  C'mon chief.  Random articles about microLED patents that have nothing to do with JDI is not substantiation.  It is obfuscation.  Unrelated facts used to provide an appearance of legitimacy.  

    I'm gonna go with JDI's ownership.  Considering JDI's OLED is rumored to be tested in the Apple Watch, I think that's a safe bet.  Funny thing.  You're even in that thread spreading your microLED claims.  Your microLED claims seem spurious.
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